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The fact on Scientology


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Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard on his deathbed told his son

"You know how to get rich... start a religion." admitting that Scientology is nothing but a fictionally created story.

Scientology is nothing but a corporation that thrives off the ignorance of it's followers by selling them and whoever else books, and courses on how to "improve" themselves spiritually.

One of their expensive scams is that they will sell you for extremely large

amounts of money a series of books that in the end are supposed to teach you how to walk through walls.... and after spending long hours of self deceptive meditation, a lot of money, and reading you become brainwashed to believe that you can actually walk through walls and when you try to and end up bumping your nose against the wall you are told that you couldn't do it because you're not ready yet however there are more books and courses available that will someday make it possible for you to do so for larger amounts of money butt not really.

Scientology = manipulative corporate scam brainwashing moneybaggers club

Scientologist = manipulated misguided fool

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Scientology is nothing but a corporation that thrives off the ignorance of it's followers by selling them and whoever else books, and courses on how to "improve" themselves spiritually.

As far as I'm concerned, you can replace "Scientology" in that sentence with just about any religion you choose. No offense (as I find your posts entertaining), but you can throw in every psychic, priest, witch, Crowley follower etc...that claim to have tapped into some type of special powers also. About the only credit I'll give Scientology is that they do not claim to provide everlasting life....as far as I know.


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Giving them an inch is too much.

Heaven is real.

I've been there in this lifetime so I don't believe in Heaven,

I know Heaven to be true.

As far as your disbelief towards what I do goes here's the documented proof:

The articles of Le Journal de Montreal 31-05-98 & 01-06-98 on my site are certifiably acceptable in a court of law as evidence. In the article of Le Journal de Montreal 31-05-98 I stated to the mother Saturday morning over the phone within two minutes of her call that her son who had been missing for near a month and a half had accidentaly drowned and in which body of water his corpse was. The next day they found his corpse floating in the body of water which I had pointed out to the mother the day before and this was printed in the Le Journal de Montreal of 01-06-98. When the mother called me she had asked if I heard of her sons' case. I said "No but I can help." She then filled me in on the details that he had been missing for near a month and a half and that police with hundreds of volunteers, divers, searh dogs, and helicopters had been searching daily since the day he went missing with no results as to what happened to him, whether he was living or dead, and his whereabouts. Within two minutes I told her that her son had accidentaly drowned and in which body of water his corpse was and the next day they found his corpse floating in the body of water I had pointed out to the mother. The "J.E. en direct" interview which is on my site was taken live on air the day after the body of the child was found where I had stated it would be. These and other newspaper interviews as well as news and TV documentary interviews are on my site


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^After the Hubbard quote, you offer a pretty interesting opinion. How did you gain that insight?

I know someone who got sucked into that crap. I didn't know he was a Scientologist until one day, about 4 years ago, he said "Rob here's a book you should read." He passed me Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard. I laughed and said "L. Con Flubbfart ha forget it." For the first time in the years since I've known the guy he displayed anger and I'm talking very angry!!! Verbally with an agressive face.

After that display he went on to talk about the ability to walk through walls, he hasn't reached that level but he plans on getting there etc...

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Giving them an inch is too much.

Heaven is real.

I've been there in this lifetime so I don't believe in Heaven,

I know Heaven to be true.

You've lost me. As for your site, I actually checked it out extensively some time ago. Please understand that I have nothing personal against you, and I enjoy your posts more than most, but as far as your psychic claims, I'm convinced you're cuckoo for cocoa puffs. However unlike some folks, I find your shtick to be unique, and it fits right in with this crazy thing called the Internet. Robin....I am happy to report I am not the enemy. In fact if you look, you're the only friend I have. :)

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You've lost me. As for your site, I actually checked it out extensively some time ago. Please understand that I have nothing personal against you, and I enjoy your posts more than most, but as far as your psychic claims, I'm convinced you're cuckoo for cocoa puffs. However unlike some folks, I find your shtick to be unique, and it fits right in with this crazy thing called the Internet. Robin....I am happy to report I am not the enemy. In fact if you look, you're the only friend I have. :)

Well the facts are clear. Your wonton dismissal of facts certified in time sequence by Le Journal de Montreal, J.E. en direct )an investigative journalist program that prides themselves on busting frauds whom I may say were pleasently surprised at the result other than the death of the child of course, and S.O.S. (TV-Asahi) in Japan

involving missing child and persons cases are incomprehensible seeing in fact that the aforementioned articles are proven.

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I agree we should tax the churches here.

but than they should be able to write off everything they give away to the sick and homeless.

Pretty soon after that the U.S. govt. will sell the entire west coast to pay for what they would OWE to the churches.

Scientology is a goofy org. but i don't concern myself on what people do with their money, when i spend $15 a month to play a stupid video game.

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Sure it's wacky...

but if people want a spiritual presence in their lives to help them emotionally lift themselves from the daily shithole, I don't and have ever seen anything wrong with that. That's what I always tell athiests, "Who gives a flying fuck what they or you for that matter believe in. Get off my lawn!"

Edited to Add: Truth be told, the reason why "scientology" has been so critiqued is because the media has lampooned it as some wacky cult. Well, they might be right. And you throw in some big named famous people who the Christian masses thought "were like them, but aren't," and you get the kinda Tom Cruise backlash..even without couches or pregnancy drugs.

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Scientology = manipulative corporate scam brainwashing moneybaggers club

This is true. They tried to con me back in the 60's and their only concern seemed to be making tons of money. People who chase the almighty dollar make me sick (Madoff, etc.)

F.u.c.k.in' assholes.


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Well, I have to admit that I infact have walked through walls!

But it wasn't "Scientology" I believe it was "Mixology!"


Write a book about Mixology, call it a religion, tell your followers that you can walk through walls, and brain wash a lot of insecure people. You could be a billionaire! :hysterical:

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This is true. They tried to con me back in the 60's and their only concern seemed to be making tons of money. People who chase the almighty dollar make me sick (Madoff, etc.)

F.u.c.k.in' assholes.


I've been very reluctant to post on this subject because of past trouble in the mid 70's with the Cult Of Scientology. Too long a story to get into here but if there's anyone out there who thinks intimidation and harrasment are a good way for a modern church to draw in members, they should seriously consider joining up with this sad excuse for a faith. I could go much further with my opinion but the above is about as nice as I can be on the subject.

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Is not worth the loss of a separation between church and state. If you want to balance

the budget support smaller government.

Your conservative approach to things, even though proved to work in every major country, is not welcome here. Everyone is a victim Mr. Jones, nobody should have to deal with the shame of their own failures or even worse laziness. Why teach a man to fish when it's easier to walk to the mailbox on the first of the month.

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In the late 70's my husband was living in L.A. and sometime around then he looked into that religion. To this day he receives beautiful costly books, brochures, etc. on this religion. By beautiful I mean to look at. I do not know how they continue to get his address and send this b.S. All I know is their "marketing tools" cost a fortune.

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Truth be told, the reason why "scientology" has been so critiqued is because the media has lampooned it as some wacky cult. Well, they might be right. And you throw in some big named famous people who the Christian masses thought "were like them, but aren't," and you get the kinda Tom Cruise backlash..even without couches or pregnancy drugs.

The reason they've been critiqued is because they are con artists and outright liars who don't give a damn about anyone and thrive off the ignorance of anyone who'll give them a penny.

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Well, I have to admit that I infact have walked through walls!

But it wasn't "Scientology" I believe it was "Mixology!"/]

Yah I guess in a drunken stooper you can fall through a poorly made wall or Chinese paper wall.

The only time I made it through a wall was when I hit it in anger and that was my fist making it through

not me entirely and their was dammage in the area where fist made it through.

Other than that the onle one I've seen go through a wall was Hulk!

...and he left dammage to


Repairs nearly complete! :hysterical:

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I've been very reluctant to post on this subject because of past trouble in the mid 70's with the Cult Of Scientology. Too long a story to get into here but if there's anyone out there who thinks intimidation and harrasment are a good way for a modern church to draw in members, they should seriously consider joining up with this sad excuse for a faith. I could go much further with my opinion but the above is about as nice as I can be on the subject.



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In the late 70's my husband was living in L.A. and sometime around then he looked into that religion. To this day he receives beautiful costly books, brochures, etc. on this religion. By beautiful I mean to look at. I do not know how they continue to get his address and send this b.S. All I know is their "marketing tools" cost a fortune.

....and they've got manipulaters and outright fools willing to sponser them

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I'm fascinated with cults, religious groups, you name it. A few years ago we were in Hawaii. The Hare Krishnas were in a park doing their thing - handing out pamplets, singing, playing the drums. I kept lingering and looking at them. One of the female krishnas sensed I was interested/vunerable/you know what I mean, and gave me THE LOOK**. Good thing I was with my wife or I would have probably hung out with them for the night just for kicks and to see if I could get laid.

**THE LOOK - translated "I will fuck you if you join our club."

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The Hare Krishnas are fun people. Back in the late 1980s, I went to Govinda's restaurant, vegetarian/Indian food, run by the Hare Krishnas at the Fisher Mansion in Detroit as well as a fund raiser, and psychic fairs. Fisher is the son of Fisher Body. In his hay day as I was told, he had a penthouse suite at the Cadillac Hotel (which is no longer around, I believe) and only hosted parties at the Mansion. Lawrence Fisher was a bachelor for most of his life and late in life, he married a woman with special needs. Legend has it in her room there was this border wallpaper had all of his ladies' faces painted all around the room, which was faded as I remembered seeing it. The late Henry Ford's great grandson and Walter Reuther's daughter had purchased the Fisher Mansion since they are Hare Krishna's followers. Here's the link if anyone is interested: http://chaotrope.blogspot.com/2004/07/hare...in-detroit.html

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In the late 70's my husband was living in L.A. and sometime around then he looked into that religion. To this day he receives beautiful costly books, brochures, etc. on this religion. By beautiful I mean to look at. I do not know how they continue to get his address and send this b.S. All I know is their "marketing tools" cost a fortune.

They sent me stuff for the better part of 10 yrs. They had obtained my original address from an old buddy who was suckered by them into signing a form and he listed some friends who he thought would make good candidates for recruitment. We were all about 16 yrs old at the time and none of us except this old buddy had any interest what so ever in joining up. It didn't matter where I or the others moved, the mail just kept coming. It kept coming to our old addresses as well. We went to their office many times to have us taken off the mailing list but although they would say yes, the shit just kept on coming. One day, it just stopped. Don't ask me why but it did. Oh by the way, that one friend who did join up and stuck with it, he lost $50,000 to Scientology's cauffers. He also lost his family because his wife decided that neither she or their son wanted any part of that cult. Roger killed himself in 1982

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It's because of Scientology, I want the churches in this country to be taxed. With the amount of money Scientology, the Mormon Church and the Catholic Church take in a year, not just with donations but in property.....shit, we could balance the budget.

Or come up with more money to give to the unemployment funds. (It was on the news tonight that my state is almost out of unemployment budget funds.)

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