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Everything posted by Strider

  1. OT! DAS, your Chiefs are doing you proud. OH NO! Cassell just threw an INTERCEPTION! FUCK WHAT AN IDIOT!!! It's a sure gimme for the Steelers now.
  2. So this is what I wake up to: Mike D'Antoni is the new Lakers coach...not Phil Jackson. I'll have to do a lot of reading to catch up on the details, the whys and hows...but I'm sure it came down to money and whether or not Phil physically could endure another season of NBA travel. Still, D'Antoni does have a good relationship with Nash and apparently Kobe, too. But this isn't the young Nash and Kobe, and D'Antoni has never been known for defense and poor defense is one of the Lakers' problems. Also there is this: Phil Jackson - 11 Championships; Mike D'Antoni - 0. If Jackson was truly unavailable, Jerry Sloan would have been a better pick, in my opinion.
  3. Damn! How does KC MISS that FG?!? Still...this is a much closer game than I expected.
  4. Hahaha...see what I mean? Can you PM me what the question was, SR? I haven't watched Bill Maher in a while. Or MSNBC, for that matter. Watching Monday Night Football, natch. Kansas City is surprisingly hanging tough with Pittsburgh.
  5. Having seen you, I can tell you she is correct...you are pretty, LZG, and your complexion makes you look far younger than you are. Happy is having Monday off and sleeping in until 5pm in the afternoon. Sleeping only two hours Saturday night and staying out late last night after the Barbra Streisand concert meant I had some sleep to catch up on. Boy did I ever! Fifteen solid hours of sleep! Woke up just in time for Monday Night Football, too.
  6. Well...what a surprise meeting you here! I didn't get the Raiders game here, so I was spared having to drop F-bombs! Hehe.
  7. ^^^ There's already several pictures of me here. There's only so much ugliness the forum can stand...I don't want to make people sick.
  8. Shite...Dallas already down 7-0.
  9. Oh sorry. I wasn't watching the game so I thought the "wow" was for Buffalo pulling the upset off.
  10. Who dat? Who dat? Good win for the Saints! Getting ready to watch Dallas @ Philadelphia on Fox 11 now.
  11. The Bills lost, though, Paul.
  12. Great interview with Lemmy. Thanks for sharing, zepscoda. Elvis was great and historically and culturally important...BUT Chuck Berry will always be the "King of Rock and Roll" to me. Motorhead was a great little band, too. LOUD as fuck, too. One of the top 5 or 10 loudest bands I've ever seen.
  13. Anybody watching this Saints-Falcons game? Holy shit!!!
  14. ^^^ Cheers back at ya'! Now you're talking! Great movie...although not for everybody. Definitely not for kids. Took my godson who just turned 17 and loves all the horror/gory movies, and even though he liked it, he was sort of creeped out, he said. Hey Ady...can I interest you in a KFC drumstick?
  15. I'll be seeing Barbara Cook soon, too. Tonight, though, it's Babs! Sunday Nov. 11: Barbra Streisand @ Hollywood Bowl
  16. Only if you're a Cream acolyte/apologist. It's not better than "Celebration Day". It's not even better than the two Rolling Stones concert documentaries I saw the other night: "Charlie Is My Darling" and "Some Girls Live In Texas".
  17. Oh yeah...forgot to add that my Raiders SUCK as usual. Play Matt Leinart now! Let's see if he can play...this season is over. Carson Palmer is over.
  18. Yeah, what the effin' blazes is going on with your 'Fins Paul?!?
  19. ^^^ You're welcome, jb. Ady, your image in your last post comes out as a question mark. You may need to repost. Really interested in seeing "Chasing Mavericks"; anybody see this yet?
  20. Yes, the Magic is back! We've missed you, oh learned one!
  21. Great story Speed King Pedal! Welcome aboard the Forum! Hail the Mighty Led Zeppelin!
  22. Here's a tip that might help. When it comes to Led Zeppelin news, your local news outlet is NOT going to get it before this website. There is a News section on this site, as well as the Forum, where Sam promptly posts any authentic, official news and announcements. Any other rumours and conjecturing you hear or see on the news or blogs is mere mental masturbation.
  23. Magic's avatar is the painting "Marianna in the Moated Grange" by John Everett Millais.
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