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I'll REALLY hate the day we won't be able to HASSLE with opening cd's....

They'll all be gone. :(

I rather whine and dine....than to go hungry !!!!!!!!!!!

People will kill each other over un-opened cds....they'll sell for hundreds of dollars on e-bay! :blink:

Then the lucky winner will sit down at home, take their cd - still in its shrinkwrap - pour themselves a glass of wine, light a cigar...and go about the ancient tradition of breaking their fingernails trying to open the wrapping....Those will be the days! :D

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People will kill each other over un-opened cds....they'll sell for hundreds of dollars on e-bay! :blink:

Then the lucky winner will sit down at home, take their cd - still in its shrinkwrap - pour themselves a glass of wine, light a cigar...and go about the ancient tradition of breaking their fingernails trying to open the wrapping....Those will be the days! :D

I've got my BIG STICK handy !!! :D



another plug !!!!

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The cellophane is a bit difficul to remove without a tool.....but I'm more with Kissandra here. I don't like the sticky stuff inside the cellophane that covers the top part of the cd case. Urrrrghhh...That damned razor thing Jahfin shows doesn't help that part at all !!!

Mine NEVER comes of in one easy peel....it tears then I have to take it off piece by piece...quite annoying. I roll it up in little balls between my fingers and flick it off like boogers as I'm peeling the m'fer !!

:thanku: !!! I thought i was the only one! I have experienced "booger fingers" many 'a time...at some point you're like, WTF, I'm trying to open a disc. You'd think they were wrapping radio-active waste...dont want any to seep out! and 'the sticky' every frickin' time...it's re-affirming to know i'm not just some kinda moron... :D

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In that case, FUCK YOU.

I hope that's meant as a joke. :)

Just in case it isn't:

I was yanking your chains....see that smilie at the end of my post? See it? Winking smilie? Like - "ok, we're through with this, can we laugh about it now - togehter?" That kind of smilie? Here it is again:

Fair enough.

It's ok.

It's what old people do.... :rolleyes:


You know why I mentioned "old people"? Because you freaked out over another joke of mine before and I hoped you'd realized how silly your prior outburst had been. Talking about this one:

Yeah, that's one of those stories old people like to tell. Truth is there was no life before downloading.

FACT! :rolleyes:

You didn't get that one, did you? I mean, you didn't get that it was a joke. HOW ON EARTH can somebody take a sentence like "truth is there was no life before downloading" seriously? And be offended by it? And yet you came back with

What in the fuck does "old" have to do with anything? I offered a very simple solution to opening CDs and all you can do is keep bitchin'. So, just who is the "old" one here?

If you can't see the word "old" without losing it, maybe it's time you consider an anger management course. That's a piece of unsolicited advice from me.

Just for the sake of completeness - here's a two more silly posts of mine which you took dead seriously:

I swear it's the record industry trying to get back at people for downloading albums... :(

Yep, that was a joke. I honestly don't think the record industry is trying to get back at downloaders by using shrinkwraps....think about it...the only people who won't be pissed off about shrinkwraps would be those who don't have to open them.... because they are downloading music. Get it now? :)

Bet that gadget comes with an instruction manual on cd rom.

A cd rom that's wrapped in a celophane wrapping... :(

Yep, that was another joke. A silly remark....playing on the fact that small hand-held items like that gadget rarely come with cd rom instruction manuals. Or any manuals in fact.... An attempt at making the shrinkwrapping industry look really evil and omnipresent. B)

You know why I kept making those silly remarks? Because if I'd responded to your preposterously arrogant posts in a corresponding manner, we'd have got to the "fuck you" stage right away. Which wasn't my intention - hellbound as you seemed to get there.

As I said - I hope you meant it as a joke. I'm very happy to shout at people and call them names and all that - but not over some shrinkwraps...annoying as they are... :)

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I hope that's meant as a joke. :)

Just in case it isn't:

I was yanking your chains....see that smilie at the end of my post? See it? Winking smilie? Like - "ok, we're through with this, can we laugh about it now - togehter?" That kind of smilie? Here it is again:

You know why I mentioned "old people"? Because you freaked out over another joke of mine before and I hoped you'd realized how silly your prior outburst had been. Talking about this one:

You didn't get that one, did you? I mean, you didn't get that it was a joke. HOW ON EARTH can somebody take a sentence like "truth is there was no life before downloading" seriously? And be offended by it? And yet you came back with

If you can't see the word "old" without losing it, maybe it's time you consider an anger management course. That's a piece of unsolicited advice from me.

Just for the sake of completeness - here's a two more silly posts of mine which you took dead seriously:

Yep, that was a joke. I honestly don't think the record industry is trying to get back at downloaders by using shrinkwraps....think about it...the only people who won't be pissed off about shrinkwraps would be those who don't have to open them.... because they are downloading music. Get it now? :)

Yep, that was another joke. A silly remark....playing on the fact that small hand-held items like that gadget rarely come with cd rom instruction manuals. Or any manuals in fact.... An attempt at making the shrinkwrapping industry look really evil and omnipresent. B)

You know why I kept making those silly remarks? Because if I'd responded to your preposterously arrogant posts in a corresponding manner, we'd have got to the "fuck you" stage right away. Which wasn't my intention - hellbound as you seemed to get there.

As I said - I hope you meant it as a joke. I'm very happy to shout at people and call them names and all that - but not over some shrinkwraps...annoying as they are... :)

feel the love...

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I need advice on how to skin a cat - they're still crapping in my yard. Particulary interested in the old fashioned way of doing it, with a razor blade. Thanks in advance!

Call animal control, they'll come and pick them up and take them to a shelter. That way no one gets hurt and the cats go to people who want them. I live in the country where people dump animals they don't want and we've called animal control to come catch them, it works.

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or at least dont prod them with a stick!

You know how cranky us 'oldsters can get!!! :rant:

*Takes away lee's walking stick...prods him with it...runs*

Catch me if you can! :D

Btw - that "skinning a cat" thing may just have been a joke and related to something Jahfin had said about how there are different ways to skin a cat just like there are different ways to open cds...and that he opens cds with a razor blade...Just saying, like...before somebody calls the cops... :)

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The point isn't whether I'm able to - the point is that I think I shouldn't have to handle a razor to open a cd. No more than I should have to use scissors to open a milk carton.

I mean - there's people who get paid for designing those things! Hallo, it's a f*cking cd, not Fort Knox. If anything they should use those wrappings on cigarettes - would teach those smokers to cut down a bit. :rolleyes:

I think I know why they shrink wrap those to death. Theyused to just put them in a shrink wrap and that was it. Now they but the stickers on them too--and it helps reduce the thefts. When I worked at a music store, dids would slit the cellophane and open the jewel cases just big enough to pull the CD out and rip off the CD (or DVD...) That's why DVD cases also have those little "locking hinges" on the cases now.

Be nice to CATS!!!

They eat your mice.

Buy some non-toxic pet repellent. Even a little cayenne pepper will keep them out of a spot.

Not cayenne pepper. i've heard that cats will gauge their eyes out with their claws if they get it in their eyes.

Cats don't like coffee grounds, bark mulch (it hurts their little paws), the smell of oranges--so if oyu replace orange rinds every once in a while...there are also little sprinklers that are motion sensored that will spray them if they enter th eareas you want "cat freen."

There are a bunch of ways to keep them out without spending a lot of money or harming them. Please don't harm them. :(

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I think I know why they shrink wrap those to death. Theyused to just put them in a shrink wrap and that was it. Now they but the stickers on them too--and it helps reduce the thefts. When I worked at a music store, dids would slit the cellophane and open the jewel cases just big enough to pull the CD out and rip off the CD (or DVD...) That's why DVD cases also have those little "locking hinges" on the cases now.

Hmmm...maybe if they made the cds bigger...say the size of vinyl... it wouldn't be so easy for those thieving bastards - and there wouldn't be any need for shtinkwraps! There - problem solved. B)

Sometimes I'm so brilliant, it's scary. :)

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You're a moron.

Well yeah. And who are you?

Edited to add: Since Otto doesn't find it necessary to explain what his post was about and since he hasn't replied to a pm I sent him asking the same question, I have now informed a mod and asked them to have a word with Otto. This may seem like an overreaction but I really don't see any justification for a person to post on a thread solely to add some unprovoked name-calling. Funny - I really tried to avoid having another "drama piece" here but sometimes people just don't seem to be satisfied if things turn out amicably.

Edited by FuzzyMerkin
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Well yeah. And who are you?

Edited to add: Since Otto doesn't find it necessary to explain what his post was about and since he hasn't replied to a pm I sent him asking the same question, I have now informed a mod and asked them to have a word with Otto. This may seem like an overreaction but I really don't see any justification for a person to post on a thread solely to add some unprovoked name-calling. Funny - I really tried to avoid having another "drama piece" here but sometimes people just don't seem to be satisfied if things turn out amicably.

I did reply to your PM, though not right away, because I was busy.

There is nothing for me to explain as far as I can see. People can read the thread and determine for themselves whether your responses are 'amicable'.

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