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The "what did you get/what did you want for Christmas thread.


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I'm so happy, my husband finally got me an engagement ring!! :yay:

When we got married last year, we didn't have a lot of money, so I didn't have one. But my wonderful husband sure surprised me this Christmas!! :wub: He even put it on my finger and asked me if I'd marry him :lol:

I can't stop looking at my hand :lol: He also got me a few movies that I wanted :D


I've only opened my present from Dave:

CD alarm clock with MP3 input jack

a nice sweater

3 pairs pear earrings

The Song Remains The Same Collector's edition DVD (that's the one I was talking about)

one of those snazzy wine corker things because I'm always breaking the cork off int he bottle ans asking him to save me. :lol:

a gift card to a store I can buy "teacher" clothes.

He did REALLY well this year. He normally just gives me money. (I think my baby sister helped him a bit). :lol:

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I'm so happy, my husband finally got me an engagement ring!! :yay:

When we got married last year, we didn't have a lot of money, so I didn't have one. But my wonderful husband sure surprised me this Christmas!! :wub: He even put it on my finger and asked me if I'd marry him :lol:

I can't stop looking at my hand :lol: He also got me a few movies that I wanted :D

That's so sweet.

I got Mothership, a Janis poster and tshirt, three Zeppelin shirts and one is a promo shirt for Mothership, jewlery, candy, sweatpants, socks, tissues (i've been sick), and I think that's it.

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Let's see:

from my mom, I got

hot rollers

a pair of purple fleecy-fluffy PJs

a cream colored jacked that looks like a giant sweater

about 30 pairs of socks,

a silver chain and a glass pendant

a pair of black Steve Madden heels

a pair of slippers with little pink cats on them...

and an espresso machine with milk frother!

my stepdad gave me

a set of flashlights

DVD Hollowman 2 (there was a second one?!)

a can of mandarin oranges

my sister Courtnee (and my grandmother) gave me a bunch of potpourri and a decoupage candle holder with pictures of my sisters and me and my cousins as little kids on it

my sister Brittany gave me a book: Led Zeppelin: The Story of a Band and Their Music 1968-1980

one aunt and uncle gave Dave and me a box of chocolates

a cousin gave me an interesting set of vases

my mentor teacher gave me a book: Ant Farm and Other Desperate Situations

my boss bought everyone dinner last night for working on Christmas Eve

I got four Christmas cards this year: one from Ricky, Hotplant, my sister Brittany and one of my aunts.

Edited by manderlyh
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I wanted a record player but my mum thinks that's stupid.

My parents gave me a weird look for a while when I first asked (I finally got my whole stereo system hooked up last May), but then they just gave in. We'll have company over, and they'll be like, "Oh yeah, there's our sixteen year old daughter. All she does is sit in her room and obsess over bands, guitars, and vinyl." There isn't anything wrong with that, really.

My neighbour was nice enough to give me his turntable that he didn't use, and my father had some speakers from the 1980's that he's had around forever that weren't being used, as well as a reciever.

Anyways, it's definitely worth getting. I'd say keep asking, because it's really the greatest thing. I've got upwards of 200 records, now, and I'll probably never stop collecting. :lol:

My parents get annoyed, though, because all I keep talking about is how I'd like to go to NYC (only about thirty minutes away) to get some new vinyl. Ah, at least I start driving tomorrow. I can take myself, I guess.

I got a bunch of nice things for Christmas (a stainless steel whistling tea kettle, a guitar case, a bunch of giftcards, Mothership, the Page & Plant Unledded DVD, etc.) , but I definitely did not expect a guitar amp! Really nice surprise; I'm so pleased with it.

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OOh I got:

An awesome pink hoodie (for me) and outfit for Oliver from my best.

From Mom:

A pink fluffy robe

An awesome nail kit that makes it look like I'm wearing shiny clear polish all the time

2 really nice sweaters

A gift card for Oliver

Dad and Step-Mom:

A SUPER awesome propane grill (yeah the big fancy ones woohoo!!) and really nice grill set

Then we got a few baby things here and there from unexpected people :D

It's been a good receiving year and I think we gave some good stuff too!

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Pish. I'm loving mine. They are so much fun. :D

My parents gave me a weird look for a while when I first asked (I finally got my whole stereo system hooked up last May), but then they just gave in. We'll have company over, and they'll be like, "Oh yeah, there's our sixteen year old daughter. All she does is sit in her room and obsess over bands, guitars, and vinyl." There isn't anything wrong with that, really.

My neighbour was nice enough to give me his turntable that he didn't use, and my father had some speakers from the 1980's that he's had around forever that weren't being used, as well as a reciever.

Anyways, it's definitely worth getting. I'd say keep asking, because it's really the greatest thing. I've got upwards of 200 records, now, and I'll probably never stop collecting. :lol:

See, what really pisses me off is that once I told my mum I was interested in a record player she right quick threw the one we HAD away. I don't get her…

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I got twins...


...two of those.

Oh, and one of these


Pretty cool!! I got a Zeppelin calender for Christmas a few years ago. It was mostly their album covers, and I guess a few other randoms because there aren't as many Zeppelin albums as there are months in the year. :rolleyes: But it was pretty sweet, I was sad when the year was over . :lol: I think I still have it somewhere though.

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I have no idea why! I KNOW it worked cos I'd heard it play a shitty record my dad had before…

It's like she has something against turntables or something…

My mom does but my dad doesn't he just got me a new one, it's just under a year old. I hate when people bad bad music through a perfectly good system.

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