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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. That sucks, CP! Did you have to pay a subscription fee for the entire box set or pay separately for each season? They better refund at least part of what you paid! It's only fair!
  2. Hi Paul! As you know, I discovered the magic of Rush, slightly less than a year ago. I am now past the 70's prog hard rock stage of their catalog and I am sinking my teeth into the albums from the 80's, 90's and early 2000's. I must say that I do share your opinion and I am certainly not one of those Rush fans, who wants you tarred and feathered, just because you think that Moving Pictures is overrated! While Moving Pictures is fantastic, there have been quite a few instances, where I have felt like listening to songs (from less revered albums) like Distant Early Warning, Red Sector A, Subdivisions, Chemistry, Analog Kid, Roll The Bones, Where's My Thing?, Peaceful Kingdom, Test For Echo, Driven, Show Don't Tell, Animate, Afterimage, Totem, Big Money, Between The Wheels, The Enemy Within , One Little Victory, Earth Shine, etc. so much more in comparison to the so-called fan favourites like Tom Sawyer, Limelight and YYZ. In my opinion, each era and each album, has something special to offer fans like us, which in turn, has led me to firmly believe, that there is so much more to Rush than just Moving Pictures. To say that Rush hasn't produced a decent album since Moving Pictures, is pretty absurd in my opinion. Oh and at the risk of getting tarred and feathered myself, I am one of those Rush fans who actually prefers albums such as Fly By Night, Caress of Steel and A Farewell To Kings in comparison to highly revered albums such as Hemispheres and Permanent Waves. But hey, that's just me! I think the need of the hour, is for folks to look past Moving Pictures and check out albums such as Grace Under Pressure, Signals, Power Windows, Presto, Roll The Bones, Test For Echo, Counterparts and Vapor Trails.
  3. Glad you understood the joke, Emily!
  4. I'm sure this meme is right up your alley, eh Strider?
  5. Indeed it is! I'm also purchasing Vapor Trails. That album (surprisingly) had been marked down by as much as 60% of its original price, for a limited time, with one of my regular online retailers and I've placed an order for it and man, am I stoked!!
  6. You could pretty much give yourself the same old tip, as you caused the same type of chaos (as I did on this thread) on the What Are You Listening To Thread, about a while ago. Nobody's perfect. It's not like I committed a crime or something. Edited to add: I guess almost all Millennials like me, are guilty of whinging all the time, but with that being said, I guess Baby Boomers (like yourself) are famous for their biting sarcasm
  7. Grace Under Pressure sure is, a brilliant work of art! It is among my top 5 albums, by Rush. I rate it higher than Signals. My next Rush purchase is going to be Test For Echo!
  8. Thanks Mad Men, for playing so many brilliant tunes from the 60's!
  9. Ah, yes! Here's to the wonderfully deceptive art of grammar!
  10. I'm sorry, Pat! But, I just can't help myself! Please pardon my silliness!
  11. All right. I'll take your word for it! I'm sure you're a fan of Batman, Charles?
  12. Ha! Hipsters! Who needs 'em eh, Morgan?!
  13. All right, so I made a mistake. It is vinyl, not vinyls. But honestly, there was no need for you, to bite my head off!
  14. Today was such a sweltering day! There were times when I actually contemplated turning on the air conditioner! Thank goodness for some upcoming rain relief!!
  15. Dedicated to an incredibly interesting individual, who I know, with just a little effort, will look so darn good in drag!
  16. In my opinion, the 'fashion trend' of wearing wife beater shirts, is right up there with other crappy fashion trends such as the replacement of pants with leggings and of course, the notoriously low waist pants, where one can see practically everything, leaving little to the imagination Hmmm...I wonder whether the lovely Pete Campbell or Don Draper have ever considered getting one of those macho shirts or better yet t-shirts with special emphasis on incredibly appropriate slogans like Once A Cheater, Always A Cheater or Have Roving Eye, Will Travel or something even more diabolical like Will F*ck For A Buck! Sheesh!
  17. Hi everyone! I had some help and advice. My dad is a pretty big fan of Yes. Albums such as Fragile, Close To The Edge, Tales From The Topographic Oceans and 90125, mean the world to him. With Father's Day coming up in a few months, I am planning (among other things), to buy my dad, a copy of The Yes Album. I heard snippets of that album and I loved it, but most importantly, I am really hoping that my dad loves it, given that he has never listened to this particular album before! I cannot possibly, let my dad know anything, as it will spoil the surprise! So, am I doing the right thing by considering this album or should I go in for some other album? What do you guys think about The Yes Album? Thanks guys (in advance)!
  18. Ordered some pretty hard to find medicines for my mom the other day, from an online pharmacy. Within 48 to 72 hours of approving the prescription, the pharmacy's technical team usually sends a link (to the customer's email) that is used to make the payment, via credit card. Now, due to a technical glitch, that link was not sent to me for this particular order, but the order had been sent to my address anyway! Sure enough, about 5 days later, I was really stunned to see a man from the local courier service at my door step, ready to deliver an order that I had not paid for! My mom and I felt puzzled and really sorry for the pharmacy and I called the helpline immediately to explain the entire situation and hence, request the technical team to send the link as soon as possible in order to pay for the medicines! The manager in charge, thanked me profusely for my honesty and also revealed that this technical glitch had occurred before, but sadly, there were customers who had actually taken advantage of this and had not paid for their orders! What made me happy, was the fact that the manager told me that it was a pleasure to have customers like my mom and me (in the midst of all the cheating and corruption by some of the other customers) and that made me feel good, as my mom's policy of being kind and fair to others, was being appreciated!
  19. Why hello there, Mr. Gumby and Mr. Felix! Hope you're both doing well, today! Did you guys say hello to that lovely little peacock standing right behind you?
  20. Really cool photos there, Res! Perfect for Halloween! Love it! There is more to come, I hope?
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