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Fox News Sucks

Pb Derigable

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Glen Beck new program sucks. Should've put Huckabee on instead.

Alan Colmes left, and i didn't watch "Hannitys America" on the weekends, so I don't want to watch it on the weekdays.

I don't watch Greta.

Brit Hume left his show, but does pop up everyday. Bret Baier is a good replacement. I love the Fox All Stars panel at the end.

"O'Reilly" is still very good.

"Red Eye" is very good too, but only when Patti Ann Brown is on and her tits are showing, other than that, its funny.

Now if they can only put "Attack of The Show" on instead of Shepard Smith.

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I agree with you (probably for the first time) that Fox News sucks! Can't agree on O'Reilly though. He sucks, too. If Fox news left the air, i doubt many would notice. Worst trash ever... winking0007.gif

All of the the three cable news networks are all partial. FOX to the right and MSNBC and CNN to the left. Actually, a lot of people would notice if FOX left the air since they have more viewers than the other two combined. I watch all three networks from time to time, depending what is on. Bill O'Reilly is the most fair and seems to tell it like it is, while Keith Oberman is just too arrogant and opinionated.

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Glenn Beck is easily the moronic poster child of the right. The only thing I can figure is that his appeal lies with the uneducated, klannish, wanna-be branch of the conservative movement. They put him on FOX for the inauguration, and his sole contribution was to focus on Obama's statement of this country putting a greater emphasis on "science". This led Glenn to feign ignorance...."Has someone been ignoring science ?.....Am I missing something ?"

Yes Glenn,....stem-cell research, global warming, research into alternative fuels, and E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N.

There should also be a tv law which states, "All recovering alcoholics may only mention their past demons once per episode. That way I won't have to sit in my lazy boy speculating how badly you actually need that drink.

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I agree with you (probably for the first time) that Fox News sucks! Can't agree on O'Reilly though. He sucks, too. If Fox news left the air, i doubt many would notice. Worst trash ever... winking0007.gif

Except the fact they lead all the ratings


wait, im sorry. MSNBC does beat them in the 21 to 24 male in the 2am time slot category.

Edited by Pb Derigable
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Don't ban Rush from the radio. That's exactly what the GOP wants people to say. "Oh you don't agree, you must want them banned."

No, let him spew his psychotic ramblings for however long he wants to whomever he wants. The longer he does it, the longer we can laugh at him!

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I'm not a Fox fan, never have been or never will be. I don't care for O'Reilly or anyone else on their news program. It's bad enough having Rush Limbaugh on the AM station airwaves who should be banned from AM Radio.

Actually, when Rush first entered talk radio he was a liberal, but he soon found out that type of programming doesn't draw as many listeners as conservative radio does, so he switched his viewpoints.

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Actually, when Rush first entered talk radio he was a liberal, but he soon found out that type of programming doesn't draw as many listeners as conservative radio does, so he switched his viewpoints.

Thats untrue.

He only seemed liberal because everyone else was so conservative in their approach. Reagan was president and he felt it was necessary to fault Pres. Reagan for mistakes.

It's is the same for Stern. Howard Stern is a conservative by most accounts, but his approach to radio tends you to believe he is Liberal.

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Howard Stern was funny for maybe 5 minutes. Then it got old. When you go to the "shock jock" well one time too many, it stops being interesting. It's like, okay Howard. You have a porn star sucking off a donkey while a midget rides her back singing Mexican folk songs wearing a dildo made of cat turds. You did that last week, it's not shocking anymore.

What would be shocking would be if he was actually funny again.

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Actually, when Rush first entered talk radio he was a liberal, but he soon found out that type of programming doesn't draw as many listeners as conservative radio does, so he switched his viewpoints.

Now to the point of no return. All he cares about is "I hope Obama fails". His new four letter words for today.

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Global warming is a myth.

I would like alternative fuels, i just want my car to go farther than 150 miles before i have to fill up again. Build fucking NUKES to power everything. according to Global warming, the winds will be gone.

I would say to Obama, Have you been ignoring history. The New Deal was a scam. 2 million South Vietnamese died when we pulled out of Vietnam. What do you think will happen in Iraq.

You're name is BONG MAN. Im assuming you smoke. I guess 905 of America think you are uneducated.

Thanks for your comments....now have a Vietnamese Coca-Cola on me.


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I watched a bit of Hannity's America last night. He is without a doubt the biggest tool on the planet. His interview with Rush was even more comical. Listening to both spew their misguided views of America, its no wonder the Republican Party is a joke right now. Fortunately, moderate Republicans are more on the ball and not preaching to the choir, who remain disengaged and disenchanted with the situation, much like the majority, if not the entirety of Fox News.

Gotta love Jon Stewart's clip last night of Fox News' continuous coverage of Bush leaving, ie exiting the Capital, boarding Marine 1, Marine flying away, Marine 1 landing at Andrews AFB, Bush waving as he walks from Marine 1 to his jet, his jet taking off, his jet landing in Texas, Bush exiting the jet, Bush greeting fellow Texans for a hoedown

As Stewart put it, "Let it go." :slapface:

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