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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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1 hour ago, paul carruthers said:

A Trump Town Hall? Wasn't he supposed to be getting prosecuted for something...


Nevermind, I forgot who I was talking about--how silly of me...  :rolleyes:

I watched.  Nothing has changed.  That includes the message above as I'm posting this.....**Hummingbird is typing**  :hysterical:

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8 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:


I laugh just as hard at you lefties.  :hysterical: 

It really doesn’t have to come down to Lefties or Righties. If we all believed everything that our political parties stood for or every word out of their mouth, that would make us look like fools. There are plenty of idiots, with plenty of dumb ideas and thoughts on either side. I’m sure you have several you could point on the left, just as that human trash bag MTG, or that uneducated ridiculous mouth piece Lauren B or George Santos. But to sum up all Democrats in a word or for myself to sum up all Republicans in a word would be disingenuous, and they are not all representative of all of your or my beliefs I would hope. 

If we continue to go to our tribal corners as our elected officials are doing we are never going to get anything done for our country. I do have a question, when did the right start trusting Russia. Or more specifically when did they start trusting and actually believing Putin over our own security forces/apparatus? I know that we all feel China is an issue, but Russia is just a Chinese puppet. 


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15 hours ago, Strider said:

Thanks. I enjoy your posts, too...even if you drink Bud Lite.

It is sad what a clown show politics has become. There have always been politicians who I did not like, whether they were Democrat, Republican, or Independent, but you always felt that the adults in the room would keep them under control and that both sides would put aside their differences and come together for the good of the country and get shit done.

Now, that feeling is gone. There don't seem to be any adults left. Anytime one puts country ahead of party politics, such as Liz Cheney, they get shunted aside for fire-breathing morons like Marjorie Taylor Green.

Compromise is a dirty word and it's now my way or scorched earth aftermath. 

Yes Sir, very well said. And luckily I don’t drink that piss water Bud Lite. More of an IPA man myself. Although I may have an allergy to something in IPAs as I have started to get headaches almost if not every single time I drink one. I love a good IPA for sure, but even if I have just one lately I will inevitably get a slight to major headache. 

Have a great night Strider. 

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The beat goes on, the beat goes on
Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain
La de da de de, la de da de da
Charleston was once the rage, uh huh
History has turned the page, uh huh
The miniskirt's the current thing, uh huh
Tennybopper is our newborn king, uh huh
And the beat goes on, the beat goes on
Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain
La de da de de, la de da de da
The grocery store's the supermart, uh huh
Little girls still break their hearts, uh huh
And men still keep on marching off to war
Electrically they keep a baseball score
And the beat goes on, the beat goes on
Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain
La de da de de, la de da de da
Grandmas sit in chairs and reminisce
Boys keep chasing girls to get a kiss
The cars keep going faster all the time
Bums still cries "Hey buddy, have you got a dime?"
And the beat goes on, the beat goes on
Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain
La de da de de, la de da de da
And the beat goes on (Yes, the beat goes on)
And the beat goes on (And the beat goes on, on, on, on, on...)
The beat goes on
And the beat goes on
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On 5/11/2023 at 8:19 PM, Strider said:

Compromise is a dirty word and it's now my way or scorched earth aftermath. 

Yes, but it is not really a level playing field. I don't think that kind of mentality is representative of left or right that are willing to actually defend positions from a respectful position. People who pull you to the fringe should NOT be trusted. Also, don't trust the view you hold to be sacrosanct. Appreciate your position, but question it. (not sayin' you Strider, just thinking out loud.)

Having said that, go the left. For all the horrors that it presents, it is FAR LESS a threat (currently) than the right.

But moderate. for fucks sake......

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America is entering a Forever Labor Shortage (msn.com)

It's about long-term demographics and profits, not politics.  Nothing causes long-term inflation more than lack of workers to do the job or perform the service.  Advances in technology will solve part of the problem, but we'll still need bodies willing and able to work.  Quit worrying about what country they're from, who they choose to worship, or what color they are.  Open the door and let them in.  It's an economic and a national security issue.  

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38 minutes ago, Bong-Man said:

America is entering a Forever Labor Shortage (msn.com)

It's about long-term demographics and profits, not politics.  Nothing causes long-term inflation more than lack of workers to do the job or perform the service.  Advances in technology will solve part of the problem, but we'll still need bodies willing and able to work.  Quit worrying about what country they're from, who they choose to worship, or what color they are.  Open the door and let them in.  It's an economic and a national security issue.  

Yep, let 'em all in - the cartels, fentanyl, drug traffickers, human traffickers, sex slaves, child slaves, gangs, potential terrorists, etc.  Give 'em money, free housing, free medical care, phones, whatever they need.  The so-called sanctuary cities - NYC, Chicago, etc. are loving it, they can't wait for even more of them to flood their crime and poverty infested neighborhoods.  :wacko:

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13 minutes ago, cryingbluerain said:

Yep, let 'em all in - the cartels, fentanyl, drug traffickers, human traffickers, sex slaves, child slaves, gangs, potential terrorists, etc.  Give 'em money, free housing, free medical care, phones, whatever they need.  The so-called sanctuary cities - NYC, Chicago, etc. are loving it, they can't wait for even more of them to flood their crime and poverty infested neighborhoods.  :wacko:

Lots of labor in the big cities going to waste. Those murals really uplift and inspire people to do things. 




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46 minutes ago, paul carruthers said:


Some years back we were at Mt. Rainier feeding the ground squirrles when this old bitch comes out of nowhere complaining that we were only enabling the squirrels to raid her pack and she was going to get the rangers on us. We just kind of snickered and left her ranting on the trail.  She's the type that needed one across the lip. 

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