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Fox News Sucks

Pb Derigable

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I WANT Obama to get made fun of. I don't want the media thinking that any one President is off-limits from satire. If he says something stupid, lampoon it. If he can't open a door (like Dubya), roundly mock him.

This way the right-wing-off-the-cliffers don't cry that the media is biased.

Couldn't agree more. But let's hope he doesn't give us as much to make fun of as Bush did. That's scary.

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You get you news from a comedy show?

Other than humor that is actually funny, I don't see any difference in a comedy news show than any of the other cable news shows. If anything, Stewart and Colbert (especially) purposely exploit the ridiculousness of the whole cable news fandom, from the gazillion analysts who say the same things to the ego-maniac hosts of all these wacky shows. Colbert's over-the-top personna is a direct result of your Limbaugh's and your O'Reilly's being complete douchebags and carrying on about it like they have minions who follow their every move. Why does Colbert refer to his fans as "Nation?" It all came from these wack jobs' call to their minions' as some sort of special sect of the American Public...which it turns out, is true. :rolleyes:

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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You want them to have nothing to say? So for political news, we'd all be forced to watch the boring networks like CNN or Fox? Those are great channels...but not for too long. It bores me. Colbert and Stewart keep it fresh. They're what we watch for entertainment, so I don't see why you'd wish them to have nothing to talk about, unless you want them out of a job

I agree with you, watching National news too much gets boring. During times of elections, when so much is going on, i enjoy keeping up with the news. But now that all the fun is over, i spend very little time watching CNN. I like to check out the highlights of the day for the most part. I don't seem to even watch Jon Stewart much now (although i like him). Jon was hilarious during the Presidential elections! When i had HBO, however, i was a die hard fan of Bill Maher and never missed an episode of his show.

Seems now that Bush is gone (praise the lord) the world of comedy will be a little dull. Oh well, worth it!



End of an era for comedy world as Dubya moves on

By BILL BROWNSTEIN, The GazetteJanuary 21, 2009

Hope reigns supreme. A wave of euphoria has spread not just throughout the United States, but much of the world as well. It's Obamamania. It's the dawn of a brand-new era.

It could also be the end of another era, at least for up to the next eight years. It seems that what's great for humanity is not so great for the state of political humour, particularly as it relates to U.S. presidents.

Granted, the demise of satire is a small price to pay for the possible greater good of mankind. Hmmm ... let's see: peace on Earth or the continued caustic musings of Keith Olbermann and Bill Maher? As much as many of us cynics revel in the scathing wit of a Maher, it's safe to say we'd go for the goodwill toward fellow men option. Hell, even Maher would.

Fact is, the pundits are as much in awe of Obama as are the people. Few of the late-night TV shmoozers dare take any shots at the man. Few stand-ups want to touch him. And those who have tried have generally failed miserably (hello Bye-Bye).

That could be because pundits not only buy into his dream, but also because Obama appears as clean as politicians come. So far, his major flaws seem to be his occasional smoking habit (he's trying to break) and his inability to bowl. Compare these shortcomings to those of the last occupant of the Oval Office. No, don't. Let's not spoil the mood.

Yet for all Dubya's dubious deeds in power, he provided the pundits with eight years of dynamite fodder. Indeed, so did the Shrub's dad, Bush Sr., when he was in office. As did Clinton and Carter and Reagan and Ford and Nixon and Johnson. And, yes, as did JFK, whose patrician provenance and vocal intonations, not to mention his peccadillos, were much mimicked. Historians would have to go back to the days of Abraham Lincoln to find a president as revered as Obama is at this moment. Still, probably lucky for Honest Abe, there were no Stephen Colberts or Jon Stewarts lurking then, let alone television or YouTube to catch gaffes in a nanosecond.

Funny thing is that just a few months ago, a Renaissance of political humour was being heralded. Saturday Night Live was enjoying its highest ratings in decades. Leno, Letterman, Conan, Maher, Stewart and Colbert were cooking. Even embattled Katie Couric was winning raves. Doubtless, they all sent thank-you notes to Sarah Palin as well as to Dubya and John McCain.

Last Sunday night, NBC broadcast some soon-to-be nostalgia, Saturday Night Live's best political barbs. Most were recent culls:Will Ferrell doing his priceless Bush impressions, Amy Poehler as Hillary Clinton, and, natch, Tina Fey as "Seer-ah Pay-linn." Lorne Michaels and his SNL cronies may be Barack lovers at the core, but how upset would they have been if Palin ended up as veepee to a doddering John McCain? Or as Fey's Palin put it: "What an amazing time we live in. To think that two years ago, I was a small-town mayor of Alaska's crystal-meth capital, and now I am just one heartbeat away from being the president of the United States."

Palin could be back one day, but it's a good bet Dubya will pretty much disappear from the spotlight and the pundits sure will miss him.

"Happy Rosh Hashanah! It's Jewish New Year. Down in Washington, D.C.," Letterman recently cracked. "And today a confused George Bush pardoned a bagel."

Ah, the golden years of comedy are about to become history.

"The name Bush was a punchline for comedians over the last eight years. The name Obama is now an applause break, even for comics," says Robbie Praw, a producer and talent scout for the Just for Laughs festival.

Praw scours the planet for comics. He has probably heard more stand-up shtick than almost anyone in the comedy universe. And he, too, has noticed a dearth of Obama material.

"Comedians are just like regular people - really," he notes. "And they're just as excited by Obama. He's a decent guy who started off with nothing, and he brings so much hope and enthusiasm. But it's more than that. It's also a matter of hypocrisy and stupidity. The last guy had both. This guy doesn't have any yet. I am as cynical as they come, but I am totally swept up by Obama fever, too. It's hard to knock him."

For now. Over the years, Obama will certainly make his share of missteps. And if not, there will still be some Republicans running around, maybe Palin.

"Don't count out Republican weasels, like Karl Rove," comic Andy Kindler says. "They'll find a new wedge to replace racism and keep comedy going."

Kindler, a New Yorker, has never pulled any punches. He is as scathing and as pessimistic as any pundit - as those who have caught his annual and hysterical State of the Comedy Union address at Just for Laughs will attest. And yet Kindler has been overcome by the Obama wave.

"It's hard for cynicism to flourish when it's standing side-by-side with joy," he says. "Bottom line is that Letterman is unwatchable now. And the best Saturday Night Live can do is give us Fred Armisen trying to do Obama, but he is so weak.

"The reality is that Obama is such a relief after the last eight years. There's not that much funny about a man trying to make positive change, particularly because he is also so self-aware. He is so open. And he's self-deprecating, too. You can't make fun of a guy like that. Everyone loves him, yet I don't think he has a Jesus complex. Since there's not much to mimic, I think I'll focus more on Leno. That's the next big threat facing our country."

L.A. comic Alonzo Bodden believes that Obama has taken on a saint-like demeanour.

"I do like to joke that he's become the new Messiah, especially when surrounded by adoring throngs," he says. "There's not much to joke about with Obama now, other than his mother-in-law moving into the White House with him. So we'll just have to work harder. And we'll have to find some skinny black kid to come up with a better impression of Obama than that of Fred Armisen."

But Bodden touches on an issue brought up by other African-Americans.

"He better not mess up, because it's on the rest of us if he does. We're all loving him, but we're keeping that in mind."

Yet even the acerbic Bodden admits he has been blown away by Obama's ascent to the presidency: "Honestly, I never thought I'd see the day there would be a black quarterback in the NFL. But a U.S. president? Never saw that coming. Not in my lifetime."


© Copyright © The Montreal Gazette


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Nancy Grace has to be the worse tv personality of them all. She always looks likes she is going to cry. She is too overdramatic. She is always showing her babies. And of course CNN keeps her on the air.

But i haven't liked CNN nearly as much since they became the Anderson Cooper Network.

they never should have let aaron brown go...

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When Sarah Palin was speaking during the Republican convention I honestly had no idea if I was watching live national news coverage or Comedy Central. When Tina Fey started appearing on SNL again doing her dead on impression of Palin that blurred the lines between reality and comedy even further.

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Nancy Grace isn't on CNN.

I can't stand her either but it looks like she is:


The last time I was flipping channels she was still going on about the Caylee case. Which is the exact same thing she was talking about the last time I flipped past her. Kinda reminds me of Geraldo and his OJ fixation. National news has become sensationalist enough that I have zero tolerance for programs such as hers.

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I can't stand her either but it looks like she is:


The last time I was flipping channels she was still going on about the Caylee case. Which is the exact same thing she was talking about the last time I flipped past her. Kinda reminds me of Geraldo and his OJ fixation. National news has become sensationalist enough that I have zero tolerance for programs such as hers.

She's on Headline News or at least she was yesterday.

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She's on Headline News or at least she was yesterday.

She may be on both, who knows. If I see her on I usually flip right past her. Either way, Headline News is part of the CNN organization. If I'm not mistaken it's billed as CNN Headline News so I could see where someone could refer to her as being on CNN though they are two different channels.

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She may be on both, who knows. If I see her on I usually flip right past her. Either way, Headline News is part of the CNN organization. If I'm not mistaken it's billed as CNN Headline News so I could see where someone could refer to her as being on CNN though they are two different channels.

I can't stand the lady either, but seeing her away from that news desk was quite a shock. She can't be more than 4 and a half feet tall......"the bitch of the elves."

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Hi all,

Nancy Grace strikes me as the type of parasite a decent person would provide her with the indecent greeting of a huge lugee to the face.

Excuse me,since when is Nancy Grace on Fox News? :blink: Let's get back to bashing,shall we?

One drop,.......................... :D

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I WANT Obama to get made fun of. I don't want the media thinking that any one President is off-limits from satire. If he says something stupid, lampoon it. If he can't open a door (like Dubya), roundly mock him.

This way the right-wing-off-the-cliffers don't cry that the media is biased.

Bush got made fun of so much because he gave everyone so much ammunition. His stupidity was too easy a target. I sure hope our country won't see the likes of anyone like George ever again. Let us pray Sarah Palin doesn't come back into the picture (but i doubt we will get that lucky).

Obama like any human is bound to make mistakes. But Obama is intelligent, so making fun of him won't be easy. Let's brace ourselves for a boring political satire Presidency. :)

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Hi all,

Obama like any human is bound to make mistakes. But Obama is intelligent, so making fun of him won't be easy. Let's brace ourselves for a boring political satire Presidency. :)

I see,and Bush was an alien?good insight.So our 44st president,being intelligent will not make any mistakes? I do want him to succeed.

KB :)

Edited by zepyep
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Hi all,

I see,and Bush was an alien?good insight.So our 44st president,being intelligent will not make any mistakes? I do want him to succeed.

KB :)

I did say Obama is bound to make mistakes. I do have a hard time considered Bush a human, lol...i would say he is more of an alien :) Yes! My point (that is not a foreign concept to anyone, i just felt like making it anyway) was that Bush being naturally and easily "laughable" (due to his stupidity, imho) made him easy for comedians to ridicule. I don't see Obama ever being such a laughing stock. How many Presidents were the inspiration for shows such as this one:


I, however, had a hard time ever laughing at Bush jokes. I was too disgusted that someone like him was running my country.

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I agree with you (probably for the first time) that Fox News sucks! Can't agree on O'Reilly though. He sucks, too. If Fox news left the air, i doubt many would notice. Worst trash ever... winking0007.gif

I suppose Fox News does suck for those on the left who preference is that the major media be the exclusive domain of liberals.

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Then there's those of us that take in several forms of media from all sides and form our own opinions.

Exactly. I just don't happen to think Fox News contributes anything valuable :) Every time i put that channel on (and i stopped doing that) it sounds like a group of caddy bitches are talking (although it's usually men who are doing the reporting).

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