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Two arrested in a plot to derail a train in Canada. They had support of the Taliban in Iran. Its all over CNN. Thank God the Canadien police stopped them and made the arrest


Edited by LedZeppfan77
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Two arrested in a plot to derail a train in Canada. They had support of the Taliban in Iran. Its all over CNN. Thank God the Canadien police stopped them and made the arrest


saw this too Rick.....I would probably have friends on that train....f-ing terrorists!
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  • 4 weeks later...

Ford is such an easy target, though...mind ya I reckon you can paint a pretty big bullseye on the fat fucker's chest :lol:

I think the Rob Ford vs the media war all started with the This Hour Has 22 Minutes incident a couple years back (when they more or less trespassed onto his property then filmed & broadcasted his totally justifiable freakout). I think that incident proved to the media that Rob Ford can't take a joke but has a pretty thin skin on top of it. Once a politician shows weakness in front of the media, they're like pihranas :lol: (and I say that as a former freelance journalist. The parasitic nature of the trade is a big part of the reason I walked away and took up painting houses for a living...)

Personally as far as this "Rob Ford smokes crack" controversy goes, I think I'll reserve judgment until they actually show the goddamn video. They want six figures for the video apparently...yer tryin' to tell me that the fucking CBC or the Toronto Star can't pony up the dough for such a hot piece of footage?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ford is such an easy target, though...mind ya I reckon you can paint a pretty big bullseye on the fat fucker's chest :lol:

I think the Rob Ford vs the media war all started with the This Hour Has 22 Minutes incident a couple years back (when they more or less trespassed onto his property then filmed & broadcasted his totally justifiable freakout). I think that incident proved to the media that Rob Ford can't take a joke but has a pretty thin skin on top of it. Once a politician shows weakness in front of the media, they're like pihranas :lol: (and I say that as a former freelance journalist. The parasitic nature of the trade is a big part of the reason I walked away and took up painting houses for a living...)

Personally as far as this "Rob Ford smokes crack" controversy goes, I think I'll reserve judgment until they actually show the goddamn video. They want six figures for the video apparently...yer tryin' to tell me that the fucking CBC or the Toronto Star can't pony up the dough for such a hot piece of footage?

The Ford crack video story keeps getting wierder and better everyday.. Six of the Mayors staff resigned (rats are fleeing ship), one of the people in the video was murdered a few weeks ago (dont know many) details) and story keeps continuing. Rob's brother holds a press conference on behalf of his brother. And Rob he keeps pretending the whole thing does not exist, so why did all his staff leave.

The whole family is a bunch of Douches

Edited by The 4 Runes
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I've visited Canada three times and liked what I saw of the country each time. I was particularly impressed with Toronto which I visited in 2003. It reminded me of Chicago only much cleaner. I'm sure it has its share of typical big-city problems, but I could easily see myself living there. The only drawback would be the winters.

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Vancouver has no winter, and Calgary has summer in the winter which comes and goes every 48 hours. Halifax has no snow and winter much like Boston or New York.

I've visited Canada three times and liked what I saw of the country each time. I was particularly impressed with Toronto which I visited in 2003. It reminded me of Chicago only much cleaner. I'm sure it has its share of typical big-city problems, but I could easily see myself living there. The only drawback would be the winters.

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London Ontario and surrounding area is in a snowbelt...there can be some nasty winters...there can be nice summers..it's close to Lake Huron and Lake Erie.it's not as expensive as Toronto...there are some interesting festivals

!. Canterbury Folk Festival in Ingersoll Ontario http://www.canterburyfolkfestival.on.ca

2. Rock the Park in London Ontario http://www.rockthepark.ca

3. Home County Folk Festival London http://www.homecounty.ca

4. Sunfest London http://www.sunfest.on.ca/


1. Budweiser Gardens..Grand Theatre, Centennial Hall and Aeolian Hall ...London Ontario

2. Stratford Festival in Stratford Ontario http://www.stratfordfestival.ca/

3. Lighthouse Festival (summer repertory theatre) Port Dover...near Hamilton...

4, Drayton Entertainment.. summer repertory..theatres in mid-western Ontario (Grand Bend, Drayton, Blythe)....

5. Caesars Windsor... http://www.caesarswindsor.com

Edited by Juliet
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Vancouver has no winter, and Calgary has summer in the winter which comes and goes every 48 hours. Halifax has no snow and winter much like Boston or New York.

What do you mean Vancouver doesn't have winter? Isn't the climate similar to that of Seattle, Washington? I know the latter city has winter because I've visited relatives who live there during the Christmas holidays. It didn't snow but it was certainly cold and damp.
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What do you mean Vancouver doesn't have winter? Isn't the climate similar to that of Seattle, Washington? I know the latter city has winter because I've visited relatives who live there during the Christmas holidays. It didn't snow but it was certainly cold and damp.

Yes, Vancouver and Seattle have the same climate and winters are cold wet and windy but compared to the rest of the country, it's not winter :lol: . However, when we have an el nina winter, we usually end up with colder than usual temps and a lot more snow !

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  • 3 weeks later...

Horrendous Ally. Thankfully all was OK? Though Momo looked less than impressed?

I'm afraid the way the climate is changing, these stories are only going to get more frequent. Only recently parts of Europe were under water when the Danube broke it's banks. Here in the UK we had awful flooding last summer and to be honest things don't look that great this year. Scientists are blaming the warming of the North Atlantic for the changing weather patterns. The arctic ice shelf is melting at an alarming rate and if the UK loses the influence of the Gulf Stream we are all fucked as it will be a mini ice age. Many wine growers will be praying for a warm dry summer as last year hardly any wine was produced, mainly in the south of England. If things go the way of last year many will be out of business. A worrying trend that's for sure?

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Horrendous Ally. Thankfully all was OK? Though Momo looked less than impressed?

I'm afraid the way the climate is changing, these stories are only going to get more frequent. Only recently parts of Europe were under water when the Danube broke it's banks. Here in the UK we had awful flooding last summer and to be honest things don't look that great this year. Scientists are blaming the warming of the North Atlantic for the changing weather patterns. The arctic ice shelf is melting at an alarming rate and if the UK loses the influence of the Gulf Stream we are all fucked as it will be a mini ice age. Many wine growers will be praying for a warm dry summer as last year hardly any wine was produced, mainly in the south of England. If things go the way of last year many will be out of business. A worrying trend that's for sure?

Yep, climate change is certainly wreaking havoc all over the world. In this case, it's a biproduct of a tropical storm front coming up from the south meeting with a storm front from the north. The heavy rains forced a rapid melt of the snow cap in the Rockies and more than another 100ml of rain are expected over the next 2 days. There are already highways in south eastern BC that are closed but if that expected rain materializes, most of the Kootenay region of the province will probably be looking at events similar to those in Alberta

Edited by ally
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My thoughts go out to all of those in Calgary and southern Alberta hit by flash flooding.


Hello Ally:

I have been watching reports on CTV...CBC and the Weather network...it's hard to watch all the devastation..I send my prayers to fellow Canadians in Calgary and other areas affected by flooding...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Is this a special day in Canada?

Damn right it is...it's our 146th birthday today! Got Exit Stage Left by Rush cranked up on the hi-fi, local brew and locally grown spliff in hand, just BBQ'd some steaks a while ago...happy Canada Day!

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