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The 81st Academy Awards


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Why don't you get off you high horse? I'm so sick of everyone acting so damn proper on this board. Everything is offensive or out of line unless you kiss everyone's butt. Wow. I called gays fruits. Well guess what, some gays use that term too (along with queen and fairy). So of my close friends are gay and THEY AGREED WITH ME about the whole Milk thing (well honestly, only one agreed with me). As soon as I called one my gay friends up last night, he started laughing because he knew I hated the whole song and dance thing at the beginning. He doesn't care. It's people like you who make a stink when "something is out of line". Maybe if we just excepted things and didn't pretend the world is perfect, we wouldn't have controversy everytime some says something out of line. I'm not saying you should go out and intentionally hurt someone's feelings either.If you notice,I didn't use the term faggot (which most gays do find offensive). I'm allowed to my opinion and if you don't like it, too bad.

I don't know why you singled me out when many here are offended by your comments. I'm not on any high horse. It's called respecting people - you're entitled to your opinions but please have some tact with how you present them. There are Jews here and people who are gay. Ever think THEY might not appreciate the references even though maybe your friends do. It's just exercising a little thought and your attitude of "so what if you don't like it" is a bit upsetting.

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I have a friend who finds no issue with people using the words "c*nt" and "twat". To her, they're just words. Obviously some women (such as myself) find them offensive, so I don't go around using them here or elsewhere just because I have a friend who wouldn't care if I did. My friend (and by extension, her friends) are not here, so I wouldn't be using those words around people whom I already knew wouldn't care. I would be offending every female here, and for what?

Hence why I said "know your audience". It's great that your friends are that.......linguistically-evolved.....but they're not here. We are. So keep that in mind.

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I have a friend who finds no issue with people using the words "c*nt" and "twat". To her, they're just words. Obviously some women (such as myself) find them offensive, so I don't go around using them here or elsewhere just because I have a friend who wouldn't care if I did. My friend (and by extension, her friends) are not here, so I wouldn't be using those words around people whom I already knew wouldn't care. I would be offending every female here, and for what?

Hence why I said "know your audience". It's great that your friends are that.......linguistically-evolved.....but they're not here. We are. So keep that in mind.

Exactly - I was trying to say that but I was too worked up and it came out all not like that at all.

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Not sure what is worse, THIS POST or your rant about "jap pipe" in another thread. You are really making a name for yourself.

Are you still pissed i called you out on your. "Im going to leave thread"

Im glad im making a name for myself after 2200 post and and atleast a year under this name and not counting the 150 post i did on the old forum. Which was not better than this one.

I think this was the first time since I can remember that I hadn't seen any of the films selected for Best Picture.

I nearly choked up seeing Roy Scheider and Paul Newman on the tribute. :heartbreaker:

No love for Charleston Heston?

IMHO Heath Ledger death should not be honored since it was a cause of stupidity and the fact they honored him in the same show as Newman, is down right wrong.

Bernie Mac was more influential than pill taking ledger.

Edited by Pb Derigable
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I have a friend who finds no issue with people using the words "c*nt" and "twat". To her, they're just words. Obviously some women (such as myself) find them offensive, so I don't go around using them here or elsewhere just because I have a friend who wouldn't care if I did. My friend (and by extension, her friends) are not here, so I wouldn't be using those words around people whom I already knew wouldn't care. I would be offending every female here, and for what?

Hence why I said "know your audience". It's great that your friends are that.......linguistically-evolved.....but they're not here. We are. So keep that in mind.

Well said :thumbsup:

Exactly - I was trying to say that but I was too worked up and it came out all not like that at all.

I got what you were saying :)

It really pisses me off that people find other people 'high and mighty' just because they're more socially conscious and aware of what they're saying. You have every right to be offended, as was I, and you're not high and mighty because of it.

I'm from a Jewish family. If someone's gonna stereotype Jews, don't be friggin' surprised if a Jew takes offense. The same applies to the gay community. Just because someone can get away with saying whatever to their friends, doesn't mean they'll get the same appreciation here. There are many, many minorites that make this community.

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IMHO Heath Ledger death should not be honored since it was a cause of stupidity and the fact they honored him in the same show as Newman, is down right wrong.

Bernie Mac was more influential than pill taking ledger.

*sigh* The guy won an acting award. He would have deserved that award even if he'd still been alive. It The fact that he died--an accident, and in any case the reason for somebody's death is no reason not to honor their life--was irrelevant to the award. Maybe not to the nomination, which could be seen as a token of appreciation for his work--but he would only have actually WON it if he deserved it, given the quality of the other nominees.

And where does influence come into it?

Later: I just remembered that the nominations were announced last year on the day he died--so even the nomination had nothing to do with his death.

Edited by Aquamarine
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Jai Ho was good.

Good show in that J Ho wasnt in town lol. But really overall a lame show. Especially those musical numbers, made Frodo who brought all of England's high school marching bands at Grammy's more tolerable.

I know Charleston Heston didn't get so much love, him whom was such an acting great and a role model. Yeah I agree Heath Ledger, you'd think he didn't die of accidental OD guess cuz that would have been the first of his many Oscars. I've followed quite of few of his films, really great actor. I am happy that Kate Winslet and Penelope Cruz won. The rest I didn't care but did you see Robyn Wright Penn she is really so beautiful. This is gonna sound weird, but the only cute guy I spotted was James Marsh IMHO.

I wonder why Collin Farrell didn't show.

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Are you still pissed i called you out on your. "Im going to leave thread"


Im glad im making a name for myself after 2200 post and and atleast a year under this name and not counting the 150 post i did on the old forum. Which was not better than this one.

You are going to piss some people off with that last comment. (not me).

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I'm very pleased that Heath Ledger and Kate Winslet won. :yesnod:

I have a question, though...is anyone else annoyed by Angelina Jolie? While they were awarding best actress, she had this really annoying smirk on her face, like she KNEW she had to win it because she's just that awesome or something. :huh: Like I said, I'm really glad it went to Kate. I mean, Angelina is a good actress, but I personally think Kate's better. It's about time she won, if you ask me. I think she's more likable too, not nearly as smug.

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I'm very pleased that Heath Ledger and Kate Winslet won. :yesnod:

I have a question, though...is anyone else annoyed by Angelina Jolie? While they were awarding best actress, she had this really annoying smirk on her face, like she KNEW she had to win it because she's just that awesome or something. :huh: Like I said, I'm really glad it went to Kate. I mean, Angelina is a good actress, but I personally think Kate's better. It's about time she won, if you ask me. I think she's more likable too, not nearly as smug.

I noticed that too, she's had that smug look ever since the Golden Globes lol, which quickly turned smirky as the winner is announced. Did you see in the red carpet when she shook hands with the tabloid show reporter, she shook hands as if the guy was Idi Ahmin lmao. These stars can really get so shitty. She's a good actress too but this belongs to Kate Winslet

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I'm very pleased that Heath Ledger and Kate Winslet won. :yesnod:

I have a question, though...is anyone else annoyed by Angelina Jolie? While they were awarding best actress, she had this really annoying smirk on her face, like she KNEW she had to win it because she's just that awesome or something. :huh: Like I said, I'm really glad it went to Kate. I mean, Angelina is a good actress, but I personally think Kate's better. It's about time she won, if you ask me. I think she's more likable too, not nearly as smug.

I hate Angelina. I heard her movie was a good one, but she drives me crazy.

They need to stop having babies, too. There's no way that any two people, no matter how much money they have, can raise 8 kids without neglecting the one-on-one time parents should give their kids. (sorry...rant..LOL)

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Kate was the Susan Lucci of the Oscars. She had been nominated 5 times prior and hadn't won.....I was really hoping this was her year.

Yeah, I know. I think she's a great actress, and I think she should have won an Oscar a long time ago. I'm super happy that she finally won one. :D

I noticed that too, she's had that smug look ever since the Golden Globes lol, which quickly turned smirky as the winner is announced. Did you see in the red carpet when she shook hands with the tabloid show reporter, she shook hands as if the guy was Idi Ahmin lmao. These stars can really get so shitty. She's a good actress too but this belongs to Kate Winslet

I didn't watch any of the arrivals, so I didn't see that, LOL. Did she win at the Golden Globes? But yeah, it's just her smugness last night really irked me. And then she looked so shocked when Winslet won it, even though people have been saying it would probably go to Winslet for quite a while before the ceremony.

I hate Angelina. I heard her movie was a good one, but she drives me crazy.

They need to stop having babies, too. There's no way that any two people, no matter how much money they have, can raise 8 kids without neglecting the one-on-one time parents should give their kids. (sorry...rant..LOL)

I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like her, LOL. The media tries to make it sound as though everyone just loves her. She seems phoney, to me. I don't see the goddess that a lot of other people seem to think of her as. I see a cold-hearted person. I think she adopts and does the humanitarian stuff because it makes her look good, not because she actually cares about it. And she's not that pretty, either. She looks like an alien.

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I didn't watch any of the arrivals, so I didn't see that, LOL. Did she win at the Golden Globes? But yeah, it's just her smugness last night really irked me. And then she looked so shocked when Winslet won it, even though people have been saying it would probably go to Winslet for quite a while before the ceremony.

She lost out to Kate at the Globes, as well - she looked kinda peeved when Kate did her acceptance speech and she thanked all the other nominees and forgot Angelina's name, just saying, '... And who's the other one? Oh, Angelina'. I know Kate won a BAFTA, but I can't remember whether Angelina was nominated for that.

Personally, I think she's an okay actress when staying in the dark roles that she does well in. I can't imagine her doing comedy. Or romance.

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She lost out to Kate at the Globes, as well - she looked kinda peeved when Kate did her acceptance speech and she thanked all the other nominees and forgot Angelina's name, just saying, '... And who's the other one? Oh, Angelina'. I know Kate won a BAFTA, but I can't remember whether Angelina was nominated for that.

Personally, I think she's an okay actress when staying in the dark roles that she does well in. I can't imagine her doing comedy. Or romance.

OK, thanks for clearing that up.

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No love for Charleston Heston?

IMHO Heath Ledger death should not be honored since it was a cause of stupidity and the fact they honored him in the same show as Newman, is down right wrong.

Bernie Mac was more influential than pill taking ledger.

I was never a Heston fan, like Wayne. Although I did grow up enjoying "The Ten Commandments," I was never into "Ben-Hur" or "Planet of the Apes." He was before my time and I never really found him that appealing other than being a humble spokesmen for gun control.

Whether Ledger's death was accidental or deliberate, he unquestionably deserved the nomination and the win. He carried that movie, from the moment it was hyped, through his death and the press, right to the box office. His performance is what made that movie what it is. A masterpiece. He did exactly what a supporting actor is supposed to do in a flick. Appear on screen for a brief time, make the movie his own and leave without letting the audience forget his presence. No one else in 2008 came close to impacting a movie like he did. That's why he deserved the honor, alive or dead.

Comparing Bernie Mac to Ledger is foolish. One was a comedian, the other a character actor. :rolleyes:

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Whether Ledger's death was accidental or deliberate, he unquestionably deserved the nomination and the win. He carried that movie, from the moment it was hyped, through his death and the press, right to the box office. His performance is what made that movie what it is. A masterpiece. He did exactly what a supporting actor is supposed to do in a flick. Appear on screen for a brief time, make the movie his own and leave without letting the audience forget his presence. No one else in 2008 came close to impacting a movie like he did. That's why he deserved the honor, alive or dead.

I absolutely agree. :yesnod:

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About Angelina Jolie......I like her. I think what she has with Brad Pitt is amazing and they're both clearly devoted parents. Not only did he adopt the 3 kids she had before they got together (which he didn't have to do, he wanted to do it) but from everything I've read, he's a fantastic dad.

I don't really care how many kids you have, you should be able to care for them. If you can do that without relying on the tax payers (I'm talking to you, OctoMom) then so be it. Considering the fact they have such a blended family, I really do believe they take the time out to make sure no one feels left-out or made to feel like they don't belong.

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Personally, I think she's an okay actress when staying in the dark roles that she does well in. I can't imagine her doing comedy. Or romance.

You said it right. I saw Gia long time ago, those types of roles suit her, as well as almost everything else she's done. I don't think she can do heroine roles. She thrives on predatory/ aggressive characters (art imitating life? dunno.... or maybe her lips call for these types of characters). Whatever those lips look porny lol.

Yeah, their drumbeaters are lying to Brangelina. Or the whole of Hollywood is plain stupid. These two are as meaningless as can be. Only the tabloid reporters (in their payroll?) are really following them in their charity work. I think choosing between these 2, I'd pick Angelina anytime over Brad Pitt, who looks plain dumb, a male bimbo if you will, toting Angelina like his Paris's chihuahua.

Anyway, I'm glad Julia Roberts is back making movies. She's easier to look at.

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About Angelina Jolie......I like her. I think what she has with Brad Pitt is amazing and they're both clearly devoted parents. Not only did he adopt the 3 kids she had before they got together (which he didn't have to do, he wanted to do it) but from everything I've read, he's a fantastic dad.

I don't really care how many kids you have, you should be able to care for them. If you can do that without relying on the tax payers (I'm talking to you, OctoMom) then so be it. Considering the fact they have such a blended family, I really do believe they take the time out to make sure no one feels left-out or made to feel like they don't belong.

That's cool if you like her. In the end, we can say what we want, but they're the only ones who know what it's actually like for them. :)

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About Angelina Jolie......I like her. I think what she has with Brad Pitt is amazing and they're both clearly devoted parents. Not only did he adopt the 3 kids she had before they got together (which he didn't have to do, he wanted to do it) but from everything I've read, he's a fantastic dad.

I don't really care how many kids you have, you should be able to care for them. If you can do that without relying on the tax payers (I'm talking to you, OctoMom) then so be it. Considering the fact they have such a blended family, I really do believe they take the time out to make sure no one feels left-out or made to feel like they don't belong.

I've not seen her in too many movies but the couple I did she wasn't bad. My only concern with her and Brad's family is the fact they are constantly uprooting them to live in different parts of the world. While on the one hand, that could be a great learning experience, I do get a tad concerned there is no consistency for the kids. But so far they seem well adjusted so hopefully Brad and Angelina work hard to ensure that won't be an issue. Honestly I don't really follow their personal lives - not something of too much interest.

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