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I've wondered the same thing -- who carries their dental records with them? The media will sometimes say that a victims dental records were "later matched", so I've always assumed that the authorities collected and established a database of missing person's dental records during their investigations. Then, through the comparative analysis of dental records from missing people --collected from the victims dentists --the authorities were later able to make a match. But I'm not sure -- who knows?

don't they mean they search Dentists data bases in the area to find a match?

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I’m thinking of putting my home for sale, and leaving Nova Scotia and set up shop in either Ottawa or Calgary. Not sure if I should do this but it has been in the back of my mind on a regular basis now for the last 12 months. I’m torn in a way because this place has become my home but maybe it’s time to move on.

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I`m sure you make the right choice on the house front but I`d possible ask my. wife what are her feeling on the house front maybe it will help...

I thought of that as well, but like most women I have known she is addicted to the comfort of security and no worries so if I did it, I would have to just spring it on her and say we are moving.

I love having the ocean a stone’s throw away but I like the Ottawa river system and the mountains in Alberta. I could not live in the city, but somewhere outside of the city in a rural setting. The thing I love about Halifax, the old culture buildings that started Canada 200 years ago is also the thing that bothers me which is odd. I'm torn between architecture and shiny new places.

Edited by Charles J. White
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grgarchitecture and shiny new is odd so I`d be torn between the two myself, lucky for me there are no homes that I`ve ever seen in the gothic style well in my price range LOL... maybe its the time to use the old roll the dice odds you do evens you don't move will that help... I`ve still under the spell of the new album by The Tea Party its an amazing musical. I`m also reading the autobiography on Miles Davis great jazz musician... what`s next in today.

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grgarchitecture and shiny new is odd so I`d be torn between the two myself, lucky for me there are no homes that I`ve ever seen in the gothic style well in my price range LOL... maybe its the time to use the old roll the dice odds you do evens you don't move will that help... I`ve still under the spell of the new album by The Tea Party its an amazing musical. I`m also reading the autobiography on Miles Davis great jazz musician... what`s next in today.

I want to buy the new album by the Tea Party. I've heard great things about it.

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great news for you for you Charles J, for some reason I`ve been in a totally crap mojo of lately wouldn't even now where or why I`ve been like it.

maybe the inner/outer force allowing only the deepest darkest inner demons, rearing its ugly head more than ever... why oh why isn't the time more than 24 hrs in a day, as there are more in the still need to do pile of things to do... another plus is the amount of Jazz I`m playing which is cool loads of Miles, Dizzy to name only two of the great Jazz Men... there are the musicians from the progressive rock, I`ve been an avid fan of roundabout the same time as Zeppelin. the older guard bands of the scene, with a great dose of the newer bands too! like the flower kings, spock`s beard ECT... the upper aim of me find the music to which is the point...

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Today I have to be up, way up, because I have a booth at the Halifax Home Show which I'm working this afternoon and I need to really promote the business and impress the 'regular working folks', It gives me a chance to really give the middle finger to my former employer. I got lights set up, turning towers, balloons, very flashy looking and bright. Will post some pictures next week.

Hey Geekfreek, don't let the shit things get you down, focus on the positive things, there must be something you can look at it and say, 'hey, I did a good job at that', I'm not exactly a great example to be looking to because it is work to get yourself up but it's worth it in the end. Try and reach out and find someone to just talk about life shit with. In the past when I was buying and selling all over the fucking place instead of sitting in a hotel room, I would walk around with a camera and just take pictures - why not try that? When you are feeling down, grab a camera, put on the ipod headphones with some tunes on and just take pictures or something

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Today I have to be up, way up, because I have a booth at the Halifax Home Show which I'm working this afternoon and I need to really promote the business and impress the 'regular working folks', It gives me a chance to really give the middle finger to my former employer. I got lights set up, turning towers, balloons, very flashy looking and bright. Will post some pictures next week.

Hey Geekfreek, don't let the shit things get you down, focus on the positive things, there must be something you can look at it and say, 'hey, I did a good job at that', I'm not exactly a great example to be looking to because it is work to get yourself up but it's worth it in the end. Try and reach out and find someone to just talk about life shit with. In the past when I was buying and selling all over the fucking place instead of sitting in a hotel room, I would walk around with a camera and just take pictures - why not try that? When you are feeling down, grab a camera, put on the ipod headphones with some tunes on and just take pictures or something

Great advice, Charles

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I`m chillin` with jazz, Bird, Miles, Dizzy, Coltrane and Evans. headphones on I`m tuned in and dropping out lol. I also enjoy the musicians in Weather Report, Medeski, Martian and Wood add John Scofield. I`ve found through these musicians other jazz musicians to add to my listen files. I`ve also an aivd fan of the so called JAMBANDS SCENE which as filled my ears with wonderous hours of pure listening delight. there are far to many to name here but I`ll add a few of them to show you the type of bands from the jambands I`ve so in heavenly delightful moods with: there the above MMW, Moe, ABB, Mule, Crowes/CRB, GD, Panic, Ben Harper, MAS and Phish... there is one album by a band called FROGWINGS = CROAKIN` AT TOAD`S which I`d so like to get my hands on a copy as its out of print, there are some on ebay but there going for silly ££££££££££££. still I`ll keep looking... isn't it great this weekend no overtime so its happiness time all the way... so peace, happiness, love and understanding to all...

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Hmmm great news Charles J. cool for you to LOL... well its great news for me as lipslikecherries is back cool news welcome back... I`ve been having a crap weekend as I`ve still awaiting to see the metal health team to see what meds will be changed or ?????, maybe I`ll get the news of when I`ll be seen... I`ve also had to have the moped fixed at a cost of £109 arrrrrrrrrgh!. still I`ll need it more now as Mrs GF is on shifts as of today 06/10/14... the wearther is plenty of RIAN, WINDY too!, isn't life a fucking hellish ride to ??????????????... I`ve been looking into the better ways to seek out my own peace of mind, well its an old fiend by which I mean darkened room (only three sets of led lights) headphones and hi-fi on. which always as the magical healing power for ME... which is what I`d done on Sunday all 24hrs wow weeeeeee I`ve been happiness even now but watch somebody spoil it LOL... the work problems are not helping, wish I`d be able to middle finer them like you Charles J. a there isn't a way forward as the line of work I`ve been in since I was 16yrs old boo who... but I`ve gotten some great fiends here to aid me through the darkest times whenever I ask them to... the music I`ve been using this Sunday and most of the time is Classical and Jazz ooh yes, both have been helpful to me for many years... is there any other way, not for me... shouldn't having been there for me I`d be ??????????????...

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The last 3 days were a huge success. Today I'm burned out and looking forward to listening to music. It's funny how you can work a homeshow/trade show and be busy shaking hands, telling jokes, chatting with total strangers for 3 days in a row and find yourself burned out from it, but that is how I feel. I find you have to pick out the right clothes and smile non-stop even if perhaps for a few minutes you don't want to, but you find a way to push yourself up because you have employees counting on you to keep them employed. This morning i slept in until 7:50 and it felt great. Music time!

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even when you are burned out music will bring you home... I`ve just pick up the moped £109.57 the price boo who... now chillin` with Dylan... :stereo: geekfreak happy music playing. is there`s a change in the mind. of the seeker without his brain switched on as I`ve done on more than one occasion as its times where is the mind being off the planet, with crossed messages within and outer the mind set of normal life plans... I`ve been looking after the music albums I`ve seen and no ones missing from the racks, there are a few like the cult, which are the best albums of my past there are a few more I`ve found... is there a better way times when you are in the record shop looking for the missing music for your collection when you meet other music junkie chatting about MUSIC. now that's cool...

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well is or isn't the habit of doing the same old same just because you`ve always done it... where will the next music maker be found the answer today is classic rock magazine latest issue the bands called Red Racer, there sound is blues-punk desert rock trio, there from south London. there debut is released on 10/13. I`ve only found a three band youtube.com vid but its made me hungry for more of Red Racer... some other lighten times within the work life as there are many none ball busting bosses bits, which would be funny if there wasn't a serious side to the problem... I`ve been looking around for the way I`ll spend this years three days off for the geekfreak birthday, I now it`ll have music within the day off on the birthday its self... ooh I now I`ve been around the topic and my birthday is a few weeks away but there isn't a planning faze I`ve always done with lists of this or that. so that's the geek in me LOL... I`ve been debating where or when I`ll ever stop with the lists... have you ever felt like your not alone in a room when you really are alone there this is spooky, I`ve thought I`d heard something even when I`ve totally alone strange and true, sadly there isn't an answer to this... I`ve been visiting the motorcycle shops day dreaming looking at all the chopper style bikes wishing I`d own one maybe one day... a the suns out that's a plus... well I`ve gotten to take a few days off line soon as I`ve gotten to see the doctors , they`ve asked me to stop doing a few bits and pieces don't now why its a doc thing!. there`s a big no to two of there plans as I`m not going without music or reading Lovecraft/Poe ECt...isn't right that its the heart of the madness LOL....

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