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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Anybody catch this resounding endorsement?

BO gets Powell, and McCain now has the support of...wait for it...

Al-Qaida Backs McCain

Thank you with that news update!!!

I always knew he was up to no good. I think he should drop out of the race. He has beady little eyes, he couldn't find his way off the David Letterman stage and his wife leads him around so he doesn't get lost.

I respect him, but we DO NOT NEED HIM IN OFFICE AT HIS AGE.

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I watched an excellent documentary about GITMO last night on HBO. It showcased everything that the Bush Administration has done wrong with its idiology with fighting the war on terror and how its warped message was successful in mind fucking most of America.

What was the biggest surprise (not really)? When Bush signed his Immunity Act that pardoned him and Cheney and Rumsfeld from breaking habeus corpus and exempting them from all other war crime charges, but not our troops who were ordered to commit certain acts authorized by the White House and the CIA. Instead, many were prosecuted, jailed and dishonorably discharged. And our infamous Miss Capt. America with her cigarette and her big fat smile standing next to a hooded detainee wasn't. She was reassigned to a training school in Arizona. American justice, served.

Another sign how mentally starved some people have become in this country is their refusal to accept well documented and reported information, but insanely dismiss viable material if they feel it somehow contrasts from their political beliefs, their way of life, or their sense of "Americanism." . They refuse to accept the obvious truth when its two feet in front of them, bleeding from the eyes, with sagging, black teeth decaying of internal abuse. They'd rather believe the simple, often confused and wrong explanation; political party slander from the left or the right. That's where education has failed such wonderers. An actual education and the ability to judge clarity from treachery.

And as the one freed detainee said a US Commander said to him when he was leaving Cuba, "If you weren't a terrorist before you came here, you're probably one now."

Good job guys!

First job of the new Prez: Close Gitmo, extradite all prisoners to their countries of origin to await trial, and assign a commitee of international heads to look into what abuse of powers were executed by the Bush Administration under habeus corpus: the original law of conduct of the modern world.

Bravo!! Excellent post.

Also: idiology <-- GREAT word. :)

If there were justice in this world, Cheney, Rumsfield, Bush, and Rove would be heading for a long stint in prison right about now.

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Quote of the Week:

'I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.' ~ Thomas Jefferson 1802

Smart dude.

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I was always more of a Hamilton guy:

"Those who stand for nothing fall for anything."

"A national debt, if it is not excessive, will be to us a national blessing"

"In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men the great difficulty lies in this: You must first enable the government to control the governed, and in the next place, oblige it to control itself."

"It's not tyranny we desire; it's a just, limited, federal government."

Edited by wanna be drummer
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Can someone tell me who the Jason Bonham is who is involved in the Election?? I keep getting Google alerts about him. I'm English and don't really know the ins and outs of the Presidential race. Who is this impostor?? :lol:

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Thank you with that news update!!!

I always knew he was up to no good. I think he should drop out of the race. He has beady little eyes, he couldn't find his way off the David Letterman stage and his wife leads him around so he doesn't get lost.

I respect him, but we DO NOT NEED HIM IN OFFICE AT HIS AGE.

You're welcome ;) Even without this little tidbit of news it's really common sense who they'd want to be the next president, I mean, it's just easier to goad the guy who wants to stay in it 'until we win', rather than the guy who wants to pull out gradually and restore badly damaged foreign relations.

And add to that Palin's latest offering, (you're gonna love this one, MH) she's leaving the election results 'in God's hands' (now that she's sufficiently decreased approval ratings, and well what else can you do but leave it up to God to swoop and save the say for you ahahaha!):

Palin Puts US Election Outcome 'In God's Hands'

So long as they keep in mind that not getting what they want is also an answer to a prayer :D

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Sarah Palin needs to shut up with this God shit. The election is not in God's hands, you dingbat. It's in America's hands which frankly, is equally as terrifying. God is not going to be responsible for any candidate winning or losing, and since she has no idea what the hell the job of the Vice President even is, it doesn't surprise me she thinks God determines whether she gets that job or not.

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. . .


Your logic doesn't make any sense.

It,s not supposed to be, but that what the left would make you think that if you believe Barrack has a socialist agenda and ties to far left kooks, you would be a racist.

Sarah Palin needs to shut up with this God shit. The election is not in God's hands, you dingbat. It's in America's hands which frankly, is equally as terrifying. God is not going to be responsible for any candidate winning or losing, and since she has no idea what the hell the job of the Vice President even is, it doesn't surprise me she thinks God determines whether she gets that job or not.

In God We Trust is on our money. In God we trust he will allow us to make the best decision for us, Not make the best decision for us. Most religious people pray for god to give them the strength to make the tough decision, the Anti-religious people want god to give them want they want.

By they way Elctro, Im sure Obama is praying that his grandmother is not going to die soon, so is he stupid for thinking god has any say if she will live or not.

and if he is not praying, we have to assume he was faking his christian beliefs for the last 20 or so years based on he needed to be more black like to get elected, or that he was trying to cover up his supposed Muslim roots. Why would a guy who sat in Rev. Wrights church not wanna pray for his dear old grandmother.

So elctro, would you like to clarify your statements or are you just one of those people who just can't wait to get up in the morning to hate on people who are clearly a better person than you.

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Eh, the election may be in God's hands... and Sarah Palin just needs to be prepared for the possibility that... the election results will be God telling her to get out and shut up.

I have little hope that my state will go for Obama. Actually, I'd be quite surprised if it did... nevertheless, I'll vote for him.

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It,s not supposed to be, but that what the left would make you think that if you believe Barrack has a socialist agenda and ties to far left kooks, you would be a racist.

Ah, got it. I'm on the left and I don't think like that, but I got it.

BTW, it's spelled "Barack," with one R. Sorry. :ph34r::lol:

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Ah, got it. I'm on the left and I don't think like that, but I got it.

BTW, it's spelled "Barack," with one R. Sorry. :ph34r::lol:

as long as I get Obama right and not spell Osama, i think i get a pass on that. Buy yes, Firefox needs a Barack Obama widget. I won't even try to spell the middle name, but firefox will correct me on that one.

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Eh, the election may be in God's hands... and Sarah Palin just needs to be prepared for the possibility that... the election results will be God telling her to get out and shut up.

I have little hope that my state will go for Obama. Actually, I'd be quite surprised if it did... nevertheless, I'll vote for him.

Great post, LOS. jumping0017.gif

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as long as I get Obama right and not spell Osama, i think i get a pass on that. Buy yes, Firefox needs a Barack Obama widget. I won't even try to spell the middle name, but firefox will correct me on that one.

See, the Obama/Osama thing is what annoys me most. <_<

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