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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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15 hours ago, Plant77 said:

That is an awesome set. My brother has an almost identical set. The sound that it puts out is amazing. Can’t wait to hear some new music Red. 

Making room for it now. I've had a few of the older kits and decided to treat myself before I get too decrepit. Have to pimp and scrimp to pay it off, but I'll be ok. 

I'm finishing up another tune. Just adding the bass right now. 

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1 hour ago, paul carruthers said:

I was just wondering, do kids even waste time trick or treating anymore?

I like seeing them come around, it's one of the few ways to get to know them and their parents, new people in the neighborhood. But we have a fenced in yard and big gate with a sign warning dog in yard - so they usually pass on by. So I sit out front with the dog, and invite them over. This year was a very big turnout, one group was over 20 kids. Nice to see, and then later we light our carved pumpkins and watch horror movies. I still enjoy it all.

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58 minutes ago, redrum said:

Had lots of 'em here in town. They also make the business rounds. 

Seems it's more popular for parents to take their kids to public places for monitored fun, than the crazy stuff we used to do as kids. The state park nearby has been dong a thing with rides, picture booths, magic shows... then once it's dark they have kayaks decorated with lit pumpkins go around the lake. All free, very big turnouts for that.

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5 hours ago, paul carruthers said:

I was just wondering, do kids even waste time trick or treating anymore?

Doesn't that require actual exercise...getting up and walking? You'd have to pry them away from their phones and tiktok.

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On 10/18/2022 at 10:51 PM, shnflacwav said:

Seeing that we are both CA residents, I know it is easy to say that here a majority don't like President Trump. So, my question is how much have you traveled around the country? Just curious, not trying to bait you or anything. I know through my travels I saw and still see way more Trump flags, signs, etc.

Isn't it weird biden won an all time low number of counties in any presidential election?

Isn't it weird that from Sept-Nov 2020 that 1,120,070 people went to President Trump's rallies, but only 1,996 went to biden's? Source is here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/final-2020-rally-tally-president-trump-largest-crowds-rallies-us-history-biden-smallest/

Personally, I would like to see election day moved to a FRI or MON and made a Federal Holiday. Mail in ballot should be severely restricted, and government ID should be required. People need ID to visit government places (like the White House), need ID to get government services, so ID should required to vote to shape the government. Plus ID is required for so many other things, I just don't buy the excuses. It's required in MX, CN, and 43 of the European nations. Probably elsewhere, I didn't look. Although never required, I've always shown mine at the polling places Just my 2 cents. For another 2 cents, I will just say I don't think he won fairly.

Hello SHN,

I have traveled the country extensively, I have also lived on the East Coast for a short time as well as lived in the South more appropriately Florida. I have also traveled to many different countries. I’m not baited at all. I like civil discussions. I don’t think flags and signs have anything to do with it. I would also like to point out that there has been a lot of evidence showing that Trump knew he lost, tried to fight it, and in my personal opinion is throwing democracy into question. We are a republic Democracy. When I hear and or read people saying we are a Republic it is downright ridiculous. North Korea is also a Republic. There are levels to this. 

On voting rights and or qualifications I agree with you. I am absolutely for ID, and registration. Not a problem with me at all. If you and or anyone thinks that rally’s are a sign of the country and how they are going to vote, or how they reacted during a pandemic I would just say I disagree. The Country isn’t a Right wing leaning nation. It’s not close actually. More Democrats than Republicans, and absolutely more independents like myself then either of the parties. I would love to hear what people think Trumps accomplishments are. I don’t want to hear Supreme Court Picks. There were 2 that were stolen and I would also like to have that conversation. But really what did he achieve as a president. From both sides it is getting crazy, and I am concerned for our country. 

If there is any evidence that the election was stolen I would absolutely love and appreciate the evidence. It’s amazing to me that literally everyone in his government was saying it is absolutely bullshit, and to get a good lawyer as a result of what they were doing. 

I appreciate you asking the question and I would like to hear your thoughts and opinions on this as well. 

Have a great night. 

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On 10/19/2022 at 3:02 AM, hummingbird69 said:


“ROTFL!!” Well what would you disagree with, and what facts and or evidence do you have? Dispute any of it, please post articles that are from any reputable publications or news agencies. I don’t want to see blogs. Or FAUX news. 


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9 hours ago, paul carruthers said:

I was just wondering, do kids even waste time trick or treating anymore?

We got kids coming around this year. 7 or 8 groups. First time really since Covid, and still quite "new" down here in Oz. Was fun, missus dressed up as a witch and hid on the front porch and "got" plenty of the kids for a good scare/laugh. I used to think it was all a bit shit, but rather like it now.

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8 hours ago, jimmie ray said:

I like seeing them come around, it's one of the few ways to get to know them and their parents, new people in the neighborhood. But we have a fenced in yard and big gate with a sign warning dog in yard - so they usually pass on by. So I sit out front with the dog, and invite them over. This year was a very big turnout, one group was over 20 kids. Nice to see, and then later we light our carved pumpkins and watch horror movies. I still enjoy it all.


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8 hours ago, jimmie ray said:

Seems it's more popular for parents to take their kids to public places for monitored fun, than the crazy stuff we used to do as kids. The state park nearby has been dong a thing with rides, picture booths, magic shows... then once it's dark they have kayaks decorated with lit pumpkins go around the lake. All free, very big turnouts for that.

Some neighbors I had. They go to town every year in different costumes. 


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10 hours ago, Strider said:

I haven't listened to Howard Stern in ages, since he left terrestrial radio. But apparently Bruce Springsteen's first appearance on Howard Stern's Show the other day (Halloween?) was amazing.

Wish Howard Cosell was still around to annoy us. 

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19 minutes ago, rm2551 said:

We got kids coming around this year. 7 or 8 groups. First time really since Covid, and still quite "new" down here in Oz. Was fun, missus dressed up as a witch and hid on the front porch and "got" plenty of the kids for a good scare/laugh. I used to think it was all a bit shit, but rather like it now.


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On 10/19/2022 at 3:02 AM, hummingbird69 said:


That’s hilarious! You have a way with words my friend. A word smith! Please support your argument. There have been some very interesting developments lately with respect to TFG and his representation. The ROTFL 🤪 part is they have all said under oath he knew for sure he was absolutely bullshitting the country and the quack job Cult Members. He was absolutely embarrassed that he lost. But I would love for anyone to show me the information that they have to change my mind. I would love to see that I was an absolute ass hat and that missed all of the scandalous voting. The funny thing is all the people who were caught were on the right. But again Mr. ROTFL jackass, please show me any evidence. Simpleton. 

Edited by Plant77
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