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I think if there was a game where the Raiders might sneak up on someone, it may be tonight--or it could be the game with the Bills (I know Rick probably doesn't want to hear that)....

With the Bills it may depend on where they are when it comes. If they beat the Jets and Cleveland they would non doubt still be in the conversation. We split with Miami and only because the refs did us in on that safety and pass interference. In my mind we are better than Miami, in the trench's and on D for sure. The QB position is debatable. We still may finish ahead of your team. That last game should have been ours. We will bury the Raiders if we are still alive. Raiders are not as bad as their record I am sure. They may win tonight. Not as good as KC but its the nature of the beast. The NFL is so unpredictable, just look at last week's scores. The Rams are a team on the rise. I would have picked them to win that division had Bradford not been injured before the season. Now they are starting to show that they are Ram tough

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With New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo saying it would be "impractical" for the Buffalo Bills to host the New York Jets as scheduled on Sunday, given the heavy snow that has hit the area, the NFL is apparently considering moving the game to another city.

The three sites under consideration are Detroit, Washington D.C. and Pittsburgh, according to the New York Post. In that scenario, the game would be played on Monday.


If this happens, it doesn't look like home field advantage incentive. Could change the odds of the outcome. Isn't home field like 3 points on the odds?

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With New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo saying it would be "impractical" for the Buffalo Bills to host the New York Jets as scheduled on Sunday, given the heavy snow that has hit the area, the NFL is apparently considering moving the game to another city.

The three sites under consideration are Detroit, Washington D.C. and Pittsburgh, according to the New York Post. In that scenario, the game would be played on Monday.


If this happens, it doesn't look like home field advantage incentive. Could change the odds of the outcome. Isn't home field like 3 points on the odds?

Rex Ryan does not know where he will be flying. Send em to Motown

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Week 12 picks in red:

Kansas City @ Oakland

Cleveland @ Atlanta

Tennessee @ Philadelphia

Detroit @ New England

Green Bay @ Minnesota

Jacksonville @ Indianapolis

Cincinnati @ Houston

NY Jets @ Buffalo

Tampa Bay @ Chicago

Arizona @ Seattle

St. Louis @ San Diego

Miami @ Denver

Washington @ San Francisco

Dallas @ NY Giants

Baltimore @ New Orleans

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Holy smokes! You shoulda kicked me in the butt by pm and told me "What the hell are you doing, Andy"

Rick, Congratulations on the Thursday night ballziest pick of the season! :notworthy:

Thanks. I know I am the only one that picked the Raiders. Have watched this game since the 60's and know that Murphy's law always applies. Strider, what the hell? Your team bro. I stand alone.

Buffalo and Jets is off the board in Vegas. Wonder if the Bills will still be 4 pt favorites? Doubt it. Could not practice for one thing. I do not have a clue if they have flown to Detroit yet? Likely today

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Missed the game as well as missing the pick haha. Actually KB, I was kind of hoping for 0-16 season for the Raiders. Something historically bad that would force a total overhaul. I'm not sold on Reggie McKenzie as GM and definitely not sold on Tony Soprano as head coach.

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Week 12 Schedule

Thursday Nov. 20

Kansas City

Sunday Nov. 23




Green Bay






San Diego


San Francisco


Monday Nov. 24

New Orleans

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You'll be sleeping with the fishes for making that comment! :guns::godfather::guns:

Yep...me and Abe Vigoda, ;)

What surprises are in store for us this week?

Thursday Nov. 20

Kansas City...and it's the wrong one boyo. Raiders blew their chance at history.

Sunday Nov. 23



New England

Green Bay


Houston...it really doesn't matter who I pick in this game...whichever team I pick, the opposite will happen.

Buffalo...more weirdness. I'm giving Buffalo another shot...only because the Jets truly stink.


Seattle...Seattle's season is on the line...the next two games are must-wins.

San Diego...I came close to picking the Rams against Denver last week but didn't have the guts to pull the trigger like Rick did. Still not sold on them out of their dome.

Denver...I don't think Miami can exploit Denver's defense like the Rams did.

San Francisco

Dallas...this pick scares me, but like the Jets, the Giants are stinking up New York/New Jersey.

Monday Nov. 24

New Orleans...come on Saints, win one for Bret!

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Welcome paul carruthers to the winner's circle for the first time this season...joined by previous winners Walter and LedZeppfan77...all at 12-3 for the week. Congratulations! :cheer:

Week 12 Results

LedZeppfan77: 12-3*
paul carruthers: 12-3*
Walter: 12-3*
Anjin-san: 11-4
jabe: 11-4
jb126: 11-4
Strider: 11-4
apantherfrommd: 10-5
Bong-Man: 10-5
ebk: 10-5
in_the_evening: 10-5
zepscoda: 9-6
mack: 8-7
* = Winner of the Week
Season Standings After 176 Games
1. jb126: 121-54-1***
2. Anjin-san: 117-58-1*****
2. Walter: 117-58-1****
3. apantherfrommd: 113-62-1***
4. Bong-Man: 109-66-1*
4. in_the_evening: 109-66-1*
4. paul carruthers: 109-66-1*
4. Strider: 109-66-1
5. ebk: 105-70-1**
5. mack: 105-68-1
6. jabe: 103-72-1*
6. LedZeppfan77: 103-72-1**
7. zepscoda: 94-80-1
* = Number of weeks won
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We are heading into the home-stretch of the season, folks. Time is running out for making up serious ground on the leaders. It is going to call for some gutsy picking...going against the grain of conventional wisdom.

Two items of note:

1) The bye weeks are over...we are back to full 16-game schedules!


Week 13 Schedule (ooooh, will this be an unlucky week? :wizard: )

Thursday Nov. 27 (Happy Thanksgiving Football Day!)

Chicago @ Detroit

Philadelphia @ Dallas

Seattle @ San Francisco

Sunday Nov. 30

Washington @ Indianapolis

Tennessee @ Houston

Cleveland @ Buffalo

San Diego @ Baltimore

New York Giants @ Jacksonville

Cincinnati @ Tampa Bay

Oakland @ St. Louis

New Orleans @ Pittsburgh

Carolina @ Minnesota

Arizona @ Atlanta

New England @ Green Bay

Denver @ Kansas City

Monday Dec. 1

Miami @ New York Jets :blink: (Who at NFL headquarters thought the Jesters were fit for prime-time tv?!?)

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It feels good to join the winner's circle. Hopefully I have another good week in me...


Dallas (A big game, to say the least. Are the Boys truly ready for big game pressure situations?)

San Francisco



Buffalo (Here I go, picking the Bills again :rolleyes: )


New York Giants (What a game *gag*)


St. Louis

Pittsburgh (As up and down the Steelers have been, this is one they probably lose)

Carolina (Another contest between 2 mutts)


Green Bay (Is Aaron Rodgers better than Tom Brady?)


Miami (The Jets certainly seem to get a lot of these primetime games. I'm with you Sean--it baffles me too)

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