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singing along at a show


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Singing I can deal with, screaming I can not. Like I've said, I also believe some degree of crowd participation is somewhat expected, especially at rock shows. If I didn't want that experience I may as well stay at home and just listen to albums by the artist in question.

I disagree. It's like a stage show....you can stay at home and watch a movie..but I'd rather see a live performance...and you're expected to be quiet at those....same thing for music to me.

I go to HEAR the band's playing. Each show is unique and a 'live disc' wouldn't cut it for me, if I really want to see them in person. I listen very closely and distrations are just that...distractions.

I don't feel a need at all...for the crowd to be singing at shows....I go to hear the band..exclusively. Now sometime there may be a bit more participation of the audience...SOME of the time...certainly not ALL ...that would drive me crazy...and I WOULD avoid shows I know people are going to be constantly singing.

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I can't think of a single rock show I've been to where there hasn't been some sort of crowd participation, including audience members singing along to the artist on stage. As we've all stated several times it all depends on the setting, the artist, the type of music, etc. but it also depends on one's personality. Some prefer to be quiet at shows, other see it as an opportunity to cut loose a little. I always kinda figured the latter was a huge part of rock shows. It seems kind of beside the point to sit on your hands for the entire evening.

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You're kind of using words and making situations what they aren't necessarily. Sitting and listening attentively, ..even at rock shows....Im not talking about rocknroll...boogie ...but ROCK...listening rock, doesn't equate to 'sitting on one's hands' .

There is sophistication in some ROCK !!! :)

It's like...I've never bought into...."In tune ?...:huh: It's close enough for rock n roll !!"

I find that a bit degrading for rock music......like it has no 'legitimacy'. And I'm not even implying your saying that at all....I'm just using that as an example ... that I believe some ROCK deserves attention...more than just singing out...or 'cutting loose' in a way thats' a distraction for those who want to attentively listen and observe.

We do agree though...in theory...that it depends on the band...YES...it does. And if a band that requires attentive listening to 'get it'....has folks that just 'sit there' and absorb without 'cutting loose'....well...that's a good thing.

My analogy holds I believe....go to a stage presentation of some dramatic art....if someone is noisy...whether it's singing or some other form of distraction...say they mimic an actor...instead of singing with a singer....it's a fucking nuisance !!!

Edited by Joelmon
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I can't think of a single rock show I've been to where there hasn't been some sort of crowd participation, including audience members singing along to the artist on stage. As we've all stated several times it all depends on the setting, the artist, the type of music, etc. but it also depends on one's personality. Some prefer to be quiet at shows, other see it as an opportunity to cut loose a little. I always kinda figured the latter was a huge part of rock shows. It seems kind of beside the point to sit on your hands for the entire evening.

I agree with you. Just dont like it when you get a recording that has so much sing along background that it does annoy you . Parts of the O2 were kind of annoying with the way some were "singing along:" if you want to call it singing. A dog howling in the alley sounds better than some of the idiots I heard. Rather hear Robert plant do the vocals on Black Dog than the crowd also.

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All I'm saying is that most rock shows I've attended there is always a party atmosphere. This can result in any number of reactions from the audience, the most common of these is the audience singing along to their favorite songs. As long as it isn't done in a disruptive manner, I personally don't have a problem with it at all. I could only imagine a band taking the stage to find the audience being quiet as a mouse. Some bands feed off of the energy of the crowd, if they acted like they were in church I could only imagine the band not feeling too encouraged by that.

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All I'm saying is that most rock shows I've attended there is always a party atmosphere. This can result in any number of reactions from the audience, the most common of these is the audience singing along to their favorite songs. As long as it isn't done in a disruptive manner, I personally don't have a problem with it at all. I could only imagine a band taking the stage to find the audience being quiet as a mouse. Some bands feed off of the energy of the crowd, if they acted like they were in church I could only imagine the band not feeling too encouraged by that.

Ever been to see King Crimson ?

I've seen them oh...7 or 8 times...but at the Arlington Texas show in Oct. '73...my buddy yelled out...LOUDER ...play louder !! When Fripp was introducing a song...

He told Brian, my buddy, to listen more attentively...and that says it all for them...they like that. They're one of the bands I was talking about that display the dynamics of 'being about to hear a pindrop' to an all out aural assault within a few seconds...

There are other ROCK bands like that...that basically have an audience that DOES act more like a classical concert crowd...not churchy..by any means. :rolleyes:

The Arlington Texas show has a

wonderful 14 minute Fracture version with a longer

middle section and also some very funny Fripp words

replying to a guy in the audience that told him to

"play it louder" which he promptly responded "Perhaps

you should listen more attentively", causing audience



I will admit though...since Adrian Belew has been in the band....he's much more animated and feeds more off audience participation...but Fripp really does too....in a different way.

Edited by Joelmon
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That's the problem. You don't care and neither do a lot of other people.. Selfish people who are going get their moneys worth at the expense of everybody else. It goes far beyond screaming lyrics to songs at concerts. What happened to being polite and considerate when you are in the presence of others?

Well... as i also said, further down me post, if you read it all... Is that, till this day, i have been to pretty much Metal/Rock concerts... at these shows i have got NO complaints, at all and i usually end up with a wrecked neck and lost voice (it all depend on how good the band is that night)... There are also many others who sing/scream... The closest i have been was at the last Metallica gig, in 07, was people who gave me the "looks that kill"... I was headbanging and singing and all that...

But if we start to talk about behaviour, then i respect other people. i dont push me way forward when people have found their spot, i dont spill whatever i am drinkin on other people or anything like that... UNLESS ofc other people start to try pushing me away, then i fight for my spot that i waited hours outside to get...

Fortunately...maybe the bands he sees are so loud, you wouldn't hear him screaming !! :lol:

People who do that may say in defense...well, I bought my ticket and can do as I please. But as you point out Jethro....when they do that....THEY raise the stakes. At the show...you just there..everyone is the same....someone starts singing or screaming and they START the problem...then the one who wants to hear the band undiluted has to act in DEFENSE...to the offensive person.

Now..it does depend on the band and the atmosphere....and an attendee should know the difference in what's expected at a particular show.

I'd said earlier...if you want to sing and you are part of the bigger whole of EVERYONE singing...go see your BALLAD ROCK ! It's expected there !! I don't like the music anyway..so the singing would only amplify that and make it WORSE !!! YUCK !!

That sorta stuff comes with experience...and it usually takes the more experienced to quell the boisterous 'guest vocalist'...when it's not appropriate for a given band....then the 'singer' will learn in there time as well. Again...depends on the band and setting.

I dont know what you mean by loud bands... as said in me previous post, i see mainly rock/metal and black metal bands and some Death metal bands which i like... I know this might cause some reactions, but my personal opinion is that, if you do not like the floor where people sing/scream, headbang, and the occasonal pushing and the mosh pit (which i hate BTW) then you should move further back or move to where people sit... I know it might sound discriminating (or whatever i should call it) but thats just the way it is... People usually like to go wild on concerts and singing/screaming and headbanging and such is sometin that goes with it... the only thing you really can avoid is the moshpit...

Now i must add that cultures are different, in some places it might be different then in Norway, and Norway is the only country i have attended concerts in, so i can only speak from my experience within my own country... Things might also be different with other bands within the rock genre or ofc other genres... So as i will repeat... i speak from me own experiences... ofc i will prolly have to act different when i attend the Willie Nelson concert, which will be a nice experience... i have to respect the kind of crowd which are at that gig and you have to respect the kind of crowd which are at the gig you attend...

I hope i have made some sense with what i have written...

Edited by samael
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sitting here watching tom petty at the half time show. sounds good, but i'm reminded how much i hate going to shows where everyone sings along with every song. i just wanna hear the band. back in the old days, you didn't sing along until the singer let you know to do it. they might hold the mike towards the crowd, or cup his/her hand behind his/her ear, or say, sing along. now, everyone sings along on most songs. just stop it. your not in the band... jeeze......and swaying to and fro, with one arm up in the air? whats that?..... just go to a show, smoke some weed, dig the sounds. go home.

twist one up

Oh, don't be such a grump.

Singing along is all part of the fun...losing your inhibitions and getting into the atmosphere whilst contributing to it at the same time.

Would you rather everyone stands there politely and silently whilst sipping cups of tea before delicately applauding every track?


Besides, gigs are plenty loud enough (well, they should be) for you to be able to hear the band over any amount of crowd singing.

Unless it's the sort of gig you sit and really listen to.

In which case nobody sings anyway.

...I'm babbling now.

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Besides, gigs are plenty loud enough (well, they should be) for you to be able to hear the band over any amount of crowd singing.

Not if you have someone screaming the lyrics in your ear.

I'm all for crowd participation, but with consideration. Nowt wrong with a bit of consideration.

Edited by Knebby
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Not if you have someone screaming the lyrics in your ear.

I'm all for crowd participation, but with consideration. Nowt wrong with a bit of consideration.

Well, that's true.

But I've never had that problem for a drawn-out length of time at a gig. I've had it where it's annoyed me for a minute but then I either stop noticing it or either I or the screaming person has moved, I guess.

Or perhaps I just haven't had anyone that annoying next to me yet.

Maybe that's all to come and I will also turn into a big grump. :P

Or worse, I'll be scarred for life and never want to go to a gig again!! :'(

My mate Ben is a proper muso...has a music degree and everything...is obsessed with music; but he hates going to gigs, and live music in general.

I've always found that very odd.

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^^i think we all would laugh at ourself if we saw us on tapes... i can see live footage and think "damn he looks silly", but i bet i wouldnt look any better meself...


Would you rather everyone stands there politely and silently whilst sipping cups of tea before delicately applauding every track?


hahaha... now that would be funny to see :lol:

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I'm sure there is an event or two in my past where my behavior was less than exemplary. (That would make a great topic.) As many have said, it depends on the setting and artist. I maintain common decency should always prevail, even if you in the mosh pit.

During the late 80's, I used to go with a buddy to the legendary Sunday afternoon hardcore shows at CBGB's. In the midst of all the chaos, people were very considerate and caring about their fellow headbangers.

Now if you really want to get me on a rant, let's talk about fan behavior at sporting events!!

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Good advice but like myself (and others) have said, it all depends on the artist and the setting. John Prine has cut out alcohol sales at his shows and only allows audience members to get up and down between songs. All to help from disrupting his performances. Jerry Jeff Walker politely asks his audience not to holler out for requests during his concerts. If someone does it is not unusual for him to storm off stage. Singer-songwriter Todd Snider has had uncooperative audience members physically removed from his concerts if they don't know how to keep their traps shut. Then again, I'm referring here to mostly acoustic shows, not rock ones where the vibe may be entirely different and singing along may be encouraged.

I hadn't been to a show in a long time - the last one I went to had cocktail waitresses, walking around with lights on - good lord! I felt sorry for all the people there, the thing to do at a rock concert is smoke (in the dark), not drink. ^_^

Agree, depends on the show and the vibe. Nothing wrong with dancing, singing a little, making appreciative noises... but man, screaming your lungs out is rude to the artist, much less the folks around you.

Edited by SunChild
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Yeah, everybody singing along, getting into the concert together. What a bitch.

I kind of know what he means though. with the amount of money Im paying to see these big acts in concert Id rather hear the singer that I paid to hear than have him/her stick a mic up in the air. Sometimes I find it just laZy of some of them. Once or twice duriing a big hit song is ok but not over and over. Plant even did it during Black Dog. You know, the ah ah/ah ah/ ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

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I kind of know what he means though. with the amount of money Im paying to see these big acts in concert Id rather hear the singer that I paid to hear than have him/her stick a mic up in the air. Sometimes I find it just laZy of some of them. Once or twice duriing a big hit song is ok but not over and over. Plant even did it during Black Dog. You know, the ah ah/ah ah/ ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Do you not think that half the charm of live music is the atmosphere, though?

I mean, obviously the music is a big part of it, but for me, the atmosphere is pretty much as important. If it wasn't, everyone might as well not bother actually going to gigs and just buy the live albums instead.

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Do you not think that half the charm of live music is the atmosphere, though?

I mean, obviously the music is a big part of it, but for me, the atmosphere is pretty much as important. If it wasn't, everyone might as well not bother actually going to gigs and just buy the live albums instead.

Exactly. It's one of the few occasions where I really enjoy being part of a crowd.

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ok time for me to chime in again, i don't mind the singer who gets the crowd to sing or respond. remember pat travers, boom boom out go the lights? what a blast. or page at the outlander tour, " i guess you know the words to this one", and goes into stairway. it's the crowd singing Every fucking song like they're a part of the band,(or part of a Happening), that sucks.

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