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Pet Peeves


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I lost my sunglasses--I hope someone isn't reaping the benefits of my stupidity right now--I LOVE those sunglasses--they were my birthday present to myself last year.


Um... You're wearing them. :P

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I lost my sunglasses--I hope someone isn't reaping the benefits of my stupidity right now--I LOVE those sunglasses--they were my birthday present to myself last year.


I also cannot find about 5 of the thank-you notes I wrote for graduation presents. I think I mailed them without addresses. I'm sure I have return addresses on them though--so I'm awaiting their re-arrival to my house.

I lost me Sunglasses as well. Well, my clip-on sunglasses to be more precise.

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I really wonder that the hell happened to them!

I think I'm getting old, ROFL.

I just keep misplacing things...it's quite strange, really.

BUT those $200 polarized Ray-Bans were sweet. :'(

Here's a simple pet peeve (that really can't be changed--ever):

I hate laundry. Do you ever notice how it's self-punishment? You want to wear clean clothes, so you dirty up clothes. You wash your laundry, but unless you're nude when washing it, you STILL have more to wash!

It never ends, I tell you. Thank God I don't have kids--I don't even want to know how much laundry one does when they have a few kids, (Virginia?)

Edited by manderlyh
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People who walk/jog in the street when there is a sidewalk right there, nice 'n' handy. WTF do you think that gray strip of pavement is for, doofus? It ain't a lawn decoration!

I agree and it is even worse when it is dark outside and you can barely see them! I am like "yes, people, you can get hit!" Sometimes they act like they have bumpers on or something. :wacko::angry:

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I know. I hate laundry so!

(especially when I have to wash bedsheets and towels--it just adds more to the mix)

I FOUND MY SUNGLASSES! I took my car to be washed and I found them under the ONLY thing in my backseat--my coat.

I found mine as well. Coincidence.

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^heh. Were they under my coat in my backseat of my car?

Just asking.

While I was washing my car today, the pinstriping FELL OFF! I had my car in the auto body shop, and I've had it home for about three weeks now (as of tomorrow), and the part that was repainted got new pinstripes....and they came of in the car wash!

Heh. The old ones are STILL on the rest of the car, and my car's going to be 12 years old tonight at midnight. <_<

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I really wonder that the hell happened to them!

I think I'm getting old, ROFL.

I just keep misplacing things...it's quite strange, really.

BUT those $200 polarized Ray-Bans were sweet. :'(

Here's a simple pet peeve (that really can't be changed--ever):

I hate laundry. Do you ever notice how it's self-punishment? You want to wear clean clothes, so you dirty up clothes. You wash your laundry, but unless you're nude when washing it, you STILL have more to wash!

It never ends, I tell you. Thank God I don't have kids--I don't even want to know how much laundry one does when they have a few kids, (Virginia?)

I hate laundry too; it's never done. Just when the last load goes in, there's always more. There are 5 of us and we do 1-2 loads a day; sometimes more. It's really bad in the summer during swim team season when we're at the pool daily and going through 5+ beach towels and 2 outfits each a day :(

I hope you can find your glasses :(

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I hate laundry too; it's never done. Just when the last load goes in, there's always more. There are 5 of us and we do 1-2 loads a day; sometimes more. It's really bad in the summer during swim team season when we're at the pool daily and going through 5+ beach towels and 2 outfits each a day :(

I hope you can find your glasses :(

One more reason we all should move to the country and become "Nudists" :lol:B)

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