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Jahfin - if I'm not mistaken, isn't tinnitus what Pete Townsend has? I seem to remember he did a lot of research and all on it - don't know if that may give you some other options for treatment etc.

Thanks, William Shatner also suffers from it (due to a special effects explosion on the set of Star Trek). He speaks about his treatment and research into tinnitus

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  • 10 months later...

For the past 3 months or so I've had a low humming noise in my left ear (it matches f sharp on my guitar's low e string) but I only hear it when it's completely quiet so the majority of the time it doesn't bother me. But when I lay down to read in bed that's when I really hear it. So I'm going to see an ear doc here pretty soon. My regular doc prescribed the prednisone (or whatever it's called) and after not being able to sleep all night I said to hell with that crap. But over the years I went through the Haight Ashbury scene, then got into target shooting, and finally into demolition of buildings. So my ears have taken quite a beating I guess even though I have no problem with my hearing.

I still don't like the humming noise though. :(

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I wouldn't be taking prednisone to be honest. That sounds a little over the top.

It will get better over time. Yes, it can and does get better.

There is also some sort of sound therapy you can do, which supposedly is highly successful. I read about it, but don't have the details right now. I would look into that, because I remember being very impressed by it.

I have tinnitus also. It gets better. Once you get used to it, it almost goes away, except for certain times.

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i developed tinnitus after thyroid surgery a while back. it lasted for about a year, and then it got a little better, and now it has gone. i also had a weird kind of " bubble of air " feeling in my ears after the surgery. kinda like when you need to swallow to "pop" your ears, but swallowing didn't get rid of it. it nearly drove me insane. i still get that now and again, and i'm always scared it will stay for a long time again. but thankfully it goes within an hour or so. i have no idea why it happens .....

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Yeah, I'm a musician and I'm over 45 so I for sure have the first stage's of it. I started noticing a change in the high frequencies I could (or couldn't) hear in my late 30's. I some time's will have my right ear feel as it's stopped up and a loud ringing in both ears from time to time. If I turn off every thing that make's sound and subject my self to as near to total quiet as possible, it will go away after a matter of hour's have passed.

The ringing I have in my ear's at a constant is not to annoying and I can tolerate it with out having any trouble playing music or singing. I started using ear plug's after 5 years or so of playing drum's/singing in part time band's, should have started earlier. In all the regular job's I had that where around loud machinery we where required to ware them so there was little damage from that aspect.

If my bands had been full time those first year's, I'm sure I would have some heavy loss of hearing as we always kept a very high stage volume when we did play and/or rehearse. I don't usually have the radio on in my car and the rare occasions that I do I try to keep it down to a roar. The worst thing I do now is this computer I will play music and game on and when I work with audio on my Macintosh, the speaker's that are made for computer's are primarily narrow bandwidth and have low sensitivity so they can sound great in the sweet spot but can be more damaging at those close arrangement's.

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I have had pretty bad case tinnitus since I was 3 years old. I experienced a series of ear infections, one of which caused a buildup of fluid so immense that it blew a hole in my right eardrum. I have had tinnitus in that ear ever since. I have it very slightly in my left ear but it is spontaneous. I have been pressuring my parents for a while to get me an implant in my ear to stop the tinnitus but they always shrug it off as nothing, or due to some of the concerts I've been to (all two of them). Sometimes it gets so bad I cannot sleep. It hasn't impaired my overall hearing, but on bad days I can't even follow people talking at conversation-level tone. So yeah, it sucks.

Edited by MisterMcLov1n
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I've had it for as long as i can remember. Too many concerts, too much time listening to loud music on headphones and occupational hazards early on. And i know it started with Roy Buchanan in a smallish blues bar many moons ago. He was great but it was excrutiatingly loud, almost painful.

I have learned to live with it, somehow. My future is definitely going to be a hearing aid in my right ear and perhaps both.

Sincerely hoping that you can cope with it, as i have. And PLEASE post if you find anything that can help sufferers. I haven't had any success at all. Perhaps you will.

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  • 1 month later...

That stinks Jahfin. Hope it's getting beter for you. Hey Redrum, mine is a high C!

I hadn't been to a loud concert in ages, then saw Them Crooked Vultures in October, had the ringing ever since. I posted about it in their thread but Jonesy has yet to offer his sympathy..... :angry:

It just took one concert to damage my hearing, so take the advice everyone, wear plugs.

I can just about tune mine out to the point where it's not noticeable, but like Red's condition, lying in bed at night/morning for whatever reason is when it's louder than other times. Haven't seen a doc yet because I assumed there wasn't anything they could do, and I have read that over time it just sorta 'goes away'. At least I hope so.

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That stinks Jahfin. Hope it's getting beter for you. Hey Redrum, mine is a high C!

I hadn't been to a loud concert in ages, then saw Them Crooked Vultures in October, had the ringing ever since. I posted about it in their thread but Jonesy has yet to offer his sympathy..... :angry:

It just took one concert to damage my hearing, so take the advice everyone, wear plugs.

I can just about tune mine out to the point where it's not noticeable, but like Red's condition, lying in bed at night/morning for whatever reason is when it's louder than other times. Haven't seen a doc yet because I assumed there wasn't anything they could do, and I have read that over time it just sorta 'goes away'. At least I hope so.

I think a higher note would really drive me bats. I haven't seen an ear specialist yet because my medical coverage is going through all these changes. I do remember a Doobie Bros. concert back in the 70's and I was right next to the P.A. system and I couldn't hear out of my left ear the next day. I think it's finally caught up with me. :(

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