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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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On 11/5/2023 at 2:11 PM, hummingbird69 said:

This video is a microcosm for America.   Both of these people are in the wrong. She probably shouldn't have been recording him unless he was doing something unlawful (didn't look like it to me)  but that total piece of shit shouldn't be attacking women either. I'm sure he could have gotten her to leave without beating her up.  What I want to see is what happened when the police showed up to arrest him for assault.

sir i'm exercising my constitutional rights lmao, almost think the taping was a set up for a race moment thing, anyways doubt any police showed up and if they did no one  arrested my guess

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26 minutes ago, custard pie man said:

sir i'm exercising my constitutional rights lmao, almost think the taping was a set up for a race moment thing, anyways doubt any police showed up and if they did no one  arrested my guess

people are fucked! I'm 57 years old and I have seen and been involved with a lot of stuff but I never seen the world this backwards.

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2 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

people are fucked! I'm 57 years old and I have seen and been involved with a lot of stuff but I never seen the world this backwards.

I endured the late 60's. The Summer Of Love didn't quite take hold. 😄

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I gotta get this off my chest and let me know if you can relate. I'll preface this by saying it has nothing to do with anyone here. All that said, it's a source of deep resentment for me to encounter people I haven't seen in years and years and they'll gradually take that as an opportunity to unload all of their bullshit on me for free advice or counsel. Immigration concerns, tax issues, home buying or repair and on and on. The moment you tell them something they disagree with they want to argue the point, and they are arguing from ignorance because they never made the effort to become more well informed in the first place. Even more infuriating is when it's not someone I haven't seen in years and years, but someone I barely know who uses a mutual acquantaince as a conduit for similar support. Finally, how about people you seldom if ever see who want to cold call you on a weekend to "catch up". In other words, waste two hours of your time on a bunch of meaningless bullshit of no consequence to what's going on today. You know, Ozzy once said he makes it a point to cut ties with people from the past...childhood friends, whatever...as otherwise it leads to sustaining connections that have long since lost any relevance to your current life. I didn't necessarily agree with that at the time, but seriously, the older I get I just want to be left alone. I don't mind dealing with people but I prefer to do so in small doses --- ten or fifteen minutes tops.   

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1 hour ago, SteveAJones said:

I gotta get this off my chest and let me know if you can relate. I'll preface this by saying it has nothing to do with anyone here. All that said, it's a source of deep resentment for me to encounter people I haven't seen in years and years and they'll gradually take that as an opportunity to unload all of their bullshit on me for free advice or counsel. Immigration concerns, tax issues, home buying or repair and on and on. The moment you tell them something they disagree with they want to argue the point, and they are arguing from ignorance because they never made the effort to become more well informed in the first place. Even more infuriating is when it's not someone I haven't seen in years and years, but someone I barely know who uses a mutual acquantaince as a conduit for similar support. Finally, how about people you seldom if ever see who want to cold call you on a weekend to "catch up". In other words, waste two hours of your time on a bunch of meaningless bullshit of no consequence to what's going on today. You know, Ozzy once said he makes it a point to cut ties with people from the past...childhood friends, whatever...as otherwise it leads to sustaining connections that have long since lost any relevance to your current life. I didn't necessarily agree with that at the time, but seriously, the older I get I just want to be left alone. I don't mind dealing with people but I prefer to do so in small doses --- ten or fifteen minutes tops.   

I can relate.  The stance of most friends from the past is, "My time, my place, my toys, and I'll dismiss you according to my wife's schedule." This led to my own personal stance of, if you can't meet me halfway 25% of the time, I'm simply not meeting you at all. That includes relatives.  In retirement I always confront something new with the same question.  Is this going to complement or complicate my life?  I'm constantly amazed at people my age who seem to love and embrace shit-stirring drama that serves no purpose except to scratch their imaginary egos, usually based on the past.

I have an old friend who is on his 3rd marriage.  He's amazed because I've made a calculated decision to avoid relationships since I've retired. Whenever I see him it's the first question he asks.  "Are you dating anyone?"  He already knows the answer.  Eventually I asked him, why do you care? That's akin to me constantly asking you how many times a month you walk into your own home on eggshells wondering what mood #3 is in today?  It's none of my business.

I'm also constantly amazed at the level of anger expressed by people my age.  Personally, I'm running out of steam.  I no longer have the energy left to waste on hatred and anger towards anyone or anything.  Life is hard.  Some people choose to knowingly make it harder.  I tend to shun those types of people these days, for the simple reason that time is limited. 


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2 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

I gotta get this off my chest and let me know if you can relate. I'll preface this by saying it has nothing to do with anyone here. All that said, it's a source of deep resentment for me to encounter people I haven't seen in years and years and they'll gradually take that as an opportunity to unload all of their bullshit on me for free advice or counsel. Immigration concerns, tax issues, home buying or repair and on and on. The moment you tell them something they disagree with they want to argue the point, and they are arguing from ignorance because they never made the effort to become more well informed in the first place. Even more infuriating is when it's not someone I haven't seen in years and years, but someone I barely know who uses a mutual acquantaince as a conduit for similar support. Finally, how about people you seldom if ever see who want to cold call you on a weekend to "catch up". In other words, waste two hours of your time on a bunch of meaningless bullshit of no consequence to what's going on today. You know, Ozzy once said he makes it a point to cut ties with people from the past...childhood friends, whatever...as otherwise it leads to sustaining connections that have long since lost any relevance to your current life. I didn't necessarily agree with that at the time, but seriously, the older I get I just want to be left alone. I don't mind dealing with people but I prefer to do so in small doses --- ten or fifteen minutes tops.   

10-15 minutes top, shit Steve you could be a hooker and make some monet to boot 🤣, seriously this is why I have lived in the country, have acerage, peacefulness, hunt , fish and stay off or never have  been on facebook or twitter, and with 2 of my 3 kids choosing to live in big cities when I visit them  and experience their  challenges I realize how fortunate I am to be a sort of Dinosaur, I have neighbors I might say hello to but that's it, a few very trusted friends that my wife and I hang with, got rid of my home phone years ago so the past can't keep calling

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19 hours ago, custard pie man said:

ever follow a car being driven with massachusetts license plate ? Mass holes

I live in Mass and I can tell you right now, my state is not only full of lefties who love biden it has the worst drivers I have ever encountered in my life.  People driving below the speed limit, people cutting people off, people speeding down quiet roads while kids are playing and my next door neighbor who has a glasspack on his car,  its so loud when he starts his car it sounds like a bomb going off right in my driveway. try taking that every morning at 5:30

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23 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

I live in Mass and I can tell you right now, my state is not only full of lefties who love biden it has the worst drivers I have ever encountered in my life.  People driving below the speed limit, people cutting people off, people speeding down quiet roads while kids are playing and my next door neighbor who has a glasspack on his car,  its so loud when he starts his car it sounds like a bomb going off right in my driveway. try taking that every morning at 5:30

had a big job few years ago doing site work for  solar fields in Palmer MA, rock crushing, blasting, grading, topsoil etc... about  90 minutes from where  we live in ct. took 84 east got on rt.32 and followed people with mass. plates going 25-30 mph in 40-45 mph  speed limits, followed one guy into a dunkin and asked him if the speed limit was rt.32 the guys behind counter laughed hysterically

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19 minutes ago, custard pie man said:

had a big job few years ago doing site work for  solar fields in Palmer MA, rock crushing, blasting, grading, topsoil etc... about  90 minutes from where  we live in ct. took 84 east got on rt.32 and followed people with mass. plates going 25-30 mph in 40-45 mph  speed limits, followed one guy into a dunkin and asked him if the speed limit was rt.32 the guys behind counter laughed hysterically

I get behind those jackasses all the time. 

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On 11/8/2023 at 3:17 AM, custard pie man said:

10-15 minutes top, shit Steve you could be a hooker and make some monet to boot 🤣, seriously this is why I have lived in the country, have acerage, peacefulness, hunt , fish and stay off or never have  been on facebook or twitter, and with 2 of my 3 kids choosing to live in big cities when I visit them  and experience their  challenges I realize how fortunate I am to be a sort of Dinosaur, I have neighbors I might say hello to but that's it, a few very trusted friends that my wife and I hang with, got rid of my home phone years ago so the past can't keep calling

I used to feel bad about letting calls go straight to voicemail, especially if I knew it was someone seeking to "catch up" or "reconnect". You know the great singer John Mellencamp? He of all people changed my philosophy about the phone such that I now have no qualms whatsover about ignoring calls. He said "I have a cellphone but it's for MY convienence".  

I'd really like an isolated place in the country but, and I know this is going to sound illogical, I don't think I could relax not knowing what was out there. I'm fearful about my personal security, especially as I grow older. I suppose I could retain a security detail but that speaks to Bong Man's point about would something complement or complicate day to day living. 

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On 11/8/2023 at 11:41 PM, chillumpuffer said:

With Peter Frampton. Considering how long they have both been in the Music industry, and the amount of abuse they've done, they look pretty good. There's hope for me yet:)


It's a great photo isn't it!

Dare I mention the 🏏🏆.....



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13 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

To mark Veteran's Day in America, the Biden Administration announced plans at Arlington National Cemetary for a Tomb of the Unknown Pronoun.

funny! what is even  funnier was watching Biden looking dazed and confused and once again needing help and direction  as to what to do and where to go next after laying wreath on tomb, god help us all

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12 hours ago, custard pie man said:

funny! what is even  funnier was watching Biden looking dazed and confused and once again needing help and direction  as to what to do and where to go next after laying wreath on tomb, god help us all

Biden can't navigate a salad bar without assistance.

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3 hours ago, JTM said:


that guy is a dope.  Under trump there were no new wars, He defeated isis in 8 months, people had more of their own money in their pockets, economy was doing fine, there weren't millions of illegals and unknown gotta ways in the country.  I myself was able to save money and I had extra for the kids. gas was totally affordable. crime was relatively low. The minute biden took office all that went away, Russian trucks started massing on the Ukrainian border and the price of everything went up sky high, crime sored. If I have to compare the last 3 years to the four trump had I'll take trump all day long over war, illegal immigration and high inflation.

Edited by hummingbird69
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