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Were you a rebel when you were young?


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When I've opened up to some of my co-workers about my party days, one goody two shoes guy says in jest " You didn't go to High School You went to School High!"

I then replied "Though we've traveled different paths in our youth, we both ended up in the same camp!"

Burn! :lol:


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When I've opened up to some of my co-workers about my party days, one goody two shoes guy says in jest " You didn't go to High School You went to School High!"

I then replied "Though we've traveled different paths in our youth, we both ended up in the same camp!"

Burn! :lol:


We had a teacher who used to say that to kids, "Are you in high school or are you in school high?" He thought he was so funny and cool - but he wasn't. Not at all.

So true about you and your co-worker! I've had similar experiences when I've talked about the days of my youth. One smug woman responded to me, "I was a good girl in high school" and I said something like, "It didn't really matter who we were then, because we're in the same profession now."

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i'm still young, and I am a rebel. Not the classical one with riots and all that, more protesting against my own generation. I'm really ashamed for the mentality of my schoolmates; being cool means to listen to gangsta rap and getting wasted every weekend. And for sure I'm against my teachers' authority; I respest the ones that respect me, but rebel against the other ones. Sometimes it's hard being a teacher's child!


I'm still young too and I agree 100 %.

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I'm going the other way at the moment, when i was younger i used to always follow the rules and was really disappointed with myself if i got into trouble and i would always suck up to the teachers now i sort of don't care and i am starting to answer back at poeple or swear or something.

Once i swore in the same room as a teacher but she didn't notice but the starnge thing was that i didn't care about it.

Alothough about 2 years ago i skived off a P.E lesson but no-one noticed but i don't do that anymore.

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When I've opened up to some of my co-workers about my party days, one goody two shoes guy says in jest " You didn't go to High School You went to School High!"

I then replied "Though we've traveled different paths in our youth, we both ended up in the same camp!"

Burn! :lol:


I'm sure you had a lot more fun getting there! :D

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We had a teacher who used to say that to kids, "Are you in high school or are you in school high?" He thought he was so funny and cool - but he wasn't. Not at all.

So true about you and your co-worker! I've had similar experiences when I've talked about the days of my youth. One smug woman responded to me, "I was a good girl in high school" and I said something like, "It didn't really matter who we were then, because we're in the same profession now."

Yeah, and what's the definition of 'good' anyway?! <_<

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I'm still a 'rebel' and I'm an old fart! But, I just rebel in different ways :) Like, OK, I have a temp. handicap parking sticker due to an injury and we're in this new building that I swear you have to walk a 1/2 a mile to get into from a lot of the parking. The ENTIRE SIX handicap spots are taken so I parked in a spot reserved for a Partner! Ahahahahah! I contact the facilites manager for anything and everything - "Hello Joe? The guys are working on the roof and I can't even talk on the phone and it's causing debris to fall on me" , "Hey Joe! Could you please get the numbers painted on the doors on the stairwells? I think they even have that in the projects" "Hey Joe, blah blah blah" Funny thing is, he likes me and I always complain with a smile but I'm a squeaky wheel. I'm sure I'm on several 'lists' at work.

Hosery?! You say we have to wear hose in the SUMMER?! Even our client serving profesionals in NYC don't have to wear HOSE! I'm NOT wearing hose to work so if you need to fire me over that, go ahead'.

Oh no open toed shoes? Ummm, are my toes distracting you? I suggest you see a therapist about that...

My desk is an ode to rebellion. I have a printed OUT OF ORDER sign in it. My whiteboard is used ONLY for song lyrics quotes...todays quote - "Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign." Yesterdays quote "Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, here I am...." Tomorrow's quote "If I leave here tomorrow, will you still remember me?"

Before that it was random quotes "I'd turn back if I were you!" , "All ye who enter here abandon hope" Everyone jumps in and helps keep it fresh....

It amusing MOST people B)

I'd love to work with you ! Got have an atmosphere in the workplace or it just get's stale. Clients love it. Believe me B)

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Good thought. I don't regret anything I've done but I know that I would feel regret if I hadn't done those things.

Thanks, Amazonic and thank you for sharing your inspiring story with us. It's so great to read that the confines of your narrow environment didn't prevent you from pursuing your dreams and your passions. :)

So true MSG. I too would have regrets if I'd not had those experiences. Sadly, I think I'd be like so many that I know that are trying to have those expeiences at a later stage of life..lol. Do it when your young it makes midlife crisis so much easier :D

Amazonic, All any of us can really do is follow our hearts. It's the only way to be true to ourselves. Too many think too much and never get there. I'm glad you have

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My dad made damn sure I wasn't and he's the kind of guy that doesn't fuck around. The closest I've ever rebeled against him was when he wanted me to get a hair cut at 15 (as I started growing my hair out) and I would just look at him and say 'no'. :unsure:

If there was something I did wrong, he wouldn't know about it, my family wouldn't know either because he could find a way to see what I got myself into. I always did the best to stay out of trouble for the sake of his sanity and for the sake of my life.

We got along very well though, a friendship that will last a life time. He raised a damn good kid. B)

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So true MSG. I too would have regrets if I'd not had those experiences. Sadly, I think I'd be like so many that I know that are trying to have those expeiences at a later stage of life..lol. Do it when your young it makes midlife crisis so much easier :D

Amazonic, All any of us can really do is follow our hearts. It's the only way to be true to ourselves. Too many think too much and never get there. I'm glad you have

Amen to that. I am glad that I did all of those crazy things when I was young and resilient. I know people in midlife who are trying to live the crazy youth that they never experienced and it doesn't seem very pleasant - for them or for their family members.

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Good point! In the smug woman's mind, "good" is defined as a girl who, back in the '70's, didn't don short skirts and 4 inch platforms and didn't chase reprobate rockers. :bagoverhead:

And all she got was a pat on the head 'Good girl'...poor thing :lol:

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Amen to that. I am glad that I did all of those crazy things when I was young and resilient. I know people in midlife who are trying to live the crazy youth that they never experienced and it doesn't seem very pleasant - for them or for their family members.

I guess the difference is that now, they are doing crazy youthful things and I'm doing crazy almostadult things :D Damn rights !!!

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