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Curious...where did you meet Danny and what is your relationship? Is he the one with the huge drug problem and wrote a book about it? Or was it Wells/Negron/...

Hello "Zepaholic!" Now you're asking me to go down memory lane and tell the story of how I met Danny Hutton. My relationship with Danny Hutton is that he is a good personal friend of mine that I met through BEACH BOYS founder and former Leader Mr. Brian Wilson and his brother, the late great Dennis (Denny) Wilson in 1982. I met Danny at a party in L.A. that I attended with both Brian, Denny and Ed Roach (Denny's best friend). Brian talked very highly of Danny in front of all of us and it was a real treat hearing both Danny and Brian talk about the unreleased SMiLE album from 1966-1967 in detail. If you watch the Brian Wilson 2-DVD set Documentary "BRIAN WILSON PRESENTS SMiLE," Danny Hutton makes a few appearances in the "BEAUTIFUL DREAMER, BRIAN WILSON AND THE STORY OF SMiLE" DVD in one of the 2-DVD set. It is an incredible true story. Now back to my friendship with Danny Hutton. Danny and I became good friends that has lasted to this very day. When Denny died in December 1983, I saw both Brian and Danny off and on for a few years till I rekindled my friendship with Danny through Brian in late 1987. I've kept in touch with both ever since. As for the huge drug problems within THREE DOG NIGHT, I am under the understanding that it was Chuck Negron that had the huge drug problem and wrote a book about it. It must be true because Chuck Negron is no longer a member of THREE DOG NIGHT and hasn't been for decades. Danny Hutton is such a great guy that he was always in control and he never let the drugs take control of his life. Danny always controlled the drugs, he never let the drugs control him the way that many legendary Rock stars let the drugs control their lives. ROCK ON!

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Hello "Zepaholic!" Now you're asking me to go down memory lane and tell the story of how I met Danny Hutton. My relationship with Danny Hutton is that he is a good personal friend of mine that I met through BEACH BOYS founder and former Leader Mr. Brian Wilson and his brother, the late great Dennis (Denny) Wilson in 1982. I met Danny at a party in L.A. that I attended with both Brian, Denny and Ed Roach (Denny's best friend). Brian talked very highly of Danny in front of all of us and it was a real treat hearing both Danny and Brian talk about the unreleased SMiLE album from 1966-1967 in detail. If you watch the Brian Wilson 2-DVD set Documentary "BRIAN WILSON PRESENTS SMiLE," Danny Hutton makes a few appearances in the "BEAUTIFUL DREAMER, BRIAN WILSON AND THE STORY OF SMiLE" DVD in one of the 2-DVD set. It is an incredible true story. Now back to my friendship with Danny Hutton. Danny and I became good friends that has lasted to this very day. When Denny died in December 1983, I saw both Brian and Danny off and on for a few years till I rekindled my friendship with Danny through Brian in late 1987. I've kept in touch with both ever since. As for the huge drug problems within THREE DOG NIGHT, I am under the understanding that it was Chuck Negron that had the huge drug problem and wrote a book about it. It must be true because Chuck Negron is no longer a member of THREE DOG NIGHT and hasn't been for decades. Danny Hutton is such a great guy that he was always in control and he never let the drugs take control of his life. Danny always controlled the drugs, he never let the drugs control him the way that many legendary Rock stars let the drugs control their lives. ROCK ON!

Very interesting and thanks for the reply. I researched a bit and found that it was Negron who hit rock bottom and wrote Three Dog Nightmare based on his abuse.

Perhaps you could ask Danny next time you talk to him if Chuck will ever have a chance to return? He's totally clean now and still in great voice.


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Very interesting and thanks for the reply. I researched a bit and found that it was Negron who hit rock bottom and wrote Three Dog Nightmare based on his abuse.

Perhaps you could ask Danny next time you talk to him if Chuck will ever have a chance to return? He's totally clean now and still in great voice.


How's it going "Zepaholic?" To be truthful with you, I don't think that any of the three original members of THREE DOG NIGHT (Hutton, Negron & Wells) know if there will ever be a reunion. I am definitely under the understanding (According to Hutton) that there are many unresolved differences between Negron with Hutton and Wells. This has been the main problem that has eluded an actual THREE DOG NIGHT reunion. Maybe someday it will happen, maybe not. Only time will tell even though decades have gone by. All I can possibly say in this matter is stay tuned. ROCK ON!

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I must admit that I have never heard of them, but after finding their Myspace page realised that I know a few of their tunes, including 'One'. What film was that used in? Or was it just an advert?

How's it going "neil68?" I can't remember off the bat which film "One" was used in but I do know that the late great Harry Nilsson wrote and recorded the original in 1967. I'll do some research and let you know what film "One" was used in. ROCK ON!

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I must admit that I have never heard of them, but after finding their Myspace page realised that I know a few of their tunes, including 'One'. What film was that used in? Or was it just an advert?

I'm very sure that "One" and "Road to Shangri-la" are used in recent TV commercials.

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Okay, I think it's time we addressed the white elephant that is lurking about this topic. Yes, we all loved TDN, but I wonder how many of us would have admitted that back in the day. Yes, I owned a couple of their LP's courtesy of the Record Club of America(more on that some other time), but I don't think I was talking to my high school and college buddies about TDN. How many of us would have been caught at a TDN concert in 1972?? Not many I would guess. TDN was played primarily on AM radio and I would guess attracted a clean cut audience to their concerts. I just can't imagine any self respecting Blind Faith, Cream, Tull, Zeppelin or "fill in the blank" fan admitting they enjoyed TDN during their glory years.

Edited by JethroTull
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Okay, I think it's time we addressed the white elephant that is lurking about this topic. Yes, we all loved TDN, but I wonder how many of us would have admitted that back in the day. Yes, I owned a couple of their LP's courtesy of the Record Club of America(more on that some other time), but I don't think I was talking to my high school and college buddies about TDN. How many of us would have been caught at a TDN concert in 1972?? Not many I would guess. TDN was played primarily on AM radio and I would guess attracted a clean cut audience to their concerts. I just can't imagine any self respecting Blind Faith, Cream, Tull, Zeppelin or "fill in the blank" fan admitting they enjoyed TDN during their glory years.

How's it going 'JethroTull?" Happy New Year to you! As for myself, I have always been a THREE DOG NIGHT fan even in the 1970's. THE BEATLES are my all-time favorite group with LED ZEPPELIN and THE ROLLING STONES following right behind. In my opinion, you can love many bands in Rock n' Roll history, thats what Rock n' Roll is all about. Every band has a different sound and style that they would contribute as an important element that would complete Rock n' Roll and its glorious history. Every legendary band, past and present, made a contribution to Rock n' Roll and left their mark in Rock history because of it. ROCK ON!

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Great thread, ZFF! I am a fan of Three Dog Night too & have been since the 70s when I was a kid. Every kid that I knew loved "Joy To The World", we sometimes used to sing it at the top of our lungs when we were playing outside. Funny thing was, I never owned a Three Dog Night 45 or album, but only a few years ago I finally bought a greatest hits cd. I recognized many of the song titles right away, but not others- until they started playing, then I realized I knew them but just didn't recognize them by the title!

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Great thread, ZFF! I am a fan of Three Dog Night too & have been since the 70s when I was a kid. Every kid that I knew loved "Joy To The World", we sometimes used to sing it at the top of our lungs when we were playing outside. Funny thing was, I never owned a Three Dog Night 45 or album, but only a few years ago I finally bought a greatest hits cd. I recognized many of the song titles right away, but not others- until they started playing, then I realized I knew them but just didn't recognize them by the title!

How's it going "Stargroves Tangie?" Long time no hear. Its pretty easy to recognize THREE DOG NIGHT'S music huh? "Joy To The World" will always stand out as one of the band's biggest trademark and signature songs ever. ROCK ON!

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How come there are NO TDN tribute bands? Huh?

How's it going "JethroTull?" In my opinion, the reason why there ain't no THREE DOG NIGHT tribute band is because their unique sound is so rare that it can't be emulated. To be honest with you, I didn't even know if their was or wasn't a THREE DOG NIGHT tribute band around. I'll have to check on that myself. ROCK ON!

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I just picked up a GH album of theirs from 1983 on vinyl. I forgot how much I loved this group.

They were a great band and never got off course with what they did well. Somebody previous said that no one at the time would admit that they were TDN fans. Well very much like Zeppelin fans, we just enjoyed the music and didn't really care what anyone else thought.

BTW.. love the new avitar B)

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I saw them long ago. I was ripped.

They were great.

Later, I had the one and only "bad" trip and while tripping, I thought I was at Woodstock. All these little tiny pebble like patterns on the floor were people, clapping and all singing to Three Dog Night.


Recently I saw a show called "Intervention" on A&E, I think, and Chuck's son was in the grips of a reeeeally bad heroin habit. Bless that family.

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I saw them long ago. I was ripped.

They were great.

Later, I had the one and only "bad" trip and while tripping, I thought I was at Woodstock. All these little tiny pebble like patterns on the floor were people, clapping and all singing to Three Dog Night.


Recently I saw a show called "Intervention" on A&E, I think, and Chuck's son was in the grips of a reeeeally bad heroin habit. Bless that family.

Well I am sorry to hear about Chucks son but you just described my Chicago 71 experience to a tee.

I especially enjoyed swaying to Terry Kath's wah wah during ( fucked if I know ) I don't think the people beside me enjoyed it much though :D

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Well I am sorry to hear about Chucks son but you just described my Chicago 71 experience to a tee.

I especially enjoyed swaying to Terry Kath's wah wah during ( fucked if I know ) I don't think the people beside me enjoyed it much though :D

:lol: Well, it was the seventies..........

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As I mentioned earlier in this thread, the first time I heard Three Dog Night was on 8-track which was pretty much the same experience I had with countless other bands I was hearing for the first time way back then (early to mid-70s). I was far from embarrassed about liking them, simply because I liked the music and wasn't at all concerned with image. All I knew was that 8-track tape. Years later I would learn they were primarily known as a vocal group which really weren't all that "cool" back then. None of that matters now though, I'm still not embarrassed by my fandom. Not so many years ago I recall them being the subject of an episode of Behind the Music on VH1, too bad they fit the mold for that series all too well.

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