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Greatest 5-Year Creative Output: Zep vs Beatles vs Stones



169 members have voted

  1. 1. What is the greatest 5-year output between these 3 bands?

    • Beatles 1965-1969 (Help, Rubber Soul, Revolver, Sgt Pepper, White Album, Abbey Road)
    • Rolling Stones 1968-1972 (Beggars Banquet, Let It Bleed, Get Yer Ya Ya's Out, Sticky Fingers, Exile On Main St)
    • Led Zeppelin 1969-1973 (LZ I, LZ II, LZ III, LZ IV, Houses Of The Holy)

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In the "My waste of bandwidth because my answer is obvious"category,I picked the Stones.....

I know ,shocker,right.

I realize that people are going to notice I replied to this thread and automattically think:"Gee I wonder what he'll say :rolleyes: ;but it's true,if only barely IMO.

That's okay,nothing to see here.......

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You must be referencing the British output for the Beatles. Magical Mystery Tour wasn't an album there, whereas it was here in the US.

My allegiance is to the Beatles first, Zep second then the Stones. But only microfractions separate these choices for me.

Besides these I must add another favorite 5 years.....

Gentle Giant 1970-1974. 'self-titled, Acquring the Taste, 3 friends, Octopus, In a glass house, and The Power and The Glory.

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Those five Led Zeppelin albums are all awesome, found it very hard to go against them because I love them all. But I did and here's why...... what the Beatles after Help! and Rubber Soul hadn't ever been done before (by the way in your poll you added Help! instead of Let It Be). The Beatles changed rock forever with Revolver and Sgt. Pepper but especially the latter one. Everyone in music that came afterwards owes the Beatles for doing what they did and that includes Led Zeppelin. If the Beatles hadn't hadn't done what they did Led Zeppelin (and a lot of other bands) certainly might not have been what we remember them for.

Just my two cents :)

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Let It Be wasn't released until 1970, so it didn't fit in the timeframe I was looking at. And yeah, I could have added Magical Mystery Tour, but I really only wanted to look at true studio albums. But that said, I guess I should have left off Get Yer Ya Ya's Out...oh well.

But the basis of the album was recorded in January 1969 not 1970 (although I Me Mine was recorded in early '70 with only three Beatles present and Let It Be received a new guitar solo that was placed on the album). It wasn't (and isn't) a big deal I was just curious why it wasn't in there :)

Magical Mystery Tour is a soundtrack plus every single the Beatles had released in 1967. It was an EP in Britain but here in the US you know how Capitol Records loved do screw around with the Beatles work (i.e. every album the Beatles released until Pepper) so they made an album out of it

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But the basis of the album was recorded in January 1969 not 1970 (although I Me Mine was recorded in early '70 with only three Beatles present and Let It Be received a new guitar solo that was placed on the album). It wasn't (and isn't) a big deal I was just curious why it wasn't in there

hahar....we can now throw out zep1 cause it was already in the can before '69.

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^Led Zeppelin 1 was released on January 12, 1969.

Read the quote for context.

..or not.....

Dude left out Let it Be cause it was released in 1970.

Virtually all of it was recorded in 1969.

Dude put in LZ1 cause it was released in 1969.

All of it was recorded in 1968.

Therefore there is a minor double-standard in play.

My awesomeness is sometimes senses-shattering, I know. You are forgiven.

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For all 3 bands, I tried to pick a 5-year period that represented their greatest output, and yes, I went by when the albums were released. I could have picked 1966-1970 for The Beatles which would have gotten Let It Be included, but then I'd be leaving off Help! and Rubber Soul. And I could have picked 1971-1975 for Zeppelin in order to get Physical Graffiti in there, but I think 1969-1973 was more packed with goodness since they released 2 albums in '69.

But it raises a good question, what IS the best 5-year period for Zeppelin? Though it only represents 3 albums (IV, HOTH, PG), is 1971-1975 better than 1969-1973? Are (IV, HOTH, PG) > (I, II, III, IV, HOTH)? Food for thought, I guess...

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First off, I didn't see that part and simply said when it was realesed. No reason to get uptight. Second of all, the way your post sounds you aren't really all that "awesome", and who said I was going to say sorry?

Holy fuck. Lets hope you got a sense of humor for Christmas.

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I voted Led Zeppelin, I think they are geniuos, more than that!

The Rolling Stones are great too, but never as great as Zeppelin.

And I don't like the Beatles, I like them more than many other bands, but their music isn't so rocking.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's absoutely impossible for me to discount The Beatles. For most of my peers they were the band that got us into this in the first place. The Stones brought a tougher side to music that every rock band since,has tried to emulate. Zeppelin blew the doors off everything. All of the 5yr outputs are amazing.But at the end of the day I realized that I still listen to Zeppelin and the Stones alot. I don't really listen to the Beatles at all anymore. My taste for Zep stretches through all their stuff. The Stones however really peaked in that 5yr period so my votes got to go with them. :unsure:

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It's almost impossible for me to choose between the Beatles and Led Zeppelin.

Those were incredibly creative times for both bands and all those albums are the best work of the time. I own every single one.

The Beatles were the best of their decade whereas LZ were the best of theirs.

Fair enough?

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  • 1 month later...
Ive never liked the Beatles

I actually HATE the beatles,they don't strike me as a rock band,they're just less than rebellious goody two-shoes who took acid as the only form of artistic release,never struck me as epic.

And Ringo is the worst drummer ever,Bonzos the best.George was the only truly amazing beatle,paul is anal and ringo is dreadful,John was cool,but the two cool ones are dead.

I've never bought a beatles album because i can't stand the idea of ringo and paul waking up one day richer at my expense,rest assured though,i've heard enough of them,they're played ad nausea in Ireland on radio and Zepp never are,i pick Zep because Stones rock,but they couldn't touch Zep in a jam session,no extended medley's or the like.

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