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Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Nominees


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Who the Fuck is Kraftwerk? Not that I care or that it really matters but I went ahead and voted for the Spinners and N.W.A. I actually really love the Spinners. They have a lot of great songs even if they are not considered rock and roll songs. The Spinners were also signed to Atlantic Records during the same time as Led Zeppelin.

The same for Me goes to N.W.A Although a "gangsta" rap group, Straight Outta Compton is one of My favorite compact discs of all-time. Plus I think that N.W.A actually used real instruments on most of their songs on that cd.

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The issue is not "Green Day or NWA does not belong in the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame",

The issue is does Green Day or NWA deserve to go in before The Moody Blues? or Deep Purple? or Def Leppard? or ELO? Or countless other bands who have put in decades in the music business creating there own sound and style and so on. The Rock n Roll Hall of Fame is a Bruce Springsteen/Bob Dylan/Morrissey kind of place, it's not really about rock n roll, it's about "The critics Rock n Roll" and that is the problem as I see it. As I have said, it's a farce!

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In general the RnRHOF has done a horrible job of differentiating between bands that deserve mention in the museum for having one seminal album, see NWA and bands that are truly HOF worthy. Say what you will about Green Day but they are one of the few bands with multiple 10+ million selling albums. They've been popular over a long period of time with new music driving much of that popularity. They helped bring so-cal punk to the masses. I may prefer Joan Jett but I am not going to kid myself about who has had the larger impact on music and people.


Who the Fuck is Kraftwerk? Not that I care or that it really matters but I went ahead and voted for the Spinners and N.W.A. I actually really love the Spinners. They have a lot of great songs even if they are not considered rock and roll songs. The Spinners were also signed to Atlantic Records during the same time as Led Zeppelin.

The same for Me goes to N.W.A Although a "gangsta" rap group, Straight Outta Compton is one of My favorite compact discs of all-time. Plus I think that N.W.A actually used real instruments on most of their songs on that cd.


Green day does not belong in Hall Of Fame. I don't know anyone who even listens to them. Not enough talent, Not enough memorable songs and certainly not enough ground breaking anything!

Is that one of the criteria? If juxtiphi knows anyone who listens to them? :rolleyes:;)

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Who the Fuck is Kraftwerk?

A hugely influential electronic / techno outfit from Germany who were years ahead of their time. They deserve it.

I'm glad for Joan Jett but I would like to see her get in with The Runaways… at least at the same time..

Once again no Deep Purple, Yes, Jethro Tull, Free / Bad Company ELO ELP Moody Blues … or The CarsBostonJourneyForeignerStyx..

Edited by the chase
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Green Day and NWA are both deserving candidates, it isn't their fault that some bands aren't in yet.

this is an excellent point.. people get pissed off at the bands that do get nominated..what are they supposed to do? say no?.. It's the certain critics that do the nominating that pick and choose.. not the bands that get in..

I don't think Green Day deserve a 1st or 2nd year nod ..but that's ok..

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this is an excellent point.. people get pissed off at the bands that do get nominated..what are they supposed to do? say no?.. It's the certain critics that do the nominating that pick and choose.. not the bands that get in..

I don't think Green Day deserve a 1st or 2nd year nod ..but that's ok..


:offtopic: BTW kingzoso we could use you in the NWA thread, it's dying in there lol.


Edited by Sathington Willoughby
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I also agree with Charles. Moreover, NWA is not rock and neither is Chic. NWA is/was rap, maybe they had some rock-ish tunes; I don't remember, but not really a rock band. Chic was disco. I like Green Day but they will be forgotten in 20 years. I haven't been following the HoF and was unaware that the Moody Blues, Deep Purple and ELO (!) had not been inducted. This is criminal. It can't possibly be a list compiled by artists. I am going to find out who comes up with this.

The issue is not "Green Day or NWA does not belong in the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame",

The issue is does Green Day or NWA deserve to go in before The Moody Blues? or Deep Purple? or Def Leppard? or ELO? Or countless other bands who have put in decades in the music business creating there own sound and style and so on. The Rock n Roll Hall of Fame is a Bruce Springsteen/Bob Dylan/Morrissey kind of place, it's not really about rock n roll, it's about "The critics Rock n Roll" and that is the problem as I see it. As I have said, it's a farce!

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So if I understand Chuckles correctly, N.W.A. belongs in the hall and Springteen and Dylan don't? (Wrong) He probably thinks Madonna deserves her spot (She Doesn't). And that's the real problem. That there is no universal definition for rock n roll. It means one thing to me, another to you, something else to him, and whatever to Chucky. It's all subjective and ultimately, it's a nice but flawed idea.

But this isn't a general music hall of fame. It's the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame. Well, RnR according to Jan Wenner's narrow tastes. And if you can agree Jan and is crew are the problem, then you need to ask yourself if you can be objective enough to judge a band or artist on their own merits rather than on whether they are your personal cup o' tea. And also consider that hits and popularity aren't the best way to determine a great rock band's effect on culture and influence on the bands who followed in their footsteps.

Along with Deep Purple, the most notable current omissions would be The MC5, Blue Oyster Cult, Motorhead, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, and Thin Lizzy.

But really, fuckin' Sting as a solo artist? What a slap in the face to rock n roll. Michael Bolton and David Hassellhoff can't be far behind.





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Lots of people feel Dylan belongs in the Hall, as do I for that matter, and I'm glad he is in, though I can't stand Dylan's music. The only criteria I would prefer are 2 things:

(1) That band or musician "A" who has been around forever (Such as Deep Purple or whoever it happens to be) be inducted before band or musician "B" who has been around for fewer years

(2) The entire selection process should be opened up to the public based on the 1st point if a Rock n Roll Hall of Fame is going to exist, and the people vote accordingly.

But for the record, the whole idea of the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame bothers me, it's not a ski competition or soccer game, it’s music!

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I don't think it's supposed to be a competition, I think it's supposed to be an honor for people who've been influential. That's why it doesn't make sense that the Moody Blues or ELO didn't make it because they were ahead of their time. I tried to find out who was on the nominating committee but was unsuccessful. I think the whole thing was probably cooked up originally to pump up the Cleveland economy. My guess is that they pick nominees based on an attempt to appeal to the widest audience. They need NWA to appeal to the hip hop crowd, Green Day to appeal to Gen X and the Marvelettes to appeal to people over 70, and they think if they have Stevie Ray Vaughan then people like us will be interested. Sorry, not interested. SRV is dead and I have no interest in watching bogus speeches.

Lots of people feel Dylan belongs in the Hall, as do I for that matter, and I'm glad he is in, though I can't stand Dylan's music. The only criteria I would prefer are 2 things:

(1) That band or musician "A" who has been around forever (Such as Deep Purple or whoever it happens to be) be inducted before band or musician "B" who has been around for fewer years

(2) The entire selection process should be opened up to the public based on the 1st point if a Rock n Roll Hall of Fame is going to exist, and the people vote accordingly.

But for the record, the whole idea of the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame bothers me, it's not a ski competition or soccer game, it’s music!

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Along with Deep Purple, the most notable current omissions would be The MC5, Blue Oyster Cult, Motorhead, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, and Thin Lizzy.

Yes.. It's painfully obvious that they are bent on ignoring most hard rock & pretty much all metal acts…

For Metal … there's Black Sabbath and Metallica.. THAT's IT!

and Black Sabbath waited years (I think 12) after they were eligible..

As well as ignoring most of the prog bands from the 70's… Only Pink Floyd and Genesis … and they were so successful they couldn't ignore them.

Yes ELP Jethro Tull King Crimson and on and on …. NOPE!!

As well as ignoring most of the commercial AOR acts of the 70's and 80's. Can't think of 1 that's in ..

Hell … they even made Paul McCartney wait YEARS… Love him or hate him there's no denying the man's talent and success...

There's a bias / snobbery going on that is ridiculous...

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An omission in my list of omissions: The Flamin' Groovies

Greil Marcus: "When I came up with the idea of the book (The History of Rock n Roll in 10 Songs) and had a sense of what I was going to do, I knew from that instant that the first song—the first chapter in the book—would be “Shake Some Action” by the Flamin’ Groovies. For years and years whenever I heard that song, on the radio or just playing it myself, I just thought, this is it. This is what rock ‘n’ roll is. Everything I want it to be. This could have been the first rock ‘n’ roll record. It could have been the last rock ‘n’ roll record. It has a spirit. It has a drive. It has a melodic momentum. It has a beat that didn’t exist before rock ‘n’ roll. It didn’t happen in the 50s or 60s; it happened in 1972 and wasn’t even heard until 1976. But none of that matters. This is more the thing itself than any other record I know".

I've been waiting a long time for someone to agree with me on this.

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  • 2 years later...
On 10/23/2014 at 10:29 AM, Badgeholder Still said:

An omission in my list of omissions: The Flamin' Groovies


Greil Marcus: "When I came up with the idea of the book (The History of Rock n Roll in 10 Songs) and had a sense of what I was going to do, I knew from that instant that the first song—the first chapter in the book—would be “Shake Some Action” by the Flamin’ Groovies. For years and years whenever I heard that song, on the radio or just playing it myself, I just thought, this is it. This is what rock ‘n’ roll is. Everything I want it to be. This could have been the first rock ‘n’ roll record. It could have been the last rock ‘n’ roll record. It has a spirit. It has a drive. It has a melodic momentum. It has a beat that didn’t exist before rock ‘n’ roll. It didn’t happen in the 50s or 60s; it happened in 1972 and wasn’t even heard until 1976. But none of that matters. This is more the thing itself than any other record I know".


I've been waiting a long time for someone to agree with me on this.


I'm in total agreement with you on this.

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It really needs to be renamed to The Music Hall of Fame, because there is nothing Rock & Roll, about Madonna, & many other pop acts that are currently in.

How they ignore the Hard Rock & Heavy Metal artists is really a joke. So many deserving that should be in, & aren't even nominated.

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