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Cell Phone Etiquette


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I've just got my first cell phone in 2 years...I'm very happy to have it for a few reasons...

1) Emergencies....things have been happening to our old truck lately, and I don't want to be caught out on the highway with no phone if something happens

2) If I drop my husband at work, and he's not sure what time he wants me to pick him up....I've had to rush all the way out of my way home to see if he's left a message, before I can go all the way back out to whatever house he's working on on the beach. Now, he just phones me on my cell B)

3) I can text my husband an 'I love you' or other non-important silly stuff at work, without him having to stop what he's doing (ie: drywall mudding a ceiling on his high stilts), just so he can say I love you too, now why are you bothering me? :lol:

I DO hate the bluetooth things. I can see why people would want to be hands free, but not all the damn time. I agree with a lot of the people here...a few times I thought someone was saying some strange crap to me when they were standing next to me in a store, turnes out they were on their bluetooth phone...

Take the phone away, and you're just a crazy person on the sidewalk talking to yourself :lol:

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I hate it when people text message incessantly. Dave and I put a "no-text message" ban on my baby sister when we take her our to dinner. :lol: Dave told her she can just watch us eat if she texts someone at the table. :lol: All we have to do now is just remind her and she doesn't do it.

BTW...the baby sister just told me that I'm "too addicted the the computer" while she's got her phone in her hand and texting someone. .. :lol:

Other people I know will drive down the street and text...

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I'm not too fond of the bluetooth earpiece, but in CA starting soon, if you drive you have to use an earpiece. Now, if they can only get rid of the people shaving, putting on their makeup, reading the newspaper, and shooting at us - the freeways will be a lot safer. :D

Other than people's general rudeness as described before, the only other thing I hate is when I call my wife, and 2 kids who have phones and they don't answer. WTF? However, If I text them, I get a reply ASAP.

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Ugh I hate those bluetooth things too! I ALWAYS think strangers are talking to me in stores and stuff and I'm like "Excuse me, what?" and they just ignore me. It's neat.

I admit to being a serial texter though. I walk and text pretty much everywhere, I will stop in a corner outta the way at least so I'm not getting in the way of people if it's a busy store or something. It's funny though cause for how often I do it I am the SLOWEST texter I know.

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  • 3 years later...

^Awesome. The cops in my city use their phone while driving on top of using their computers. I think that's not very safe...am I wrong?

On the 4th of July, a teenaged girl "bumped" my car at a stoplight. Given that I'd just barely made the first payment on said car, the first thing I said was, "WTF?!?!"

She was stopped at the light but her foot slipped off the brake. She barely touched the car and there was no damage, lucky b@#$. Luckily, it didn't ruin my holiday coffee run. ;)

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Flashback to a simpler time (though CB radios are still in use). Though I can't say I recall there being a fuss over CB radio usage back in their heyday in the 70s. At least not like there is now over cellphones. Understandable since cellphones require much more of your attention (particularly when texting) than operating a CB radio ever did.

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"Breaker, breaker, 1-9, this is the Rubber Duck...". What a GREAT movie that was. We used to have CB radios in our cars AND in our house - with a big ass 20 foot antenna in our backyard! How 'neck is that? This was in upstate NY, not south of the Mason-Dixon line either! :lol:

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My grandfather was a long-haul trucker, and when he taught my mom how to drive, he told her that truckers could be her best friends on the road. If you got between two of them, they'd shield your car from radar detection, and if they know there's a cop ahead on the road, they'll flash their lights so the cars/trucks behind them know to slow down.

We've done so many road trips during my life where we'd be driving down Interstates in the middle of the night, and my grandfather's advice has always come in handy. I can recall one time we were between two huge 18-wheelers doing 90 on a stretch of I-75 in Tennessee. That was fun.

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  • 1 year later...

Is there such a thing as cell phone etiquette? If so, I've yet to discover it.

I had one once...

I'll never make that mistake again.

My etiquette involves setting my phone to vibrate when I go to concerts, the theatre, weddings, funerals or any place my phone ringing could prove to be disruptive. The same thing goes for appropriate times to answer my phone or texting (the latter of which I rarely do anyway). Most people no longer have landlines and I'm no exception. I also don't use it to connect to the internet, nor do I use it as a camera or to play games but I realize that puts me in the minority. Most people I know can't seem to be able to go for five minutes without looking at their phones even if that means doing so during the middle of a conversation. I'm guessing they must not realize just how rude that is and just how fucking stupid they look walking around like mind numbed zombies constantly looking at their phones or else they wouldn't be openly engaging in such idiotic behavior.

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I've had them since 1995, but they've always served just as a phone for me, and more recently (in my born-again late-life new parent role) as an emergency camera/video. Apart from that, you can shove internet connectivity & 'Apps' up your arse.

I pity all the gadget freaks who've been suckered into believing that they need the latest i-am-a-twat-phone or i-am-so-tragically-hip-pad to validate their hum-drum existence. I'm just waiting for the Powers That Be to introduce bolt-on appendages & orifices so that these losers can live their lives totally via gadgetry.

Cell phones can be a very good thing MM if you car breaks down or you must get in touch with your Dr for a new script. LOL. This texting and driving shit is a joke. Try and stop me pigs. I am going to use my speaker on my phone without something stuck in my ear. fuck you cops. I have beaten the pricks 7 straight. Cell phones, seat belts, and worse. Just plead not guilty and you will be surprised what can happen. Remember, they must send you a deposition in a timely manner or the case is toast.

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Cell phones can be a very good thing MM if you car breaks down or you must get in touch with your Dr for a new script. LOL. This texting and driving shit is a joke. Try and stop me pigs. I am going to use my speaker on my phone without something stuck in my ear. fuck you cops. I have beaten the pricks 7 straight. Cell phones, seat belts, and worse. Just plead not guilty and you will be surprised what can happen. Remember, they must send you a deposition in a timely manner or the case is toast.

According to this study, hands-free cellphone use is just as dangerous as handheld cellphone use and both are just as dangerous as driving drunk. If you're texting while driving that definitely requires far too much of your attention to do both effectively. If you think it's a "joke" then you've obviously never lost a loved one who was killed an in automobile accident due to someone texting and/or talking on their cellphone. It is very difficult to regulate from a legal standpoint which is something you're very flagrant about it and obviously quite proud of. How ironic would it be if you were hit by someone that was texting while driving?

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This texting and driving shit is a joke. Try and stop me pigs. I am going to use my speaker on my phone without something stuck in my ear. fuck you cops. I have beaten the pricks 7 straight. Cell phones, seat belts, and worse. Just plead not guilty and you will be surprised what can happen. Remember, they must send you a deposition in a timely manner or the case is toast.

You're very irresponsible if you're being serious.

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[many might find this surprising because i'm so much of an excellent typist, but i don't own a mobil device]

[i cant stand watching iPhones talking on their humans]... [it's everywhere you look but they won't get me].

[real fucking radio] [imported from Detroit]TM

[you send me, to Toledo]


[To, le-do]

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