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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. You've completely missed the point of why I'm now (rightfully) completely pissed off.
  2. I'm so, so glad you care so, so much what I got for Christmas, you felt the all-encompassing need to make sure I know exactly what you think of what my friends and family chose to buy me for Christmas. I think it's despicable frankly, that you've chosen to go on like you have about it. I merely answered the question "what did you get for Christmas?" and for some strange reason, you opted to act like what people you don't know got someone else you don't know, was wrong. Explain to me why that is. I don't give a rat's ass if you think giving someone money for Christmas is good, bad, or indifferent. I didn't reply to the thread to have my family's choice in gifts mocked and/or criticized because they don't fit YOUR standards for what a good Christmas present entails. Do you see me doing that to anyone else? So why the hell are you doing it to me? And you have the balls to call ME rude?! You're damn right I'm being rude. You're basically insulting my family and friends, and you're nuts if you think I'm not going to take issue with that. To answer your question, I give people money and/or gift cards if that's what they ask for. If they don't ask for that, they don't get that. My sister got an iPhone, my mother got some new Calphalon cookware, and my dad got some new sweaters. My best friend asked for an iTunes gift card, that's what I got her. I got her husband a hockey jersey. That's what he asked for.
  3. If someone knows I love books, and they get me a gift card to Barnes & Noble, a place where you can buy lots and lots of books, that's putting some thought into something for me. You don't spend that kind of money on a person if you're not sure they're going to appreciate it. You care far too much about what I got for Christmas. I don't need you worrying about whether or not the people in my life are giving me gifts for Christmas that meet your standards. I'd rather give gifts than receive them, so what I ask for from people is often simple and non-obtrusive. I don't like obsequious fawning. I don't see why you need to be bothered/annoyed/upset/saddened/etc., by that. I've never had an unhappy Christmas in my 29 years of life, and I don't think that's going to start happening anytime soon. I can't even believe this is a topic of conversation.
  4. We bring out the fuzzy-wuzzies, I do agree.
  5. Getting to sleep in a bit this morning. That extra hour really feels good.
  6. Yikes. Hope you can get that fixed, ally. It's absolutely bucketing down rain right now, so I'm grateful our roof is leak-free, otherwise my bedroom would be a swimming pool right now.
  7. Not hardly. I'm also a bit insulted by the insinuation that I'm some island unto myself living in a cave. I get money for my birthday, I get money for Christmas. I also get gift cards to specific stores or Amazon sometimes. They know what I like, so they make sure I can get it. I don't see what the issue is here. I'm not one of those women who thumbs through a catalog or something and says, "Oh gee, I bet that necklace would look so nice around my neck." I just think that's tacky. My best friend knows I love books. She got me a $200 gift card to Barnes and Noble. I'll buying books for quite a while with that.
  8. I got money for Christmas, the same thing I've gotten for Christmas for years. That way I buy what I want, and I don't have to spend months dropping obnoxious hints for people, or making said people try and read my mind to figure out what I want.
  9. People Got To Be Free - The Rascals
  10. I Just Wanna Stop - Gino Vannelli
  11. Rather decent for this time of year, I must say. It's only 48° outside, which is warm-ish for this time of year, and we've thankfully not gotten any of the stuff represented in my avatar. Yet. I'm sure it's coming, but I hope it doesn't. Just a slight dusting on Christmas Eve, and then it can all melt away by noon on Christmas day.
  12. We usually have Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (the miniature ones, but not the super-tiny ones you can buy now), Kit-Kats, that big variety bag of Hershey's chocolate, and some Nerds/SweetTarts so it's not all chocolate.
  13. This weather around here! It's nice to be able to go outside in September and not crack a sweat just walking down the street because the humidity is 90%.
  14. I just have their albums and a couple DVDs. I don't have all their albums either, because I only buy the ones I want. I'm not a collector per se, I buy what interests me. I think I have a t-shirt around here somewhere from their 1977 US tour, but I'm not sure. I'd have to dig through some boxes.
  15. I sought them out on my own. I heard their songs on the radio, liked what I heard, and began to collect their material when I could. I don't remember how old I was, but it was a while ago. I know we were still living in our first apartment in Chicago, so it was pre-1998, because that's when we moved a few blocks away. So I was under 16, in any event.
  16. Go All The Way - The Raspberries
  17. I got a PM from the very same individual. I didn't even read it, because I didn't recognize the name, and unless I know you or have had dealings with you on the board, I don't read PMs that are sent to me. I never know if they're from formerly banned members looking to spew some diarrhea on their way out the door or what. I don't need to bother myself with reading that tripe, so I don't.
  18. I always wished I was better at taking photos. I mean, I can take your standard picture of a flower or something and it doesn't look like crap, but the more artistic, "should be sold in a frame"-shot.....nope. One of these days, I'm going to break down and buy a really good-quality digital camera and some lenses and teach myself to get the shots I want.
  19. The one for Total Eclipse of the Heart is probably the funniest video I've ever seen. That said, for my money, Love Is a Battlefield ain't too shabby either. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsZ-BMKVbSc
  20. It's alright Sean. Del Brad has had a stick up his ass about me since the first day he joined the site a few years months ago. You should have read some of the garbage he said about me then. It makes the stuff he's said about me now seem tame in comparison. What's funny is that if I really *were* intolerant towards Christians, as Del Brad alleges, I wouldn't be speaking to my family anymore......or basically any of my friends on this site and off. See, what I hate is religion, not religious people. Just like I dislike football, but not people who like football. That's apparently a rather fine distinction he seems to be unable to make. Which isn't my problem.
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