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U.S. Vice President 2008


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The more she speaks, the less she says :) I love how she danced around answering the question Katie asked her about her campaign manager taking money from Freddie Mac. However, the Dems already know she is stupid and the Repubs don't care...they will stand by their idiots...

OH NO I am not a Palin fan, lol. I hope it's okay i answered anyway...

Yes, of course it's ok. :)

And yeah, the Repubs don't care that she's not educated...

****Republicans picking thier VP**** hmmm... we have the Anti-Abortion voters, the Gun voters, the racist voters, the religious right voters, the fear monger vote... hey let's get the stupid voters! Let's nominate Sarah Palin!

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More from the Couric/Palin interview:

COURIC: You've cited Alaska's proximity to Russia as part of your foreign policy experience. What did you mean by that?

PALIN: That Alaska has a very narrow maritime border between a foreign country, Russia, and on our other side, the land-- boundary that we have with-- Canada. It-- it's funny that a comment like that was-- kind of made to-- cari-- I don't know, you know? Reporters--


PALIN: Yeah, mocked, I guess that's the word, yeah.

COURIC: Explain to me why that enhances your foreign policy credentials.

PALIN: Well, it certainly does because our-- our next door neighbors are foreign countries. They're in the state that I am the executive of. And there in Russia--

COURIC: Have you ever been involved with any negotiations, for example, with the Russians?

PALIN: We have trade missions back and forth. We-- we do-- it's very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where-- where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is-- from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there. They are right next to-- to our state.

She really is running with the "I can see Russia from Alaska" angle re: foreign policy creds, isn't she? *sigh*

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Apparently there's a clip from the Palin/Couric interview that hasn't seen the light of day, that I am begging and pleading does. Partly because it shows the true depths of Palin's ignorance.

Of concern to McCain's campaign, however, is a remaining and still-undisclosed clip from Palin's interview with Couric last week that has the political world buzzing.

The Palin aide, after first noting how "infuriating" it was for CBS to purportedly leak word about the gaffe, revealed that it came in response to a question about Supreme Court decisions.

After noting Roe vs. Wade, Palin was apparently unable to discuss any major court cases.

There was no verbal fumbling with this particular question as there was with some others, the aide said, but rather silence.

She cannot name any other Supreme Court cases aside from Roe v. Wade. That's all she knows. Not even Miranda v. Arizona, or Brown v. Board of Education, not even Tinker v. Des Moines. The first one is so famous......hello, Miranda rights? Where does she think they came from? Some broad named Miranda? And the second one......SHE CAN'T EVEN MENTION THAT ONE?! If it wasn't for that partly, Barack Obama wouldn't have gotten the education that he did in order to be where he is right now.

Jesus Christ this woman is stupid.

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Did she nail her or what?! Perfection!

Lol, I know eh? The funny thing is after I saw that I saw an excerpt from her follow-up interview with Couric and I swear my first thought was, "Hey! It's Tina Fey!"

My secret fear is that this is all just a ploy and she'll come out like fucking Aristotle in that debate. Highly doubt it, but after this weird week in U.S. events, nothing would really surprise me.

Edited to add:

Philosophical debate on the field

couldn't help myself :lol:

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To everyone laughing at Palin because she was picked as a tool for votes, I thought this was funny.

Bill Clinton was on the Daily Show and he sure as hell ran his mouth. Near the end of the talk he said something along the lines of "Well we're in this to win this thing. We need to do what it takes to get votes."

Hypocrisy hypocrisy, mm mm. Ain't it a bitch?

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Who gives a rat's ass? Right now Barack Obama has a greater chance of winning in a landslide than McCain has of winning at all. All I'm concerned about is that their ground game in states like Ohio, Florida, North Carolina and Virginia continue at the pace they're going. If we can take VA and NC, two states that haven't gone blue in 42 years, I'll crap my pants in joy. If we win Florida, I'll crap my pants in joy and then pass out.

BTW, I notice no one is going to tackle Sarah Palin's ignorance of basic ConLaw. Perhaps Barack Obama, the former ConLaw professor, can give her pointers.

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To everyone laughing at Palin because she was picked as a tool for votes, I thought this was funny.

Bill Clinton was on the Daily Show and he sure as hell ran his mouth. Near the end of the talk he said something along the lines of "Well we're in this to win this thing. We need to do what it takes to get votes."

Hypocrisy hypocrisy, mm mm. Ain't it a bitch?

You're just leaving it right out there, hmm? B)

Why would anyone do something NOT to get votes? But she seems to be going from secret weapon to red herring pretty fast. At the end of the day, it's about substance not sound bites, so it'll be interesting to see this play out on Thursday.

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Who gives a rat's ass? Right now Barack Obama has a greater chance of winning in a landslide than McCain has of winning at all. All I'm concerned about is that their ground game in states like Ohio, Florida, North Carolina and Virginia continue at the pace they're going. If we can take VA and NC, two states that haven't gone blue in 42 years, I'll crap my pants in joy. If we win Florida, I'll crap my pants in joy and then pass out.

Who gives a rat's ass? After all this shit she's taken about being a ploy, Bill Clinton finally reveals that Democrats also do whatever it takes. The Hypocrisy is hilarious

BTW, I notice no one is going to tackle Sarah Palin's ignorance of basic ConLaw. Perhaps Barack Obama, the former ConLaw professor, can give her pointers.

Perhaps McCain, the war veteran of Vietnam, can give Obama some pointers on Iraq

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I'm sorry, are we continuing to ignore the fact that Sarah Palin can't name a Supreme Court case aside from Roe v. Wade? You'd think a gun nut like her would at least know DC v. Heller.

And again, I don't give a rat's ass what Bill Clinton has to say. I didn't even watch his speech at the DNC. And if you think he was talking about election/vote fraud, better turn that mirror around on the Republicans.

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I'm sorry, are we continuing to ignore the fact that Sarah Palin can't name a Supreme Court case aside from Roe v. Wade? You'd think a gun nut like her would at least know DC v. Heller.

She gaffed, what do you want me to say? How dare she?

I'm not supporting her party's election bid so why would I defend her when she fucks up like that?

And again, I don't give a rat's ass what Bill Clinton has to say. I didn't even watch his speech at the DNC. And if you think he was talking about election/vote fraud, better turn that mirror around on the Republicans.
If Fred Thompson said something like that, Democrats would jump all over it.

And I always at least try to turn the mirror Liz, let's not forget that.

Edited by wanna be drummer
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She gaffed, what do you want me to say? How dare she?

I'm not supporting her party's election bid so why would I defend her when she fucks up like that?

If Fred Thompson said something like that, Democrats would jump all over it.

And I always at least try to turn the mirror Liz, let's not forget that.

Yeah, that would be a good start. ANYONE seeking high political office should be able to answer that question tenfold. It wasn't a gaffe. Not even close. She was asked a question and couldn't answer it. A gaffe would be saying "Supreme Court? Wasn't Diana Ross the lead singer?" She was asked to name a case other than Roe v. Wade and she said nothing. I'm serious when I say, there are 13 year olds with a better grasp of this shit than she has. It's embarrassing that the GOP are trying to pass her off as qualified and competent when she's clearly not. Or were they only looking for tits and nothing else? As a woman, it's offensive. It's difficult enough for women to get into high political offices, especially because we're not taken as seriously as men are. When you have a woman like her out there, opening her mouth and saying either stupid shit or in this case, nothing which is worse, it makes it that much more difficult for a woman to be in her shoes again.

I wasn't asking for YOU to defend it, I was asking for ANYONE here to defend it. If they can. If Joe Biden was asked this question and he couldn't answer it, have you any idea how embarrassing that would be for Democrats?

Re: The second point, if Fred Thompson said something like that, no one would pay attention because no one cares about him. You could have picked a more relevant Republican, you know.

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Apparently there's a clip from the Palin/Couric interview that hasn't seen the light of day, that I am begging and pleading does. Partly because it shows the true depths of Palin's ignorance.

She cannot name any other Supreme Court cases aside from Roe v. Wade. That's all she knows. Not even Miranda v. Arizona, or Brown v. Board of Education, not even Tinker v. Des Moines. The first one is so famous......hello, Miranda rights? Where does she think they came from? Some broad named Miranda? And the second one......SHE CAN'T EVEN MENTION THAT ONE?! If it wasn't for that partly, Barack Obama wouldn't have gotten the education that he did in order to be where he is right now.

Jesus Christ this woman is stupid.

Maybe the fact that Barrack Obama thinks there are 58 States will offset any lack of knowledge Palin might have on specific Supreme Court cases?

Talk about stupid! Maybe if he had paid more attention to the American flag, maybe even saluted it once or twice. Maybe he would have just noticed the '50 stars' and then put two and two together.

You really going to vote for a guy who actaully thought there were 58 states in the union?

Talk about stupid!

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Maybe the fact that Barrack Obama thinks there are 58 States will offset any lack of knowledge Palin might have on specific Supreme Court cases?

Talk about stupid! Maybe if he had paid more attention to the American flag, maybe even saluted it once or twice. Maybe he would have just noticed the '50 stars' and then put two and two together.

You really going to vote for a guy who actaully thought there were 58 states in the union?

Talk about stupid!

wow Del, I was giving you more credit than you deserve.

It was labled as a gaffe, but he said it as a joke. It didn't get coverage like that in the Conservative lines and that's because they are just salvating over anything to pin on him.

Edited by allthekingshorses
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Palin's church..

Brickner said, "Judgment is very real and we see it played out on the pages of the newspapers and on the television. When a Palestinian from East Jerusalem took a bulldozer and went plowing through a score of cars, killing numbers of people. Judgment -- you can't miss it."

^David Brickner was speaking at Palin's church on August 17, 2008, she was in attendance, and those were his words.

The regular pastor at her church said this in 2004.. source CNN

"Pastor Ed Kalnin, the senior pastor of Palin's former Pentecostal church, has also come under fire for his comments. In 2004, he told church members if they voted for John Kerry for president, they wouldn't get into heaven. He told them, "I question your salvation."

The Assembly of God issued a statement online in response, which said Kalnin was "joking" when he suggested "Kerry supporters would go to hell." The statement went on to say: "We do acknowledge in hindsight that it was careless, and we do apologize for that. This statement is not written as a defense, but as a clarification." "

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Couric: Where do you stand on the Ledbetter Fair Pay Act?

Palin: I'm absolutely for equal pay for equal work. The Ledbetter pay act - it was gonna turn into a boon for trial lawyers who, I believe, could have taken advantage of women who were many, many years ago who would allege some kind of discrimination. Thankfully, there are laws on the books, there have been since 1963, that no woman could be discriminated against in the workplace in terms of anything, but especially in terms of pay. So, thankfully we have the laws on the books and they better be enforced.

Couric: The Ledbetter act sort of lengthens the time a woman can sue her company if she's not getting equal pay for equal work. Why should a fear of lawsuits trump a woman's ability to do something about the fact that women make 77 cents for every dollar a man makes. And that's today.

Palin: There should be no fear of a lawsuit prohibiting a woman from making sure that the laws that are on the books today are enforced. I know in a McCain-Palin administration we will not stand for any measure that would result in a woman being paid less than a man for equal work.

Couric: Why shouldn't the Ledbetter act be in place? You think it would result in lawsuits brought by women years and years ago . Is that your main problem with it?

Palin: It would have turned into a boon for trial lawyers. Again, thankfully with the existing laws we have on the books, they better be enforced. We won't stand for anything but that. We won't stand for any discrimination in the workplace - that there isn't any discrimination in America.

She's like a broken See n' Say. I think this shows that she's cramming rote memorization into her schedule along with everything else, and anyone observant can pick it up.

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No comment.

Other than the fact that you people who think Obama is gonna improve this country better grow up fast.


You're ruining the surprise.

You know, when in 2011, Obama would have to send the troops back into Iraq, our economy is bought up by foreign investors and jobs leave this country faster than a white castle hamburger through the human body.

All because we don't want to be seen as a racist country by not voting in the most inexperienced presidential nominee ever.

But atleast we can get an abortion at any time in any state for any reason. We wouldn't want to teach our children to accept mistakes and make the best of it.

Sarah Palin is dumb

Doesn't she know that "above my Pay grade" is an acceptable answer in any given situation.

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