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The Worst Band Ever


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Some thoughts on the subject. :D

Disco-era Bee Gees

Fucking hate them! :( Wouldn't have liked them much in the first place, but their songs from Saturday Night Fever and then 'Tragedy' - they were being played absolutely everywhere in this country when I was a kid, and at the same time disco started to kill off the live music scene, hence Rock. So I became disgusted with it, and I don't think it'll ever change. Pretty much the same situation with most of these artists: The Village People, Amanda Lear, Donna Summer, Chic - thought I recognized at least some talent in the last couple of artists, but definitely not my cup of tea.

Black Sabbath

I don't hate them by any means, and even listen to them a little bit like once every two years - childhood memories, you know. The reason why I mention them here is because even if people's perceptions of music are very, very different I never could understand how so many people can rank them as one of the best rock bands ever.... :wacko: I mean, some of Iommi's riffs are interesting, Ozzy had his own style and Bill Ward I must admit wasn't all that bad. But where is the greatness of this band? I simply don't get it, and I'm even tempted to use the phrase 'overrated' in this connection.

Def Leppard

They make me wanna fucking puke. Completely tasteless, unbelievably boring, in a word: crap.

Britney Spears

No talent at all. :(

The Smiths

I used to hate them back in the day. I do remember thinking The Queen is Dead was a big advance for the band, but it didn't win me over. And to this day the combination of those jolly melodies and that voice of The Nerd are something like the epitome of Pointlessness for me.

Dire Straits

Great players! And some of their songs are well written. The overall spirit of the band on the other hand just bores me. Thought Making Movies was better than the other albums, but never really liked it very much.

Judas Priest

A-hem. Yuk.

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Like it or not, Led Zeppelin are from that same era so they're always going to be considered "Classic Rock".

Precisely. That epithet in itself isn't a big problem - it's much worse when people classify them as a heavy metal band, because the way that term is understood today its application to Zeppelin is just wrong, and basically an anachronism. Oh yes, I do know all about Burroughs and 'heavy metal' - I am talking about the term as it is generally used and understood today.

As for other classic rock bands, very many of them were partly trying to imitate Led Zeppelin's sound and whole approach. They always got it wrong, which was a good thing. Deep Purple were pretty damn good, because they really sounded like nobody else, were great players and wrote some good songs. They were pioneers I think in combining classical influences with hard/heavy rock - not taking the progressive rock route.

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Some thoughts on the subject. :D

Disco-era Bee Gees

Fucking hate them! :( Wouldn't have liked them much in the first place, but their songs from Saturday Night Fever and then 'Tragedy' - they were being played absolutely everywhere in this country when I was a kid, and at the same time disco started to kill off the live music scene, hence Rock. So I became disgusted with it, and I don't think it'll ever change. Pretty much the same situation with most of these artists: The Village People, Amanda Lear, Donna Summer, Chic - thought I recognized at least some talent in the last couple of artists, but definitely not my cup of tea.

Black Sabbath

I don't hate them by any means, and even listen to them a little bit like once every two years - childhood memories, you know. The reason why I mention them here is because even if people's perceptions of music are very, very different I never could understand how so many people can rank them as one of the best rock bands ever.... :wacko: I mean, some of Iommi's riffs are interesting, Ozzy had his own style and Bill Ward I must admit wasn't all that bad. But where is the greatness of this band? I simply don't get it, and I'm even tempted to use the phrase 'overrated' in this connection.

Def Leppard

They make me wanna fucking puke. Completely tasteless, unbelievably boring, in a word: crap.

Britney Spears

No talent at all. :(

The Smiths

I used to hate them back in the day. I do remember thinking The Queen is Dead was a big advance for the band, but it didn't win me over. And to this day the combination of those jolly melodies and that voice of The Nerd are something like the epitome of Pointlessness for me.

Dire Straits

Great players! And some of their songs are well written. The overall spirit of the band on the other hand just bores me. Thought Making Movies was better than the other albums, but never really liked it very much.

Judas Priest

A-hem. Yuk.

Hey dude. Lighten up on the Bee Gees. You may hate the disco stuff but they had another era before that. The old stuff was comparable to Jones era Stones stuff. Songs like "I started a Joke" and Ny Mining Disaster, Its only Words, etc. Someone help me out here. jahfin, do you agree with this or not???

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Hey dude. Lighten up on the Bee Gees. You may hate the disco stuff but they had another era before that. The old stuff was comparable to Jones era Stones stuff. Songs like "I started a Joke" and Ny Mining Disaster, Its only Words, etc. Someone help me out here. jahfin, do you agree with this or not???

I am perfectly aware of that. Which is why I said 'Disco-era Bee Gees'. :D


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Just as my dissing of Journey...I specified the 'Steve Perry' era.....other's have mentioned the earlier Journey who was much better....more musical, not the balladeering of the latter Journey.

I don't even really care for the 60s pop Bee Gees...don't hate them..but don't care for them.

I like most of your pics Otto...but I saw Sabbath in '71 and they were awesome....it's one of those things...you had to be there to appreciate them on that level. And I was. :)

Hi Joel - pics? :wacko: You mean picks, I guess - thanks! :lol: I agree with what you say about the older Bee Gees stuff (haven't heard any of that in ages now, though). And as for the Sabs, there would be no point in my trying to argue against your own experience seeing them live - that would be meaningless. But then, your experience seeing them live can't make me change my opinion either. :)

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I can't stand the Mars Volta either, but I couldn't get past the singer's voice to pay attention to the music, so I don't know-know about the music.

There are a lot of bands I hate, but I don't know who I'd say is the worst ever. Probably technically Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Nickelback and/or Creed. I also can't stand the Who, Aerosmith and Queen--those are huge "I have to change the channel now or I'm gonna lose it" bands for me. There are several artists that do that to me, too. As for the four others, I don't listen to stations that play them whenever I find myself listening to the radio (which is rare, thankfully).

you know, i don't even know you but i think that you are seriously missing out on some great music by not listening to the who, areosmith, or queen. so in summation.. go fuck yourself

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And on a different note -

Bruce Springsteen really shouldn't be my cup of tea at all, and really he isn't - but the musicality of his strongest songs in the 70's is just so outstanding. Respect!

I agree with you 100%.

Bruce is not my cup o' tea either. But there's no denying his talents.

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you know, i don't even know you but i think that you are seriously missing out on some great music by not listening to the who, areosmith, or queen. so in summation.. go fuck yourself


Kissy can be somewhat dismissive a few times, yeah - but that's no reason to tell her to go fuck herself. :angry:

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Seriously....there are better ways to diss people without telling them this...or 'stick your head in a hole'', or you're just stupid'...things like that....

It's all in the wording...


I mean, this is only a musical discussion, FFS!! :rolleyes: No need to get nasty.

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yeah...like a diss a post and say...'this post doesn't rank very high to me'...and what happens ? I get the poster jumping my ass....saying..."I dont give a FUCK what you think'..and on and on....not just a rebuttal....but a FUCK YOU type of thing....It's ridiculous...

You know where I'm talking about...the '77 Jimmy shodding playing thread....and then I get accused of posting lame posts.....hahahaaha....

Yeah, just read that one. :lol:

What people forget is that music is a subjective thing. Opinions WILL vary. That's why there's more than one band out there, right?

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Some people just can't handle critical discussions of their sacred cows. <_<

I agree that the "go F--k yourself stuff is uncalled for. Its ok to stick up for your opiinion though. I cant see how anyone can hate the Who and even everything Aerosmith has ever done for that matter. The old Bee Gees stuff wasnt great but it was ok. Kind of like the Stones song Play With Fire-that type of stuff. Well I guess Im not the only one that gets into scuffles here. Good to know :P

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Black Sabbath

I don't hate them by any means, and even listen to them a little bit like once every two years - childhood memories, you know. The reason why I mention them here is because even if people's perceptions of music are very, very different I never could understand how so many people can rank them as one of the best rock bands ever.... :wacko: I mean, some of Iommi's riffs are interesting, Ozzy had his own style and Bill Ward I must admit wasn't all that bad. But where is the greatness of this band? I simply don't get it, and I'm even tempted to use the phrase 'overrated' in this connection.

Could some of the same distinctions be applied to AC/DC? I mean, their songs are basically the same three chords just with different lyrics. Without trying to overanalyze I'm thinking, therein lies their appeal. The very primitive nature of AC/DC's music, that's what makes me reach for one of their records. No matter what, I know they will rock my ass, no questions asked. Same with early Van Halen and any number of other groups. If I want to rock out I know they won't let me down. I think it's that same primitive appeal that first attracted me to Sabbath (Paranoid was among the very albums I ever owned back in the early 70s). Whatever the case, it was their tuned down a notch, slow playing that unwittingly launched the entire Death Metal movement.

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Just as my dissing of Journey...I specified the 'Steve Perry' era.....other's have mentioned the earlier Journey who was much better....more musical, not the balladeering of the latter Journey.

I don't even really care for the 60s pop Bee Gees...don't hate them..but don't care for them.

I like most of your pics Otto...but I saw Sabbath in '71 and they were awesome....it's one of those things...you had to be there to appreciate them on that level. And I was. :)

To me, Steve Perry made them. Songs like "Dont Stop Believin"-great song in my opinion. As for Styx, Lady was good and so was the Paradise Theatre album. Of course they are not in the same league as the big bands. But the Eagles are! And I will defend them till the end. And I agree with Jahfin's take on Sabbath and ACDC. Threee damn chords over and over but effective.

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Bruce Springsteen really shouldn't be my cup of tea at all, and really he isn't - but the musicality of his strongest songs in the 70's is just so outstanding. Respect!

People seem to have the hardest time wrapping their heads around this but there's a lot of artists out there who I respect but I simply don't care for the majority of their music, Springsteen is one of them. Back in the 70s it seems like one of his songs was on the radio every five minutes and his voice just grated on me to no end. Flash forward to '85 and nearly every track from Born In the U.S.A. was all over the radio, damn near inescapable. It's around that time that I lost nearly all tolerance I had for Springsteen, though it was through no fault of his own. Years later I developed a respect for his talent and even have a sort of fondness for those very first songs I heard by him. Hell, one day I may even pick up one of his records but there are still certain songs that send me over the edge to this day. Same for Tom Petty, though I readily admit to liking more of his songs. It's the voice thing, sometimes one of his songs will just get on my very last nerve.

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I get that. What I'm saying is that considering the sound of the music, I find it to be an innapropriate grouping.

The sound of what music? "Classic Rock" isn't a genre, it's a description of a radio format and Led Zeppelin were a very huge part of that format. It's not like it's a genre of music that can be easily defined and decided that Led Zeppelin don't fit, especially since they helped create it. The words "Classic Rock" describe a wide range of artists: Dylan, Santana, Rush, Rare Earth, Yes, Paul Simon, Joni Mitchell, etc. Any artist that got played with any regularity on album radio in the 70s. Just as Zeppelin themselves cover a wide range of styles, so does that radio format but Led Zeppelin were at the very core of it so how could they not be included? Hell, they helped pioneer album radio by not releasing singles, forcing programmers to chose album cuts instead.

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Black Sabbath

I don't hate them by any means, and even listen to them a little bit like once every two years - childhood memories, you know. The reason why I mention them here is because even if people's perceptions of music are very, very different I never could understand how so many people can rank them as one of the best rock bands ever.... I mean, some of Iommi's riffs are interesting, Ozzy had his own style and Bill Ward I must admit wasn't all that bad. But where is the greatness of this band? I simply don't get it, and I'm even tempted to use the phrase 'overrated' in this connection.

As far as their live shows I would have to agree. Not much jamming or improv to keep my interest like a Zep or Hendrix concert. More of a studio band. Where is their "Live at Leeds" or "Made in Japan"? Same thing could be said about Van Halen, where is their great live album?

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Same thing could be said about Van Halen, where is their great live album?

I've never heard any of the bootlegs but I did see VH in concert once. As much as I love some old DLR-era VH, I have to say it was hard to distinguish one song from another. Maybe it was because they only had two albums out at the time (1979) and the two records bear a certain similarity but I found it kind of disappointing. That said, Eddie Van Halen was definitely shredding and DLR was putting on a show for the masses. Maybe that was the key, the entertainment aspect over the musical one.

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Oh Wendigo, you don't. You just DON'T.

I don't know.....one of the Irish radio stations play some stuff by new and unknown bands every night....but I just don't like it. It just doesn't float my boat. I don't know why, it's probably just me. But I did buy the album of a local metal band whose bassist I know and I love it, and I'm going to buy a classmate's CD tomorrow. Which I think is rap/hip-hop. And if I like it, I have just turned a corner.

BUt anyway, I think I belong to a totally different era.

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