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I suppose this is the feedback that someone wanted :angry: . I was raised in both countries and do listen to the news here and I do hear things from the English as the south of Spain has a lot of tourist. I AM NOT RACIST AND DO NOT GENERALIZE but the truth is out there. Read the other posts and not just mine. <_<

But you did. Otherwise, myself and longdistancewinner would not have replied.

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I suppose this is the feedback that someone wanted :angry: . I was raised in both countries and do listen to the news here and I do hear things from the English as the south of Spain has a lot of tourist. I AM NOT RACIST AND DO NOT GENERALIZE but the truth is out there. Read the other posts and not just mine. <_<

But you have generalized. You've said all American's call black people that deplorable word. I've been to America a fair few times, had/have two American best friends, family, and I've never even heard any single one of them utter that word - whether they be black or white.

And, again, you're generalising English tourists. You may hear what some of them say, but it doesn't mean they all do. I've been to the south of Spain, I sure as hell don't think that.

Don't hear the minority and think it's the majority.

But you did. Otherwise, myself and longdistancewinner would not have replied.

What you said.

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I agree. And polotics and music don't mix either. So why so much of it here? Because of no tour! And sports and music don't usually mix, but this closing ceremony will be an exception. I hope Jimmy shows up trashed and rips off all the Zepp classics. No, just kidding, I want the people in this world that don't know who he is, like I don't know who this young chick he is playing with is, to learn that he is the greatest guitarist to ever walk the planet. And to me the greatest musician period. I know Beethoven will get a few votes and deservedly so, but to me, its Page and only Page. Ah, fucking Page!

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As if the English, Australian and American aren´t a little bit racist :rolleyes: .

No nationality if free from racism.

Why do aussies call the european WOGS, why do they call the English POMIES, why do Americans call the afroamericans NIGGERS why do the English say that the Spanish women have beards is that the kind of feedback you wanted :( , people who say these sort of things aren´t normal so in my opinion I think this sort of stuff is really irrelevant in todays world. We are all human beings and I´m half spanish and half australian and do not consider myself racist, although I´ved lived both sides. I feel very privilieged to have lived in both countries and can honestly say that both are in someway racist because of the uncontrolable immigration, but that´s another story ;)

FYI, the term WOGS was coined by the English and used primarily during the Indian / Pakistan era in the 18th and 19th centuries and as recently as WWI in Egypt.

I know this as fact from my grandfather who was in Cairo in 1916.

POMMIES is a play on words for P.O.M.E., Prisoner Of Mother England and is a term of irony, not racism.

After all who but the British would send all of their criminals to a paradise in the Pacific Ocean!

Anyone who says deroragtory things against another country is racist.

Racism has no boundaries, borders, age or gender.

It usually starts at home, you know, the sins of the father.......

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BOLT the Jamaican....Oh My!! :shifty:

The summer games have had so many hard and hot body's on it it has been hard to turn away from the tube.

My only peeve is in the games that require "judging." Especially the gymnasts. No Fair! :angry:<_<

The commentators also said that.

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Australians also call eachother 'wogs'. Keep in mind that the majority of Australians are from somewhere else, some descend from the convicts but there has been a lot of migration. Though my parents were born here, they're Italian and Maltese and I get called a 'wog', it's not derogatory. Words mean different thing to different people. There are a lot of people who get called that. As for poms.. :rolleyes:

Now the new big group of migrants are the Soli, bro...

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As if the English, Australian and American aren´t a little bit racist :rolleyes: .

No nationality if free from racism.

Why do aussies call the european WOGS, why do they call the English POMIES, why do Americans call the afroamericans NIGGERS why do the English say that the Spanish women have beards is that the kind of feedback you wanted :( , people who say these sort of things aren´t normal so in my opinion I think this sort of stuff is really irrelevant in todays world. We are all human beings and I´m half spanish and half australian and do not consider myself racist, although I´ved lived both sides. I feel very privilieged to have lived in both countries and can honestly say that both are in someway racist because of the uncontrolable immigration, but that´s another story ;)

After 50 moons on this dustball of ours, I've learned that EVERYONE IS RACIST TO EVERYONE ELSE....it's in the human nature....NO-one excluded...so where's the novelty??! :)

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FYI, the term WOGS was coined by the English and used primarily during the Indian / Pakistan era in the 18th and 19th centuries and as recently as WWI in Egypt.

I know this as fact from my grandfather who was in Cairo in 1916.

POMMIES is a play on words for P.O.M.E., Prisoner Of Mother England and is a term of irony, not racism.

After all who but the British would send all of their criminals to a paradise in the Pacific Ocean!

Anyone who says deroragtory things against another country is racist.

Racism has no boundaries, borders, age or gender.

It usually starts at home, you know, the sins of the father.......

Love your post 'Reggie29', is their a 'Ronny29' that you know of by any chance. :lol:

WOG was first used by the British to refer to people of the Middle East and stands for, Western Oriental Gentleman, it got used as an offencive word much later.

The British not only sent their criminals to these exotic places but also Soldiers and Sailors who otherwise would have had brutal punishments, and the Soldiers were in Penial Battalions and they served the same sentence as the criminials. This was because Britain wanted to colonize these places not to give the criminals a holiday.

I dont agree with the bit about racism though, we say a lot of things when we are angry, not because we hate the person but because we cant think of anything else to say. I dont regard being called a Ginger, Fat, Bald, Ugly, Pomm, Limey, Britt, Sasanach, or the like as being offensive to me. So why all the fuss about being called something that you are?

I though being strong in character like us English means that name's cant hurt you. Well it seem's that I and many other Englishmen were wrong, these foreigners can be hurt by being called names, and they call us Southerners from London soft, well I never. :lol:

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I have red hair (red, mind, not ginger).

People always take the piss and call me 'ginger' :(

After a while it does get old, but it doesn't make it any easier to deal with. I was never bullied or anything, but there were/are ignorant chavs who 'comment'.

They use it in a derogatory way, you start feeling the insult as well.

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I have red hair (red, mind, not ginger).

People always take the piss and call me 'ginger' :(

After a while it does get old, but it doesn't make it any easier to deal with. I was never bullied or anything, but there were/are ignorant chavs who 'comment'.

They use it in a derogatory way, you start feeling the insult as well.

Hi 'longdistancewinner'

Red hair makes you a very special girl in my opinion, look how many girls and women change their hair to red, it makes them/you look very sexy. :P

Now how about if you lost your hair, or grew an extre wide centre parting like many of us men do.

I didn't say me.

Then red hair would not seem so bad, would it.

Regards, Danny

PS. Hi Ginge. :lol:

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Cheers <_<

I used to hate it as a kid. Really despised having red hair. Then every bugger and their mum's started dying it 'my' colour and now I'm paranoid it's losing it's redness :(

I'd hardly say it's a sexy colour - especially when you've got a temper like me. Not sexy at all :D

Believe me, a Red Headed Jewess, with some Jordanian extraction, a little Norfolk and Cockney mix is very very sexy from where I am sitting. ;)

Now back to the Olympics before Electrofile sees us. :lol:

And by the way, I have just returned from taking the dog for a walk and it's CATS here in London!!

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I have red hair (red, mind, not ginger).

People always take the piss and call me 'ginger' :(

After a while it does get old, but it doesn't make it any easier to deal with. I was never bullied or anything, but there were/are ignorant chavs who 'comment'.

They use it in a derogatory way, you start feeling the insult as well.

So you're not a ginge minge?

Shame really, ginger people are dying out, you know

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Hee hee, it's all about "intention". Like they didn't intend for this to be seen as an offensive gesture, I posted it here with the intention of getting some interesting feedback. :D

link to article

seems they have a history of being insensitive twatwaffles

I wrote about racism in other countries due to this post. There are so many links I could find about racism in America, UK, Australia and the rest of the world that it would take up too much room. Don´t put your racist remarks hidden in articles you may find in stupid sensationalist newspapers.

I think you generalized here.






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