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Not to mention co-workers who just get off on making you look bad but end up looking like the douchebags in the end...(that's my pet peeve today).

Grr. If I didn't think I'd get worked up all over again, I'd tell you guys the story.

Good thing though--I ended up looking MUCH better, she looked like an old grumpy lady, ROFL.

Boink: We just gave to the American Veterans

Splits: Were not big on winos either, wag, split, run...

Boink: We have faith in you though Mandy :)

Splits: Yeah a good teacher doesn't belong in the grocers, pant wag, pant wag. Move up and we'll here your story if you wish, waddle, split...

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Not to mention co-workers who just get off on making you look bad but end up looking like the douchebags in the end...(that's my pet peeve today).

I have a coworker who thinks it is funny to fart all the time. This guy will drop these stink bombs at the worst times and then act innocent. I know it is him, because one time he bragged about it to me. He's been warned about it by his supervisor, but he still continues to do it.

A couple of weeks ago he dropped a fart bomb while there was a female employee in the room. Everybody smelled it right away but as usual he claimed it wasn't him. The incident was really embarrassing because I don't know if the woman though it might have been me.

Later on the guy was walking down the hallway, but unlucky for him, it was a hallway that didn't have any security cameras. I gave him a really good smack open handed on the back of his head ( I love this move because it doesn't leave any marks - learned it from a cop friend of mine). So the guy get really pissed off and starts yelling at me.

I told him I didn't know what he was talking about.

Paybacks are a bitch.


Edited by Del Zeppnile
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I hate it when people fart and then leave you to sit and wallow in it.

Someone I love very much does that to me on a regular basis. LOL

Maybe you should introduce him as Mr Farty Pants :)

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I can't stand the commercials where they have men loudly snarfing down some form of slaughtered animals while talking with a full mouth and making it seem "charming for a man" OMFG! It makes me wan to vomit!

Or the ones telling of some health problem, they want to convince you you have, then saying, just ask yer doc for this...or that...even though the side effects may kill you. <_<

Aren't we drugged to death as it is?! :angry:

Speaking of which, don't you love it when you are at a doctor appointment and YOU are kept waiting while these little bimbos waltz in with a suitcase full of drugs and a huge catered lunch to boot.

Drug Reps! <_< Then you have to sit and wait while they get the royal brown nose and you sit there waiting forever to see the doc! I once waited almost two hours.


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I can't stand the commercials where they have men loudly snarfing down some form of slaughtered animals while talking with a full mouth and making it seem "charming for a man" OMFG! It makes me wan to vomit!

Or the ones telling of some health problem, they want to convince you you have, then saying, just ask yer doc for this...or that...even though the side effects may kill you. <_<

Aren't we drugged to death as it is?! :angry:

Speaking of which, don't you love it when you are at a doctor appointment and YOU are kept waiting while these little bimbos waltz in with a suitcase full of drugs and a huge catered lunch to boot.

Drug Reps! <_< Then you have to sit and wait while they get the royal brown nose and you sit there waiting forever to see the doc! I once waited almost two hours.


:rant: :rant: :rant: I'm with you if you can't eat politely someone outta smack you jap slappy.

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What it is is the absentee owners. They've installed a new manager and instructed her to rule with an iron fist. They have no idea what the community that's lived here for years is like. It's not a "party atmosphere". It's just regular folks. Nothing crazy. No one's doing Jello shots off someone's stomach at the pool. It's just that the laughter of children and the feeling of community have been silenced. I mean, do the math: 91 degrees, pool full of toys, complex full of kids, not a soul in the pool due to fear of eviction for excessive splashing. Why have a pool at all. If that the way it's gonna be, I say stop pouring chemicals in the thing and stock it with fish. Fishing is quiet.

Sorry about the wait, we lost power. That's crazy, if it's a family atmosphere then nothing is wrong with that. Those kids are losing an important part of their childhood, being social. Is there any way to get a hold of the owners and talk to them and see if it can be changed?

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That's not what i was doing. I was just giving a ton of examples of how society caters to women and the examples of how men have to do the catering. Just because i don't kiss womens bums does not make me one of those he men people. I don't hate anyone. I am just being honest about it. I just can't be one of those guys that kiss butt .

So, in other words, women deserve to be treated like the lesser beings that they are??? Society does NOT cater to women. Life in general does not cater to women. I wish you could be a woman for a day-I guarantee it would change your perspective!

You are upset because some other guy decided to be a gentleman on the subway. Why? Is it hurting you to see someone else have manners? Just because that guy has manners doesn't mean that you can't continue to be an inconsiderate jerk-no, just ignore it and get on with your day! Politeness be damned!

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So, in other words, women deserve to be treated like the lesser beings that they are??? Society does NOT cater to women. Life in general does not cater to women. I wish you could be a woman for a day-I guarantee it would change your perspective!

You are upset because some other guy decided to be a gentleman on the subway. Why? Is it hurting you to see someone else have manners? Just because that guy has manners doesn't mean that you can't continue to be an inconsiderate jerk-no, just ignore it and get on with your day! Politeness be damned!

I am not saying women should be treated like lesser beings. I am saying they shouldn't be treated better than men are. Men shouldn't be treated like they are lesser beings. Society does cater to women a lot of the time. I gave examples.

Yes, it annoyed me that he gave up his seat for the girl. Because there is no way in hell she would have gave it up for him. And he treated her like she was better than him. He stood so she could sit. "here, you sit. I will stand because you are a woman and i am a man." blah, blah, blah. He didn't say that but you get the point.

I am not an inconsiderate jerk. But i am not going to do what he did. I just don't think he should have done it.

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Oh dear; I've never heard anything bad about Chick-Fil-A before; what happened?

Wow... I was going back and realized I never responded to this... might as well. Not to rehash the fast food discussion but... yeah...

It isn't so much that anything bad happened. As far as customer service and getting my order rights, I never had a problem. It was never stellar, but it was never anything to complain about. It was the food. The chicken alone is good. And I would say Chick-Fil-A has the best chicken biscuit of any place. But I just can't stand the rest of it. The perfect example, the original chicken sandiwch. Just the pickle, the chicken, and the bun... every single time I've ever ordered this, the bun is soggy and all I can taste is pickle... yes, even over the chicken. Not that I hate pickles, but that's just ridiculous. And I've given it enough chances that I should have gotten at least one good sandwich. I also cannot stand their fries.

Obviously, I'm leaving out other items on the menu, and I could go through the menu and talk about why I don't like each item, but that post would be way too long. You get the idea, with just this, I'm sure.

I don't know... I just don't like the food there beyond the chicken biscuit. Now, I could live on their chicken biscuit. That inandof itself is in-freakin'-credible. If they haven't already, Chick-Fil-A should win awards for their chicken biscuit.

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Wow... I was going back and realized I never responded to this... might as well. Not to rehash the fast food discussion but... yeah...

It isn't so much that anything bad happened. As far as customer service and getting my order rights, I never had a problem. It was never stellar, but it was never anything to complain about. It was the food. The chicken alone is good. And I would say Chick-Fil-A has the best chicken biscuit of any place. But I just can't stand the rest of it. The perfect example, the original chicken sandiwch. Just the pickle, the chicken, and the bun... every single time I've ever ordered this, the bun is soggy and all I can taste is pickle... yes, even over the chicken. Not that I hate pickles, but that's just ridiculous. And I've given it enough chances that I should have gotten at least one good sandwich. I also cannot stand their fries.

Obviously, I'm leaving out other items on the menu, and I could go through the menu and talk about why I don't like each item, but that post would be way too long. You get the idea, with just this, I'm sure.

I don't know... I just don't like the food there beyond the chicken biscuit. Now, I could live on their chicken biscuit. That inandof itself is in-freakin'-credible. If they haven't already, Chick-Fil-A should win awards for their chicken biscuit.

I have cut back on trips to Chick-Fil-A, the only fast food place i will go to. I hate fast food! As for Chick-fil-A, i like their chicken nuggets and so does my daughter. Chick-Fil-A use the best quality of any fast food place. I don't know if it has to do with their being Mormon or not. But it's real white meat chicken, versus the strange stuff all the others use. I also love their Unsweetened Iced Tea and have purchased it by the gallon to have for the house. At breakfast, i love their biscuit with egg, cheese and bacon also.

If you want reason to stay out of all fast food places, a recent report i heard on the news says that the flys found in these places often carry MRSA. That means we are ingesting it with our meal, YUCK on so many levels. Potentially very dangerous.

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Tangerine, what is MRSA?

My pet peeve: when I have to entirely clean my kitchen each time I use it. I swear, even when no one else is around, I can turn that freakin' kitchen into something no one wants to eat in--in a flash. ugh.

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Tangerine, what is MRSA?

My pet peeve: when I have to entirely clean my kitchen each time I use it. I swear, even when no one else is around, I can turn that freakin' kitchen into something no one wants to eat in--in a flash. ugh.

There are many sites that will explain MRSA. It's very common in hospitals, but also on the rise in the community. I have heard about 50% of humans are born with it on their skin. Unless you become immuno-compromised, it probably won't hurt you or others you are in contact with. But it can be very serious. Been around forever, but recently getting alot of attention. The story i heard about it being found in flies and of course you can imagine how much "dander" they leave in their wake, scary to know it can be in your food, too.

Here is a bit of information from the link:

MRSA infection is caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria — often called "staph." MRSA stands for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It's a strain of staph that's resistant to the broad-spectrum antibiotics commonly used to treat it. MRSA can be fatal.

Most MRSA infections occur in hospitals or other health care settings, such as nursing homes and dialysis centers. It's known as health care-associated MRSA, or HA-MRSA. Older adults and people with weakened immune systems are at most risk of HA-MRSA. More recently, another type of MRSA has occurred among otherwise healthy people in the wider community. This form, community-associated MRSA, or CA-MRSA, is responsible for serious skin and soft tissue infections and for a serious form of pneumonia.


MRSA is a strain of staph that's resistant to the broad-spectrum antibiotics commonly used to treat it.

Staph infections

Staph bacteria are normally found on the skin or in the nose of about one-third of the population. If you have staph on your skin or in your nose but aren't sick, you are said to be "colonized" but not infected. Healthy people can be colonized and have no ill effects. However, they can pass the germ to others.

Staph bacteria are generally harmless unless they enter the body through a cut or other wound, and even then they often cause only minor skin problems in healthy people. However, staph infections can cause serious illness. This most often happens in older adults and people who have weakened immune systems, usually in hospitals and long term care facilities. But in the past several years, serious infections have been occurring in otherwise healthy people in the community, for example athletes who share equipment or personal items.

Antibiotic resistance

Although the survival tactics of bacteria contribute to antibiotic resistance, humans bear most of the responsibility for the problem. Leading causes of antibiotic resistance include:

Unnecessary antibiotic use. Like other superbugs, MRSA is the result of decades of excessive and unnecessary antibiotic use. For years, antibiotics have been prescribed for colds, flu and other viral infections that don't respond to these drugs, as well as for simple bacterial infections that normally clear on their own.

Antibiotics in food and water. Prescription drugs aren't the only source of antibiotics. In the United States, antibiotics can be found in livestock. These antibiotics find their way into municipal water systems when the runoff from feedlots contaminates streams and groundwater.

Germ mutation. Even when antibiotics are used appropriately, they contribute to the rise of drug-resistant bacteria because they don't destroy every germ they target. Bacteria live on an evolutionary fast track, so germs that survive treatment with one antibiotic soon learn to resist others. And because bacteria mutate much more quickly than new drugs can be produced, some germs end up resistant to just about everything. That's why only a handful of drugs are now effective against most forms of staph.


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What the fuck is it with people who use Rapidshare? Why should I be forced to either pay for a service that should be free or wait 6 days just to download two damn links? Rapidshare should be drummed out, IMO.

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What the fuck is it with people who use Rapidshare? Why should I be forced to either pay for a service that should be free or wait 6 days just to download two damn links? Rapidshare should be drummed out, IMO.

What's Rapidshare Nathan? Never heard of it. Is it a PPP?

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