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Your O2 Story

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Here's my O2 story. It's posted in the review section, but really it's more about the whole thing, from first hearing the rumours to actually getting there.

Lee's long-winded account of his O2 Adventure

Thats a great read Lee!! Glad it got the ok to be actually on the website too. Thanks for even considering me for the other ticket and as you say fate was on all our sides with both Celia and myself getting to go too !! Happy days :)

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Thats a great read Lee!! Glad it got the ok to be actually on the website too. Thanks for even considering me for the other ticket and as you say fate was on all our sides with both Celia and myself getting to go too !! Happy days :)

Yes, Leddy, fate was on our sides. ^_^

But it was too sweet of Lee to have considered his spare ticket to any of us. It's a noble gesture, something not everyone would have done. Thank you, Lee, I was really moved to read you considered me.

There are some amazing people here, that's what I have to say!


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Yes, Leddy, fate was on our sides. ^_^

But it was too sweet of Lee to have considered his spare ticket to any of us. It's a noble gesture, something not everyone would have done. Thank you, Lee, I was really moved to read you considered me.

There are some amazing people here, that's what I have to say!


Yes we were lucky brspled, I can't believe it was just a month ago, it seems ages to me, much longer !! I think this time next year we might all be going thru the same thing if they do another gig sometime, but I don't think even that could capture the whole journey we have been thru since last September on our road to the O2 :)

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Some would say destiny :)

Yes who would of thought some geezer from Nottingham would of stepped in to make that happen :) . Hows it going mate ?? There is still no news of Van halen coming over yet, but will let you know if it happens !!

Edited by leddy
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Some would say destiny :)

Indeed whyalla, it's worth pointing out to those that don't know, that you did exactly the same as me.

I think fans helping out other fans of whatever band is not so unusual, but in this particular instance there was such a huge demand, it was very easy to imagine yourself in the position of someone who didn't have a ticket. There but for the grace of God....

You should not really make value judgements as to who's a bigger fan, I know...but my own personal opinion is that Chicken and Leddy deserved to be there more than the people who fell asleep during Zep's set, or even got chucked out for being too drunk before they even came on!

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Indeed whyalla, it's worth pointing out to those that don't know, that you did exactly the same as me.

I think fans helping out other fans of whatever band is not so unusual, but in this particular instance there was such a huge demand, it was very easy to imagine yourself in the position of someone who didn't have a ticket. There but for the grace of God....

You should not really make value judgements as to who's a bigger fan, I know...but my own personal opinion is that Chicken and Leddy deserved to be there more than the people who fell asleep during Zep's set, or even got chucked out for being too drunk before they even came on!

I will always be thankful to Whyalla for what he did for us, it was a pleasure meeting him, his wife and I hope to meet up again for a gig !! And as I said before it was great bumping into yourself !! :)

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On september the 12th I was for business in the Worcester area, I live since May in Germany and I am orginally from Holland. By coincidence I saw the press review on TV that Led Zepplin was planning a concert on the 26th of november in the O2. My friend is totally mad about Led Zepplin, he saw them the last time in 1980 in Rotterdam, and I didn't know how to call him asap. He is not that used in working with internet, but after a few tries and giving twice the wrong e-mail adress, he ordered 2 tickets at a ticket agency in the Netherlands for €700 each inclusive 1 hotelnight without flight. At that time we never find out that there was a ballot were you officially can register. I re-organised my appointments for my work, get a lot of people mad, but at the end we were able to go together to London. We planned to drive from Germany to Holland, bring the kids to grandma and dad and flying from Amsterdam to London by Sunday. On Tuesday the flight back to Amsterdam, driving to grandma & dad, picking up the kids and driving 700 km back to Germany and start working on Wednesday.

Then the rumours about the ballot, wristbands etc started. The replacement of the concert to the 10th of december. Our ticket agent cancelled. He could get tickets of sponsors who are having a year contract. But he was not able getting the wristbands. We could get our money back, because he was not sure that he could offer the tickets with wristbands etc. He offered us that he also would go to London and do everything he can to get tickets.

We were so desperate to see Led Zep that we decide to go. The only risk we had was that at the end we would not see them but at least having the gig with all the fans out of the whole world.

We re-ordered the flight tickets. Lost our money for the flights of the 25th of november, but who take care if you are able to see the biggest band in the world. I re-organised the appointments on my work again and we were looking forward for the big day.

On Sunday the 9th we left to London. Arriving at 14.00h in the O2 and seeing all these people in long rows trying to get their tickets. Some of them were there for more than 3 hours, standing and waiting on their turn. Then it became clear to us that you only get the ticket with a wristband. At that moment we became desperate and insecure if our ticket agent was able to get tickets for us.

On Monday 12.00h we had a meeting with the ticket agent together with 7 other Dutch guys who were as mad as we are to come to London without any certainty in seeing Led Zeppelin. There was bad news. No tickets. The only hope he could give us that perhaps at the end of the day there were tickets offered because people didn't pick them up.

We went again to the O2. We had a lot of fun. Being in the lounge bar of the O2, only Led Zeppelin music and lots of fans around us. We had constantly contact with the other 7 Dutch guys, informing eachother if we were succesfull. We tried at the ticket offices, asking people if they have tickets left. But no luck. Lots of security following us, looking what we are doing. It was rather clear that a lot of tickets were there, laying in the ticket offices waiting for their owner. At 20.00h there were allmost no people coming to pick up their tickets. We saw the boxes with tickets laying there. We were with approximately 30 or 40 fans desperate in getting a ticket. Having a lot of money with us willing to pay. But no succes.

At 20.15h I got a phonecall of one of the dutch guys. He called me from the O2 arena!!! He and his friend found a door at the ice skating rink which was open and was without security. They went through and were able to pass 2 other security controls. Without paying anything they went inn!!! Two others tried the same and they also were lucky to get in. Unfortunately we also tried, we came pretty far but before the last control we were catched. Bad luck. Also 3 others tried twice but were catched by the police and they had to register their personal information, what the fuck for Led Zeppelin you try everything.

We went to the entrance of the arena, trying to find another weak point, but without success. We also couldn't hear anything of the concert at that point. At 21.30h two guys came out of the arena. I asked them why they left? The said that the acoustic was so badly, it was one sound wall, they couldn't hear it anymore and they left!!! I aksed them for their wristbands and their tickets. That was our last chance. But they didn't want us to enjoy the concert.

At the end we decided to go to the lounge bar. At least we could hear there Led Zeppelin music, drinking a bear and thinking about all the people inside the O2 Arena enjoying the concert.

After all, it was an amazing experience to be there. All the fans, the atmosphere. Now seeing all the photo's and videos on You Tube we allmost have the feeling we were there. We wouldn't have missed it. We are still hoping that we are able to see them once again.

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I feel sad for Holy Moly! :(

I love the Dutch people too because they remember the lives sacrificed by the allies for liberating their country. I have stood in some of the foxholes that my unit had fought and died for. Extremely moving to say the least, but it was heartening to see all the memorials and freshly kept flowers on the by the ever grateful Dutch!

Edited by Archmagician
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lol my story... i pasted my face to youtube hoping someone would come home from the concert and post even just a clip lol to my suprise there were many the next day and thats pretty much my story other then the fact of the huge let down of not getting tickets. I think i actually felt my heart stop but then it kick started and went back into gear :P

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  • 3 months later...

It's a bit of a long story, but hopefully worth the read.

It started with getting to the 02 on Friday and being told there's no way that we can stay there until the show. We had a hotel room, but wanted to queue. Went back on Saturday with all of our gear and when we approached security they called the office and said the first of the zeppelin people are here. We broke out laughing hysterically. Just too funny. We got to hang inside all of saturday night and even played poker inside the 02 before anyone came on sunday morning.

Then the crowd started coming. We went outside and were first in line. A few minutes later the BBC cameras pull up and interview zepp-4-life and me and others in line as well. This was the queue for the wristband only. Got the wristbands and they again filmed us.

Then we go to the queue for the show. How cool. A psychedelic wall to hang out by for the next day and a half!!! Any many of the most hardcore Led Zeppelin fans to exist!!!! Everyone was awesome to say the least. A true comeraderie between the people from all over the world. I filmed everyone on my camcorder and one of these days will get it online. I've got some great footage. There were so many tv and radio interviewers going on it was just crazy. I didn't want to leave. Sunday night was cool. Went to the Friends of Zep party which was just kicking. Very cool bunch of people escpecially the planner who went to great lengths to ensure all of us an excellent time. Hats off to you!!! Back to the queue at about 3am and stayed there all day monday again getting interviewed over and over and meeting people from all over the world.

Only one bummer and that was that a few of the other early queuers jumped in front of me while the line shifted from one place to another. I thought it was pretty low of them to do so when it was obvious that we were there before anyone but at that point there was no need to have a problem and complain. I was first and they know it!!!

The show was just amazing. Tingles throughout my body the entire night. I NEEDED to hear stairway. It was everything I hoped for. Nobody expected For Your Life which they never played before and it was just amazing. When I watch the video I get chills. My favorite song of the night though was In My Time of Dying. It was just amazing seeing Jimmy play it. It was like watching an old movie about the blues. Maybe it was the angle I was seeing it from and the light but it was simply incredible. Something I will never forget. Of course we all wanted to hear about 20 other songs but I was overall very happy with the setlist. My original prediction of what they would play was way off.

After the show was sleep and then off the the bbc at 5am. Interviews on the breakfast show, world news, bbc radio several times, and then driven to the cbc canadian tv studio for another interview which is available online as well. Back to the room exhausted at the end of the day and the phone rings. It's Capetown south Africa calling asking if I'll do a phone interview about the show. OK, why not.

What an amazing amazing time.

And to end it the taxi ride to the airport we listened to stairway to heaven live.

It was the most amazing experience ever in my life and will never forget many of the people I've met.

The Other, Suzanne, Chief, Henri, Suzanne, BBC folks, security at the 02 was awesome a+++.

Rock on Led Zeppelin!!! See you all at the next show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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