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Your Top Comic Book Film Adaptations

Footsteps of Dawn

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In light of Iron Man's release, I was just curious what you guys from both inside and outside the nerd community thought, instead of just hearing the same old opinions from the dorks on comics boards... Mine would go something like this (I'll just rate all the ones I've seen, I guess):

1. Batman Begins

2. Iron Man

3. X2: X-Men United

4. Hellboy

5. V for Vendetta

6. X-Men

7. Spider-Man 2

8. Spider-Man

9. X-Men 3: The Last Stand

10. Batman

11. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

12. Superman

13. Superman Returns

14. Ghost Rider

15. Batman Returns

16. Fantastic Four

17. Batman Forever

18. Catwoman

19. Batman and Robin

I start getting really angry at #14, by the way. Superman Returns was okay and got the job done, but it's not one of my favorites...Ghost Rider, however, was crap. I really need to see Sin City, 300, American Splendor, A History of Violence, The Punisher, and Blade. I might even deign to watch the Daredevil director's cut. Everything else I'm not in much of a hurry to see.

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I haven't seen Ironman yet, I didn't mind The Hulk.

I'm waiting to see who they cast for the upcoming Thor.

I loved this comic, when I was about 12 years old!

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Go see it! Seriously, it's a heck of a good time.

Yeah, I'm interested to see how Thor turns out, too. I've never read the comic, but a superhero interpretation of a Norse god definitely sounds interesting. The director seems decent...he did Stardust and Layer Cake, both of which I enjoyed.

The Hulk...man, I just can't get into that whole concept. I didn't see the last one because I just plain wasn't interested, but I'll probably see this one just because I love Edward Norton. It must be a guy thing, though, because a giant green dude smashing things just doesn't do anything for me. I'm kind of curious about the first one now, actually, just because everything I've heard about it has been so contradictory. It's supposedly somewhat cerebral and reflective but at the same time features mutant poodles? This I gotta see!

The thing I'm most looking forward to is Watchmen. Cannot frigging wait! It's definitely my most favorite comic book (oh, sorry, "graphic novel") ever.

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I was a total Superman fan growing up, so I am a little biased towards the man of steel:

Superman Returns

Iron Man

X Men 2


Batman Begins


Sin City

Spiderman 2

Fantastic Four

The previews for the new Hulk and Batman movies look promising. My two least favorite are Spiderman 3 and Batman movie with Danny Devito as the Penguin.

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Batman Begins was the icing on the cake for me. Christopher Nolan got it pretty close to an actual adaptation.

Sin City was close as well

Iron Man

300 was on point, almost frame by frame.

I'm assuming that "the Watchmen" will be pretty good. The same for "the Dark Knight".

"The Incredible Hulk" Looks promising as well.

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Great list, but x2 should be number one. And you'd better watch blade one and two. That's the only example of a b-rated superhero in a great movie, unlike ghost rider.

I thought Blade 2 was horrible. The third was a bit better, but not by much. The first one will always be the best for me.

I still haven't seen Batman Begins.

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Great list, but x2 should be number one. And you'd better watch blade one and two. That's the only example of a b-rated superhero in a great movie, unlike ghost rider.

I love X2, but like Electricmage, I love Batman Begins too much to put it in the top spot. I am an absolute fangirl of that movie...it's one of my all-time favorite movies, comic-based or no. I will so be there at midnight when The Dark Knight comes out. X2 is great, though, definitely.

And I just realized that I totally forgot about From Hell. I think I'd put it at #9, so move X3 and everything else down one (the edit button is on the fritz, so I can't fix it in the original post).

Which comics do you guys think they should make a film for? I'd like to see Green Arrow, for one; I like that character. Some really smart/creative person should try to do a Sandman adaptation, too, but I sure don't have any ideas about how they should go about doing that.

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ALL BAD!!! Especially League of Extraordinary Gentlemen... disgusting!!

Also, I'm sure Watchmen will be FUCKING AWFUL!

Well, yeah, LXG sure wasn't great, but I'd still rather watch that than, say, Catwoman. Watchmen...I don't know why, but I'm feeling weirdly positive about it. You're probably right, there are so many layers to it that just cannot be reproduced on film, but I dunno, I just have my hopes up about it for some reason. Silly me, I guess.

Jeez, though, you haven't liked ANYTHING that's come out? I understand that many people don't share the same love I do for Batman Begins, but what about, say, Sin City? I haven't met anyone who didn't like that. Not to pressure you or anything, though...it's your opinion! :)

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There is Spider-Man 2 (best realized superhero adaptation to the screen EVER).......and then there are the rest.

But really, Spidey 2 had everything.

Couldn't stand Batman Begins. Took itself waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too seriously, which no comic book adaptation (at least superhero comic book adaptation) should ever do. It's about a man running around in a silly costume for crying out loud.


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I was a total Superman fan growing up, so I am a little biased towards the man of steel:

Superman Returns

Iron Man

X Men 2


Batman Begins


Sin City

Spiderman 2

Fantastic Four

Hmmmm how come you haven't put down Superman II in your list? The best Supes movie (in my opinion) and a whole lot better than Superman Returns.

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There is Spider-Man 2 (best realized superhero adaptation to the screen EVER).......and then there are the rest.

But really, Spidey 2 had everything.

Couldn't stand Batman Begins. Took itself waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too seriously, which no comic book adaptation (at least superhero comic book adaptation) should ever do. It's about a man running around in a silly costume for crying out loud.


It took itself too seriously? Are you joking? Batman in essence if anything, has the right to take itself seriously, as the comic has been "serious" for quite some time. Not the campy "Batman and Robin" comics of the 40's, 50's and 60's. If you think it's about a dude running around in a silly costume, then you obviously don't get it. And is probably the reason why spider-man 2 is your all time favorite.

On another note, Constatine was a damn good adaptation. Though some things were changed.

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Well, yeah, LXG sure wasn't great, but I'd still rather watch that than, say, Catwoman. Watchmen...I don't know why, but I'm feeling weirdly positive about it. You're probably right, there are so many layers to it that just cannot be reproduced on film, but I dunno, I just have my hopes up about it for some reason. Silly me, I guess.

Jeez, though, you haven't liked ANYTHING that's come out? I understand that many people don't share the same love I do for Batman Begins, but what about, say, Sin City? I haven't met anyone who didn't like that. Not to pressure you or anything, though...it's your opinion! :)

Well, okay, Sin City was okay. I suppose :P As a movie. Not as an adaptation. Though there are FAR WORSE.

I was just so enraged at how League of Extraordinary G. was treated. I can see how Alan Moore gets frustrated with endevours to translate his work into films. V was not very good as an adaptation either.

Although I do ADORE Hugo Weaving. *sigh*

Edit: And I *really* think Watchmen will be bad. Very, very bad. I think attempting to do the Fables series to a movie might not be so horrendous if they did it properly. I could die happy if they did that.

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It took itself too seriously? Are you joking? Batman in essence if anything, has the right to take itself seriously, as the comic has been "serious" for quite some time.

It's still a comic book superhero premise with a dude running around in a silly costume. It's not Shakespeare. It's not The Godfather. It's Batman for crying out loud. Anybody who thinks that 'should' be totally serious needs their head examined.

Not the campy "Batman and Robin" comics of the 40's, 50's and 60's. If you think it's about a dude running around in a silly costume, then you obviously don't get it.

Well what is it then, if it's not a dude running around in a silly costume doing things that ordinary men can't do? Sure, Batman never had any 'special powers' but still the premise should not be as serious as it tries to be. It's preposterous to even suggest that.

And is probably the reason why spider-man 2 is your all time favorite.

Spider-Man 2 is my all time favourite because it's the best damn comic book superhero adaptation there has ever been. It knows what it is, and what it isn't and it sticks to it. It's a fun fun movie. It has everything...action, drama, comedy, satire.

It also brought in TWICE as many people to go see it than Batman Begins.

What do I want to see? Batman action set pieces that aren't too different to what Jackie Chan was doing 20 years ago or Spider-Man action set pieces on skyscrapers and trains?? It would seem that the general public agrees with me.

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I'm an absolute Batman freak. Love the Burton movies, even appreciate the Schumacher movies for what they are. Not the best, but they're good for a viewing every now and then. Definitely love what Chris Nolan is bringing to the table. And it looks like Heath Ledger is going to own the Joker. If I had to pick my top 5 favorite super hero movies of all-time, they'd be:

1. Batman Begins

2. Batman '89

3. Iron Man

4. Spiderman 2

5. V For Vendetta

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Mangani... the general public is ususally stupid. Don't forget that, man. The general public are the ones who are going to go and watch that Vegas movie coming out. And that is a movie of pure stupidity for the purely stupid. And it makes me nearly suicidal to know I'm in the main demographic that the movie is aimed towards. Oh, the horror...

Plus I totally disagree w/ your view on Batman. On the other hand, it does seem like a lot of people hold your view. Well... movie watchers anyways. All the "serious" comic book readers (nerds in other words) like the serious tone. When I say serious, I mean people who have read outside of the typical Marvel/DC worlds. Or at least, the people who have a knowledge beyond the Batman-Superman-Spiderman little kids cartoons stuff.

Edit: Not to say I disagree w/ your Spiderman thing. I hate the character, but it is staying very true to story lines. On the other hand, so is the Batman movies. It's based off of a Frank Miller story line, and it's pretty true to it. I love Frank Miller... that bastid is insane. His new Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder... GENIOUS!!

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