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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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1 hour ago, BobDobbs said:

No you dope, it started as a result of supply issues related to COVID initially. Then you have the whole unregulated free-market which is in reality what is causing inflation. As the majority of companies are now owned by a handful of global conglomerates like Blackstone, we no longer have a real free-market but a monopoly who regularly meets to set pricing. This is all a result of the Sherman Anti-Trust laws not being enforced since the early 80's. The US nor most countries operating under a capitalist model have a true free-market as players like Amazon either buy up competitors, or lower their prices in a particular market until the competition is forced to sell and then those process go up...way up.

So, to recap, Biden is not directly responsible for the inflation or gas prices per se. However, he could by executive order place regulations into the system and start enforcing the Sherman Anti-Trust laws. This would result in a return to a truer free-market system of which real competition would stop inflation, lower prices, and increase quality. But, if he did that, I am sure people like you would start crying socialism, fascism, or some other nonsense. 

I really wish people would just educate themselves how things work, both the current unregulated free-market system and government in general and the evolution of both over time. But, I guess its more fun for people like you to believe whatever nonsense you want and post absolute rubbish.

Go back and look at the info in the link I posted. You may learn something.

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19 hours ago, redrum said:

I dropped cable TV too. Best decision ever. Now 'chords' are a different story. I suck at guitar, but recently posted this 'short thing' on Freesound. 


Yeah man! I like that. Reminds of a David Lynch movie soundtrack. Or something cool/mysterious. Very cool. Is there a longer version? Either way, awesome. 

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On 3/2/2022 at 5:53 PM, 1975NQ said:

The weather in Santa Cruz is the best. I lived there for a while, myself. And your neck of the woods is even better! My mom's in Covington. Talk about having a beautiful back yard. Summers in that area of Washington are about as good as it gets. Until recent years, anyway. It's warmed up some, to put it mildly.

I really do appreciate the weather, and the landscape of the area. I live in the Santa Cruz mountains. In the Felton area. Actually inside of Henry Cowell Park. It’s a cool spot for sure. No neighbors that I can see, a couple hundred turkeys roaming around waking up the neighborhood very early everyday. Super fortunate. The funny thing is, even though we are 15 minutes away from Downtown Santa Cruz, and 30 minutes away from San Jose, it truly does feel like a different state. Where I live because of the Redwoods we get a good amount of rain every year. And it doesn’t get beyond a couple of days of a 100 plus. But Washington state and the Oregon area are also places that I would like to be in a rural area if the wife and I can ever retire and get a spot like that. 

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5 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

No you dope, it started as a result of supply issues related to COVID initially. Then you have the whole unregulated free-market which is in reality what is causing inflation. As the majority of companies are now owned by a handful of global conglomerates like Blackstone, we no longer have a real free-market but a monopoly who regularly meets to set pricing. This is all a result of the Sherman Anti-Trust laws not being enforced since the early 80's. The US nor most countries operating under a capitalist model have a true free-market as players like Amazon either buy up competitors, or lower their prices in a particular market until the competition is forced to sell and then those process go up...way up.

So, to recap, Biden is not directly responsible for the inflation or gas prices per se. However, he could by executive order place regulations into the system and start enforcing the Sherman Anti-Trust laws. This would result in a return to a truer free-market system of which real competition would stop inflation, lower prices, and increase quality. But, if he did that, I am sure people like you would start crying socialism, fascism, or some other nonsense. 

I really wish people would just educate themselves how things work, both the current unregulated free-market system and government in general and the evolution of both over time. But, I guess its more fun for people like you to believe whatever nonsense you want and post absolute rubbish.

Enjoyed the mic 🎤 drop at the beginning! And as you sound very educated in this area, I know Biden did stop/cancel the Keystone Pipeline, but that wasn’t something that even began to bring oil into our country yet to my knowledge. Please correct me if I am wrong. 

Yes it is correct that gas prices were considerably lower at the end of The last administration, that is a result of supply and demand. There were not nearly the amount of people on the road traveling to and from work, or going on vacations etc. Most of the country was shut down to some degree which lowered prices as a vast majority of people were not traveling. 

I was not totally aware of the Sherman Anti-Trust laws until you mentioned it and I read up on it. Thanks BobDobbs. 

Cheers to you and yours Sir. 

Random thought. I really enjoy the breadsticks at the Olive Garden. Those things are dangerously good! And on that note, Norm McDonald had the best joke ever about bread and restaurants. In fairness he had some of the best jokes ever about a lot of things. 

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13 minutes ago, Plant77 said:

I really do appreciate the weather, and the landscape of the area. I live in the Santa Cruz mountains. In the Felton area. Actually inside of Henry Cowell Park. It’s a cool spot for sure. No neighbors that I can see, a couple hundred turkeys roaming around waking up the neighborhood very early everyday. Super fortunate. The funny thing is, even though we are 15 minutes away from Downtown Santa Cruz, and 30 minutes away from San Jose, it truly does feel like a different state. Where I live because of the Redwoods we get a good amount of rain every year. And it doesn’t get beyond a couple of days of a 100 plus. But Washington state and the Oregon area are also places that I would like to be in a rural area if the wife and I can ever retire and get a spot like that. 

Dude, that's so dope. Felton is beautiful. When I was in high school, l and had several friends who lived way far up in the mountains off 17 - similar landscape and lifestyle to where you live. It was like a 1 hour commute for them each way to get to school. 😂

But I always envied the lifestyle they had - identical to what you're describing. Most people either built their own homes or they're parents before them did. Neighbors super far away ... people just living life on their own terms in a peaceful area.

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4 minutes ago, 1975NQ said:

Dude, that's so dope. Felton is beautiful. When I was in high school, l and had several friends who lived way far up in the mountains off 17 - similar landscape and lifestyle to where you live. It was like a 1 hour commute for them each way to get to school. 😂

But I always envied the lifestyle they had - identical to what you're describing. Most people either built their own homes or they're parents before them did. Neighbors super far away ... people just living life on their own terms in a peaceful area.

Honestly it is pretty sick and we got lucky. We both travel to and from San Carlos everyday for work. But when we get home it’s like being on vacation. I also lived in the Santa Cruz Mountains on the Los Gatos side for a while. And loved that as well. But it is still a place that is different than the Bay Area/ Silicon Valley and they do like to keep things local around here, and keep it weird. I’m all good with both being a small business owner who is both weird and local. Another area that I’m starting to appreciate is the north east area of the greater Sacramento area. Like right before the mountains on highway 50. There are some badass little towns along that route that are incredibly cool, and pretty historical. 

Sorry to derail the random thoughts thread. 

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38 minutes ago, Plant77 said:

Yeah man! I like that. Reminds of a David Lynch movie soundtrack. Or something cool/mysterious. Very cool. Is there a longer version? Either way, awesome. 

Wow! Thanks for the compliment. I have seen Eraserhead. 😄 That's all I have on that, but am trying to think of other things to do. Right now I am really getting into the bass guitar (I'm a little bit better on bass) 😊. I recently got a Squire mini-bass and Behringer BXL1800 bass amp. Sounds awesome and has that deep bass tone. 

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39 minutes ago, Plant77 said:

I really do appreciate the weather, and the landscape of the area. I live in the Santa Cruz mountains. In the Felton area. Actually inside of Henry Cowell Park. It’s a cool spot for sure. No neighbors that I can see, a couple hundred turkeys roaming around waking up the neighborhood very early everyday. Super fortunate. The funny thing is, even though we are 15 minutes away from Downtown Santa Cruz, and 30 minutes away from San Jose, it truly does feel like a different state. Where I live because of the Redwoods we get a good amount of rain every year. And it doesn’t get beyond a couple of days of a 100 plus. But Washington state and the Oregon area are also places that I would like to be in a rural area if the wife and I can ever retire and get a spot like that. 

I knew a guy in Boulder Creek who had a motorcycle shop. I sold him a Harley 250 Sprint for parts. Last I heard he moved to Petaluma. It is another world there once you escape the rat race bay area. This is an aerial view of Enumclaw with Mt Rainier and Mt. Peak. We are on the edge of the wilderness. 


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4 minutes ago, Plant77 said:

Honestly it is pretty sick and we got lucky. We both travel to and from San Carlos everyday for work. But when we get home it’s like being on vacation. I also lived in the Santa Cruz Mountains on the Los Gatos side for a while. And loved that as well. But it is still a place that is different than the Bay Area/ Silicon Valley and they do like to keep things local around here, and keep it weird. I’m all good with both being a small business owner who is both weird and local. Another area that I’m starting to appreciate is the north east area of the greater Sacramento area. Like right before the mountains on highway 50. There are some badass little towns along that route that are incredibly cool, and pretty historical. 

Sorry to derail the random thoughts thread. 

Nah, you didn't derail anything.

Here: Random Thought - parts of Cali are now unlivable while other parts are still amazing. Fixed it.  👍

And yeah, I like the Sac area much more than Bay Area - been here many years now. Used to love it here til all the tech fucks inundated the place starting in 2020 (it was slowly happening already but Covid accelerated it in a huge way). The area you're describing off 50 is nice, but I miss the peaceful, simple life that drew me here in the first place. It's essentially now a subsidized living area for Bay Area tech workers. Until they're all forced to go back into the office for real. My guess is this will happen in 2024.

Next stop .... who knows lol. Chico is starting to look good.

And it's good to hear the locals are still keepin it weird out there!


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4 minutes ago, redrum said:

I knew a guy in Boulder Creek who had a motorcycle shop. I sold him a Harley 250 Sprint for parts. Last I heard he moved to Petaluma. It is another world there once you escape the rat race bay area. This is an aerial view of Enumclaw with Mt Rainier and Mt. Peak. We are on the edge of the wilderness. 


Wow! That’s stunning. Doesn’t get much better then that. You can have different. But I don’t know about better. Very cool Red. 

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29 minutes ago, Plant77 said:

Enjoyed the mic 🎤 drop at the beginning! And as you sound very educated in this area, I know Biden did stop/cancel the Keystone Pipeline, but that wasn’t something that even began to bring oil into our country yet to my knowledge. Please correct me if I am wrong. 

Yes it is correct that gas prices were considerably lower at the end of The last administration, that is a result of supply and demand. There were not nearly the amount of people on the road traveling to and from work, or going on vacations etc. Most of the country was shut down to some degree which lowered prices as a vast majority of people were not traveling. 

I was not totally aware of the Sherman Anti-Trust laws until you mentioned it and I read up on it. Thanks BobDobbs. 

Cheers to you and yours Sir. 

Random thought. I really enjoy the breadsticks at the Olive Garden. Those things are dangerously good! And on that note, Norm McDonald had the best joke ever about bread and restaurants. In fairness he had some of the best jokes ever about a lot of things. 

Damn right, those OG breadsticks are awesome, dual-purpose baked goods. When fresh and hot, oh so yummy; when cold and hard they are prefect wall patch material.

Word, your correct, the Keystone Pipeline, the Horese Shit Pipeline, any damn pipeline has no affect on our fuel supply as it all goes to the Gulf of Mexico for export and sale on the world market, and some kept for refining and then resale. The pipeline only benefits big oil, no one else by reducing shipping costs. 

It cracks me up to know there are literally tens of millions of right wingers who are unwitting socialists as they all scream for energy independence of which you can only do by nationalizing all fuel production.

I don't care how they build the baby, just build the damn baby. There is nothing wrong with socialism, nothing wrong with capitalism if both used in concert and judiciously for the benefit of the marketplace / consumer.

Shit, now I want breadsticks. Goddamnit!!!


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10 minutes ago, redrum said:

Wow! Thanks for the compliment. I have seen Eraserhead. 😄 That's all I have on that, but am trying to think of other things to do. Right now I am really getting into the bass guitar (I'm a little bit better on bass) 😊. I recently got a Squire mini-bass and Behringer BXL1800 bass amp. Sounds awesome and has that deep bass tone. 

Well keep at it. Mash those two up and keep recording. I like the transition. That ending was awesome.

I started playing guitar or took it seriously a few years ago when I turned 41. And I’m really enjoying it, and digging the progress. I haven’t had a lesson yet. Just watched a few things online. And then kind of gone my own way. 

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7 minutes ago, redrum said:

I knew a guy in Boulder Creek who had a motorcycle shop. I sold him a Harley 250 Sprint for parts. Last I heard he moved to Petaluma. It is another world there once you escape the rat race bay area. This is an aerial view of Enumclaw with Mt Rainier and Mt. Peak. We are on the edge of the wilderness. 


That view is sick. One of my high school friends' dad who lived in the Los Gatos mountains had a Harley shop, too. They love their motorcycles out there. No helmets, ever. "Let those who RIDE, decide!!" (back then anyway)

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4 minutes ago, Plant77 said:

Wow! That’s stunning. Doesn’t get much better then that. You can have different. But I don’t know about better. Very cool Red. 

Now that's what I call absolutely beautiful. Bucolic. I would love to call such a place home.

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5 minutes ago, 1975NQ said:

Nah, you didn't derail anything.

Here: Random Thought - parts of Cali are now unlivable while other parts are still amazing. Fixed it.  👍

And yeah, I like the Sac area much more than Bay Area - been here many years now. Used to love it here til all the tech fucks inundated the place starting in 2020 (it was slowly happening already but Covid accelerated it in a huge way). The area you're describing off 50 is nice, but I miss the peaceful, simple life that drew me here in the first place. It's essentially now a subsidized living area for Bay Area tech workers. Until they're all forced to go back into the office for real. My guess is this will happen in 2024.

Next stop .... who knows lol. Chico is starting to look good.

And it's good to hear the locals are still keepin it weird out there!


Yeah man, the Sac area certainly has changed. Roseville has exploded in the last few years. When I was kid in the late 80’s and early 90’s it seemed that a bunch of our neighbors were moving there. But you are absolutely correct about the last two years. The construction there is booming. But you have some cool spots that are pretty close to get away. The Old Sacramento downtown is a hidden gem. That place is something most Californians have no idea about. 

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6 minutes ago, BobDobbs said:

Damn right, those OG breadsticks are awesome, dual-purpose baked goods. When fresh and hot, oh so yummy; when cold and hard they are prefect wall patch material.

Word, your correct, the Keystone Pipeline, the Horese Shit Pipeline, any damn pipeline has no affect on our fuel supply as it all goes to the Gulf of Mexico for export and sale on the world market, and some kept for refining and then resale. The pipeline only benefits big oil, no one else by reducing shipping costs. 

It cracks me up to know there are literally tens of millions of right wingers who are unwitting socialists as they all scream for energy independence of which you can only do by nationalizing all fuel production.

I don't care how they build the baby, just build the damn baby. There is nothing wrong with socialism, nothing wrong with capitalism if both used in concert and judiciously for the benefit of the marketplace / consumer.

Shit, now I want breadsticks. Goddamnit!!!


Hahaha! Yeah you can patch walls with them when they are cold. And as usual hitting the nail on the head with your descriptions. By the way, your Gif game is on point. 

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1 minute ago, Plant77 said:

Yeah man, the Sac area certainly has changed. Roseville has exploded in the last few years. When I was kid in the late 80’s and early 90’s it seemed that a bunch of our neighbors were moving there. But you are absolutely correct about the last two years. The construction there is booming. But you have some cool spots that are pretty close to get away. The Old Sacramento downtown is a hidden gem. That place is something most Californians have no idea about. 

Old Sac has changed a bit since 2020, but such is life I suppose. Unfortunately ... ALL Californians know about Sacramento now 😂 😂

It was nice while it lasted. On a positive note, we now have Philz Coffee all over the place (salty sarcasm) 😛

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2 minutes ago, 1975NQ said:

Old Sac has changed a bit since 2020, but such is life I suppose. Unfortunately ... ALL Californians know about Sacramento now 😂 😂

It was nice while it lasted. On a positive note, we now have Philz Coffee all over the place (salty sarcasm) 😛

Alright I may have been wrong on the Old Sac. But Philz is legit crack! Or Crank. I had a cup recently and was told to slow down while I was talking more than a few times that day. As well as couldn’t sleep worth shit that night. That’s a random thought for you. What the hell do they do with that coffee. I’m convinced the Hells Angels own that Franchise and have a bunch of additives to say the least in it. No need for adderall! Slug down a large Philz! 

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2 hours ago, Plant77 said:

Wow! That’s stunning. Doesn’t get much better then that. You can have different. But I don’t know about better. Very cool Red. 

It's a growing town, but not too terrible. Still has the old town look 'downtown.' I moved here in 2000. 


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2 hours ago, Plant77 said:

Well keep at it. Mash those two up and keep recording. I like the transition. That ending was awesome.

I started playing guitar or took it seriously a few years ago when I turned 41. And I’m really enjoying it, and digging the progress. I haven’t had a lesson yet. Just watched a few things online. And then kind of gone my own way. 

Thanks again. I started late too. I'll see what else I can come up with. I'm just learning to use the Reaper DAW and also have the Focusrite interface for recording. 

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2 hours ago, 1975NQ said:

That view is sick. One of my high school friends' dad who lived in the Los Gatos mountains had a Harley shop, too. They love their motorcycles out there. No helmets, ever. "Let those who RIDE, decide!!" (back then anyway)

I used to ride too in Cali. I remember when the helmet law came into effect. I rode in freezing weather the night before in Modesto sans helmet.

My old Sportster. 


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