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Most OVER rated Zeppelin song?


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Overrated by whom? Who's doing this rating and more importantly, why should we give a toss what they have to say? It's subjective crap. Just opinions. Some people in this thread mentioned their dislike of All My Love and D'yer Maker. Funny the band found those significant enough statements to include them on Mothership. One man's trash is another's treasure. Opinion polls. Yawn.

Couldn't agree more.

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Overrated by whom? Who's doing this rating and more importantly, why should we give a toss what they have to say? It's subjective crap. Just opinions. Some people in this thread mentioned their dislike of All My Love and D'yer Maker. Funny the band found those significant enough statements to include them on Mothership. One man's trash is another's treasure. Opinion polls. Yawn.

Overrated by us the listener. It's just an opinion. I don't like Stairway very much, someone else thinks it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. Neither one of us are wrong, it's just our personal opinions on the track. Opinion polls are interesting because it gives you a chance to see if how you feel about a certain song is the same as how someone else feels. It doesn't change anything and it's not meant to. It's just an avenue to express an opinion about the song.

There's nothing wrong with this.

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I think Stairway and Whole Lotta Love...

Stairway To Heaven is the epitome of their their greatest work. The guitar riff/solo never fails to give me the chills. It is absolutely fabulous work. When it first came out I was 19 years old. It was overplayed, maybe, but certainly not overrated. A beautifuly composed piece of musical artowrk.

Whole Lotta Love when it first came out in the states I was 16 and loved anything and anyone British. This is a young Led Zeppelin sound that exploded onto the world stage. Jimmy Page wanted to assemble the cream of the crop in music and make a super-group, a band to be reckoned with. This song prooves he did just that. Another fabulous piece of artwork.

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"Stairway To Heaven" has to be the one song by Led Zeppelin which receives all this credit that is not due. I'll admit it has a good solo but it's honestly 8 minutes of Plant signing about things that no person on Earth other then him would or will ever understand.

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I think LZ got into more progressive waters such that their earlier prototypical hard rock tunes just don't have the gravitas they should, especially after decades of bands who have come and gone built upon that framework. So I really don't get very much out of Rock and Roll or Black Dog vs. something more intricate like In the Light or Achilles.

I think a lot of their studio work pales in comparison to their live performances. Some of their songs like Immigrant Song or Over the Hills featured no solos on record but blistering solos live. So the studio versions really feel incomplete.

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My friend Evster2012 is of course right that people will answer a question such as this basing themselves very much on subjective opinion, but I don't think that's all there is to it, and I for one have no trouble replying to the thread question. I agree with Leddy on this one - 'D'Yer Mak'er' was always a kind of joke, but it never really worked for me; sounds a bit clumsy. Is it overrated? Well, that depends. Zeppelin at their worst still tend to be better than most. But if we take the circumstance Evster mentioned, namely that the joke was included on Mothership, then I'd say, Yes, that's overrating it. After all 'Night Flight', 'In the Light', 'The Ocean' and a few others didn't make it, and yet it's hard not to feel they were much more of an achievement in every respect: the singing, the playing, the songwriting.

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So what is over rated?? What is under rated?? They are songs....some good (in one's opinion).....some not so good. I bought "Houses of the Holy" when it 1st came out (many years ago) and loved D'yer Mak'er, but totally ignored "Dancing Days" and "The Ocean".......slapped myself in the head a hundred times.....Now I can't get enough of these songs. And one point in my life, I got rid of all my record albums, and now I have been trying to replace these fab albums with CD's. "Houses of the Holy" was at the top of my list. Now I can't seem to take it out of my car player.

Edited by shambolic
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i don't see how a person can only like a couple songs and not the majority of the rest as well. they all have the same quality elements through out them. though a few do stand out a bit more.

i was reading some stupid reviewer/critic the other day, the guy was claiming that zep had two or three "ok" songs per album and that the rest was filler. i think maybe he isn't a real rock fan to begin and ran out of boring electro fluff bands to write about. i think still to this day it's "the cool thing to do" for "real rock critics" to treat the band like utter garbage.

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Just personally speaking, in my neck of the woods, Stairway is def. overplayed(though it's not nearly as bad now as during the late 70s-mid 80s); I've listened to it literally thousands of times just on radio, forget tape/CD/MP3 etc. and I don't care how great a song is(and Stairway is a GREAT song) or how much you love it, enough's enough after a while, y'know? Where the "overrated" aspect comes into play is during that same late 70s-mid 80s period while Stairway was clogging local FM airwaves, it was also perenially the #1 song in all the rock station "Favorite Song of All Time" yearly polls/countdowns(#2 was most frequently "Free Bird", with "Green Grass And High Tides" and "Hotel California" occasionally popping up); remember the guitar store scene in Wayne's World where Wayne's about to jam and the clerk points to the sign that says "NO STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN"?, it's because it was OVERPLAYED . . . again, just personally speaking . . .

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My 2 pennies worth: There are obviously a lot of people on this thread who are a lot younger than me possibly a lot of people that became Zep fans after Bonzo and like a different strain of Zep to me. The wonderful thing about the band is their diversity - always looking to be different, always progressing hence the large and varied fanbase.

I remember as a teenager being blown away by LZ 1,2,3,4 and being so excited reading NME about when their next album was coming out and being so disappointed about certain trax on Houses - not playing them in favour of other stuff, they all grew on me in time as you get older you hear the rhythm section more, you hear the great production (STH).

I at my older age now find Presence the pinnacle of Led Zep excellence.

Sure its death by Stairway on the radio sometimes, just like its death by 'Freebird' or 'Crime of the Century' or 'Purple Haze' or 'Bridge of Sighs' or.... shall I go on? but these trax that some people find 'overrated' may be overplayed but are not overrated, they ensure the continuation of the fanbase, once you get hooked by these 'overplayed' trax you just gotta find the deeper cuts and tell your mates.

Trax like the Crunge cant be overrated because they were never rated to start with......the trax that are an issue are the 'rated' ones....Stairway, WLL, R&R, D&C etc. Here is my advice (for what its worth): Starve yourself of the particular track you find overrated eg Stairway and after 6 months listen to it without distraction on a decent audio system (it was never intended for national radio) as see what you think.

Q. Do I go on too much :(

Leaving for the O2 in 15 mins - will I be the grandad of the gig???

In Dharma

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Overrated by whom? Who's doing this rating and more importantly, why should we give a toss what they have to say? It's subjective crap. Just opinions. Some people in this thread mentioned their dislike of All My Love and D'yer Maker. Funny the band found those significant enough statements to include them on Mothership. One man's trash is another's treasure. Opinion polls. Yawn.


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this being my first post and all i would have to agree with the people that say that there are def overplayed songs but i would not call them overrated. personally there are some songs that always come on the radio and i know i have caught myself changing it simply b/c it is overplayed not an overrated song.

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There are no overrated songs.

It cracks me up, the knee-jerk reactions of some fans to label a song THEY don't like "overrated". :rolleyes:

Laugh all you want. :D You rate songs in all kinds of different terms. If you state the opinion that one song is among the band's best you're in fact doing the exact same thing - rating the song in some terms, and that's not only or exclusively a subjective matter either, though subjective opinion is certainly a part of it.

I for one think that saying 'D'Yer Mak'er' is among the band's 20 best songs is quite ridiculous - in what terms could you possibly see it as such? The songwriting itself? The guitars? The singing? The drumming? In what terms? I think there is only one way to maintain that, and that is if you go by a subjective preference alone - to the exclusion of any other consideration.

'Knee-jerk reaction,' indeed. :rolleyes:

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Laugh all you want. :D You rate songs in all kinds of different terms. If you state the opinion that one song is among the band's best you're in fact doing the exact same thing - rating the song in some terms, and that's not only or exclusively a subjective matter either, though subjective opinion is certainly a part of it.

I for one think that saying 'D'Yer Mak'er' is among the band's 20 best songs is quite ridiculous - in what terms could you possibly see it as such? The songwriting itself? The guitars? The singing? The drumming? In what terms? I think there is only one way to maintain that, and that is if you go by a subjective preference alone - to the exclusion of any other consideration.

'Knee-jerk reaction,' indeed. :rolleyes:

Well, at least it took me this long to irritate someone. :lol:

You missed my point a bit- or perhaps I wasn't clear enough. Sorry if that's the case. So I will expand a bit.

How we each perceive a song to be is a highly personal matter indeed. For example, I LOVE "No Quarter". But some people don't. Fair enough.

Now- should the other person tell me "NQ is overrated"? No. It should simply be stated that they do not care for the song as much as some others. That's fine. That's an honest opinion. Not a judgement on the song itself. The terms "overrated" AND "underrated" are overused. Who are we to judge the merits of a song, beyond stating our own personal likes/dislikes?

I stand by my previous post.

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What I didn't like in your post is what seemed to be the presumption that if you have an answer to the thread question....then it must be stupid! Of course simple subjective preference is always part of how you evaluate songs. And actually I agree with you that these terms (overrated, underrated) are overused, because it's usually not clear in what terms people are rating the songs. I've in fact often criticized people for doing that. See, we're not enemies. :lol:

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What I didn't like in your post is what seemed to be the presumption that if you have an answer to the thread question....then it must be stupid! Of course simple subjective preference is always part of how you evaluate songs. And actually I agree with you that these terms (overrated, underrated) are overused, because it's usually not clear in what terms people are rating the songs. I've in fact often criticized people for doing that. See, we're not enemies. :lol:

We're on the same page here. And I never really meant to imply that anyone answering the question was stupid. I guess it appeared that way though. :blush:

I do get a little aggravated when people use their own opinions to judge whether a song is worthy or not. So maybe that came out in my post. I'll take that deep breath before I answer one of those again. :lol:

It's all good, man. :)

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I can see how someone might say that using the terms over/underrated can be annoying. Frankly, they're used too much. That being said, even Led Zeppelin did songs that people think too highly of or not highly enough.

You mean they're...overrated?

I can't think of a Zep song that's overrated...at least not right now. Everything seems like THE BEST EVAAAAR in light of the excitement of the show. I was going to say Whole Lotta Love, but that's such a goddamn kickass guitar riff - how could you possibly overrate it? Can anyone think of one song whose riff is cooler in comparison? I mean, Smoke on the Water's pretty badass, but it's not half as sexy. I wasn't going to Stairway to Heaven because dammit, it is perfectly rated as the epic, mind-blowing, trip-inducing, kick-you-in-the-head-and-eat-you-for-dinner spectacle that it is. F*ck yeah.

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