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Allow me to explain. I was at the mall this afternoon helping my sister pick out her dress for her sorority's formal coming up in May. I had my Obama/Biden pin still on my purse, as I put it there in September of last year and haven't removed it. We were on the elevator going upstairs when the person behind me whispered to the person in their party "there's a n----r lover up there".


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Damn straight--in whatever color!

If you post it on a public board, it should be addressed to the public who are reading the board, not to a few of your pals or to somebody on Venus.

Perhaps if we define "Venus" the ever so cryptic "Purple," and "NO FUCKING SENSE WHATEVER," we will get somewhere.

Until then I'm still in the dark :huh:

I keep forgetting the clique dealio where people team up on one to get them banned.

Edited by Mary Hartman
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Allow me to explain. I was at the mall this afternoon helping my sister pick out her dress for her sorority's formal coming up in May. I had my Obama/Biden pin still on my purse, as I put it there in September of last year and haven't removed it. We were on the elevator going upstairs when the person behind me whispered to the person in their party "there's a n----r lover up there".


That's happened to me for years,lots of them.You eventually don't pay attention to it.It's not worth your time of day.Raise your kids(when you decide to have them) not to be hateful (I have) and it'll eventually go away.My kids respect me and always will.

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Maybe I'm obtuse, but I don't believe anyone here teams up with anyone to get anyone banned. I know I sure as hell don't.


I'm not real certain about Ness Yahs history and true some of her things are pretty cryptic. But I don't think she was you know threatening anyone or anything. Just trying to make sense out of the cosmic debris of religion.

I do know for a fact people will team up on one here, pass it around and roll them over until they are just tired or upset.

Soooo I post strange things true. But you have to admit a rock forum will get strange postings. I know I do it.....but why not a bit of intrigue or mystery? Why should everything fall in a neat little duck row.

I still get a "gas" out of all the farting boyfriend posts, then looking at the recipe thread same day....

Brocolli and Cheese soup? Why does my boyfriend fart soooo much. I just fed him tons of taters, broccoli and cheese soup...

Errrrr, that's priceless.

At least you voted for Obama. And I am sure eventually I will meet several more offline.

Lighten up folks, it's a stressful world out there today. And we should share the best we know how to prove we are really dedicated Led Zeppelin fans.

Now, throw on some soup :nuke:

I didnt say light a match too..

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Perhaps if we define "Venus" the ever so cryptic "Purple," and "NO FUCKING SENSE WHATEVER," we will get somewhere.

Until then I'm still in the dark :huh:

I keep forgetting the clique dealio where people team up on one to get them banned.

I'm surprised that given how many incarnations you've had here, you still haven't gotten the hang of the "private message" function. From the very first week, people were getting irritated by posts you addressed to one person only, on a public board, that made no sense to anybody else. That's what NO FUCKING SENSE WHATEVER means in this context.

As for Judy, the content of some of her posts was offensive to a number of people, for various reasons--they weren't simply harmless and loopy.

And no, I'm not part of any clique to get her and anyone else banned, and haven't tried to get anyone banned, with one exception, Joel: I will out him whenever I can, and so will many other members, some of whom I hardly know (which hardly makes us a clique).

Edited by Aquamarine
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I'm not real certain about Ness Yahs history and true some of her things are pretty cryptic. But I don't think she was you know threatening anyone or anything. Just trying to make sense out of the cosmic debris of religion.

I do know for a fact people will team up on one here, pass it around and roll them over until they are just tired or upset.

Soooo I post strange things true. But you have to admit a rock forum will get strange postings. I know I do it.....but why not a bit of intrigue or mystery? Why should everything fall in a neat little duck row.

NessYah had been banned twice before. She wasn't making sense of the 'cosmis debris of religion' - she was talking shit. All the time. Posts were either completely irrelevant, or just plain weird. And everything stemmed from Hebrew. She was like the father in My Big Fat Greek Wedding. It wasn't her religion that bothered me - as I'm from a Jewish family, too - it was that it was basically the crux of every post she made. It's not unpleasant, it's just tedious. And it was everywhere.

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I do know for a fact people will team up on one here, pass it around and roll them over until they are just tired or upset.

All this "teaming up" is sheer fantasy.

On the other hand, if you mean a lot of people often share the same opinion of annoying posts, that's true. Hardly a conspiracy, however.

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NessYah had been banned twice before. She wasn't making sense of the 'cosmis debris of religion' - she was talking shit. All the time. Posts were either completely irrelevant, or just plain weird. And everything stemmed from Hebrew. She was like the father in My Big Fat Greek Wedding. It wasn't her religion that bothered me - as I'm from a Jewish family, too - it was that it was basically the crux of every post she made. It's not unpleasant, it's just tedious. And it was everywhere.

Did you moderate her back on the board? As far as religion, well I wont comment on that one. I mean it's pretty clear how I feel about what is fantasy to some and factual to others.

I respect how others feel about their religions, because it will change ever so slow if it ever does.

I'm not gonna attack someones religion right out. It may be all they have left in the world. It may be the very last post they ever make...

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All this "teaming up" is sheer fantasy.

On the other hand, if you mean a lot of people often share the same opinion of annoying posts, that's true. Hardly a conspiracy, however.

Is it time to tag off yet Aqua? :lol:

Yes Mary,we haven't forgotten your weirdness as Ledbaby/Speedracer and whatever else you've been.Is it so hard to just be cool? :rolleyes: Hell,just make some semblance of sense.It's not that hard!

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It's not my opinion, unless there's all sorts of teaming up I don't know about. Which is possible but unlikely. Most of us don't have the time or inclination to be that adolescent.

It has gotten much better Aqua. Over the past year people get on much better. And I think much of it is due to consideration and respect. It's actually nothing you can prove in the long run....but you can watch it happen anyways.

True, most here are not that mean I think.

I think I have a peace flag somewhere.

Saw the cutest thing today. Met a man named Brennon. He has a two year old boy, I was waiting for something at the same time him and his son was. He had on a camouflage shirt with a peace sign on it. Just grinning from ear to ear.

Made me think. I taught him how to make the peace sign with his hands and we just laughed it up.

He could care less if it was a war shirt, a peace shirt. All he recognised was the laugh and the smile...

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Did you moderate her back on the board? As far as religion, well I wont comment on that one. I mean it's pretty clear how I feel about what is fantasy to some and factual to others.

I respect how others feel about their religions, because it will change ever so slow if it ever does.

I'm not gonna attack someones religion right out. It may be all they have left in the world. It may be the very last post they ever make...

Did I moderate her? I'm not sure what you mean by that one. I had no part in her being a member of this board, or being banned. Only the admin have that power.

My problem - and I'm sure it wasn't just me - with NessYah wasn't about her religious beliefs. What someone believes is no business of mine, so long as they keep it that way. My problem was that she imposed them on everything she said. I'm not about to slag her religion, because I'd be the biggest hypocrit out, but accusing me of speaking of Hitler when I was speaking of Obama (and she knew) is not only offensive, but just plain idiotic. It may be the last post she ever made. But I'd like to think it wouldn't be the last post I should ever read.

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"Life is just a fantasy,can you live this fantasy life?"

I will hum, you play spoons. Seriously I will be meeting with Middle-Zep soon. And Another from the list later this spring. You and Zosodragon and Electro are more than welcome to join...

Now that's what it's all about. Old book Ledheads getting together :D

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Maybe I'm obtuse, but I don't believe anyone here teams up with anyone to get anyone banned. I know I sure as hell don't.

That's because it doesn't exist. As Aqua said, the only exception is banning Joel but that I don't think anyone would argue happening.

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