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Obama freezes Guantanamo Bay for 120 days


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Some were not in Iraq nor Afghanistan. Some were American citizens, which is illegal by all accounts. Second, not everyone there was fighting against the USA. There are quite of a few prisoners that have never had any history of violence against us or their people, but were rounded up by Marines and forced into Gunatanamo. That's horrendous, I agree with you.

And let me ask you this: If it does turn out that a prisoner there is dicovered to be 100% innocent (as is the case for some inside), then are they POWs? By the Geneva Convention standards, they are civilians and we have no right to hold them for any point of time, especially not in an 8x8 prison cell. Can a civilian be a POW? By definition, the answer is no. So that person cannot be legally held for any period of time, especially not indefinitely, so you're wrong there. I agree with you somewhat, but when you are in a war zone you are under military law, and as we see every day, the military are a law unto themselves, whatever country they represent.

Is a turf war in LA really a war? Yes.

If the KKK or Black Panthers called for a race war to start right now (as Charles Manson wanted) can it still be considered a war? Yes.

It was called a war - is that enough for you? Yes.

My answer is no. We are at war with specific terrorists and insurgents, but not against all that would ill to America. There's too many to fight in that case. You and me , USA and GB are at war with the whole Islamic world, thats what I believe, they will never give up the struggle to destroy us, much as the Roman Catholic/Christian Religion did in the Middle ages to the whole world. Untill we found it more profitable to control the world economicaly, otherwise we would have commited genocide more often.

If the Middle East would just accept that Israel is there to stay and lower their guns, then everything would probably go back to the way it originally was. Israel is a terrorist state that has aquired its legality under the UN banner, the Islamic world does not agree with this opinion and that is why there is never going to be an end to the war between Islam and Israel, untill Islam or Israel is destroyed.

Just remember this, Israel is just behaving the same way that the US have behaved through out its history. You have both made nations of yourselves at the expence of the lives of millions of innocent civilians. As far as i'm concerned you both used any foul means you could to eleminate your enemies, you broke treaty after treaty untill you were strong enough to inflict a crushing victory on your enemy, you have no honor but you demand honor from your enemies.

If I were a Muslim I too would fight you to the death, I would support any attack on both your countries even if it ment killing thousands, millions, of your civilians because that is what you do and would have done to me and my people. I would oppose and attack all those that side with you because they would be supporting your actions against my people.

But i'm not a muslim, so I say that the only way we can win and stop this never ending war is to see it as a war to the death amongst both our ideologies and lets finish it once and for all, lets stop all the pussyfooting around and get to it. Because if we dont win then they will, and you can say that about both sides.

Regards, Danny

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If it was up to me, the inmates who were actually guilty of something would be dead already. The others never would have been captured and held without trial. But its not up to me. I'm glad Gitmo is closing. It's a stain on our country and as I've said numerous times, it's the 1 thing Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld should be prosecuted for.

And for those of you who believe Gitmo is a reason why our country hasn't been attacked and should be kept open, you don't deserve to live more than the hardest of terrorists held there.

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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Guantanamo is a US military base/installation, right? So for legal purposes, it's considered US territory.....am I correct in that? If so, then anyone held there is subject to US laws and procedure. If you believe that people held at Gitmo are being denied basic rights, then you believe they are being denied the basic rights afforded anyone on US soil. Including the right to a speedy trial and counsel. Lincoln may have suspended habeus corpus during the Civil War, but to my knowledge Bush did no such thing during this "war" on terror.

Gitmo is worse than a stain on this country, it's an absolute abomination. Benjamin Franklin had a very precise quote about those who'd sacrifice liberty for safety. He said if you do, you deserve neither.

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Guantanamo Bay is a United States Naval Station, on Cuban territory which is leased by the United States. Cuba has never cashed the lease payments it has received by the United States. It dates back to United States President Teddy Roosevelt's signed Lease Agreement with the Cuban government on February 16, 1903. So it is not a United States territory.

Guantanamo is a Cuban territory leased by the United States "to use and occupy" as a naval station. "To the U.S. this means" it is a lease agreement of an "open-ended duration that can only be terminated by mutual agreement. To Cuba it means that Guantánamo Bay is "occupied territory."

It's interesting that the United States established a prison at Guantanamo despite the fact that the original language from President Roosevelt "granted the U.S. "the right to use and occupy the waters adjacent to said areas of land and water… and generally to do any and all things necessary to fit the premises for use as coaling or naval stations only, and for no other purpose."

It's also interesting that President Obama has ordered the army manual rules to apply to a leased foreign territory originally intended for use as a naval station only.

Notes on Guantánamo Bay

J.A. Sierra


The first U.S. presence on Guantánamo Bay was a Marine battalion that camped there on June 10 1898, and the first American casualties of the Spanish-Cuban-American War were two marines killed there the following day.

Five years later, U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt signed an agreement with Cuba's new government, leasing the bay for 2,000 gold coins per year. The agreement was forced on the new Cuban government through the Platt Amendment, which gave the U.S. authority to interfere in Cuban affairs.

The Lease Agreement signed on February 16 1903, granted the U.S. "the right to use and occupy the waters adjacent to said areas of land and water… and generally to do any and all things necessary to fit the premises for use as coaling or naval stations only, and for no other purpose."

On July 2 1906, (just before the 2nd U.S. military intervention) a new lease was signed in Havana for Guantánamo Bay and Bahía Honda, for which the U.S. would pay $2,000 per year.

The U.S. Naval Base at Guantánamo Bay, the oldest existing U.S. military base outside U.S. territory, sits on a 45-square-mile area (117.6 square kilometers) about the size of Manhattan Island.

After the Platt Amendment was annulled in 1934, a new lease was negotiated between the Roosevelt administration and a Cuban government that included Fulgencio Batista as one of three signatories. Batista emerged as the strong man on the island over the next twenty-five years.

When the Revolution triumphed in 1959, the U.S. banned its soldiers stationed at the bay from entering Cuban territory. The Cuban government asserts that Guantánamo should have been returned to Cuba at this time.

"It's no secret," wrote Rafael Hernández Rodriquez in Subject to Solution: Problems in Cuban-U.S. Relations, "that the main mission of the naval bases in this area of the Gulf is to control, police and spy on Cuba."

During a speech in Chile on December 3 1971, Castro said, "that base is there just to humiliate Cuba; just like a knife stuck in the heart of Cuba's dignity and sovereignty… But from a military standpoint, the base is completely useless."

On January 11 1985, in a speech during a visit to Nicaragua, Castro addressed the potential use of military violence to recover this territory. "What interest can we have in waging a war with our neighbors?" he said. "In our country we have a military base against the will of our people. It has been there throughout the twenty-six years of the revolution, and it is being occupied by force. We have the moral and legal right to demand its return. We have made the claim in the moral and legal way. We do not intend to recover it with the use of arms. It is part of our territory being occupied by a U.S. military base. Never has anyone, a revolutionary cadre, a revolutionary leader, or a fellow citizen, had the idea of recovering the piece of our territory by the use of force. If some day it will be ours, it will not be by the use of force, but the advance of the consciousness of justice in the world."

In an interview with Soviet journalists in October 1985, U.S. President Ronald Reagan said that the purpose of the base was political: to impose the U.S. presence, even if the Cubans didn't want it.

On June 14 2002, at the United Nations General Assembly, Cuba demanded that Guantánamo territory be returned to the island.

The issue of returning Guantánamo to Cuba is complicated by the agreement signed by Batista in 1934. The agreement states: "Until the two Contracting Parties agree to the modification or abrogation of the stipulations of the agreement in regard to the lease to the United States of America of lands in Cuba for coaling and naval stations… the stipulations of that Agreement with regard to the naval station of Guantánamo shall continue in effect."

To the U.S. this means an "open-ended duration" that can only be terminated by mutual agreement. To Cuba it means that Guantánamo Bay is "occupied territory."

While this paper will not attempt to enumerate the many legal aspects of international law invoked by this "occupation," it's important to note that most other "territories held" throughout the world have been returned. The Panama Canal was returned to Panama in January 2000, Hong Kong was returned to China by the United Kingdom in 1997, and Portugal returned Macau Island to China in 1999.

Since 1959, the U.S. sends a check for the lease amount every year, but the Cuban government has never cashed them.


Edited by eternal light
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If it was up to me, the inmates who were actually guilty of something would be dead already. The others never would have been captured and held without trial. But its not up to me. I'm glad Gitmo is closing. It's a stain on our country and as I've said numerous times, it's the 1 thing Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld should be prosecuted for.

And for those of you who believe Gitmo is a reason why our country hasn't been attacked and should be kept open, you don't deserve to live more than the hardest of terrorists held there.

Im asking who are the innocent ones. The military is not going to waste their time on some asshole walking down the street. It takes a few officers to send someone over there, not just a Pvt.

Obama has no idea what the hell he is going to do with these people. It's why it's a year from now, not next week. He promised he could bring home 150,00 men and women from Iraq with all their shit in 16 months, but yet can't move 250 cocksuckers in a few weeks.

You know what, let them go to the federal prison in Illinois. I know a few "THUGS" who would glad to meet them. Let see what Spain thinks about us when all 250 get ass raped and shanked.

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The executive orders also throw out every opinion or memo that the Bush administration used to justify its interrogation programs. And the Obama administration said all terrorism suspects will be covered by standards set by the Geneva Conventions, something the Bush administration opposed.


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A Saudi man who was released from Guantanamo after spending six years inside the U.S. prison camp has joined Al Qaeda's branch in Yemen and is now the terror group's No. 2 in the country, according to a purported Internet statement from Al Qaeda.

The announcement, made this week on a Web site commonly used by militants, came as President Barack Obama ordered the detention facility closed within a year.

The Yemen branch — known as "Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula" — said the man, identified as Said Ali al-Shihri, returned to his home in Saudi Arabia after his release from Guantanamo about a year ago and from there went to Yemen. The Internet statement, which could not immediately be verified, said al-Shihri was the group's second-in-command in Yemen and his prisoner number at Guantanamo was 372.

"He managed to leave the land of the two shrines (Saudi Arabia) and join his brothers in Al Qaeda," the statement said.

Documents released by the U.S. Defense Department show that al-Shihri was released from the facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba in November 2007 and transferred to his homeland. The documents confirmed his prisoner number was 372.

"The lesson here is, whoever receives former Guantánamo detainees needs to keep a close eye on them," an American official told the New York Times.

/**/ Saudi Arabian authorities would not immediately comment on the statement. A Yemeni counterterrorism official would only say that Saudi Arabia had asked Yemen to turn over a number of wanted Saudi suspects who fled the kingdom last year for Yemen, and a man with the same name was among those wanted. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to speak to the press and would not provide more details.

Al-Shihri was stopped at a Pakistani border crossing in December 2001 with injuries from an airstrike and recuperated at a hospital in Quetta for a month and a half, according to the Defense Department. Within days of his release, he became one of the first detainees sent to Guantanamo.

A congresswoman says the reports should not slow the Obama administration's determination to quickly close the Guantanamo facility.

Rep. Jane Harman, a Democrat from California, said that President Obama has to "proceed extremely carefully" in closing the prison.

Al-Shihri allegedly traveled to Afghanistan two weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks, provided money to other fighters and trained at an urban warfare at a camp north of Kabul, according to a summary of the evidence against him from U.S. military review panels at Guantanamo Bay.

An alleged travel coordinator for Al Qaeda, he was also accused of meeting extremists in Mashad, Iran and briefing them on how to enter Afghanistan, according to the Defense Department documents.

Al-Shihri, however, said he traveled to Iran to buy carpets for his store in Riyadh. He said he felt Osama bin Laden had no business representing Islam, denied any links to terrorism and expressed interest in rejoining his family in Saudi Arabia.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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I declare war on Ipods. Is there really a war? Just saying it isn't enough.

My answer is no. We are at war with specific terrorists and insurgents, but not against all that would ill to America. There's too many to fight in that case. You and me , USA and GB are at war with the whole Islamic world, thats what I believe, they will never give up the struggle to destroy us, much as the Roman Catholic/Christian Religion did in the Middle ages to the whole world. Untill we found it more profitable to control the world economicaly, otherwise we would have commited genocide more often.
The whole Islamic World? Fuck, I'm right by Dearborn, are we going to bomb them soon? :blink:

Come on dude, it's specific individuals and terrorists. FUndamentalists. Not the whole of Islam. We can't kill a billion people just because of religion. That's against everything we stand for. So unless you want to be unpatriotic, quit that nonsense.

Israel is a terrorist state that has aquired its legality under the UN banner, the Islamic world does not agree with this opinion and that is why there is never going to be an end to the war between Islam and Israel, untill Islam or Israel is destroyed.
Israel is not a terrorist state in any way, nonewhatsoever. Hamas launches rockets into Israel...how do you expect them to defend themselves...because that's exactly what they're doing.

Just remember this, Israel is just behaving the same way that the US have behaved through out its history. You have both made nations of yourselves at the expence of the lives of millions of innocent civilians. As far as i'm concerned you both used any foul means you could to eleminate your enemies, you broke treaty after treaty untill you were strong enough to inflict a crushing victory on your enemy, you have no honor but you demand honor from your enemies.
:rolleyes: You name me a single country that doesn't have skeletons in their closets. No, America's history isn't always great, but it's sure as hell better than most.

If I were a Muslim I too would fight you to the death, I would support any attack on both your countries even if it ment killing thousands, millions, of your civilians because that is what you do and would have done to me and my people. I would oppose and attack all those that side with you because they would be supporting your actions against my people.
Wow, What a load of crap. I guess you don't really understand what's really going on do you?

Oh, and when, pray tell, did the US kill thousands/millions of Middle Eastern civilians? And why would YOU do such a thing? An eye for an eye? So you'd slaughter civilians just to get back at a government. Maybe you should go join Al-Qaeda, for that is what they preach. Perhaps you should start a Neo-Nazi movement where you live, that is what they preach. Perhaps you should start a group of Extreme Stalinists and kill civilians in fear of your own life. Perhaps you and Che and Fidel would've been good buddies and murdered those in your way for power, as a government did that to your family.

If you truly mean what you just saaid, than you deserve exactly what all men like that get, in this life and the next.

But i'm not a muslim, so I say that the only way we can win and stop this never ending war is to see it as a war to the death amongst both our ideologies and lets finish it once and for all, lets stop all the pussyfooting around and get to it. Because if we dont win then they will, and you can say that about both sides.

Regards, Danny

Entirely untrue. If England and France can settle their differences so can we. If Japan can change, so can the Middle East. If Germany and the Jews can forgive each other, so can we.

I'm as pessimist as they come, but I refuse to believe that the only thing that can "save" this world is a nuclear Holocaust.

Edited by wanna be drummer
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The way I see it is that closing down Guantanamo isn't really about being for or against war. It's about the fact that prisoners of war shouldn't be tortured. and they aren't going to just be walking around on the street once Guantanamo closes down - they will still be prisoners... just somewhere else where they aren't chained to the floor in cold rooms and forced to listen to loud music with strobe lighting on for days...

I can't remember who said it or the exact quote but it is some smart-old-dead-dude who said that any society should be judged on how we treat our worst criminals.

So we are all a pretty shit society if we torture them.. and a pretty good one if we take the higher ground and treat them humanely...

I'm talking about world society - I'm in Australia not the US - but I saw the heartache of David Hicks's Father (Terry) when his son was in Guantanamo...

by the way - Major Michael Mori - hottest man alive when he was defending Hicks! (I actually started a fan club for him here)

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Im asking who are the innocent ones. The military is not going to waste their time on some asshole walking down the street. It takes a few officers to send someone over there, not just a Pvt.

Obama has no idea what the hell he is going to do with these people. It's why it's a year from now, not next week. He promised he could bring home 150,00 men and women from Iraq with all their shit in 16 months, but yet can't move 250 cocksuckers in a few weeks.

You know what, let them go to the federal prison in Illinois. I know a few "THUGS" who would glad to meet them. Let see what Spain thinks about us when all 250 get ass raped and shanked.

The real problem with this whole situation is alot of the prisoners aren't guilty of anything, other than fitting the description of a would-be terrorist or Al Qaeda sympathizer. The few who are the real threats don't deserve squat and should be executed. The others, should be extradited or allowed the chance to work for US intelligence in exchange for a pardon. It's a risky and somewhat immoral stance, but it's a very dicey situation and there is no clear cut way about it. The way Gitmo has been run and the consequences that follow it are directly linked to the Bush Administration. I don't sympathize with suspected or known terrorists in our possession. I also don't sympathize with men who feel they're above the Constitution.

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The real problem with this whole situation is alot of the prisoners aren't guilty of anything, other than fitting the description of a would-be terrorist or Al Qaeda sympathizer. The few who are the real threats don't deserve squat and should be executed. The others, should be extradited or allowed the chance to work for US intelligence in exchange for a pardon. It's a risky and somewhat immoral stance, but it's a very dicey situation and there is no clear cut way about it. The way Gitmo has been run and the consequences that follow it are directly linked to the Bush Administration. I don't sympathize with suspected or known terrorists in our possession. I also don't sympathize with men who feel they're above the Constitution.

l Qaeda Chief Was Released by U.S. From Gitmo


Friday, January 23, 2009


A Saudi man who was released from Guantanamo after spending six years inside the U.S. prison camp has joined Al Qaeda's branch in Yemen and is now the terror group's No. 2 in the country, according to a purported Internet statement from Al Qaeda.

The announcement, made this week on a Web site commonly used by militants, came as President Barack Obama ordered the detention facility closed within a year.

The Yemen branch — known as "Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula" — said the man, identified as Said Ali al-Shihri, returned to his home in Saudi Arabia after his release from Guantanamo about a year ago and from there went to Yemen. The Internet statement, which could not immediately be verified, said al-Shihri was the group's second-in-command in Yemen and his prisoner number at Guantanamo was 372.

"He managed to leave the land of the two shrines (Saudi Arabia) and join his brothers in Al Qaeda," the statement said.

Documents released by the U.S. Defense Department show that al-Shihri was released from the facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba in November 2007 and transferred to his homeland. The documents confirmed his prisoner number was 372.

"The lesson here is, whoever receives former Guantánamo detainees needs to keep a close eye on them," an American official told the New York Times.

Saudi Arabian authorities would not immediately comment on the statement. A Yemeni counterterrorism official would only say that Saudi Arabia had asked Yemen to turn over a number of wanted Saudi suspects who fled the kingdom last year for Yemen, and a man with the same name was among those wanted. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to speak to the press and would not provide more details.

Al-Shihri was stopped at a Pakistani border crossing in December 2001 with injuries from an airstrike and recuperated at a hospital in Quetta for a month and a half, according to the Defense Department. Within days of his release, he became one of the first detainees sent to Guantanamo.

A congresswoman says the reports should not slow the Obama administration's determination to quickly close the Guantanamo facility.

Rep. Jane Harman, a Democrat from California, said that President Obama has to "proceed extremely carefully" in closing the prison.

Al-Shihri allegedly traveled to Afghanistan two weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks, provided money to other fighters and trained at an urban warfare at a camp north of Kabul, according to a summary of the evidence against him from U.S. military review panels at Guantanamo Bay.

An alleged travel coordinator for Al Qaeda, he was also accused of meeting extremists in Mashad, Iran and briefing them on how to enter Afghanistan, according to the Defense Department documents.

Al-Shihri, however, said he traveled to Iran to buy carpets for his store in Riyadh. He said he felt Osama bin Laden had no business representing Islam, denied any links to terrorism and expressed interest in rejoining his family in Saudi Arabia.


"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon said on Tuesday that 61 former detainees from its military prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, appear to have returned to terrorism since their release from custody.

Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said 18 former detainees are confirmed as "returning to the fight" and 43 are suspected of having done in a report issued late in December by the Defense"

Sorry got to go take GF to dinner and have sex with her. So this is my reply, sorry for the post and paste politics

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So in other words, we should still be holding EVERYONE there, regardless of whether they've actually done anything.

I'm sorry, that argument doesn't hold water with me. I want the guilty punished and I want the innocent released. I want this country to APOLOGIZE for what they've done to the innocent people chained up there like animals. I don't doubt there are guilty people being held at Gitmo. But I'd be willing to bet that a supermajority aren't guilty.

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As one ex-Gitmo inmate was told by the supervising officer as he was being released, "If you weren't a terrorist before you came here, I'll bet you are now."

We can thank ourselves for the breeding of such a hatred for us in such lavish surroundings at Gitmo. <_<

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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l Qaeda Chief Was Released by U.S. From Gitmo


Friday, January 23, 2009


A Saudi man who was released from Guantanamo after spending six years inside the U.S. prison camp has joined Al Qaeda's branch in Yemen and is now the terror group's No. 2 in the country, according to a purported Internet statement from Al Qaeda.

The announcement, made this week on a Web site commonly used by militants, came as President Barack Obama ordered the detention facility closed within a year.

The Yemen branch — known as "Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula" — said the man, identified as Said Ali al-Shihri, returned to his home in Saudi Arabia after his release from Guantanamo about a year ago and from there went to Yemen. The Internet statement, which could not immediately be verified, said al-Shihri was the group's second-in-command in Yemen and his prisoner number at Guantanamo was 372.

"He managed to leave the land of the two shrines (Saudi Arabia) and join his brothers in Al Qaeda," the statement said.

Documents released by the U.S. Defense Department show that al-Shihri was released from the facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba in November 2007 and transferred to his homeland. The documents confirmed his prisoner number was 372.

"The lesson here is, whoever receives former Guantánamo detainees needs to keep a close eye on them," an American official told the New York Times.

Saudi Arabian authorities would not immediately comment on the statement. A Yemeni counterterrorism official would only say that Saudi Arabia had asked Yemen to turn over a number of wanted Saudi suspects who fled the kingdom last year for Yemen, and a man with the same name was among those wanted. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to speak to the press and would not provide more details.

Al-Shihri was stopped at a Pakistani border crossing in December 2001 with injuries from an airstrike and recuperated at a hospital in Quetta for a month and a half, according to the Defense Department. Within days of his release, he became one of the first detainees sent to Guantanamo.

A congresswoman says the reports should not slow the Obama administration's determination to quickly close the Guantanamo facility.

Rep. Jane Harman, a Democrat from California, said that President Obama has to "proceed extremely carefully" in closing the prison.

Al-Shihri allegedly traveled to Afghanistan two weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks, provided money to other fighters and trained at an urban warfare at a camp north of Kabul, according to a summary of the evidence against him from U.S. military review panels at Guantanamo Bay.

An alleged travel coordinator for Al Qaeda, he was also accused of meeting extremists in Mashad, Iran and briefing them on how to enter Afghanistan, according to the Defense Department documents.

Al-Shihri, however, said he traveled to Iran to buy carpets for his store in Riyadh. He said he felt Osama bin Laden had no business representing Islam, denied any links to terrorism and expressed interest in rejoining his family in Saudi Arabia.


"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon said on Tuesday that 61 former detainees from its military prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, appear to have returned to terrorism since their release from custody.

Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said 18 former detainees are confirmed as "returning to the fight" and 43 are suspected of having done in a report issued late in December by the Defense"

Sorry got to go take GF to dinner and have sex with her. So this is my reply, sorry for the post and paste politics


so why don't we kill all the inmates and shut the fuck up already? <_<

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