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Robert Plant & the Sensational Space Shifters - 2015 gigs/tour dates


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OH YEAH!!! That was fucking incredible! "I got my voice back" - he sure did. Robert sounded great - power and nuance and range and the band were in fine form, hitting their stride, indeed. The rest seems to have given them all some juice. The crowd was revved up and responsive, too.

^^ It sounded like all the Zep songs were reworked as they've been doing throughout, kenticus. I love the way they include everyone and blend their musical styles. There's always a nod to history while melding elements of where they're expanding. The various soundscapes they're incorporating are very interesting to hear. He obviously can hit the notes, but clearly wants to do the songs with these guys, in these ways. The best part, besides showing the highest standard of musicianship and fun - is the fact that who they are now, purists be damned, really shines through.

The musical mutineers were on the prowl, taking no prisoners. RRAAAAWWWRR!!!

p.s. Nice review, kenticus :)

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You know, I just want to say that while it pleases me to post the reviews, etc., there's nothing like the energy and vibe and experience of a live show, so huge thanks to the band for a such a spirited performance and to the Bonnaroo people for streaming it :yourock: Thank goodness Robert recovered in time for Bonnaroo because individual shows can be rescheduled, but festivals they'd have to cancel, so with healing done, the dedicated fans got what they came for.

As to the reviews, tricky to post with the concert still swirling inside, but here are some more from previous shows, all of which, by the way, reiterate just how much ass kicking is happening at every gig.

p.s. As to the photo on post #158, credit goes to Shawn Actis (missed that 'edit' window, but credit's due nonetheless...)

Ok, so going back a bit to some BottleRock, Napa, CA (5-30-2015) impressions:

Festival dispatch: BottleRock in Napa Valley


Robert Plant and the Sensational Space Shifters

The former Led Zeppelin frontman and vocalist, Robert Plant, headlined Saturday night, mesmerizing audience members and other bands on the lineup, who later cited Plant’s performance in their own sets. Plant solidified his reputation as a god of rock music, and the mythos behind his persona resonated throughout the crowd. Plant, donning a liquid pewter satin shirt, appeared dreamlike under violet stage lights. The performance was a mature take on Led Zeppelin’s legacy, with Plant finally acknowledging the blues rock genre he has staked a career on playing. Half the set was composed of Led Zeppelin classics that were modified, modernized and fused with different genres of music from around the globe. Justin Adams played perhaps one of his strongest rhythm guitar solos during a cover of Bukka White’s blues original “Fixin’ to Die.” “Fixin’ to Die” was also modernized with the synthesizer and keyboard of John Baggott (of Massive Attack and Portishead). Juldeh Camara also elevated classics and Space Shifters originals alike by shredding on the riti, a West African one-stringed fiddle. Plant himself appeared like a sage, prepared to educate listeners on music, its history and its global manifestations — all the while singing ethereally, of course.


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Another glowing BottleRock write-up:

Robert Plant Bottles Rock



Robert Plant totally rocked the BottleRock festival in Napa California on May 30, 2015. We brought a dozen friends along for our birthday weekend, and went in with mixed expectations – knowing he would do some of his own material and of course some Led Zeppelin classics and generally just hoping to see this rock n’ roll legend perform at his best.


From the start we were actually a bit shocked at how incredible the show was. Robert opened with “The Wanton Song” an old Zeppelin classic, performed pretty much as originally recorded. What followed was a mix of his solo work, covers, and Zeppelin songs, including “Black Dog”, “The Lemon Song”, “What Is and What Should Never Be” and others. During Robert’s rendition of “Going To California” a 20 something woman behind me started to cry and I realized what an impact Zeppelin’s music and Robert’s vocal prowess have meant to generations.


But much of what we appreciated was actually Robert’s new work. He and band messed with the structure of those old Zep tunes, interspersing them with similarly dark and dramatic songs from his new album lullaby and… The Ceaseless Roar, an aptly named record that explores America’s roots music. They performed “Turn It Up”, “Rainbow” and “Little Maggie” (check out Little Maggie here) from that new album and proceeded to flavor covers and old songs alike with the same type of instrumentation and song structure; a mix of delta blues, Appalachian folk and other forms which often meandered about and around verse and chorus via virtuosic instrumentals. To further underline his inspirations, Robert covered Willie Dixon, Howlin’ Wolf, Bukka White, Muddy Waters and other American blues masters. Robert spoke glowingly about these artists and his quest to explore their music, adding to the sense of historical occasion. It all made for a thoroughly enjoyable brew of rock-‘n-roots that wove a path between atmospheric dark and light tones.


The musicianship was first rate (his excellent band is dubbed “The Sensational Space Shifters”) and Robert’s voice was warm and pliant, as he has most definitely worked out how to preserve his given instrument – hitting some of the high notes required to replicate bits of his early 20’s Zep work while still having the mid range, growl and soft tones for his new work and covers. I listened trying to imagine him doing more Zeppelin reunion shows and couldn’t see it – as much as old fans might fawn, at this stage of life it would seem a shame to see Robert locked into a Zeppelin hits tour, during which he would be expected to sound as much like the old records as possible. We will spin our 2007 Celebration DVD instead – my guess is it’s not going to happen again. Instead Robert was able to bend and weave through selected tunes in a confident, skilled voice, changing key and pitch to suit. With so many classic rock vocalists unable to perform later in life in any compelling way, it was an absolute joy to hear Robert sounding so good and looking truly happy – that made the show everything we hoped it could be and more.



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Something different, but interesting nonetheless, this for music tech aficionados:

Martin Audio On Main And Second Stages At BottleRock 2015

Jun 11, 2015

Because of their exceptional coverage and control, Martin Audio MLA and W8LC systems were deployed by Delicate Productions on the Main (Intel) and Second (JamCellars) stages at the BottleRock 2015 festival in Napa, California.


Napa, CA­­––Delicate Productions of Los Angeles and San Francisco provided Martin Audio MLA and W8LC systems for the Main (Intel) and Second (JamCellars) stages respectively at this year’s BottleRock festival, a feast for aficionados of exceptional music, food, wine and brew.

With a diverse talent roster including Imagine Dragons, No Doubt, Robert Plant, The Avett Brothers, Foster The People, Passion Pit, Snoop Dogg, Cage, Gipsy Kings, Awolnation, Public Enemy, Preservation Hall Jazz Band, Los Lobos and The Chris Robinson Brotherhood, to name a few of the better known names, Delicate faced a challenge in providing superior audio, especially given the noise ordinance in Napa.

To handle the challenge, they set up an MLA system for the Intel main stage consisting of 16 MLA and two MLD enclosures per side for the main hang; 24 MLX subs; 12 W8LM cabinets for front fill and 8 W8LC’s for the off stage VIP hang. 16 MLA Compacts were used as delays for the Main Stage.

The second stage system consisted of 15 Martin Audio W8LC and 2 W8LCD downfill cabinets a side with 18 WS218X subwoofers and 6 W8LMD cabinets for front fills, all powered by Martin Audio MA4.2s power amplifiers.

Asked about the event, Delicate President Jason Alt comments, “BottleRock has been successful for us since its inception. This year went just as well, which was challenging because we do sound, lights and video for three stages.

“In terms of sound control, there’s a very strict noise ordinance in town, on property at FOH it’s 105dB C-weighted and beyond the festival ground it’s 65dB C-weighted, so we work with a company to handle the noise mitigation and with the artists while they’re sound checking or performing, especially those who are low frequency-dependent. We’re able to stay within those guidelines by providing real time monitoring so all an engineer has to do while mixing is look over at a screen to see if they’re within that noise ordinance zone and if they aren’t, the system will ask them to turn it down.

“The use of MLA, particularly on the main stage, which is less than 200 ft. to the nearest house, has been incredibly helpful. We do a broadside array for the main stage and steer the subs almost 90 degrees away from that side of the property because of the control Display gives you and the efficiency of the MLX. So you still literally get subwoofer in front of the barricade, but what is aiming at that house is almost a 30dB drop-off because of the way it’s steered. And we have full coverage including subs to the edge of the property because of what we can do with MLA. That’s a big part of it.

“And of course there’s the ability to steer MLA,” Jason continues, “where we’re dropping the main array off 50 or 60 feet past FOH. This year we went back to using delays to fill in some of the high end at the rear of the property, but even those are steered down about 20 feet from where the food vendors are so the listening experience is still good but you’re not screaming at them to place your order, especially in a festival that’s relying on a high end customer experience for the food and wine part of it.

Given the scope of the undertaking for Delicate, they brought a full crew including: Makato Araki (Lead Audio Systems Engineer) and Craig Robertson (System Tech), Andy Turner (FOH A1), Shaun Sebastian (MON A1), Greg Rideout (Stage Patch) and Ryan Trefethen (RF Tech) for the Main stage.

Kyle Anderson (FOH Tech), Andrew Freid (Monitor Tech), Rob Speight (Stage Patch), and Sergei Bailleul (RF Tech) worked the second stage.

Summing up about the reaction to MLA’s coverage and audio quality, Jason concludes, “Despite the wide range of artists at BottleRock––everything from rap to classic and indie rock, punk and jazz, all of the FOH engineers had a really great show. Robert Plant’s engineer Roy Williams mixed on MLA for the first time and he liked it a lot.

“It was also the first time No Doubt experienced MLA with us in a smaller environment and their front of house engineer JK (John Kerns) told us after the show that the system really performed and he got everything he needed out of it. We had a lot of positive feedback about MLA, which is not unusual at this point.

“For stage two with W8LC, we normally use MLA Compact, but the rest of the system was out on tour. And we had nothing but compliments for that too. Because W8LC performed really well and we didn’t even have to struggle to keep it within the noise ordinance limits!”

For more about Martin Audio, please click to www.martin-audio.com.

About Martin Audio®

Founded by audio engineer David Martin in 1971, Martin Audio pioneered the use of all-horn-loaded bass designs in world-class touring loudspeaker systems for groups such as Pink Floyd, ELP and Supertramp. Located outside of London, Martin Audio now embodies a sophisticated mix of acoustic design, research, mathematical modeling and software engineering for a wide range of products in the installation, cinema and touring sound markets.


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From BottleRock to the Greek Theater, Los Angeles, CA (2-6-2015). New space, same sensational effect (sorry :) ).


Posted on June 9, 2015

The Greek Theatre
Los Angeles, CA
June 2, 2015

Writing and Photography by TourBusLive.com

Being in the audience watching the singer of one of the most iconic bands in rock music history is enough to make you a little giddy. But when that singer is none other than ROBERT PLANT from LED ZEPPELIN, it’s just enough to actually buckle your knees. And although it was 2015 and NOT 1973, trust me, this house was just as holy on this beautiful Southern California summer night.

Sure, we’ve seen this living legend perform many times before, but the pleasure of watching a dear friend not only see Plant for the first time, but also witnessing that friend’s first experience under the stars at the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles, reminded us just how lucky we are to live in a time and place when and where all this good still happens. And beneath the shimmer of the full moon, which was also a “Strawberry Moon” (due to its timing with the strawberry harvest AND its slightly pink hue which, coincidentally resembled the color of Plant’s younger-man’s locks), ROBERT PLANT and the SENSATIONAL SHAPE SHIFTERS glittered in the moonlight as they kicked off the KLOS SUMMER CONCERT SERIES at The Greek.

And what a magical night it was. After a brief but welcomed introduction by KLOS DJ GARY MOORE, singer-songwriter JD MCPHERSON (who hails from the American mid-west) and his band opened the show. With a style that melded together some R&B, a little alt-rock (I swear I heard a Pixies vibe), and a whole-lotta rock and roll, this band is something to check out if you have the chance.

But as most of the members of the slow-to-arrive audience would agree, the thrill of the evening came when ROBERT PLANT and the SENSATIONAL SHAPE SHIFTERS took the stage.

Sure, Plant didn’t get THE band back together, but he did patch together the great lineup he worked with prior to his last touring band (the Band of Joy) – the same band who essentially were the “Strange Sensation”. Now known as the SENSATIONAL SHAPE SHIFTERS, amply supporting Plant on this tour are LIAM "SKIN" TYSON on guitar, JUSTIN ADAMS on various instruments including guitar and mandolin (when you see the mandolin, you know the good stuff is coming up), BILLY FULLER on bass guitar, JOHN BAGGOT on keyboards, and drummer DAVE SMITH. Also joining the Shifters is West African musician JULDEH CAMARA, who beautifully plays the nyanyeru (a one-string fiddle) – making a soulful sound that tugged on my heart on more than one occasion on this night.

Together, Plant and the Shifters worked through a set list that was nicely littered with a few songs (such as “Turn It Up”) off their latest album LULLABY AND… THE CEASELESS ROAR (2014), as well a few covers (mostly by American blues legends – to whom we give thanks for Zeppelin in the first place!), and a series of inspiring reworks of songs from the Led Zeppelin catalogue. As they powered through beautifully revised versions of “Black Dog”, “The Lemon Song”, “Going to California” (which literally had me in tears), and “What Is and What Should Never Be”, the crowd was lost in the waves of nostalgia (and a haze of smoky contraband) that kept them on their feet, dancing and grinning, through most of the show.

And as satisfied as the fans were, it was equally clear that the 66-year-old Plant was probably having the most fun of all. He spent much of the night smiling, connected often with audience members, laughing and joking with the band, and telling interesting and amusing stories in between the music. Remarkably, the man who is regarded as one of the most iconic figures in music history seems right at home in his own comfortable, albeit aging, skin. So comfortable, in fact, that Plant easily stepped away from the microphone a few times, allowing his band members to take over at center stage, while he gracefully moved behind them to dance or play a bit of the bodhrán (an Irish drum).

But returning to where he belongs at center stage, it is also clear that Plant belongs there still. Despite the avoidance of a few of his higher notes and trademark yelps, Plant has not lost his signature voice over the nearly 50 years since we first heard him. And it is also clear that the fans have not lost even one ounce of excitement over the music, or the man, that many of us were raised on. After a well-deserved encore (that was only slightly disturbed by a lingering helicopter overhead), the band aptly ended the evening in the most appropriate way: ROBERT PLANT gave us “ROCK AND ROLL”.

That IS what is and what should definitely be. Forever.


OZZY and BLACK LABEL SOCIETY guitarist ZAKK WYLDE, QUIET RIOT bassist CHUCK WRIGHT, SWEET singer JOE RETTA, CALIFORNIA GUITAR TRIO member PAUL RICHARDS, WEEDS actor ERIC CADORA, and a thrill for your humble reporters - long time Robert Plant and Led Zeppelin photographer Frank Melfi from Nashville, Tennessee!


  • The Wanton Song (Zeppelin)
  • Turn It Up
  • Black Dog (Zeppelin)
  • Rainbow
  • Going to California (Zeppelin)
  • Spoonful (Willie Dixon cover)
  • The Lemon Song (Zeppelin)
  • Little Maggie
  • No Place to Go (Howlin’ Wolf cover)/Dazed and Confused (Zeppelin)
  • What Is and What Should Never Be (Zeppelin)
  • Fixin’ to Die (Bukka White)
  • Whole Lotta Love (Zeppelin)/Mona


  • A Stolen Kiss
  • Rock and Roll (Zeppelin)




Robert-Plant_60.jpg11145230_10153375928769345_2110109280257(I love this one...)


(and this one below...)



Robert-Plant_38.jpgRobert-Plant_47.jpg(and I'm wild for this black and white one, sweet Jesus...)


Check out the rest of the gallery here (why, yes, there are more fine photos!): http://www.955klos.com/2015/06/09/robert-plant-and-the-sensational-shape-shifters/

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Hmm yeah I wasn't sure I'd get home in time tonight, but the streams via net at home are very good.

Thanks, Walter, I forgot about the time difference. It's 7:55pm in Tennessee, so the show's on in a short while.

Enjoy all!!

Great set last night! Watched it all. Would love for the opportunity to see him sometime soon, in person! Thanks again for the link!


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Great news - new shows added to the tour in September. This means you, New York and Boston! Oh yeah!

1523440_979938168707360_5673723370977529Photo: Shawn Actis

Robert Plant and the Sensational Space Shifters have added two extra nights at New York's Hammerstein Ballroom and Boston's Blue Hills Bank Pavillion on September 18 & 20. These shows follow re-scheduled dates in Michigan, Toronto and Chicago, as well as a headline appearance at Lockn' Festival.

Pre-sales for New York and Chicago start Wednesday, June 17, with general onsales Friday, September 19:|
New York: Tickets
Boston: Tickets

So the September tour schedule now looks like this:

10 – Meadowbrook Music Festival, Rochester Hills, MI - Tickets
11 - 13 - Lockn' Festival, Arrington, USA - Tickets
15 – Molson Amphitheatre, Toronto, ON - Tickets
18 - Hammerstein Ballroom, New York, USA - Tickets
20 - Blue Hills Bank Pavillion, Boston, USA - Tickets
23 – FirstMerit Bank Pavilion @ Northerly Island, Chicago, IL - Tickets

Check out the rest of the tour itinerary for a stop near you!: http://www.robertplant.com/#news/new-shows-announced-new-york-boston

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Review of the first show after the bout with laryngitis postponed the tour. Mud Island Amphitheatre, Memphis, Tennessee (12-6-2015). Back better than ever :D

Concert Review: Robert Plant plays Mud Island, makes scene at Lafayette's Music Room

BY: Bob Mehr 1:11 PM, Jun 15, 2015


Ed Miles, Big Hassle Media

After cancelling a trio of shows last week to recover from a bout of laryngitis, Led Zeppelin legend Robert Plant returned to the stage in Memphis on Friday night. Plant’s appearance at the Mud Island Amphitheatre found him looking and sounding not just healthy, but powerful.

Fronting his six-piece band, the Sensational Space Shifters, Plant delivered a set of searching cosmic blues with a West African edge (much of that came courtesy of Juldeh Camara, who played a collection of traditional Manding region instruments such as the kologo and ritti). In between songs, Plant proved his frequent public props for Memphis and Delta music are more than just lip service.

Peppering his 90-minute performance with facts, anecdotes and fascinating asides, Plant’s concert played like a history lesson and ethno-musical travelogue all at once.

Much of the set list featured reworked/rearranged versions of Led Zeppelin material: “The Lemon Song,” “Black Dog,” “Going to California,” “Trampled Under Foot.” He noted how, back in 1970, the band had been given the key to the city of Memphis -- a shock to Plant since “my parents hadn’t even given me a key to our house.” Grinning, Plant added that it didn’t take long for the shine from the ceremony to fade: “Shortly after that we were arrested,” he joked.

Mostly, though, Plant’s performance felt like a serious study, as he connected the dots between the Zep catalog, his own solo material and a collection of blues covers – or, in the case of a medley of “Crossroads”/“I Just Wanna Make Love to You”/”You Need Love”/“Who Do You Love”/”Whole Lotta Love,” he delivered it all in one magnificent burst.


Frank Melfi, Big Hassle Media

Much of Plant’s selection followed a geographical path through the Delta. He talked extensively about Mississippi native Bukka White’s “Sky Songs,” and how he’d first heard the music of the slide guitar master as “a kid in Birmingham, England” before playing a haunting version of White’s “Fixin’ to Die Blues.” Later, Plant detailed the nuances of the music to come from the Dockery Plantation and how his take on “Spoonful” drew its lineage from Charley Patton, as well as Willie Dixon and Howlin’ Wolf.

Introducing a new original “Little Maggie” – off his latest album,lullaby and…the Ceaseless Roar -- Plant noted that its inspiration came from the music made “around Como,” citing the work of the late fife and drum master Otha Turner. Plant also shouted his friends and sometime collaborators the North Mississippi Allstars (who’ve opened for Plant before, but were out of town this weekend).

Plant went to great lengths to praise Memphis music as well, concluding that “I don't see it as a museum either…I see it as a place with a great, great future.”

Backing up his words, Plant and his band – who spent several days in town – were out and about in the Bluff City. On Sunday, Plant was front and center at Lafayette’s Music Room in Overton Square to catch a performance by last week’s Go Memphis cover boy, guitarist Joe Restivo. His Hi/Sun records instrumental combo, the Joe Restivo 4, entertained Plant and company – who seemed to especially relish the group’s Ace Cannon covers -- before the Golden God hopped into a waiting car and then the airport to make his evening appearance at the Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival.


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Set list for the gig at the Mud Island River Park Amphitheatre, Memphis, Tennessee (12-6-2015):

  1. The Rumble
    (taped intro)
  2. The Lemon Song
  3. Turn It Up
  4. Black Dog
  5. Rainbow
  6. Going to California
  7. Spoonful
    (Willie Dixon cover)
  8. Trampled Under Foot
  9. Little Maggie
  10. No Place to Go / Dazed and Confused
  11. Fixin' to Die
    (Bukka White cover)
  12. Crossroads / I Just Wanna Make Love to You / You Need Love/ Whole Lotta Love / Who Do You Love / Whole Lotta Love


13. Satan Your Kingdom Must Come Down (traditional cover)

14. Rock and Roll
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so trampled under foot has made its way into his set?

they actually play it pretty straight up, and actually i quite enjoyed the breakdown bringing in juldeh for the solo there, it fit like a glove. very curious to see what zeppelin he keeps adding as as this touring has gone on the last few years he's progressively added more and more and more zeppelin songs playing them pretty straight across the board. Wanton is identical to zeppelin's version, trampled is the same just with juldeh soloing now......what is and what should never be, lemon song, honestly just glad the guy seems to be enjoying himself doing it. if he can do this and enjoy himself then more power to him, it's his life he should live it as he wants.

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^Actually, it's your point that has stayed the same, kenticus, however politely you're making it, even if the songs by your own admission haven't. If you're going to address the Zep songs, at least do it in a fair context of the whole set list. Four of the songs can be said to be most similar to the albums, the rest are medleys that use the talents and tastes of these band members. Not acknowledging that, or glossing over it, misses the point of what they're doing and doesn't give them proper credit for it.

Cheers as ever, annie :)

Great set last night! Watched it all. Would love for the opportunity to see him sometime soon, in person! Thanks again for the link!


You're welcome! Yeah, I loved it too. They seem to have a renewed vigor after the brief, unfortunate interruption. I thought I'd read on the Bonnaroo or RedBulltv site that they were going to stream the various performances for the next 60 days, but perhaps I misread it. Will look into it. Anyway, I hope you get a chance to see them, too, Walter. There's nothing like the energy of seeing the show live!


Thanks for all the wonderful pictures...it was unfortunate Robert was ill and missed a couple of gigs...I hope he will add London Ontario Canada to his tour schedule...and wears that green satin shirt...

Juliet :wave:

Hi Juliet, you're welcome! Glad you like them. Nice to see you on the board again :wave: As for the missed shows, well at least Robert's all healed up now and the shows have been rescheduled rather than cancelled. If they don't add London, would it be possible for you to venture out to Toronto for the show in September? Maybe he'll wear the green satin shirt you fancy lol. I'm forever partial to the floral pink one, with the blue version a close second. But attire, while alluring in its own way, is a passing fancy; the heart of the matter is a show that is genuine and kicks ass.

On to the shows, then. Here are some video highlights from the Mud Island, Memphis, Tennessee show (12-6-2015):

"The Lemon Song"

"Black Dog"


"Going to California"

"Satan, Your Kingdom Must Come Down"

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Hey, RAIN SONG, amazing! THANKS for posting!

Some of the medleys and reworked Zep songs work very well, like WLL or Black Dog, even if some people feel these have been on the set lists too long. Others, though, don't work as well. DaC, for instance, sounds great in terms of skill and execution, but Juldeh's section doesn't seem to quite fit as the tones or moods are quite different.

If "In the Light" ever makes it to the set list, I may pass out from joy. I have a feeling that the trippy, droning groove in the middle of "House of Love" would meld well within "ItL". Lots of possibilities with many other songs working well together. Can't wait to hear what else they cook up.

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Caught the show at the Mann Center in Philadelphia (5th row) on 6/17. I have seen Robert every single time he has come to Philly, Upper Darby, Atlantic City, etc, since '83 in every project he has toured with. That said, 6/17 at the Mann was without a doubt the best damn show I have ever seen from him! Plant and his band completely blew my mind! Rain Song and Lemon Song were the highlights for me. Whole show was incredible though!

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Caught the show at the Mann Center in Philadelphia (5th row) on 6/17. I have seen Robert every single time he has come to Philly, Upper Darby, Atlantic City, etc, since '83 in every project he has toured with. That said, 6/17 at the Mann was without a doubt the best damn show I have ever seen from him! Plant and his band completely blew my mind! Rain Song and Lemon Song were the highlights for me. Whole show was incredible though!

I agree this show was great. And i am particularly glad to read your review because while I've been a fan for 40 years, this is actually the first time I saw him live - so very glad I saw the best one!

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