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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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My first attempt at ambient guitar. I had to repost it on Freesound as an MP3 because the WAV file had all these damned squeak noises. They said it had something to do with the WAV file being too big. Weird. Anyways, here it is. Trying other things too right now. 



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14 hours ago, redrum said:

Durable POA. My landlady wants me to take over from someone else that's she's very unhappy with. Just wondering what's involved. 

Be very careful, you could wind up in a very bad situation especially if her current POA is a family member. Learned a long time ago not to get between family. It's not a very involved process, just need a lawyer and a notary but if she is removing a family member and making you POA you could be in for a real world of shit. My advice, say no, only accept a POA from a family member IMO.

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4 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

Be very careful, you could wind up in a very bad situation especially if her current POA is a family member. Learned a long time ago not to get between family. It's not a very involved process, just need a lawyer and a notary but if she is removing a family member and making you POA you could be in for a real world of shit. My advice, say no, only accept a POA from a family member IMO.

The person she wants to cut out isn't a family member and my landlady has no surviving relatives. Yay or nay???? 

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50 minutes ago, redrum said:

The person she wants to cut out isn't a family member and my landlady has no surviving relatives. Yay or nay???? 

Does she have living family and if so, why does she want to go outside her family for something so important? It's not a deal breaker but it does warrant caution.

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1 hour ago, Electrophile said:

There's a dude in my neighborhood with a scooter who rides down the street like he's Peter Fonda in Easy Rider. It's really quite hilarious. He probably has Steppenwolf in his head the whole time.

Does the scooter have an American Flag painted on it and the driver wearing a black leather jacket??? That would be sweeeet.

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12 minutes ago, BobDobbs said:

Does she have living family and if so, why does she want to go outside her family for something so important? It's not a deal breaker but it does warrant caution.

She has no family. I've been renting from her for 2 years. 

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2 hours ago, redrum said:

She has no family. I've been renting from her for 2 years. 

Then go for it, it would be doing a good deed for someone in need. We need more people willing to help their fellow humans from time to time 🙂 

Only cost would be the lawyers fee which for a standard POA runs about $500, or $350 if you go with a shady lawyer (they are all shady so, sketchy would be better). Takes about an hour and that's it. The lawyer will provide both witness and notary.

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12 minutes ago, BobDobbs said:

Then go for it, it would be doing a good deed for someone in need. We need more people willing to help their fellow humans from time to time 🙂 

Only cost would be the lawyers fee which for a standard POA runs about $500, or $350 if you go with a shady lawyer (they are all shady so, sketchy would be better). Takes about an hour and that's it. The lawyer will provide both witness and notary.

Yeah, she's 83, but sharp as a tack. I didn't know a lawyer was involved. I'll let you know what happens. 

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9 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

Does the scooter have an American Flag painted on it and the driver wearing a black leather jacket??? That would be sweeeet.

No to the American flag, but yes to the black leather jacket. That's what makes it funny. It's this Vespa-looking thing that he thinks is the biggest, baddest hog around.

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1 hour ago, rm2551 said:

Never a truer word spoken, I think all would agree. Which is hilarious and tragic.

Almost all politicians have become ugly actors, pandering to their base and corporate donors. This is just another embarrassing moment brought to you by, As the World Turns...West Wing edition.

Honestly, the way things are right now are eerily similar to the late-Roman Republic era before Agustus made it an empire.

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