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I give thanks for my loved ones.. family, friends, sangha, and beloved teachers/gurus. I give thanks to those who risk life and limb and personal liberty to make the world a better place for all beings. I give thanks for my relative health. I give thanks for the fact that I'm gainfully employed and have healthcare coverage in an economy in which so many people are not and do not. I give thanks for the roof over my head, the clothes on my back, and the food in my fridge. I give thanks for this precious human lifetime which offers me an opportunity to discover the Essence of All. I give thanks for every moment of my life.. good and bad.. that have brought me here.. to this precious, wonderful moment.. NOW. I give thanks for the many opportunities I have to realize that happiness is found within. [and as such I know I can and will be happy on Thanksgiving even though I'll be working all day. ..and the day after. And Saturday.. and Sunday too. Woohoo! Too much happiness!! hehe! *wink*]. I give thanks for this exciting, fresh and new version of an old, familiar web forum. I give thanks for such a wonderful community of interesting and diverse people! I give thanks for all the friends I've made here over the years, and for all the friends yet to be made.

I give thanks for the long awaited and much hoped for LED ZEPPELIN REUNION SHOW!!!!!! cheer.gif:D

So much to be grateful for! :)

As I give thanks for all that makes my life comfortable, full, and meaningful, I also think of those who are less fortunate. My heart goes out to those in this world who do without luxuries and creature comforts. ..those who struggle to survive. ..those who suffer with illnesses, physical and/or mental. ..those who live under oppression, or in places torn by war. As we give thanks for our good fortune, let us not forget those who struggle, suffer, and despair,.. and may that give us an even deeper and more profound sense of gratitude for our good fortune, and may it spark a desire in our hearts to reach out to those less fortunate so that we might, in some small way even, help alleviate their suffering.

With an overflowing heart I wish you and yours a lovely and happy thanksgiving!

Namaste, friends!

~ Hermit



Having said that..

here's a little Thanksgiving.. uhh.. (pardon the pun).. food for thought:

George Bush: Pardon All The Turkeys

Bill Maher, November 20, 2007

New Rule: The president can't pardon just one or two turkeys this Thanksgiving. He's got to let them all go.

It's probably too much to expect from the man who wanted "no child left behind," then vetoed health care for kids. But think of the upside. Freeing the turkeys might help the president's credibility when he says things like, "We don't torture."

Take a look at this video *click*, shot just last month at a typical American turkey slaughterhouse, and this one, shot undercover last year at a Butterball slaughterhouse by investigators from PETA *click*, and you'll see that my use of the word is no exaggeration. Butterball employees, taking a page out of the Abu Ghraib handbook, laughed while they kicked, punched, stomped, and even sexually assaulted turkeys.

These people should be arrested. They would be if the turkeys were dogs or cats. Too bad our animal protection laws make about as much sense as fighting a war against a country that doesn't have an army. Even though 98 percent of the land animals Americans eat are turkeys and chickens, the federal Humane Methods of Slaughter Act specifically excludes birds from protection. I'm not kidding.

The Butterball plant in the video slaughters about 50,000 turkeys every day. Fifty million turkey corpses will go into American ovens this Thanksgiving. More than 9 billion turkeys and chickens are killed in the U.S. each year. But not one of them is guaranteed a painless death, as documented in this video *click* that was narrated by my fellow animal-lover and HuffPo Blogger, Alec Baldwin. The Senate can find time to vote to condemn an advertisement, but not to add birds to humane slaughter laws.

So in the face of this surreal situation, in which, once again we can't put our faith in the president, I ask you to do what I'm going to do and pardon a turkey this Thanksgiving. It's not hard. Just eat something else (ideas *here* and *here*). Not someone else, because it doesn't seem fair to spare a turkey and roast a hunk of pig or cow instead. If we can bow our heads in gratitude for our families, our friends and our big screen TVs, and then carve into a creature who lived a miserable life and died a horrible death, then our ethics are about as sensible as Britney's parenting skills.

Former Vice President Al Gore should be the first to take the meat-free Thanksgiving pledge. Since raising animals for food generates more greenhouse gases than all the cars and trucks in the world combined, is it too much ask Mr. Gore to stop gazing at his Oscar and his Nobel Prize long enough to read the United Nations report that calls the meat industry "one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global"?

For those of you who believe that the war is just and that global warming is a figment of the elite liberal media's imagination, here's the straight poop:

* Turkeys and other animals raised for food produce 130 times as much excrement as the entire U.S. human population -- all without the benefit of waste treatment systems. Sewage spills, waste-filled waterways and underground aquifer contaminated with e coli are the meat industry's gift to Americans this holiday season.

* Turkey meat has just as much cholesterol as the pieces of cow and pig called "red meat." Eating meat is linked to heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, some cancers, and diabetes.

So do the right thing. Instead of stuffing a turkey this year, stuff the tradition of turkey for Thanksgiving right where it belongs -- in history's trash can.



Kudos to Bill Maher! thumbsup3.gif

May our compassion for those who suffer.. and our wish that unnecessary suffering be

avoided.. be extended not just to our fellow human beings, but to all living creatures.



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I am extremely thankful this year.

I am thankful that I live in a country where I can say what I want, practice the religion I want.

I am happy that I too, have a job that pays me a living wage and gives me healthcare in a world where healthcare and living wages are not commonplace, as Idaho is a right-to-work state.

I am thankful that I have a beautiful home, with my wonderful boyfriend and kitty to share it with.

I love that I am able to attend university and that I have a boss that is willing to work around my complicated-pain-in-the-ass schedule, because without my boss, I'd be hitting the pavement, looking for a new job.

I'm thankful that I have a decent car to drive that (knock on wood) starts every time I try to start it, gets good gas mileage, and looks good--for being 10 years old and paid off!

I'm happy that I have family that loves me and friends (including here) that do too.

I'm thankful that I had parents that raised me to be an honest, hard working person. I have never underestimated the value of a hard worker because of the values they've instilled in me.

I'm sooo greatful that I have had the chance to work at the junior high school that I'm currently working in, and I'm glad that I've gotten to know those beautiful children who attend the school.

I'm also happy that I have one year left before I graduate--it's going to be ten years that I've been in college by the time I graduate, but I'll have the most well-rounded bachelor's degree anyone's ever seen! :lol:

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.




I also wanted to add: I'm also very happy that I have enough food to eat--in fact, I have too much food to eat! :lol:

Edited by manderlyh
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^Well at least you're thanking them while being a chauvanist :rolleyes:

I'm thankful for my husband Chuck (and the fact he's healthy, he had a lot of health problems last year). I'm thankful the US government has decided to keep me so far :lol: (and let me work finally). I'm thankful that my family is doing well. I'm thankful that MY husband is helping me cook thanksgiving dinner WHILST he's watching football... :rolleyes::lol:

(it's really because I flashed him my shiv....I'm getting a lot of use out of that thing these days! B) )

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I'm thankful for my family and friends.

I'm thankful for my wonderful job and my coworkers

I'm thankful for my new car, Fredrick

I'm thankful that I have my health

I'm thankful that my dog's surgery went well and that huge mammary tumor is gone.


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I'm thankful for my husband Chuck (and the fact he's healthy, he had a lot of health problems last year).

Yes--it IS a good thing he's healthy.

(it's really because I flashed him my shiv....I'm getting a lot of use out of that thing these days! B) )


Operation Turkey is underway. (In English--I got the turkey and the stuffing in the oven, and fifteen minutes sooner than I thought would make it in!)

It's already starting to smell quite nice.

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Hey everybody!!!!!

happy Thanksgiving!

We are on our way to face the music... :D

Mnnn Smells delightful, taking some dishes my daughter made all total Vegan.

Now, I'm thankful I didn't have to cook!!

Thankful for all my kids, friends, etc., etc.,and of course LED-ZEPPELIN. B)

See you! Have a great day.

Try not to knive your relatives.

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I am thankful for my beloved, whose passion and unconditional love for me has never waivered.

I am thankful for our children, who are siblings and friends to one another.

I am thankful that our home serves as a soft place to land for our children (and for their friends who have no other place).

I am thankful that, today, our home is filled with the laughter, music, friends, and family.

And, yes, I am thankful for Led Zeppelin.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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I didn't click the link yet, but I bet that's the episode of WKRP in Cincinatti where Les Nessman says, "As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly", right? I bet it is.

Hope everyone is having a great day so far. My mom outdid herself on the turkey this year.

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^Well at least you're thanking them while being a chauvanist :rolleyes:

The reward for a years worth of killing spiders and expertly operating the TV remote control :D

I'm thankful for my husband Chuck (and the fact he's healthy, he had a lot of health problems last year). I'm thankful the US government has decided to keep me so far :lol: (and let me work finally). I'm thankful that my family is doing well. I'm thankful that MY husband is helping me cook thanksgiving dinner WHILST he's watching football... :rolleyes::lol:

(it's really because I flashed him my shiv....I'm getting a lot of use out of that thing these days! B) )

You are still newlyweds... give him a couple of years to properly ripen on the vine:)

... and as those other things I am happy for you too.

Btw, in the U.S. penal system we call it a "shank".

No where is that counfounded gravy and mash potatoes?

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The reward for a years worth of killing spiders and expertly operating the TV remote control :D

You are still newlyweds... give him a couple of years to properly ripen on the vine:)

... and as those other things I am happy for you too.

Btw, in the U.S. penal system we call it a "shank".

No where is that counfounded gravy and mash potatoes?

I'm so glad I have someone to teach me the proper American vocabulary ;) ...besides 'Ya'll' anyway.... :rolleyes::lol:

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