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The Athiest thread


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I don't believe in religion. And if you don't like it you can go to hell.


I don't either, but it sure perves and curses things out, doesn't it!? For example, I would not be able to say "fuck" with out the repressed perviness of religion! Thank you, god! :cheer: No, you go to hell! :lol::banana:

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I don't believe in religion. And if you don't like it you can go to hell.


Down here it seems the church has stopped believing in the people.

They are closing parishes down here post Katrina like factories in the north.

There have been a few news interviews with the archbishop that have shown

a less than favorable view of the churches standing in the community and I'm not

even a participant :rolleyes:

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The word God is nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses.

The Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish.

No interpretation no matter how subtle can change this."

Albert Einstein

here endeth the lesson



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I guess he preferred doubting Corrie over faithful Betsie. Tough luck for Betsie. :whistling:

Betsie probably died from starvation, overwork and disease along with an estimated 50,000 other women in Ravensbruck. There's your hell on earth for you.

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The word God is nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses.

The Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish.

No interpretation no matter how subtle can change this."

Albert Einstein


I'll say Amen to that...wise man..

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Quoted from the BIBLE.

"And GOD made MAN in his own image and likeness"



Does this sort the arguement out now? even GOD is an ATHIEST. :lol:

I am a dyslexic ATHIEST. I dont believe in DOG.

Regards, Danny

According to the current news Barack Obama is the new Messiah. Or some think he is. This is the most idiotic load of horse dookie yet.

Someone just show me where the gathering before the deluge or fire or whatever :running:

I don't believe in Dog either. My dog OTOH thinks something entirely different.


* Spell edit.

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That's a cool name for a dog - how could you not believe in him?


On The Other Hand loves his name. So does his new pal who we just adopted. We call him Don't Let One Hand Know What The Other Hand Is Doing :D

I love my dog and just saw a need to conserve Suzie's thread. As far as beliefs, I don't care who worships what. Funny I haven't seen as moonies about lately. What happened to them? The economy or did hotels stop renting rooms so 200 of them could sleep and shower in one?

Some links for those who aren't afraid of boogie men with hooves.

American Atheists http://www.atheists.org/

Richard Dawkins Forums: http://www.richarddawkins.net/forum/ (I don't belong to any of his sites, I think he knows what he's doing but too commercial for me)

Atheism is Indeed A Civil Rights Issue: http://www.secularhumanism.org/library/fi/tabash_24_4.htm (please read)

Atheists Rights/American Chronicle: http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/2671

(Remember kids aren't required to recite "Under God" or use hand over heart....it's a law)

Our Constitution prohibits the government from interceding in religious affairs.

If you do believe in a supernatural thing. Look at it like this. God gave atheists rights too.



People who know me in person say I'm very kind and loving. So atheists aren't heathens. We are moms, dads, kids, voters, zepheads, tax payers and lovers just like you. Some will take a stand some will not.

That's cool too.

drunkkangaroo.jpgCare for a swig mate?

* sp edit...

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  • 2 weeks later...
I agree: Religion is the worst mass murderer in human's history. I'm constantly switching between believing and not believing (in the moment I've got a non-believing phase).

But I think that religion of any kind also has done great things in art and philosphy and made a lot of people better.

It is like every ideology; it can cause bad and good things.

Edit to say: One thing IS crap: all this blabla about hell and how to get there.

When I was in USA for an exchange, I heard in church that homosexuals and people who don't pay attention while the service, and people believe that!!!

Okay, you got me for the second point...hello satan paid my dues!

I agree, I'm an athiest and this god crap is stupid (no offence to the religious people).

:whining: God breathed life onto us nanananana

It's stupid this stuff. I'm not goin' anywhere when I die, just rot in the ground like everybody else. Anyway, I don't believe that Fred schneider or Elton John is going to hell. Or Freddie Mercury is in hell.

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