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Watching the clips on the news of -sarah palin being used as a tool.

But that's what she is. That's all the McCain camp has right now to pull in voters. He sure as hell isn't. The same as Obama uses Joe Biden to go out there and pull in voters. He's on bereavement right now but I'm sure when he comes back, he'll be right back out there stumping and talking to people.

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But that's what she is. That's all the McCain camp has right now to pull in voters. He sure as hell isn't. The same as Obama uses Joe Biden to go out there and pull in voters. He's on bereavement right now but I'm sure when he comes back, he'll be right back out there stumping and talking to people.

Yeah the whole process is sad to watch on news clips....makes me feel like i'm 80yrs old actually. But this weekend -sarah palin was used and yeah all politicians do this.

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Are you talking about Tina Fey parodying her on SNL? SNL has always been known for their political satire, in fact this is some of the funniest stuff they've done in close to 20 years.

No. i'm talking about the statement that -obama "pals around with terrorists".

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No. i'm talking about the statement that -obama "pals around with terrorists".

Oh yeah. Well in that case, I more than agree with you re: Palin being used as a tool. Nothing she says from this day to the end of the campaign will be of her own thinking. Everything will be scripted for her, no exceptions. She was initially a boon to the campaign, bringing in new voters and momentarily making it look like McCain could win. However once we started to find out what this woman was all about (and it's not much) and we started to hear her speak on her own in interviews......well that changed fast. She went from a safety net to an anvil around McCain's neck and he can't get rid of her.

If this is the direction McCain wants to go in, he should heed Obama's words. "We don't throw the first punch.......but we'll throw the last."

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Oh yeah. Well in that case, I more than agree with you re: Palin being used as a tool. Nothing she says from this day to the end of the campaign will be of her own thinking. Everything will be scripted for her, no exceptions. She was initially a boon to the campaign, bringing in new voters and momentarily making it look like McCain could win. However once we started to find out what this woman was all about (and it's not much) and we started to hear her speak on her own in interviews......well that changed fast. She went from a safety net to an anvil around McCain's neck and he can't get rid of her.

If this is the direction McCain wants to go in, he should heed Obama's words. "We don't throw the first punch.......but we'll throw the last."

Its so scripted, its insane. i would have to think that its working against their campaign.

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Sorry about that.....

Ijust got my driver's permit about a month ago. I'm still learning and have to have an adult in the car with me, and it frustrates me when I go to make a turn but people cut me off when they don't use there turn signals.

One day I was driving and on the main road in my town there is a road that leads onto it. They look like this:


I'm the blue car, and this 85 year old man is the red one. The strange circle by his car is a stop sign, and the big box is a building. So I'm going down the road at 35 mph, just like the speed limit says. The old man in his red car, forgets to put his turn signal on, and forgets to stop. He is speeding down the side road and pulls right out in front of me. I did not have a stop sign, nor was I supposed to stop for any other reason. I slammed on the brakes, and my 15 year old heart just about had a heart attack. Oh I was so mad. :rant: He wasn't even paying attention. I try to pay attention to everything when I drive, but it bothers me when people don't even look.

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Thanks. I enjoy driving, just when there aren't any people who aren't paying attention. I'm not the best driver, but I'm not bad either. And I'm like Super Safety Woman as my brother calls me. I won't leave the driveway till everyone is buckled in, and I use turnsignals every time I need one etc.

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Thanks. I enjoy driving, just when there aren't any people who aren't paying attention. I'm not the best driver, but I'm not bad either. And I'm like Super Safety Woman as my brother calls me. I won't leave the driveway till everyone is buckled in, and I use turnsignals every time I need one etc.

thats not too -janice...

just joking with ya. thats cool.

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Guys who don't know what the word "no" means (when it comes from a girl who is taken and/or not interested).

I was at Mazzy's the other night with some friends... my best friend went to the bathroom, and some random guy started hitting on his girlfriend... despite the fact that before my best friend went to the bathroom, the two of them made it almost annoyingly obvious that they were together.

Well, she told this guy that she was with someone, but he started giving this spiel about how he would be a better fuck and all that. She said no something like ten times, but he wouldn't shut up. Finally, he got angry, spouted how no one said "no" to him, and went to hit her. I grabbed his hand and my best friend came out of the bathroom at the same moment... he saw what was going on and ran up to us. Needless to say, the whole group of us, along with the manager of the bar and a couple of employees, through this fool out like a frisbee...

Unfortunately, this asshole ruined the night because the girl then wanted to go home (no longer feeling comfortable or having fun) and so did my friend (who was pissed that anyone could be such an ass) and it was their idea for us all to meet at the bar for drinks and darts in the first place. So after only an hour with barely even a game (of darts) finished and one drink each, we all went home... :mad:

Look, guys. When a girl says no... WALK THE FUCK AWAY!!!!!!!

Edited by Nathan
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Guys who don't know what the word "no" means (when it comes from a girl who is taken and/or not interested).

I was at Mazzy's the other night with some friends... my best friend went to the bathroom, and some random guy started hitting on her... despite the fact that before my best friend went to the bathroom, the two of them made it almost annoyingly obvious that they were together.

Well, she told this guy that she was with someone, but he started giving this spiel how he would be a better fuck and all that. She said no something like ten times, but he wouldn't shut up. Finally, he got angry, spouted how no one said "no" to him, and went to hit her. I grabbed his hand and my best friend came out of the bathroom at the same moment... he saw what was going on and ran up to us. Needless to say, the whole group of us, along with the manager of the bar and a couple of employees, through this fool out like a frisbee...

Unfortunately, this asshole ruined the night because the girl then wanted to go home (no longer feeling comfortable or having fun) and so did my friend (who was pissed that anyone could be such an ass) and it was their idea for us all to meet at the bar for drinks and darts. So after only an hour with barely even a game (of darts) finished and one drink each, we all went home... :mad:

Look, guys. When a girl says no... WALK THE FUCK AWAY!!!!!!!

You have had quite a few examples where it came to almost fighting. Thankfully your experiences aren't the majority.

But women have to make it clear. Seriously clear. Because i know women who have said no to guys but they admitted they didn't mean it. They just wanted the dude to try harder. If women do that too much then guys won't know if they are serious or not and they think the woman is playing hard to get. Your example is extreme.

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Me and some buddies were trying to decide what movie to see the other night. We thought we had decided on one but one of my buddies didn't want to because his girlfriend wanted her and him to see that one together. It's the Clooney film "burn after reading". So after rolling our eyes we said he should just come and pretend he hasn't seen it when he goes with her. He said he wouldn't feel comfortable doing that. :o So we had to decide all over again on what to see. So we ended up seeing Eagle Eye instead with that no talent Shia Lebuff even though i didn't want to see it. I gave in and we went to that. It's not that great either. The story is dumb and lebuff does his same routine he does in every film. But i gave in to avoid a headache.

But to not see a film because you said you would see it with someone else is ridiculous. Talk about a woman having a dude by the short hairs. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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I have to have a colonoscopy on Friday. Ouch!!!!!

To painful to post about. imo

Guys who don't know what the word "no" means (when it comes from a girl who is taken and/or not interested).

I was at Mazzy's the other night with some friends... my best friend went to the bathroom, and some random guy started hitting on her... despite the fact that before my best friend went to the bathroom, the two of them made it almost annoyingly obvious that they were together.

Well, she told this guy that she was with someone, but he started giving this spiel how he would be a better fuck and all that. She said no something like ten times, but he wouldn't shut up. Finally, he got angry, spouted how no one said "no" to him, and went to hit her. I grabbed his hand and my best friend came out of the bathroom at the same moment... he saw what was going on and ran up to us. Needless to say, the whole group of us, along with the manager of the bar and a couple of employees, through this fool out like a frisbee...

Unfortunately, this asshole ruined the night because the girl then wanted to go home (no longer feeling comfortable or having fun) and so did my friend (who was pissed that anyone could be such an ass) and it was their idea for us all to meet at the bar for drinks and darts. So after only an hour with barely even a game (of darts) finished and one drink each, we all went home... mad.gif

Look, guys. When a girl says no... WALK THE FUCK AWAY!!!!!!!

Its really sad alot of people act that way. They dont understand they ruin it for alot more people then themselves. and its sad alot of people think and act in manners which are very retarded... how do you hit a woman for not sleeping with you... maybe retard if you didnt beat them!!!

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You have had quite a few examples where it came to almost fighting. Thankfully your experiences aren't the majority.

Sometimes it's my fault it almost comes to fighting. I seriously hate guys who disrespect women and I'm very protective of my female friends and my girlfriends (although I'm not intrusively protective).

But women have to make it clear. Seriously clear. Because i know women who have said no to guys but they admitted they didn't mean it. They just wanted the dude to try harder. If women do that too much then guys won't know if they are serious or not and they think the woman is playing hard to get. Your example is extreme.

I have never met a woman who siad "no" and didn't mean it. In my experiences (though almost always secondary... I'm too shy and insecure about myself to make a move most of the time... although I have made moves in the past and, so far, haven't had any negative experiences from them, even when I got turned down... in fact, one of my best female friends turned me down, LOL [it's how we met... and now we love hanging out with each other, although I don't think we'll ever date]), woman who say "no" mean "no."

If she means yes, she won't say "no." If she wants to play hard-to-get, she'll say things like "you'll have to tried harder then that" or she'll pretend to not be interested while you try and work your moves on her. And she'll do this, literally, to see how badly you want her.

If she is interested, she won't outright say "no."

And if you do know girls who have, then I share in your... dislike... of them... because that right there is lying, and I dislike liars no matter their gender.

And with my best friend's girl, she meant no. She was quite forceful about it, in fact. There was absolutely no ambiguity in her turning him down. He was just an egotistical prick, plain and simple.

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You have had quite a few examples where it came to almost fighting. Thankfully your experiences aren't the majority.

But women have to make it clear. Seriously clear. Because i know women who have said no to guys but they admitted they didn't mean it. They just wanted the dude to try harder. If women do that too much then guys won't know if they are serious or not and they think the woman is playing hard to get. Your example is extreme.

Why would a woman say no but mean yes if she's with another guy? Surely, when she says no, she means it? You're giving us a bad name.

Edited by longdistancewinner
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Why would a woman say no but mean yes if she's with another guy? Surely, when she says no, she means it? You're giving us a bad name

More often then not when a woman sais no, she means it. There is no if ands out buts about it. i mean put yourself in her shoes... just because shes teasing if any... doesnt mean she wants you.

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More often then not when a woman sais no, she means it. There is no if ands out buts about it. i mean put yourself in her shoes... just because shes teasing if any... doesnt mean she wants you.

I've been in her shoes. I've been with my boyfriend for several years. I'm not about to say yes to someone who sees me once in a bar. And I don't suppose she would, either.

The point I was asking to Spats was, why would she say no, mean yes, if it's already been said that she's with another guy? Women don't do that. Spats is saying we play hard to get. Not if we're in a relationship, we don't. And certainly not with another guy. If she said no, she meant no.

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Sometimes it's my fault it almost comes to fighting. I seriously hate guys who disrespect women and I'm very protective of my female friends and my girlfriends (although I'm not intrusively protective).

I have never met a woman who siad "no" and didn't mean it. In my experiences (though almost always secondary... I'm too shy and insecure about myself to make a move most of the time... although I have made moves in the past and, so far, haven't had any negative experiences from them, even when I got turned down... in fact, one of my best female friends turned me down, LOL [it's how we met... and now we love hanging out with each other, although I don't think we'll ever date]), woman who say "no" mean "no."

If she means yes, she won't say "no." If she wants to play hard-to-get, she'll say things like "you'll have to tried harder then that" or she'll pretend to not be interested while you try and work your moves on her. And she'll do this, literally, to see how badly you want her.

If she is interested, she won't outright say "no."

And if you do know girls who have, then I share in your... dislike... of them... because that right there is lying, and I dislike liars no matter their gender.

And with my best friend's girl, she meant no. She was quite forceful about it, in fact. There was absolutely no ambiguity in her turning him down. He was just an egotistical prick, plain and simple.

I would agree that most times when women say no they mean no. But i was just saying that i have met and known women who were just playing hard to get. And if she does that and the dude realizes it then the next time a woman says no it will enter his head that maybe she is playing hard to get too even thought she may really mean no. That's why people should just be straight with one another and not play any games ike saying no at first or acting like she has no interest in the dude just to make him try harder. It's stupid behavior and can lead to hurt feelings.

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