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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Melodramatic, much? We have survived shit Presidents in the past, so whoever gets elected in 2 weeks will not cause the downfall of the Republic.

And "normal, traditional values"? Exactly what would those be? No rights for gays? No rights for women? The slow march toward a Christian theocracy? Yeah, I'd like those people to leave the country, preferably as soon as possible. In fact, I'll help them pack.

Jesus God, some of you think this election is bringing in the Rapture. Quit getting your talking points from Rush O'Hannity.

Exactly, traditional values as "they" define them, pfffttt....

Funny thing about Fox News, when i happen to turn it on (for a brief moment) it just makes me feel like i'm watching an evil plot evolving. Worse than turning on a horror movie... I imagine this is the reason there is only one news station like "that one"

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Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Can you imagine the liberal laws that will be created if these three individuals are leading our country? :(

Yeah, that's what i thought. You can't answer a question let alone elaborate on something you regurgitate. confused.gif

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I've gotta chuckle at people who assume that because I want nothing to do with completely liberal leadership, I automatically want to reduce us to the dark ages. :lol: Typical knee-jerk shit from someone who needs to calm down a bit, and realize that their shit stinks too.

What you hardcore libs don't seem to get (and the same thing goes for hardcore conservatives too) is that there can be a balance, a compromise for all. For instance, liberals want all discussions of religion abolished from schools. Fuck, a kid can get suspended for mentioning Christmas these days.

I'm not religious myself. And I don't need it preached to me. But I see no harm in discussing it. Let the kids make up their own minds.

Abortion? That's a woman's decision. I just hope it isn't used as a substitute for common sense, such as safe sex and birth control.

Gay marriage? I admit, I'm not for it. I define marriage as a union between a man and a woman. But whatever. Live and let live.

What the hell is wrong with the right to traditional values and beliefs? Don't force your "new world" beliefs on me, and I won't shove my beliefs down your throat. Sadly though, liberals don't see it that way, nor do hardcore conservatives.

That's why the two party system can shove it up their ass.

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:rolleyes: Well said RA. I understand your position completely. There needs to be a party called Common Sense but sadly, for the forseeable future we will never be self serving enough to establish any foothold on the political scene. For all the neysayers, why can't you be a fiscally responsible liberal or a socially concerned concervative ? It's called dealing with the problem at hand and using your head to fix it. A pipe dream I suppose but somewhere along the line it will have to happen. I just hope we are not too late <_<
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Ah, more class just oozing from the pores of the GOP this election cycle:

A Republican County Clerk distributes material calling Barack Obama a "young, black Adolf Hitler".

But don't fret none, I hear she didn't mean to offend anyone. I also like how they had to mention the fact he's black, as though it's important or something. These are the kind of people that need to be beaten with bike chains. Not because they're not Democrats......because they're stupid racist fuckwits.

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:rolleyes: Well said RA. I understand your position completely. There needs to be a party called Common Sense but sadly, for the forseeable future we will never be self serving enough to establish any foothold on the political scene. For all the neysayers, why can't you be a fiscally responsible liberal or a socially concerned concervative ? It's called dealing with the problem at hand and using your head to fix it. A pipe dream I suppose but somewhere along the line it will have to happen. I just hope we are not too late <_<

We exist.

We are Libertarians.

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Ah, more class just oozing from the pores of the GOP this election cycle:

A Republican County Clerk distributes material calling Barack Obama a "young, black Adolf Hitler".

But don't fret none, I hear she didn't mean to offend anyone. I also like how they had to mention the fact he's black, as though it's important or something. These are the kind of people that need to be beaten with bike chains. Not because they're not Democrats......because they're stupid racist fuckwits.


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Let's see.....what are all the things Obama has been called by the GOP, their staffers, campaign workers, supporters and surrogates:

  • Terrorist
  • Fascist
  • Communist
  • Hitler
  • Antichrist
  • Socialist
  • Racist
  • Drug addict
  • Stalinist
  • Murderer/baby-killer

Is that it? Am I missing any? I love how these dumb asses think he can be both Hitler and a Communist at the same time. Don't they realize fascism and communism are opposite ends of the scale? It would be easier if they stuck to one script, you know.

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aaah-hahahahahahaha!!!! :hysterical::hysterical::wave:

I've wondered for a bit... :Thinking:

Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Can you imagine the liberal laws that will be created if these three individuals are leading our country?


Taken right from a McCain speech. Can you elaborate?

Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Can you imagine the liberal laws that will be created if these three individuals are leading our country? :(

Yeah, that's what i thought. You can't answer a question let alone elaborate on something you regurgitate. confused.gif

You got it. If you DO get an answer, it will most likely be a copy/paste from someone, and the source will probably not be credited.


:wave: Hiya TU THE FIRST LEDZEP... How's Tulsa these days?

:hysterical: *snerk*

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Let's see.....what are all the things Obama has been called by the GOP, their staffers, campaign workers, supporters and surrogates:

  • Terrorist
  • Fascist
  • Communist
  • Hitler
  • Antichrist
  • Socialist
  • Racist
  • Drug addict
  • Stalinist
  • Murderer/baby-killer

Is that it? Am I missing any? I love how these dumb asses think he can be both Hitler and a Communist at the same time. Don't they realize fascism and communism are opposite ends of the scale? It would be easier if they stuck to one script, you know.

Not to be insensitive (since that woman who faked being attacked by BO supporter was clearly mentally unhinged) but a panelist on CNN quipped she'd have had a better chance at pulling off her story had she carved an "O" into her face rather than the backwards "B". But it's still pretty damn funny, and sad given how she claimed to have been attacked by a black BO supporter. I can't help but wonder how many of the above are really politically correct euphemisms for "Black". You can also add "not American born" to the list (handy too what with all the illegal immigrant problems). Loosely tied fears make for a surreal patchwork that is wide enough to fit all these witless wonders. There's still time, though, I'm sure this list will make the quilt of crazy bigger yet before Nov. 4.

BO for President of USA. BO for pulling off and tearing apart beliefs people have hidden beneath for far too long.

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p.s. I miss One Drop

Me too.

(He'd be tickled about TU THE FIRST LEDZEP ... and would be calling him on it, regularly, if not successfully).


BTW, Rock Action... I also don't hate folks who have a different viewpoint than mine. Hell, Del and I disagree on a whole lot of things but we're actually pretty good 'board friends' despite our differences. We can regularly 'duke it out' because at another, deeper level, we both actually respect each other.

OTOH, nobody should get any lofty ideas cuz we all can be asshats at one time or another.

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Yeah, that's what i thought. You can't answer a question let alone elaborate on something you regurgitate. confused.gif

Right now they are reguritating the word LOSER and officially they haven't even lost yet. How pathetic can you get?

Cute smiley CLEAR.

Edited by Mary Hartman
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Ah, more class just oozing from the pores of the GOP this election cycle:

A Republican County Clerk distributes material calling Barack Obama a "young, black Adolf Hitler".

But don't fret none, I hear she didn't mean to offend anyone. I also like how they had to mention the fact he's black, as though it's important or something. These are the kind of people that need to be beaten with bike chains. Not because they're not Democrats......because they're stupid racist fuckwits.

Typical of racists though isn't it. Cannot find anything intelligent to say so they whip out the asshole textbooks.

IMO racists are just assholes.

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A Republican County Clerk distributes material calling Barack Obama a "young, black Adolf Hitler".

But don't fret none, I hear she didn't mean to offend anyone. I also like how they had to mention the fact he's black, as though it's important or something.

I'm offended because the ONE important thing she failed to mention was his being only 16 1/3% black. She makes it sound like he's dark as night, where really his DNA has twice that amount of ARAB, 33 2/3's!!

Geez, that county clerk needs to stress the facts! The white part doesn't show through too well so we can forgive her for that.

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But have you seen his "Birth Certificate" ? ? ?

Drink the Kool-Aid ! ! :D

I think the Hawaii gov't explained that the short form is what gets released, and the long form birth certificate does not. This is the short form, and it is legit, verified up and down, through and through. This one should really be let go, there's no leg to stand on.

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Because McCain is a maverick, is why he is losing. If the G.O.P. put Palin as the head of the party, we will sweep in 2010 and win the white house in 2012. Thats a fact. If McCain comes out and says he wants a banned on gay marriages, he may be winning. California is on their way of doing that and that is the most liberal state out there. If he came out against the bailout, he may be winning.

I think the reason why McCain isn't winning is because he stopped being any sort of maverick and has played the election by the GOP/Karl Rove handbook, which has, at this point in time, damaged his campaign.

McCain should've stuck to his guns and been what he really is or was.

And Pb, Gay marriage has nothing to do with it, and you know it hasn't.

Many many things are going on in America and in the world other than gay people getting married, things of far greater urgency. And if you think that it is a major issue to the point that banning it would put McCain in the lead, I'm sorry but it highlights the fact that you are not living in the real world.

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