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Yes, I'm a 55 year old black Zep fan.

I started listening to them in the early 70's. Let me tell you that it was not easy listening to rock in my neighborhood. I caught hell from everybody.

I didn't like Zep I that record sort of grew on me and then I got the fever and I've haven't found a cure ever since then. No other band has ever given me the power that Zep has. :D

What I'm trying to say is that their music makes me feel powerful. Nowadays when I'm feeling down and worn out I grab a couple of cold ones and listen to the Rover.

I have a lot of a stories too share with you all, but right I need to go so see ya soon.

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Yes, I'm a 55 year old black Zep fan.

I started listening to them in the early 70's. Let me tell you that it was not easy listening to rock in my neighborhood. I caught hell from everybody.

I didn't like Zep I that record sort of grew on me and then I got the fever and I've haven't found a cure ever since then. No other band has ever given me the power that Zep has. :D

What I'm trying to say is that their music makes me feel powerful. Nowadays when I'm feeling down and worn out I grab a couple of cold ones and listen to the Rover.

I have a lot of a stories too share with you all, but right I need to go so see ya soon.

Hey welcome aboard pal! And kuddos to you for standing up for yourself and not being driven by peer pressure.

I agree with you 100% on the powerful part, I also find myself needing LZ in good times and bad times (;)), Led Zeppelin does gives me that energy right when I need it, and no other band is able to do that.

Looking forward to your stories... rock on! B)

Edited by Oswaldo
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Yes, I'm a 55 year old black Zep fan.

I started listening to them in the early 70's. Let me tell you that it was not easy listening to rock in my neighborhood. I caught hell from everybody.

I didn't like Zep I that record sort of grew on me and then I got the fever and I've haven't found a cure ever since then. No other band has ever given me the power that Zep has. :D

What I'm trying to say is that their music makes me feel powerful. Nowadays when I'm feeling down and worn out I grab a couple of cold ones and listen to the Rover.

I have a lot of a stories too share with you all, but right I need to go so see ya soon.

Your story is 2 cool! I applaud you for just being yourself and ignoring silly barriers that might have prevented you from the joy of Zep.

I think that we're closer to seeing character take over color with regards to 1st impressions. The pigment of ones skins is irrelevent on this site....we're just regular people. All of us.

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I too was listener to Zep, back in the 70's.... in my case... in an all white neighborhood in the suburbs.....

But not everyone I knew was into Zeppelin.... my close friends ended up being interested in Zeppelin and liking them on their own due to my liking Zep.

But, many other kids, just like today.... simply went for the "Pop"ular music of the day.... Herman's Hermits, Simon & Garfunkel, Sonny & Cher, and the like, and then there was the other folks, the "goat-ropers" as they were called, who obviously listened to country music.

Back in the late 80's, someone I knew from work, was intrested in Zeppelin, especially the live bootlegs, which I did not have any number of. But I gave him copies of what I had. The man was black, and he was about, maybe 25 years old. It wasn't too long after this that the Puff Daddy / Jimmy Page collaboration happened with "Kashmir / Come With Me" for the Godzilla movie. And let me say.... I LIKE that collaboration. Others here have a knee-jerk reaction to it l..... but not me....

The "Kashmir/Come With Me" that P. Diddy perfoms in his concerts, is, more powerful than the half-assed lame version that Page & Plant delivered on their outing, which fell way short of the Led Zeppelin powerful version ( SORRY Folks... that's just the way it was.........).

One of the most fantastic rock guitarists was black......Many of Zeppelin's songs are infulenced musically and lyrically, from black singers and musicians.

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Welcome to the board! :wave: Good for you for standing up for yourself and listening to what you enjoy and don't care what others think, I am the exact same way! That is the best thing about music, no matter what genre, it is what moves you and no other band moves me like Zeppelin either! B)

Edited by Melanie_72
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Yes, I'm a 55 year old black Zep fan.

I started listening to them in the early 70's. Let me tell you that it was not easy listening to rock in my neighborhood. I caught hell from everybody.

....2Cool...it takes a extra ordinary human being to challenge society...of course there are other reasons why we are insecure about opposite cultures...but we use reasons, like music, here, to get back at each other....I too was raised in culturally diverse environment and I do understand your viewpoint...it is insecurity more than anything else........

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Welcome. Interesting story but not surprising, as a white male I suffered similiar judgements from my friends because I liked a lot of black musicians when I was young. It's pretty sad that so many people see something as unifying and spiritual as music by the color of the skin of those who create it or by the style by which it is known. It really matters not. What other bands and musicians do you like?

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music is music. there is no color.

welcome to the site.

Don't worry about it BLACK ZEPP FAN,most of my favourite artists are black!It's music and no other art form can make us all feel so damned good.Looking forward to some of those stories you hinted at.

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  • 1 month later...
Yes, I'm a 55 year old black Zep fan.

I started listening to them in the early 70's. Let me tell you that it was not easy listening to rock in my neighborhood. I caught hell from everybody.

I didn't like Zep I that record sort of grew on me and then I got the fever and I've haven't found a cure ever since then. No other band has ever given me the power that Zep has. :D

What I'm trying to say is that their music makes me feel powerful. Nowadays when I'm feeling down and worn out I grab a couple of cold ones and listen to the Rover.

I have a lot of a stories too share with you all, but right I need to go so see ya soon.

I understand 2cool I'm a 41 year old black Zeppelin just two days short of my forty second birthday. I caught alot of shit from Black people, Latinos and White people for over 35 years because I listen to rock. I grew up in a all white neighborhood. For over 25 years any person that has given me any shit about the music that I listen too I just tell them to eat shit and die. Because this is the United States of America and everybody has freedom of choice. I have had alot of conflicts and still have conflicts about the music that I listen to. but I really don't care. Ever since I really got into Zeppelin back when I was in highschool Zeppelin has been my favorite band. If it wasn't for Jimmy Page I never would have contiue to play guitar past the 80's. Jimmy Page is my favorite guitarist. I listen to alot of different bands and artists suck as Zeppelin, The Stones, The Who, The Allman Brothers Band, James Brown, Muddy Waters, Johnny Cash, Funkadelic, Stevie Wonder, UFO, Cream, Miles Davis, Rush, Curtis Mayfield, Motorhead, Black Sabbath, Dream Theater, Jeff Beck, Prince and ect. Music is not about the color of a person's skin.

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I understand 2cool I'm a 41 year old black Zeppelin just two days short of my forty second birthday. I caught alot of shit from Black people, Latinos and White people for over 35 years because I listen to rock. I grew up in a all white neighborhood. For over 25 years any person that has given me any shit about the music that I listen too I just tell them to eat shit and die. Because this is the United States of America and everybody has freedom of choice. I have had alot of conflicts and still have conflicts about the music that I listen to. but I really don't care. Ever since I really got into Zeppelin back when I was in highschool Zeppelin has been my favorite band. If it wasn't for Jimmy Page I never would have contiue to play guitar past the 80's. Jimmy Page is my favorite guitarist. I listen to alot of different bands and artists suck as Zeppelin, The Stones, The Who, The Allman Brothers Band, James Brown, Muddy Waters, Johnny Cash, Funkadelic, Stevie Wonder, UFO, Cream, Miles Davis, Rush, Curtis Mayfield, Motorhead, Black Sabbath, Dream Theater, Jeff Beck, Prince and ect. Music is not about the color of a person's skin.
You got that right Brother Jimmy! Hey,you didn't live near Springfield,Ma. before did ya? If you did,I was the one who turned you on to Zep! ;)

Rock on Culturally Cool! :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

There's nothing wrong with this. I honestly wish there were more black people who listened to Led Zeppelin today. I just cannot grasp the whole swarming over rap. Very glad to see you here, I just joined myself. No more than 2 hours ago lol.

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