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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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(In Seinfeld voice) 

What is the deal with these kids in strollers? I'm not talking about babies or toddlers 3 to 6 years old. I'm talking about these parents I see pushing 8 and 9 year olds in strollers. One family had two tubby girls that looked to be about 10 or 11 in a wagon cart with the dad huffing and puffing away pushing them down the sidewalk.

Jiminy Cricket, get those lazy kids out and make them walk or they're just going to get fatter. 

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3 hours ago, Strider said:

(In Seinfeld voice) 

What is the deal with these kids in strollers? I'm not talking about babies or toddlers 3 to 6 years old. I'm talking about these parents I see pushing 8 and 9 year olds in strollers. One family had two tubby girls that looked to be about 10 or 11 in a wagon cart with the dad huffing and puffing away pushing them down the sidewalk.

Jiminy Cricket, get those lazy kids out and make them walk or they're just going to get fatter. 

No ninos en la canasta. 

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On 10/5/2023 at 10:26 AM, Strider said:

(In Seinfeld voice) 

What is the deal with these kids in strollers? I'm not talking about babies or toddlers 3 to 6 years old. I'm talking about these parents I see pushing 8 and 9 year olds in strollers. One family had two tubby girls that looked to be about 10 or 11 in a wagon cart with the dad huffing and puffing away pushing them down the sidewalk.

Jiminy Cricket, get those lazy kids out and make them walk or they're just going to get fatter. 

and were supposed to count on these fat losers for social security ? were screwed unless there is a great awakening lol

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Living my entire life in the Upper Midwest, I'm totally ignorant to lizards, so be kind here.  Does this thing have wings?  Does it glide or fly?  I could have sworn I saw this guy fly by my head and land on that wall.  It looks like some type of webbing from its' hind legs to mid-body.  Google for what it's worth, says there's no flying lizards in North America. 

Also saw my first Javelina.  I understand it's a separate species from a pig, but do people hunt and eat these things?  Roast Javelina on the BBQ?  Curious if it tastes at all like maybe a wild boar?  Are there domesticated Javelinas at all?  Can you shoot them if they're on your property?  Is there a hunting season?  Any insight on either would be appreciated.   


Edited by Bong-Man
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16 hours ago, Bong-Man said:

Living my entire life in the Upper Midwest, I'm totally ignorant to lizards, so be kind here.  Does this thing have wings?  Does it glide or fly?  I could have sworn I saw this guy fly by my head and land on that wall.  It looks like some type of webbing from its' hind legs to mid-body.  Google for what it's worth, says there's no flying lizards in North America. 

Also saw my first Javelina.  I understand it's a separate species from a pig, but do people hunt and eat these things?  Roast Javelina on the BBQ?  Curious if it tastes at all like maybe a wild boar?  Are there domesticated Javelinas at all?  Can you shoot them if they're on your property?  Is there a hunting season?  Any insight on either would be appreciated.   


Don't know about the lizard, but......

One of his favorite ways to cook javelina is to season it as you would any other meat and throw it on the grill. It's lean, so it will cook quickly and makes a flavorful steak. It's also good in stew and makes a tasty chorizo.

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On 10/8/2023 at 4:00 AM, redrum said:

Don't know about the lizard, but......

One of his favorite ways to cook javelina is to season it as you would any other meat and throw it on the grill. It's lean, so it will cook quickly and makes a flavorful steak. It's also good in stew and makes a tasty chorizo.

I got the impression they are viewed as pests, just like wild boars.  I know in some States (including Michigan) you can shoot boars out of season.  I guess not with Javelinas, or peccaries as some people call them.  Didn't see it on any menus though, so it can't be that tasty.  

That lizard shot was taken at one of your favorite places, the East entrance to Death Valley at Rhyolite ghost town.  Couldn't get in though because all entrances to the park are now closed for roadwork from this Summer's hurricane.  Saw lots of different types of lizards, but that was by far the biggest and weirdest.  

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1 hour ago, Bong-Man said:

I got the impression they are viewed as pests, just like wild boars.  I know in some States (including Michigan) you can shoot boars out of season.  I guess not with Javelinas, or peccaries as some people call them.  Didn't see it on any menus though, so it can't be that tasty.  

That lizard shot was taken at one of your favorite places, the East entrance to Death Valley at Rhyolite ghost town.  Couldn't get in though because all entrances to the park are now closed for roadwork from this Summer's hurricane.  Saw lots of different types of lizards, but that was by far the biggest and weirdest.  

Never saw any in Texas, just a dead armadillo, hundreds of tarantulas out for spring break and a very tame horned toad in a cemetery. I never made it to Rhyolite. Would sure love to go back there. 

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Just listening to Roger waters new version of The Dark Side Of The Moon and I'm having a hard time getting through it. First impression is bad. If I had to use an analogy to describe it, it would be this.

New Dark Side = The Walking Dead

The music is dark and slow almost lumbering under the weight of Rogers spoken word. He sounds like he's eulogizing a person he didn't even like. To me, The Dark Side Of The Moon was life affirming even as the words can be construed as depressing the music makes you feel alive. It Breathes (no pun intended). It evokes emotions across the scale and then levels out so that you don't feel like killing yourself after listening. Tracks like Us and Them or The Great Gig In The Sky may bring you to tears if you let them but at the same time they make you appreciate life despite how emotionally heavy they are.   With all this shit happening in Israel and Ukraine the Original Dark Side rings even more true now than it did 50 years ago.

Why are humans so fucking stupid!????



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42 minutes ago, hummingbird69 said:

Just listening to Roger waters new version of The Dark Side Of The Moon and I'm having a hard time getting through it. First impression is bad. If I had to use an analogy to describe it, it would be this.

New Dark Side = The Walking Dead

The music is dark and slow almost lumbering under the weight of Rogers spoken word. He sounds like he's eulogizing a person he didn't even like. To me, The Dark Side Of The Moon was life affirming even as the words can be construed as depressing the music makes you feel alive. It Breathes (no pun intended). It evokes emotions across the scale and then levels out so that you don't feel like killing yourself after listening. Tracks like Us and Them or The Great Gig In The Sky may bring you to tears if you let them but at the same time they make you appreciate life despite how emotionally heavy they are.   With all this shit happening in Israel and Ukraine the Original Dark Side rings even more true now than it did 50 years ago.

Why are humans so fucking stupid!????



Roger disappeared up his own arse long ago. It is no wonder David, Rick, and Nick could not put up with him.

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11 hours ago, SteveAJones said:


Lol. Good ol Manifest Destiny. History according to the victors. I believe it's possible to acknowledge the accomplishments of Columbus and not disparage Native Americans in the process.

For a thoughtful guy like this, failure to understand or at least consider what's required to be one with nature, live off the land, survive and thrive living in a teepee, without technology, during winters in North America, for centuries, and not muster any respect, is embarrassing.


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11 hours ago, Badgeholder Still said:

Lol. Good ol Manifest Destiny. History according to the victors. I believe it's possible to acknowledge the accomplishments of Columbus and not disparage Native Americans in the process.

For a thoughtful guy like this, failure to understand or at least consider what's required to be one with nature, live off the land, survive and thrive living in a teepee, without technology, during winters in North America, for centuries, and not muster any respect, is embarrassing.

There's no such thing as a Native American, a term concocted for identity politics.

Anyway, I don't think the points he's making disparage them but I can understand why others would have a different viewpoint about it. 

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The PM has finally put an end to the worlds most unkept secret that is the cancelling the HS2 rail link from my home City to the shithole that is London. Quite how the appeal of getting to the dump 20 minutes quicker is beyond me. The place can sink in it's own cesspit of shite as far as I am concerned. 

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