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A special thread for Mr. "President Elect" Obama,


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Sorry bro, but I'm gonna see some time fly by before I make a judgement call. what's fair is fair...

With that said, I'll be all over this shit if he turns out to rule this country as an anti-gun, tree-hugging socialist freak. But as a leader, the wiser ones look out for everyone's interests, even if it's for their own benefit. So I'm not passing any judgement.

YET.... B)

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You can 'even the playing fields' when he wrecks our economy, bankrupts our country by taking us to war, and handles a major terrorist attack with the ineptitude of a 5 year old

... oh, wait.

Seriously, he's not even president yet.. it's amazing that people are already waiting for him to fail.. look at the guy we voted into office TWICE.. sheesh

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I'm hoping for the best, but not counting on it. I'd say that my perspective is fair. ;)

I was replying to the OP, but yes.. I'd say some caution is healthy... we don't know what to expect and too much optimism doesn't help at all either. I'm glad some people have an open mind towards this whole thing. :)

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I was replying to the OP, but yes.. I'd say some caution is healthy... we don't know what to expect and too much optimism doesn't help at all either. I'm glad some people have an open mind towards this whole thing. :)

Condemning someone before they even have a chance isn't a good thing. Again, who knows. But I'll save my bitching for a time when it's warranted. :)

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Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't every new president an unknown quantity even if they have been a governor of a state. To me the two posts are worlds apart.

Bush has taken America backwards both witihin America and worldwide and turned your country into the most mistrusted and despised country in the world.

The world reaction to Obama has been totally different to what i have seen before.

Yes he has to prove himself but don't they all?

As for the originator of this thread he has no political argument other than stupid one liners, racist pictures and probably can't string a sentence together.

I hope Obama does well and turns America back into the country it should be and not what it has become.

As an outsider I care about the international impact of the USA and its president but not about its gun laws. Its different here inthe UK hence my opinion on that.

And for those here who argue against green issues you really ought to do something about it cos the good old US of A is one of the worlds major polluters, right up there with China and India.

I like my car to get over 30 miles to the gallon, some seem tjo think that its cool to drive some that you are lucky to get 10 out of.

All anyone can do is wait and see what he does.

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With that said, I'll be all over this shit if he turns out to rule this country as an anti-gun, tree-hugging socialist freak.

There is nothing wrong with being anti gun and enviromentaly concerned.

And if the people of the U.S.A have a problem with that......well just vote him OUT next time.

4 years is not very long.

Edited by Mangani
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As for the originator of this thread he has no political argument other than stupid one liners, racist pictures and probably can't string a sentence together.

Thanks for bringing that out. Couldn't have said it better myself.

Most Americans have accepted the fact and are moving on, but there's always going to be the idiots who can't see beyond the end of their noses.

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President Obama.... It's just fantastic isn't it? I for one am thrilled! Yes We Did!

His campaign alone was historic. Record numbers of volunteers, record numbers of donors and donations.. It was just amazing to watch so many people come together and work to elect this man. I hope we continue to work together to get this country back on track.

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what irks me the most is that people are still hung up on the fact that he won the election. Its over and done with and what we should be doing is coming together after 8 years of a failed adnunistration but some people are more concerned with the color of his skin or people hes associated with that were radicals when obama was 8. Its the kind of grasping at straws I thought would stop when the election finally yielded a clear winner, but apparently even that is unfeaseable.

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Thanks for bringing that out. Couldn't have said it better myself.

Most Americans have accepted the fact and are moving on, but there's always going to be the idiots who can't see beyond the end of their noses.

Hey girls,

Did you look at the photo's on the Bush thread

No racism here just caricatures.

In politics it's always a good idea to get both points of view.

Do you remember we live in a democracy?

Have a nice day


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what irks me the most is that people are still hung up on the fact that he won the election. Its over and done with and what we should be doing is coming together after 8 years of a failed adnunistration but some people are more concerned with the color of his skin or people hes associated with that were radicals when obama was 8. Its the kind of grasping at straws I thought would stop when the election finally yielded a clear winner, but apparently even that is unfeaseable.

Bustle In My Hedgerow,

Don't lose sleep over it


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what irks me the most is that people are still hung up on the fact that he won the election. Its over and done with and what we should be doing is coming together after 8 years of a failed adnunistration but some people are more concerned with the color of his skin or people hes associated with that were radicals when obama was 8. Its the kind of grasping at straws I thought would stop when the election finally yielded a clear winner, but apparently even that is unfeaseable.

Does anybody remember laughter? B)

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Obama never got down in the dirt with the sleazy fuckheads who have been trying (unsuccessfully :D ) to divide and scare us. He ran on hope and won on hope. We are fortunate to be here now, to see this moment in American history. I've never in my lifetime seen anyone more destined for something than he was to be president. He represents the best in all of us, and the world needed him as much as we did. There is a little village in Kenya, and a little village in Ireland that are celebrating with us, because he has relations in both of them.

Perhaps there are people here who are afraid that they now will be treated as they have treated others in this country, for generations. Rest assured, others have better things to do.

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There is nothing wrong with being anti gun and enviromentaly concerned.And if the people of the U.S.A have a problem with that......well just vote him OUT next time.

4 years is not very long.

Anti-gun? Yes, there IS something wrong with that. Environmentally concerned? No, as long as it isn't taken to radical lengths.

But this is something for another thread. :)

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