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Plant Krauss In Toronto


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I think reporters need to be more creative with the "Zeppelin reunion" question.

I would have said, "Welcome to Canada; Robert, Alison, T-Bone and bandmates. Thank-you for adding Toronto to the Raising Sand tour. Robert..May I ask you a question about Led Zeppelin? If he says, "yes", I will procede.

"Robert...there are many Zeppelin fans, myself included, who bought and listened to your music in the 70's. Your music was a significant part of our young lives. Some were fortunate enough to see you in concert. Is there any possibilty that you, Mr. Page and Mr. Jones would consider a reunion tour?"

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Fun times were had by me and mine. I spent the show standing and bopping behind the seats....I just can't get into sitting through a concert. The other upside is that I could drink beer and smoke-maybe you saw me...long hair/yellow t-shirt.....smoking...drinkling...bopping.. :D

My only complaint is that the sound was not great. It wasn't bad but it seemed as if they just didn't have enough of a PA system to pump out any low end. This is always a trick at ampitheaters but even in the seating area there was not enough low end. I guess I got spoiled all those years following the Grateful Dead-they had it down to an art/science, but then they pretty much invented modern PA systems so what can you do. Heck not only could you hear the bass at their shows, it came up out of the ground and scared you sometimes....

I digress.....it was a good show and Alison is really other worldy...WOW! her and Robert really do share equally though I would give her the edge in the goosebump and verge of tears department. I can see how folks who don't like country and/or just want to see Plant/Zeppelin would be disappointed but I've always liked Alison and that brand of music anyway so it was all good for me.

I was happy to see Serena Ryder make a guest appearance with the opening act (who were a real snooze I though-except for when she sang with them)...She is EXCELLENT...you should check her out Serena Ryder's Myspace

I can see why Robert is enjoying himself but sensed as other have pointed out that he does seem like he'd really like to rock out more.

It was funny to see Alison's Jimmy joke...Robert just about lost it and just kept it together from laughing the song off. I had an idea....someone needs to make a sign and take it to the show reading "SHOW US YOUR EYES ALISON!"

Man if Alison had a bit of Plant in her (but then what girl doesn't say that) as a performer she would be scary. With her beauty and talent and other worldy singing she could be a modern day Paganini (the beautiful female variety of course)...kind of a female mix of Page and Plant....YIKES!

Anyway I spent alot of money buying four tickets and ten hours worth of gas...over a hundred dollars in beer at the venue (not as much beer as you would think for that amount) etc etc but it sure was fun!

Edited by pop
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As an aside, I was surprised that the show wasn't sold out......?......there are a lot of shows going on in TO though so people have a lot of choices.

It is interesting to note that the 'Oh Brother Where art Thou' show sold out there when it came to town....?.......maybe Alison should dump that Golden Cannonball around her ankle B)

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I think reporters need to be more creative with the "Zeppelin reunion" question.

I would have said, "Welcome to Canada; Robert, Alison, T-Bone and bandmates. Thank-you for adding Toronto to the Raising Sand tour. Robert..May I ask you a question about Led Zeppelin? If he says, "yes", I will procede.

"Robert...there are many Zeppelin fans, myself included, who bought and listened to your music in the 70's. Your music was a significant part of our young lives. Some were fortunate enough to see you in concert. Is there any possibilty that you, Mr. Page and Mr. Jones would consider a reunion tour?"

Good point.

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He plays the role of a rock star to perfection. I found him doing more Zeppelinisc poses ... maybe it was just me? His voice is still strong and vibrant.

I noticed it too. Much to my delight, as I'm sure thousands of other femmes in the amp. The way he sat in the stool while AK did a solo, when he pushed that mane back after the final bow, when he sang with his chest out and shoulders pushed back. Sweet momma. So handsome when he strikes his Zeppelinesque poses. They make him look very young. Sigh.

But when he started dancing that some kind of ritual dancing, spinning around in all directions with his head dangling from all sides I thought dude has Robert just lost it. Urk is he aping around...? wth? I suspect Robert is not a dancer lol. His half twists were really dorky. Robert don't be shy baby move that pelvis like Elvis. LOL.

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Some impressions and musings about the concert:

AWESOME show. The band was very tight, excellent musicians, really set a high bar for vocals and AK/RP didn't disappoint. Alison sounds beautiful live, and I was impressed with Robert's tempering the rock wailer for softer harmonies and melodic parts that suited the contexts of the songs (it takes some discipline and guts to try something new when at nearly sixty people still insist that you play the part of the cockrock god. With what these tunes require vocally, there's no fig leaf to hide behind; if you don't sing well you'll get exposed). Anyway, you can probably make almost anyone sound good in a studio, but live is where you prove it, and this entire group was very impressive, great feel and technically proficient. You could really feel the cool chemistry amongst all of them. Some have said that the PA system/sound wasn't great, and I was expecting that too, but compared to other shows I've seen there, it was much better.

Really liked the reworked Zep/RP solo songs, though I wish Levee was included.

It goes without saying, but Plant really knows how to work an audience. Part of it is probably just him, but also as a performer, he's got that awareness of staying committed to connecting with the audience and keeping up the energy. It's not an accident, I think, when people say "I went to SEE RP (or whoever) in concert," you want that stage presence, it's part of the whole package in addition to a great sound, good lighting, etc. (Plant's poses, by the way, are just Plant's poses, not Zep poses, though I get what people mean, and yeah, they were cool to see.)

This brings me to Alison - she sings like an angel, but needs to work on her stage presence. She just didn't look comfortable when not singing or playing the violin, and next to Plant that's all the more noticeable. It reminds me of a JPJ concert I saw a few years ago with King Crimson, and that guitarist, Fripp(?), WOW, not exactly Captain Charisma...zzz...very wooden...

Others have commented on Plant's quip in response to the Zep reunion question in the media session before the show. To be honest, it seemed to me lighthearted and measured in light of such an unimaginative and trite question. I mean, how often do you get a chance to ask Robert Plant something? That's the best you can do? You're a reporter. Do your homework and ask something insightful about the current project. I'd want to know how they decided on the songs for the album or if they're working on originals for a new album (assuming there is one), or what draws him to 'Americana' music, as he puts it. It doesn't take that much to get the guy talking after all! ;) It's actually a really disrespectful question, given that his current collaborators are there with him to talk about their work together. Say they were in Nashville at a press conference and Alison were asked when she'd dump this project and return to Union Station? See what I mean? It's impolite.

Some side notes about the venue: either make the spaces between the aisles larger or hire smaller security (who ranged from burly, to let's say, festively plump). They were on a mission to stamp out any smoking of any kind - legal or illegal, whereas they now turn a blind eye on taking photos (speaking of which, I'd post some but I see I can't simply upload and I don't know how else to do it...too tired to browse around for it, so if someone feels like pointing the way, I'll post a couple...) It used to be the other way around...how times change... $11 beer???

On the way out, some guys were selling RP/AK t-shirts for $20. At the end of the bridge - "T-shirts TEN dollars!" Then at the end of the parking lot there was a lone t-shirt vendor, looking defeated, "T-shirts FIVE dollars," in a listless voice bwahahahaha!

The concert was well worth the price, and it seemed to fly by very quickly. Very fun and eye opening. You could tell they're enjoying this venture, it has a vibrancy and genuineness that I'm really glad I got to be a part of.

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They were on a mission to stamp out any smoking of any kind - legal or illegal, whereas they now turn a blind eye on taking photos (speaking of which, I'd post some but I see I can't simply upload and I don't know how else to do it...too tired to browse around for it, so if someone feels like pointing the way, I'll post a couple...)

They didn't seem to notice the guys beside me certainly not smoking the legal kind. And they were standing right in front of them! I regret not bringing a camera. In the past for shows at the Molson Amphitheater, I've found security to be a bit strict. But I was surprised when so many people in the first couple of rows were obviously taking pics and video. Robert even seemed to enjoy it and would dance closer to them or smile. A change from his attitude from the show I caught in Detroit. <_<

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they now turn a blind eye on taking photos (speaking of which, I'd post some but I see I can't simply upload and I don't know how else to do it...too tired to browse around for it, so if someone feels like pointing the way, I'll post a couple...)

I just learned how to post pics here. They sure dont make it easy. Here is how I did it:

1. Get a photobucket account (photobucket.com)

2. Upload your picks to photobucket

3. When you go to post a pic on this site and it asks you for a link, use the link from photobucket which reads "direct link". The "direct link" url will appear under the pictures you have uploaded.

Hope that helps.

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They didn't seem to notice the guys beside me certainly not smoking the legal kind. And they were standing right in front of them! I regret not bringing a camera. In the past for shows at the Molson Amphitheater, I've found security to be a bit strict. But I was surprised when so many people in the first couple of rows were obviously taking pics and video. Robert even seemed to enjoy it and would dance closer to them or smile. A change from his attitude from the show I caught in Detroit. <_<

Yeah there was lots of security - those rowdy bluegrass crowds! One security man came over to the same guy in the row in front of mine three times for smoking up. I had my camera in hand when he passed by each time (probably used our row to sneak up on him lol).

Not that I'm complaining, but I never get checked thoroughly. They don't pat down women like they do men, but they never went through my bag thoroughly either (save for noticing a water bottle and asking for it to be discarded). Maybe the guy was new - he looked uncomfortable during the check. I guess they don't bother with cameras so much anymore because phones have photo & video capability and they can't confiscate those. To compensate they now gouge people with out of this world prices for water, beer, etc. The RP/AK tour book was $40 in hard cover. There should've been a less pricey soft cover option, too.

Curious - what did you notice in Detroit?

Edited by Patrycja
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I assumed that those cameras were only there to broadcast on the large screens for the fans at the back. I would love it if there was some other plan for the footage.

Thats Awesome,now i know what I'll get for Christmas.and maybe the 02 concert DVD.Cheers. :rolleyes:

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I see the show went well! Thank you for posting this one. :D

Cheers :D

Yeah, genuine smiles all around! There's always this post-show bewilderment, though, like I can't believe it's already been a whole week since the concert. I hope they make their way here again if they extend the extended tour.

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There's always this post-show bewilderment, though, like I can't believe it's already been a whole week since the concert. I hope they make their way here again if they extend the extended tour.

I was thinking the exact same thing yesterday. One week since... I would love if more shows in Canada were added in the Fall. I'm really surprised there's been only one Canadian show. I would think Vancouver may be added since the new Fall dates are up around that way.

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  • 2 weeks later...
hey, when the levee breaks is on the play list but they didnt play it, i was at the toronto show and lovedit, but i heard they were gonna play it and was disappointed when they didnt!!

I know what you mean. I was so looking forward to hearing it and curious as to what the new arrangement would be like. Nonetheless, the concert was fantastic; but if they had done WTLB, it would have been the icing on the cake!

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I know what you mean. I was so looking forward to hearing it and curious as to what the new arrangement would be like. Nonetheless, the concert was fantastic; but if they had done WTLB, it would have been the icing on the cake!

Yeah if I had to pick a slight downer, that would be it.

Would've been really cool too if they did some reworked Canadian tunes, like maybe "Hallelujah" (I thought I heard that Alison covered it, but I might be imagining things...) and "Old Man". I'm curious how these would have turned out in their capable bluegrass hands.

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