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Everything posted by Strider

  1. I don't get why people get grumpy over Valentine's Day...it's not as if you're being forced to observe it. Even though I know it's mostly a way for the flower and chocolate industries to make money during the winter, to me it's a harmless fun day to indulge your sentimental side and express love. What's wrong with that? And let's face it...if it wasn't for Valentine's Day, half the housewives in America wouldn't get any flowers or chocolate at all. I didn't get the RSVP I was hoping for, so I will be sitting this year's out. What the hell, I'm 50...I deserve a rest. But I send all my very best wishes to all of you couples in love out there. I sent this song to a good friend of mine, and I hope she doesn't mind me sharing it with you all...Happy Valentine's Day to everyone in Led Zeppelin Land! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhpNxlQsABM&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  2. Jones had what is commonly referred to as 'dishwater-blond' or 'dirty blond' hair. As for his three-necked instrument, are you new to Led Zeppelin? For surely everyone has heard the legend of JPJ's three-necked acoustic instrument. Made especially so that he could play the various acoustic numbers without having to change guitars. From top to bottom, it is a mandolin, 6-string guitar, and 12-string guitar. Just a gypsy queen caught up in the moment and encouraged by Bonzo to come out and dance during Jones' solo in "No Quarter". I guess the band liked her dancing so much they let her do it again for "Stairway". I have the Alpha & Omega vinyl set that has this show(and 1968 Gonzaga) on it, and I remember thinking that the concert wasn't that bad, considering all the drama that had occurred behind the scenes. That last photo is a goofy classic...love the expression on Jimmy's face. Great googly eyes.
  3. If I listed all the shows I've been to, it would give the Mods a heart attack...I don't want to take up that much bandwidth. So I'll just list the ones most people would be interested in here: LED ZEPPELIN: 6.25.72 LA Forum 6.27.72 Long Beach Arena 5.31.73 LA Forum 6.2.73 Kezar Stadium, SF 6.3.73 LA Forum 3.12.75 Long Beach Arena 3.24.75 LA Forum 3.25.75 LA Forum 3.27.75 LA Forum 6.21.77 LA Forum 6.23.77 LA Forum 6.25.77 LA Forum 6.26.77 LA Forum 6.27.77 LA Forum JIMMY PAGE/ARMS CONCERTS: 9.21.83 Royal Albert Hall, London JIMMY PAGE/ROY HARPER: 7.28.84 Cambridge Folk Festival JIMMY PAGE/THE FIRM: 12.3.84 Kongresshalle, Frankfurt 12.8.84 Hammersmith Odeon, London 5.22.86 LA Forum JIMMY PAGE/OUTRIDER: 10.7.88 LA Forum JIMMY PAGE & BLACK CROWES: 10.18.99 Greek Theatre, LA 10.19.99 Greek Theatre, LA JIMMY PAGE & ROBERT PLANT: 5.16.95 LA Forum 5.17.95 LA Forum 10.2.95 Irvine Meadows 10.3.95 Irvine Meadows 9.18.98 Irvine Meadows 9.19.98 Hollywood Bowl ROBERT PLANT: 12.12.83 Hammersmith Odeon, London 12.13.83 Hammersmith Odeon, London 6.17.85 LA Forum 6.14.88 LA Forum 11.30.88 Universal Amphitheatre, LA 12.1.88 Universal Amphitheatre, LA 11.1.90 Universal Amphitheatre, LA 10.20.93 Universal Amphitheatre 9.12.02 Greek Theatre, LA 7.24.05 Greek Theatre, LA 10.1.05 Wiltern Theatre, LA 10.2.05 Wiltern Theatre, LA ROBERT PLANT/ALISON KRAUSS: 6.23.08 Greek Theatre, LA 6.24.08 Greek Theatre, LA ROBERT PLANT/BAND OF JOY: 4.23.11 Greek Theatre, LA 4.25.11 Santa Barbara Bowl, Santa Barbara, CA JOHN PAUL JONES/DIAMANDA GALAS: 12.4.94 Veteran's Wadsworth Theatre, Westwood, CA JOHN PAUL JONES: Zooma Tour 10.29.99 House of Blues, Hollywood Thunderthief Tour (opening for King Crimson) 11.15.01 Universal Amphitheatre, LA Mutual Admiration Society 7.31.04 Roxy Theatre, Hollywood Bonnaroo Music Festival 6.15-17.07 Manchester, TN JPJ appearing w/ Watkins Twins/Watkins Family Hour: 6.20.07 Largo, Hollywood 2.7.08 Largo, Hollywood 3.5.09 Largo, Hollywood JPJ/Them Crooked Vultures: 11.16.09 Roxy Theatre, Hollywood 11.17.09 Wiltern Theatre, LA
  4. Missed Pink Floyd at the Sports Arena in April 1975, due to being grounded for three months for going to see the Led Zeppelin shows in March...it's a long story. Pink Floyd played 4 or 5 nights at the Sports Arena, which is right next to the LA Coliseum, across from the USC campus. It was the "Wish You Were Here" tour. Of course, there were other shows during my restriction that I missed, but Pink Floyd was the big one. Finally, after a barren April-May-June, my restriction was lifted and I was able to see my first shows since the Zep ones: the Rolling Stones at the LA Forum July 10 and 13.
  5. Paul, the Lakers have NO shot at making the playoffs now...they would virtually have to run the table. D'Antoni has never been comfortable having big guys on a team...his system is for a small, fast run n gun type team. Now he's coaching a team with Howard, Gasol and Artest and he doesn't know what to do with them. Hell, Nash and Howard are even having difficulties running pick n roll plays...and THAT should be a given. D'Antoni has almost single-handedly destroyed Gasol's trade value and Howard's isn't so hot, either. This entire disaster can be laid at the feet of Jim Buss. All because of his jealousy of his sister, Jeannie.
  6. Oh I know the particulars aren't the same...it's more the universality of the theme I was referencing. It works for all sports and all cities. In Chicago, you're either South-side White Sox or North-side Cubs. Where you grow up in New York plays a part in determining whether you're a Jet or a Giant, a Ranger or an Islander, a Yankee or a Met. That's the idea I was responding to in that ad, and it was because it was two Brits talking about football that I imagined Joe and Nick in this way, even though I know Joe would sooner eat toe jam than support a side from Manchester.
  7. Sure. Because the Clippers have a long history of beating them when it counts. You sound like a man desperately trying to convince himself of something he fears is not true.
  8. How the bejeezus did I forget "Waiting for Columbus"? Actually, there's a few other great double-live albums I forgot...Rory Gallagher, Van Morrison, Iron Maiden, Blue Öyster Cult. Maybe I should eliminate live albums from the criteria...that would make it easier to get the list under 20.
  9. Yes, slave, details, haha! Missionary? Reverse Cowgirl? Spooning? As Kate said, congratulations to you crazy kids!
  10. Don't forget the Trying Threes and the Frustrating Fours.
  11. When I saw Jason Bonham's LZE last year, I thought the singer was the weakest part of the show. In fact, that's usually what has prevented me from checking out other LZ tribute bands...the singer is sadly lacking compared to Robert Plant.
  12. Happy Birthday Charles...wherever your spirit lies. In memoriam.
  13. Err, not exactly. Only the first half is Nürnberg...the second half, including "Dancing Days" is Detroit. I have heard Jones sloppy on occasion...but it is rare. I don't have the exact dates committed to memory, but I have heard Jones stumble and play the odd bum note in some "Rock and Roll", "The Song Remain the Same", "Over the Hills and Far Away", "Achilles Last Stand" and "Kashmir" performances.
  14. That's me sorted, then. No vinyl for me...I'm not wasting my money on some edited version I would never play.
  15. Christ, only a moron would even ask that question at this stage of the game. I bet ESPN is behind this bullshit. MJ = 6 rings. Lebron = 1. Not even close...MJ all the way. I wouldn't even put Lebron ahead of Magic, Russell, Kareem, and Bird at this point.
  16. D'oh! Yes, Sue, I mean 4.30...I must have still had 5.26 on the brain. You can go ahead and spank me now.
  17. Every dog has his day. Or, as they say in one of my favourite movies: "Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day." And you're right, Black Dawg's crab cakes look smashing! Having a Thai food supper now.
  18. ^^^ Technically speaking, there is 1977 footage on the 2003 DVD...it's on the menu. Birmingham/NYC video synched with Mike Millard's 6.21 TSRTS audio. Geezer, an absence of cameras on stage does not equal an absence of filming. I can't speak for Dallas Knebs, but I'm almost 100% positive he's referring to the possibility of Arena in-house closed circuit tapes being in existence for the aforementioned shows. These would be filmed from up in the press box or possibly from the mixing desk/soundboard at the back of the hall. Same thing with Montreux...Claude Nobs might have wanted something for his private stash, so maybe arranged for an unobtrusive camera at the Soundboard or in back of the hall to film the concert.
  19. Oh come on. Just a little hyperbolic, doncha think? If you want to say the 21 and 22 are better or slightly better than 23, fine. But to say that they "beat the crap" out of 23, as if the 23 was equitable to Tempe or 5.26 Landover, does the 23 a major disservice. I'm gonna have to sic Moon the Loon on you! Now listening to 4.26.77...the record-setting Pontiac Silverdome show. At last...I've been waiting to hear this show for years!!! Yes, Nutrocker, I fixed my technical malfunction. Vielen dank.
  20. I saw Lez Zeppelin years ago. Four hot chicks playing Zeppelin? I'm game. I think I may have even taped the show. However, I believe there have been some personnel changes since I saw them, so it doesn't matter what I thought of them, as anyone who sees them now is seeing a different Lez Zeppelin. They are still the only Led Zeppelin tribute band I've seen...unless you count Jason Bonham's LZE as a 'tribute band'.
  21. Dear Slave, I remember you saying you were looking forward to 'Christening' your new bed, so coming back after being away for a week and hearing you hurt your wrist, I had a quiver of dirty jokes at the ready. But now that I know the details, I'll stow them away. Take Ally's and Kate's advice and stand your ground if corporate tries to force you back before you're ready. By the way, how is that new bed? He shoots! He scores! Sweet pickup, CP..."Priscilla, Queen of the Desert" is a pip of a musical, as you well know, having seen the movie. A rare bird(at least it used to be rare) in that the movie came first, then the Broadway musical. As good as the musical is, I still haven't seen anyone in it who tops Guy Pearce, Hugo Weaving and Terence Stamp in the original movie. Still, you and the Missus are in for a frothy frolic. Any of your Priscilla left for a pre-show toke to get you in the mood? Also CP, being away last week, did I miss your post about your time hobnobbing with the swells at Old Trafford or have you not told us about your ManU experience yet?
  22. Say what you will about ESPN, they do come up with some clever and funny advertising; certainly better than Fox's promos. Whenever I see this particular ESPN ad, I always think of Major Major and Joe (Liverpool)...
  23. I came here to tell my tale of woe, but next to cancer victims and people losing their jobs, it seems silly and insensitive. So I'll stuff it. Sorry to hear this. Try to keep your chin up SozoZoso. The same qualities that got you hired once will get you hired again. I'm not well-versed in the ways and bylaws of the British employment system, but are you eligible for Unemployment or the British equivalent? In some ways, not having a job for a while can be a blessing in disguise...you can finally get to those things you wanted to do but never had the time because of work. I wish you the best of luck on your next gainful employment.
  24. This song has been in my head for weeks now...ever since going to see "Synecdoche, New York". The song is written by Jon Brion; sung by Deanna Storey. Just in time for Valentine's Day.
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