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Scarlet Page's "Resonators - The Photographic Book" Kickstarter Campaign


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Here's an opportunity for you to contribute to a quality passion project by Scarlet Page. The goal is £16,000 and there are 29 days to go. The project will only be funded if the full goal is reached by Friday, August 7, 2015 4:29AM EDT.

There's a video in the first link below where Scarlet explains the background of the book, what'll be included in it, and why she's doing it. Various pledge levels and rewards are outlined as well. Check it out!

RESONATORS is a book project of b&w photographs and words featuring some of the most talented and established guitarists in the world.

RESONATORS - by Scarlet Page


draft book cover

Resonators is a personal project by the photographer Scarlet Page. Over the last 24 months she has travelled the world on a personal quest to photograph the greatest guitar players in the world of rock. It’s an epic collection.

Albert Lee, Billy Corgan, Brian May, Chrissie Hynde, Dick Taylor, Graham Coxon, Hank Marvin, Jack White, Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page, Joe Walsh, John Squire, John Frusciante, Johnny Marr, Justin Hawkins, Kelly Jones, Mark Knopfler, Mick Jones, Nile Rodgers, Noel Gallagher, Paul Stanley, Paul McCartney, Paul Weller, Peter Green, Phil Manzanera, Phil Collen and Viv Campbell, Robert Fripp, Serge Pizzorno, Slash, Steve Jones, Wayne Kramer and Wilko Johnson.

The story so far

Scarlet began the project to raise money in aid of Teenage Cancer Trust and from the beginning funded it herself. The initial aim was to create an exhibition and sell prints signed by the guitarists and Scarlet in aid of the charity. An exhibition of 30 signed prints was shown at the Royal Albert Hall in March 2014 and prints were auctioned to coincide with a series of high profile concerts raising funds for Teenage Cancer Trust. All the profits of the auction went to TCT.

Following the exhibition though, the Resonators project grew and took on a life of its own. The show was widely covered in the press, on radio and TV and has been exhibited at other galleries. The Resonators themselves began to use their images in various ways. And people began to ask if there was going to be a book.

And so to now, the book and Kickstarter.

‘The response from everyone has been overwhelming,’ Scarlet says, ‘and the demand for a book has been so high that we knew we had to get it published.’

‘I have never had my own book published so this is also a very personal plea. I have had my work published in many other books and photographed artists for their own books, but this is something really special. So far I have funded this myself but I need some help to take the next step and publish the book.

The Book

Resonators will be a culmination of three years of research, production, shooting and editing. Each guitarist’s photograph in the book will be accompanied by words from me about my day with each guitarist. This book will appeal not only to music lovers but to people who love pop culture, photography and music history. I will be collaborating with the best editors and designers.

This will be a beautifully designed and reproduced black and white duo-toned printed book of the highest standard. We are working on the basis of the book being:

Size: 230mm width by 300mm height

Approx pagination: 112 pages

Words by Ben Myers

Design by Warren Jackson

To date, I have funded the entire project and I need to ensure that the end result is not compromised. For these reasons I have decided to independently publish this book.


A bit of background about Kickstarter, and some info for the risk averse:

How does Kickstarter work?

Thousands of projects are funding on Kickstarter at any given moment. Each project is independently created and crafted by the person behind it. The filmmakers, musicians, artists, and designers you see on Kickstarter have complete control and responsibility over their projects. They spend weeks building their project pages, shooting their videos, and brainstorming what rewards to offer backers. When they feel ready, a creator can launch their project on the site and share it with their community.

Every project creator sets their project's funding goal and deadline. If people like the project, they can pledge money to make it happen. If the project succeeds in reaching its funding goal, all backers' credit cards are charged when time expires. If the project falls short, no one is charged. Funding on Kickstarter is all-or-nothing.

Why is funding all-or-nothing?

All-or-nothing funding is a core part of Kickstarter and it has a number of advantages:

It's less risk for everyone. If you need $5,000, it's tough having $1,000 and a bunch of people expecting you to complete a $5,000 project.

It motivates. If people want to see a project come to life, they're going to spread the word.

It works. Of the projects that have reached 20% of their funding goal, 81% were successfully funded. Of the projects that have reached 60% of their funding goal, 98% were successfully funded. Projects either make their goal or find little support. There's little in-between.


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Am i the only one thinking "Jimmy Page's daughter needs to raise funds to self publish

a book containing images of her father??" One would have thought that dad would have lent a

hand? Strange world indeed

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Am i the only one thinking "Jimmy Page's daughter needs to raise funds to self publish

a book containing images of her father??" One would have thought that dad would have lent a

hand? Strange world indeed

He didn't get the nickname 'Led Wallet' by lending money

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Am i the only one thinking "Jimmy Page's daughter needs to raise funds to self publish

a book containing images of her father??" One would have thought that dad would have lent a

hand? Strange world indeed

lol my thought exactly following 'Hey what a great idea AND it's in black and white!" and watching the Kickstarter video where Scarlet came across as so down to earth in describing this project as a dream hopefully on its way to reality.

On second thought, despite it being not a small amount of money, credit to her for not relying on Jimmy to get it funded.

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I've been waiting for this book to be published! Happy to support Scarlet, I love the photos and would love to see them together in a book! I applaud her efforts to raise the funds on her own. She has a lot to be proud of, and I hope she is successful in raising the funds needed.


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That's exactly why I supported her effort. She is talented, IMO.

On this occasion wasn't being snarky she is super talented

Actually thought it strange that being Jimmy's daughter didn't

convey certain financial benefits. a father should back a child's

ambition in my opinion. Seemed strange to see her reaching out

via kickstar

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I think the children of super rich/ super famous people deal in different ways with their situation: for some it's a blessing, for others a burden - so they milk it or run from it accordingly .... In fact, forget wealth and fame, it's hard for all of us to break out and be our own selves when one or both of our parents is a powerful presence.

I don't know what goes on in SP's head but from the outside, I'd say huge credit to her for making her own name and her own way. The signs are that she's very close to her dad but that equally, she will be her own woman.

( Think I've just talked myself into donating ! )

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I think she is a talented photographer. However I'm a bit puzzled by this book because I'm pretty sure I've seen some of the photos, and they were in color (?)

I don't think I would donate to a kickstarter campaign for someone's book and certainly not for someone who is the child of a person who is worth $80 million or whatever Jimmy is worth. She could take out a loan against her inheritance! Although Jimmy will probably live to be 95...

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^ Oh really? Wow. Ok...

Maybe reread the post above yours? Not that discussing someone's inheritance is tactless or anything, and it's crazy, I know, but they say it means a lot more when you have the satisfaction of making an idea come to life all on your own. Or, you know, she just can't wait that long for the old man to kick the can. Either or... :rolleyes:

Some of these photos were originally in colour for a Teenage Cancer Trust exhibit at the Royal Albert Hall, prints of which, by the way, people can still purchase HERE - proceeds go to the Teenage Cancer Trust (sorry, no word on how many of the recipients have an inheritance).

The video in the Kickstarter campaign explains how the Resonator project has grown into a book. Here's a preview of how some photos look in black and white.

By the way, 24% of the goal has already been reached!

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Looks like Scarlet is well on her way to meeting the goal; pledges are at almost £9,000 of the required £16,0000 with 24 days to go. I'm glad that it is working out so well and that the book will see the light of day :)

A couple of sample teasers :)



^ Such intelligence in the eyes...


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Scarlet has reached her £16,000 pledge goal with still 17 days to go! :cheer:

(via @ledzepnews) https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1265607661/resonators-the-photographic-book/posts/1294049

Yes, Patrycja I received the same tweet earlier today and felt very proud to have assisted her with reaching it. She has talent and takes a different angle with her set up and execution of her photos. I like the original approach and personal touches. Very much looking forward to this. It's going to be mint!
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Yes, Patrycja I received the same tweet earlier today and felt very proud to have assisted her with reaching it. She has talent and takes a different angle with her set up and execution of her photos. I like the original approach and personal touches. Very much looking forward to this. It's going to be mint!

Good for you, Al, for contributing. I'm curious to see what the final product will be like. I think she's very talented, too. Hope you like it!

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Unless all the proceeds from this book will be going to the TCT, if that is the case then of course, it is a good cause and I would donate. However if the net sales will be going to Scarlet Page, that is kind of fucked up. Does anyone know where the net profit from this book will go?

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I think she is a talented photographer. However I'm a bit puzzled by this book because I'm pretty sure I've seen some of the photos, and they were in color (?)

I don't think I would donate to a kickstarter campaign for someone's book and certainly not for someone who is the child of a person who is worth $80 million or whatever Jimmy is worth. She could take out a loan against her inheritance! Although Jimmy will probably live to be 95...

I can understand what you mean about family, money and wealth. But I really wanted to post that I really hope that Mr. Jimmy Page does live to be 95 years of age and even make it to the Century mark. 100+.


Edited by kingzoso
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  • 2 weeks later...

^ Oh really? Wow. Ok...

Maybe reread the post above yours? Not that discussing someone's inheritance is tactless or anything, and it's crazy, I know, but they say it means a lot more when you have the satisfaction of making an idea come to life all on your own. Or, you know, she just can't wait that long for the old man to kick the can. Either or... :rolleyes:

Some of these photos were originally in colour for a Teenage Cancer Trust exhibit at the Royal Albert Hall, prints of which, by the way, people can still purchase HERE - proceeds go to the Teenage Cancer Trust (sorry, no word on how many of the recipients have an inheritance).

The video in the Kickstarter campaign explains how the Resonator project has grown into a book. Here's a preview of how some photos look in black and white.

By the way, 24% of the goal has already been reached!

All on her own? She would have had access to her subjects without being JP's daughter? This would be a thing and people would know this is a thing and this thread would exist if she wasn't JP's daughter? Being starstruck ain't no crime but you could probably be a little more honest with yourself, yes?

There are a lot of talented starving artists who won't realize their dream because they'll be lost in the sea of struggling nobodies. Any chance you have any links to threads you've started for artists who fit this profile?

And no, i don't for a minute believe she doesn't have the scratch in her bank account to cover this project, maintain her quality of life, and fulfill her dreams. Tactless might be asking for money when you don't need it. Her bank account isn't my business, but when she asks the public (Me) for a handout, yes, i will wonder and ask why. Really.

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All on her own? She would have had access to her subjects without being JP's daughter? This would be a thing and people would know this is a thing and this thread would exist if she wasn't JP's daughter? Being starstruck ain't no crime but you could probably be a little more honest with yourself, yes?

There are a lot of talented starving artists who won't realize their dream because they'll be lost in the sea of struggling nobodies. Any chance you have any links to threads you've started for artists who fit this profile?

And no, i don't for a minute believe she doesn't have the scratch in her bank account to cover this project, maintain her quality of life, and fulfill her dreams. Tactless might be asking for money when you don't need it. Her bank account isn't my business, but when she asks the public (Me) for a handout, yes, i will wonder and ask why. Really.

This comes part of every thread, I guess, the bitching and whining. On the one hand, famous or rich people's kids who act entitled and live off the money others have made are rightfully lambasted. On the other, someone who actually has a career for nearly twenty years, who acknowledges the doors opened for her because JP is her dad by the way, also can't seem to impress the lot who need to scrutinize her bank account, her inheritance, and her credibility, as if she hasn't worked for her position or has no talent. It's sad but once again not surprising that you need to try and justify your position with accusing me of being starstruck about a photographer and need to reduce said person's actual work over her career to make a tenuous point. If you have questions about the project, go to Kickstarter and email Scarlet Page directly with your brave ivory tower scrutiny. If you don't think it's worth your hard earned coin, then don't support it.

This is a Led Zep site, so it is appropriate that Zep related things get posted. As to threads started supporting starving artists, hmm, I guess you got me there, Strawman, (unless you count the handcraft thread...) - you've tried this one before on others in other threads, the whole 'where do you put your money' bit, and while I do support local artists and art, and anyone who knows me me knows my love of and support for performing arts in particular, unless I owe you money or you pay my bills, where my money goes is none of your business, and neither is Scarlet Page's, for that matter.

Those who are criticizing the campaign are making conclusions based on assumptions they pretend are facts and reducing hard work to nepotism solely. It's pathetic.

By the way, one more week to go for those who want to support a cool project.

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I am proud to have supported Scarlet Page's project, and in the interviews she has given and the posts/emails I have seen, she is very humble and gracious. The access (admittedly aided by her name) she has to great musicians has been used to the benefit of us all. Good for her, good for us all. Is there a reason this book should not be created? Or, created, but only by someone who does not have a famous last name? The first attempt at publishing this book did not pan out, so I, for one, am very thankful that this one will happen. I don't know why the first one did not come to fruition, and I don't know why this route was taken to raise funds for this book, but why should I care? In the end, I receive a very special book, created by a talented, professional photographer...who happens to have a famous last name.

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Again, I ask the very, very simple question...who will receive the proceeds from the sale of this book? I believe the answer to that will put this controversy to bed.

I mean this sincerely, but you can ask Scarlet directly on the Kickstarter link. I assume she makes some profit if it's funded enough, and I don't have a problem with someone getting paid for their work -- this is her actual job, after all, so I don't see what the controversy with that is, but if you feel that strongly about it, there's a most direct way to find out.
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This comes part of every thread, I guess, the bitching and whining. On the one hand, famous or rich people's kids who act entitled and live off the money others have made are rightfully lambasted. On the other, someone who actually has a career for nearly twenty years, who acknowledges the doors opened for her because JP is her dad by the way, also can't seem to impress the lot who need to scrutinize her bank account, her inheritance, and her credibility, as if she hasn't worked for her position or has no talent. It's sad but once again not surprising that you need to try and justify your position with accusing me of being starstruck about a photographer and need to reduce said person's actual work over her career to make a tenuous point. If you have questions about the project, go to Kickstarter and email Scarlet Page directly with your brave ivory tower scrutiny. If you don't think it's worth your hard earned coin, then don't support it.

This is a Led Zep site, so it is appropriate that Zep related things get posted. As to threads started supporting starving artists, hmm, I guess you got me there, Strawman, (unless you count the handcraft thread...) - you've tried this one before on others in other threads, the whole 'where do you put your money' bit, and while I do support local artists and art, and anyone who knows me me knows my love of and support for performing arts in particular, unless I owe you money or you pay my bills, where my money goes is none of your business, and neither is Scarlet Page's, for that matter.

Those who are criticizing the campaign are making conclusions based on assumptions they pretend are facts and reducing hard work to nepotism solely. It's pathetic.

By the way, one more week to go for those who want to support a cool project.

Whether the point i'm trying to make is tenuous or not is subjective. I wasn't the first to wonder about or bring this up. What's up with being so defensive about Scarlet Page and this project? I'm only asking questions about information you chose to provide. Be a stand up OP and provide useful information instead of emotional pleas on behalf of someone who "deserves" it.
Out of curiosity, if celebrity bank accounts aren't any of our business, why is it OK to "rightfully lambaste" some for their choices and not others?
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Whether the point i'm trying to make is tenuous or not is subjective. I wasn't the first to wonder about or bring this up. What's up with being so defensive about Scarlet Page and this project? I'm only asking questions about information you chose to provide. Be a stand up OP and provide useful information instead of emotional pleas on behalf of someone who "deserves" it.

Out of curiosity, if celebrity bank accounts aren't any of our business, why is it OK to "rightfully lambaste" some for their choices and not others?

Trolling again, criticaster. You're confusing defensiveness for frustration over people not doing some digging for themselves and being satisfied with assumptions. If you're unsatisfied with the info provided, ask the source directly.

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