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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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3 hours ago, slave to zep said:

In the end will any of this matter?

I love that question. Fucking LOVE it.

As best as I can figure, it depends on who is asking and why.

Edited by rm2551
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4 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

Were you wearing clothes that make you feel pretty when you posted that?

Hahahahahhahahahaha! That was a perfect response! I was drinking Bud lite and I did have on a pair of really long gloves if you know what I’m saying. 

Great response. 

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On 5/8/2023 at 5:41 PM, Plant77 said:

That is awesome Red. I am looking forward to hearing it. Please let me know what you put that out there man. I find it to be an inspiration. Keep at it my brother. 

I'll let you know. 🙂

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20 hours ago, slave to zep said:

Nice gesture,  Plant77. 

It would be boring if we all agreed on everything. 

In the end will any of this matter?

That is perhaps one of the best comments on any post I’ve read Slave. “ in the end will any of this matter”? You are right. Thanks for that. Love it. 

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5 hours ago, Plant77 said:

That is perhaps one of the best comments on any post I’ve read Slave. “ in the end will any of this matter”? You are right. Thanks for that. Love it. 

Well, thank you 😊 

It's a good question to ask ourselves when things aren't going great.

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I betcha Don Lemon's ass is wound tighter than the inside of a golfball
because the white chick from Alabama interviewed(?) Trump on CNN.

I missed the hard hitting quetsions about ice cream preferences, sports talk, etc.
I'll catch those on YouTube I guess.

I didn't think CNN had it in them to do this. 
Do it again.

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9 hours ago, Strider said:

George Santos is now qualified to run for president.

Yes Sir! And he can now ask for a ton of money to commit to his campaign. It is an utter joke to see where our politicians and politics have gone. As a 46-47 year old man to have watched where we were in the 80’s to what we have devolved into is insane. This license to spew bullshit and for the craziest people to have a say and voice is absolutely incredible to me. To be honest to see where we have moved from the Romney Obama 2012 election cycle to where we are at now is unbelievable and unimaginable to me personally. However, here we are. 

Thanks for your posts. I always appreciate them Strider. 

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7 hours ago, Plant77 said:

Yes Sir! And he can now ask for a ton of money to commit to his campaign. It is an utter joke to see where our politicians and politics have gone. As a 46-47 year old man to have watched where we were in the 80’s to what we have devolved into is insane. This license to spew bullshit and for the craziest people to have a say and voice is absolutely incredible to me. To be honest to see where we have moved from the Romney Obama 2012 election cycle to where we are at now is unbelievable and unimaginable to me personally. However, here we are. 

Thanks for your posts. I always appreciate them Strider. 

Thanks. I enjoy your posts, too...even if you drink Bud Lite.

It is sad what a clown show politics has become. There have always been politicians who I did not like, whether they were Democrat, Republican, or Independent, but you always felt that the adults in the room would keep them under control and that both sides would put aside their differences and come together for the good of the country and get shit done.

Now, that feeling is gone. There don't seem to be any adults left. Anytime one puts country ahead of party politics, such as Liz Cheney, they get shunted aside for fire-breathing morons like Marjorie Taylor Green.

Compromise is a dirty word and it's now my way or scorched earth aftermath. 

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