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Led Zeppelin "tattoos"


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I don't know if I'll ever have the gumption to get a tattoo.

But, just today.... I saw four symbols on this man's right forearm. They weren't the Zeppelin Runes symbols... but, I thought... that that would be a good place for the Runes..... because that way.... whatever you're doing with your right arm... Zeppelin....is there with you. :)

I think I would get each symbol placed perpendicular to my right arm, rather than the traditional horizontal styling (nothing wrong with that....it's just the way I would prefer it)..

Edited by The Rover
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You may notice that Bonzo's is on the wrong angle - it's a mistake by the tattooist. I got over it pretty quick, as I figured Bonzo would have a laugh about it and say something to the effect of,"Would be my symbol, wouldn't it?!"

Your tats are beautiful! I love the blue background and design behind the black line tattoos. Very pretty.

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Your tats are beautiful! I love the blue background and design behind the black line tattoos. Very pretty.

Hang-man says "Nice Tatts". I like the Blue on you, i need a little more work done on mine, & i may have some Blue put in my "Clouds" i need something on the bottom right hand-side that blends in with the rest, any ideas???

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songbird - Hurt like a mofo on the spine, but the rest was down right pleasant. Well, except the spirals, as he did them twice, once with water to preserve the complicated pattern, then over that wound with the ink. The Zep symbols however were practically painless. And the bird is a crow - I took this image of a crow taking off and asked the tattooist to make it "pictish" style a la Uffington Horse.

Might be tough to get the Jimmy symbol on your ankle, as there isn't much room and it's bony, a few inches above the ankle would work tho.

Hang-man - Do you have a larger picture of your back? It would help to see it in greater detail. As for what to add - not sure it needs something, but you could develop the sky to a greater degree, adding in new colours. The only other significant symbol that comes to mind that works with the expansive sky would be an actualy Zeppelin. I think it's quite a well balanced piece as it is.

Edited by Evenstar
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I don't know if I'll ever have the gumption to get a tattoo.

But, just today.... I saw four symbols on this man's right forearm. They weren't the Zeppelin Runes symbols... but, I thought... that that would be a good place for the Runes..... because that way.... whatever you're doing with your right arm... Zeppelin....is there with you. :)

I think I would get each symbol placed perpendicular to my right arm, rather than the traditional horizontal styling (nothing wrong with that....it's just the way I would prefer it)..

I have 'em on my left forearm;vertically,in the proper order.

Edited by 59LesPaul
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i'd like to get the zoso symbol... but then again i have no idea what it means, and i cant go around with a tatoo that can mean something i dont like.

not that i think any evil of jimmy, or why else would i want his symbol tatooed, but hey...

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Alot of magick is based on intent. Symbological magick is merely a medium and tho symbols can possess great power in and of themselves, their power is weakened when you do not wholehearted believe or understand their meaning. Therefore Jimmy's symbol may have a great secret meaning and power, but only to him, to us it means whatever Jimmy means to us. That's my interpretation of it.

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songbird - Hurt like a mofo on the spine, but the rest was down right pleasant. Well, except the spirals, as he did them twice, once with water to preserve the complicated pattern, then over that wound with the ink. The Zep symbols however were practically painless. And the bird is a crow - I took this image of a crow taking off and asked the tattooist to make it "pictish" style a la Uffington Horse.

Ah, a crow, I see... even cooler. :D

Might be tough to get the Jimmy symbol on your ankle, as there isn't much room and it's bony, a few inches above the ankle would work tho.

Yes, that's what I had in mind! The ankle is very painful I hear anyways, would not have the guts to get something done there. :lol:

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hello everyone

i got 4 symbols on my left inner arm, and "led zeppelin" on my right inner arm

i would love to show you them but the files are to big!

i will try and post pics, but dont shout at me if they take ages to load........... alan

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