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The Athiest thread


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  • 4 months later...
Well leave it to you to dig up a thread like this. Up to your old tricks I see. Ill be honest, Ive never liked your style.

That's pretty good coming from you. However I didnt come here to fuss over something so trivial, so carry on.

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I agree, I'm an athiest and this god crap is stupid (no offence to the religious people).

Why? Because you don't agree with it? Nice logic

:whining: God breathed life onto us nanananana

And Nature breathed life into us is much better?

It's stupid this stuff. I'm not goin' anywhere when I die, just rot in the ground like everybody else. Anyway, I don't believe that Fred schneider or Elton John is going to hell. Or Freddie Mercury is in hell.

And you know this how?

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To come up with a new idea: People in Charles Darwin's hometown in England were asked, how they think about his theories of evolution and the origin of species. Everybody agreed he was a great scientist, and one man said: "It actually makes much more sense than religion and causes fewer problems.

Amen to that. B)

Another qoute I found about religion, but I don't know who said it, was, that good people do good deeds on their own, evil people do evil deeds on their own, without religion involved, but religion causes good people doing evil things.

Om of my classmates truely believes, that homosexuality is a diesease that can be cured through prayers and finding to god. She actually is a nice person, but the religious indoctrination she was confronted with through her parents made her believing that bullsh*t. I don't think, that religious education makes someone automaticly a better person, it has more chances to cause the opposite.

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Why? Because you don't agree with it? Nice logic

And Nature breathed life into us is much better?

And you know this how?

Disproving that which is so overwhemingly impossible as a creationist theory is not based in logic. Therefore the argument of twisting what is fact and not theory is even more twisted.



Evolution As Theory And Fact:




Creationism As Myth:


And thank you Carouselambra. You've been a good friend for some time. Even though I don't believe in the reasoning behind you praying for me. I still find comfort knowing others care enough to do so. This would be faith of the human heart and spirit.


People are people. Well mostly, I have a theory on a select few, but I fall off my chair laughing even thinking about explaining it.

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Disproving that which is so overwhemingly impossible as a creationist theory is not based in logic. Therefore the argument of twisting what is fact and not theory is even more twisted.



Evolution As Theory And Fact:




Creationism As Myth:


Where did I say I didn't believe in Evolution or in the Big Bang Theory?
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Where did I say I didn't believe in Evolution or in the Big Bang Theory?


We've spoken in private messages in the past and sort of get an idea of what's spinning our gears. But some people you have no idea what they believe in B)

I think Christianty (creationist in nature) will be disproved along with most other creationist theories of the past. Like a long stack of dominoes which have been falling for thousands of years. It brings about good things true. But many large social organizations do. Where there's money there's power and vice versa. I think many atheists wont say their atheists out of fear for rejection of friends or work. Currently it's considered odd, just as Christianity was long long ago.

The idea of people thinking someone who doesn't believe in fiction is odd is just quite absurd and not based in good thought. I know someone who said they don't watch and hate hate hate Star Trek movies because of the huge stretch of the imagination it takes and that any realistic person would know that would never be true.

"So someone can turn me in to a pillar of salt by just thinking about it. But we can never fly huge ships between galaxies, RIGHTO?"

Tell your dad hello :)

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I certainly dont discount any science. But to say Christianity will be disproven is nothing more than speculation. You cant disprove that God exists or that Jesus was the son of God either. So who cares to read all of your ranting? I do not believe in the big bang theory letter for letter as they describe it as if they have all the answeres. They do not know beyong all doubt what happened to the dinosaurs do they? No they dont.

First off it's your seasoned opine I'm ranting. And you want to argue over everything I say and do NOT I.

Secondly I never said Jesus did not exist. I cant disprove God exists because the entire scenario is just speculation, so asking someone to disprove speculations and not facts is just a bit childish don't you think?

Coffee chasing time for me and it's more than creative speculation :D I will have it in me very soon.

I respect what creationists think because of how they think. Not because of what they think..


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You are the one that said they will disprove Christianity. Believe me, they have searched long and hard for evidence that would. And have come up with more to support it than disprove it every time. As for the big bang, I dont take it as fact nor do I think they are right on the money with evolution. The meteor theory seems to be the most accepted at this point as to the extinction of the dinosaurs. But the likes of Megladon, the Sabre toot tiger and the Wooly Mammoth certainly lived well beyond the meteor. To wipe out all of them, including the ones that did not need oxogen, is very puzzling. Scientists can be quite arrogant. Thinking they have all the facts and answers when they do not.

I agree that some scientists are quite arrogant and vice versa. I think there's room for people to believe either way. I am open for comments.

I do have to chase some joe though. I just didn't want a huge all out war over past silliness is all. We all make our mistakes and try to move forward.

But we can never really know what other people are thinking unless we have a proper dialogue :rolleyes:

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*thread opens and rubs eyes, allows them to adjust to light*

Thread: Who woke me up? Why am I awake? I still have, like, 2 years of sleep left! Put me back to sleep! I wanna go back to sleep!

*thread throws fit*

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The meteor theory seems to be the most accepted at this point as to the extinction of the dinosaurs. But the likes of Megladon, the Sabre toot tiger and the Wooly Mammoth certainly lived well beyond the meteor.

They weren't 'dinosaurs'. That's the telling point. 'Life' wasn't wiped out in a comparatively short time frame. Dinosaurs were.

I certainly dont discount any science. But to say Christianity will be disproven is nothing more than speculation. You cant disprove that God exists or that Jesus was the son of God either.

You can't disprove that aliens have been here for millions of years watching our every move either. It's hard to 'disprove' spiritual and/or fantasy beliefs.

There is no more evidence for the existence of any 'God' than there is for pixies living at the bottom of my garden. Nobody can 'disprove' there are pixies at the bottom of my garden though.

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They weren't 'dinosaurs'. That's the telling point. 'Life' wasn't wiped out in a comparatively short time frame. Dinosaurs were.

You can't disprove that aliens have been here for millions of years watching our every move either. It's hard to 'disprove' spiritual and/or fantasy beliefs.

There is no more evidence for the existence of any 'God' than there is for pixies living at the bottom of my garden. Nobody can 'disprove' there are pixies at the bottom of my garden though.

Very well put Mangani :godfather:

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The only thing a believer of God, various savior's or representatives of the Kingdom of Heaven have going for them is Faith.

Arguing won't prove a thing.

Believe in it, you have a chance of redemption and the Pearly Gates or don't and seal your fate to the depths of Hell.



I don't know, I think Hell would be alot more fun!


But you never know.

Until the flying saucers get here to carry us off I will be a firm believer it's all fiction. Children believe Spider man exists....fortunately some parents are wise enough to teach them the difference between honesty and bull shit early in life.

I mean if you want to believe it fine. However many will not succumb to it because you threaten them with purgatory, horned monsters or an eternity in a firing hot pit of anger at the right hand of some dude with horns who was thrown out of a high up place where this "Supernatural" thing exists B)

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Hell if I know. I do know religion has always been a pseudo hobby of sorts. So I am happy she started the thread. I got e-mailed an advert about a church wanting me to join them. I think their polytheists or something. Worship of not one but multiple "deities."

Man, I can't even wear polyester, so it was kinda a wasted bot :)

Hiya WBD!

I do respect how they think anyways. I hear the horny toads taste quite peculiar though/// :P

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Given the sheer complexities of the Universe, logic's unholy marriage to absurdity and the brilliance of existence that creates individual but conflicting realities, I don't think any of us are in a position to say what's real or not.

There's no real difference between the christian and the scientist, both argue from ludicrous points of view.

Some scientists are as zealous about logic as some christians are about the Bible.

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Given the sheer complexities of the Universe, logic's unholy marriage to absurdity and the brilliance of existence that creates individual but conflicting realities, I don't think any of us are in a position to say what's real or not.

There's no real difference between the christian and the scientist, both argue from ludicrous points of view.

Some scientists are as zealous about logic as some christians are about the Bible.

You show me the empirical evidence of the christian god....then I will agree with you. Until then I will state quite clearly there is a difference between an actual scientist and one who dreams up spooks and faeries and writes about them in a book.

Saying that the universe is too complex for you to fathom does not mean everyone cannot fathom it :D

There's no truly empirical evidence...if there is bring it to me....then we will chat some more..and like I said many times before the argument that someone can't disprove the unproven shows the empirical data has no legs to stand on.....

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Saying that the universe is too complex for you to fathom does not mean everyone cannot fathom it :D

There's no truly empirical evidence...if there is bring it to me....then we will chat some more..and like I said many times before the argument that someone can't disprove the unproven shows the empirical data has no legs to stand on.....

oh I see, are you suggesting you can fathom the universe?

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