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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. That's wonderful, Strider! As the old saying goes, "Nice Things For Nice People" What made me happy today? Getting an opportunity to listen to an old comedy radio show from a by-gone era (it was a radio show by the legendary Jack Benny) and getting a feel of how interesting the radio actually was, those days. This is all thanks to a wonderful youtube channel that I found : https://www.youtube.com/user/Goldenageofcinema
  2. Thank you, Walter! I can tell from your posts that you are a very pleasant, well mannered and nice guy, overall. It doesn't surprise me in the least that the staff at your local grocery store or the take out restaurant treat you and your family well! I am sure you loved interacting with at least some of the customers whenever you could, during the time you worked in the hospitality industry! I used to help out sometimes during the summer at the Uni library in the City Campus, to earn a bit of extra cash and to make myself useful! There used to be a couple of very studious students who used to walk in and ask for hard to find books (which were available only at other libraries at other campuses) and when there wasn't a very long queue, I also got a chance to chat with some of them (who happened to be specializing in the same subject as me, but were a year or two junior to me) about all sorts of aspects like course work, professors, future plans and one kid even asked me (after requesting for a rare book on Econometric modelling) whether the library stocks Mick Wall's "When Giants Walked The Earth" Apparently, she had just started discovering Led Zeppelin, thanks to her older brother and wanted to read about the band! Ah! Fun times!! And the phrase "treat people the way you want to be treated" is such an important life lesson but most people, unfortunately seem to forget it! *Sigh!
  3. I grew up in the suburbs of a big city. My way of thinking is just like my mum's.
  4. This is going to be very very hard, but I'm going to give it a go: My Led Zeppelin Blues CD : 1. In My Time of Dying 2. Since I've Been Loving You 3. The Lemon Song 4. Bring It On Home 5. You Shook Me 6. Tea For One 7. Nobody's Fault But Mine 8. Whole Lotta Love*** 9. When The Levee Breaks 10. Travelling River Side Blues 11. Key To The Highway / Trouble In Mind 12. (Hats off) To Roy Harper ***To me "Whole Lotta Love" is a Blues song since it is rather loosely based on Willie Dixon's "You Need Love".
  5. FWIW, when someone be it a total stranger or a staff member at a deli or at a supermarket actually takes the time to smile at me and ask how I am, I do feel the need to respond! My mentality is such that I think that it is very kind of that person to actually think of me for at least a couple of seconds and ask about my day or how I am feeling! Perhaps that might seem strange to some, but I guess that's how I am! Also, even if I don't require any help in looking for something at say for instance, a book shop, if a store clerk comes up to me and asks me if I need any help, my response is to smile and say, no, thank you! Perhaps some people would consider the behaviour of the clerk to be intrusive but I would like to reiterate a point that I made in an earlier post. It does not take much time at all to smile at someone and say thank you. There have also been quite a few instances where, while shopping for music CDs, I have struck up interesting conversations with some very friendly store clerks who have not only recommended the names of bands and artists who were previously unknown to me, but who have above all, made my shopping experiences very happy ones! There is also a nifty little saying called "Manners Maketh The Man" which simply translates into manners emerging out of the goodness of our hearts (due to genuine kindness), irrespective of how busy and preoccupied we all might be, in this "fast-paced" world of ours. Bottom line: A store clerk (or anyone on this planet for that matter!) need not take the time to be kind to you, let alone even acknowledge your existence. It is not their job. So, don't take anyone's kindness and good nature for granted. For instance. I had a horrid experience at a bakery a few years ago, where a lady who was briefing customers on the range of pastries being made along with other details, practically shouted at me, when I asked her a few simple questions : "Do you make egg less cakes as well?" (since my dad is a diabetic) and "for how long will these cakes stay fresh?". I thought these were perfectly normal and innocent questions but after shouting at me for committing the crime of asking these questions, she even accused me of making her look like a fool in front of the other 'guests' in the store! Needless to say, I told her to get stuffed and never set foot in that bakery again!
  6. LETHAL bowling by Australia! I guess that's what separates them from the other teams, although the batting is fabulous too! Great all round effort! Which bowler deserves the credit? Starc? Johnson? Faulkner? Maxwell? All were brilliant!!
  7. Yep! Absolutely! In fact, that does seem to be the type of philosophy followed by many modern day batsmen. For instance, former Indian batsman Virender Sehwag, had a pretty simple motto: "See Ball, Hit Ball!" Batsmen like Glenn Maxwell, seem to have adopted a similar philosophy, I guess!
  8. One person I feel sorry for but really admire at the same time, is Kiwi batting legend Martin Crowe. After being diagnosed with lymphoma, Mr. Crowe has certainly beaten the odds by surviving for more than 12 months (since his chances of survival beyond 12 months was 5%). This could be the final cricket match that he gets to see! I am so glad that he has at least, got the opportunity to see NZ advance to the final! I truly admire that man for having the courage to fight this wretched disease!
  9. I think I speak for everyone here, when I say that it has been an absolute pleasure, Strider!
  10. Anyway, hats-off to NZ for reaching this far!
  11. Right, congratulations Australia! Well played. You guys certainly deserve to be champions! I don't mean to give up but honestly, I think that the outcome is pretty bleeding obvious.
  12. ^^ This is the first time that I have smiled, all day! *sigh! I still can't bear to look at the damn T.V screen!
  13. ^^^Nope. I most certainly will not. It takes a lot to bring me down!
  14. Great choice there, mate! I didn't include these albums in my list, since you already had it covered! Such a ground-breaking band!!
  15. Among the Classic bands: Among the modern bands :
  16. You're very welcome, Patrycja! I'll do anything to spread the word about a film like this! The entire film most definitely should end up on Youtube, since millions will get to see it! It is one of those films which need to go viral! Mrs. Walter has sure risen to the occasion! I feel for her and at the same time, I really admire her! If anyone can beat a wretch like cancer, it's her!!
  17. You're very welcome, Walter! This film will (hopefully) change our perception of cancer from a disease which was once regarded as a death sentence to one which is being researched extensively what with dedicated medical professionals taking that critical step to get to the bottom of not only finding a cause for cancer but also a sure fire cure! Mrs. Walter is such an inspiration to us all! Her courage, strength and kindness never ever cease to amaze me! Please do give her my best, Walter! Peace and love to you and your family!
  18. I have always been a firm believer of phrases such as "Pay It Forward" and "Be Kind To Your Fellow Human Beings". A very wise man on this very forum once said "One random act of kindness a day, keeps the blues away". I have to ask. How long do you think it takes to smile at someone and say thank you, be it to a total stranger who has been kind to you or your local librarian who has helped you locate a book that you were in desperate need of or the lady at a deli who has been kind enough to smile and ask you about your day? A second? A micro second? It is not that hard you know?! An incident occurred while I was at University, a couple of years ago that changed the way I regarded the importance of being kind to total strangers. I used to take the bus every day to get to Uni and to return home from Uni. Now, I have always been a firm believer of offering my seat on the bus to elderly folk or to pregnant ladies or to ladies with children. One day, I had (as usual) boarded the bus and was on my way home. The bus was pretty crowded (all the seats were taken and there were many people who were standing) since it was late in the afternoon, what with many students from various parts of the Auckland University campus finishing up for the day and choosing to go home. Now, a pregnant lady boarded the bus and sadly, none of the younger folks seated right in front of the bus (which incidentally have seats with the most leg room) bothered to give up their seats. I could tell that she was struggling and I was seated in the middle and that's when I decided that it was my duty to help. So, I called out to her and I beckoned her to my seat and she sat down, visibly relieved and grateful. Now, Auckland's weather can be very unpredictable. One minute, the sun beams down upon you and the next, there is excessive cloud cover with terrible wind and rain. It was the month of April and we were in the thick of winter. That particular day was pretty sunny and I was so pre-occupied with my work that I had forgotten to take an umbrella that day. As luck would have it, as the bus was nearing my stop, there was massive cloud cover and it began to rain, heavily! I knew that I was going to get drenched to the bone, upon climbing down from the bus but I just accepted my fate and got off! Within minutes of my getting down from the bus, I sensed someone coming up from behind me and tapping me on the shoulder and offering me her umbrella! And lo and behold, it was the lady from the bus! It turned out that she lived just a few apartments away from me and she even offered me some of her Vicks vapour rub to combat any nasal congestion and urged me to drink lemon tea after I got back home! Needless to say, I was stunned and incredibly touched by her kindness and before saying goodbye to each other, she winked and said "one good turn deserves another". Bottom line : I could have easily thought to myself, "well, this lady is a total stranger and the chances of my ever meeting her again in my life are next to nothing. So, why on earth must I sacrifice my comfortable seat on the bus, for the sake of her convenience?!" This is the kind of train of thought which repulses me no end. In light of some of the responses on this thread, I might be at the receiving end of some flack for saying this but nevertheless it has to be said: What with the age of selfies, smart phones, lack of family time and interaction, the philosophy of "I, Me, Myself - May My Fellow Beings Be Damned" and that sense of entitlement, I guess it is incredibly hard and pretty much a crime these days, to demand some sort of courtesy from your fellow beings (be it in the form of words or action!), even though you are willing to offer it. This is my opinion and I cannot and will not be bullied into changing it.
  19. Cheers for the recommendation, CP! I bet my last dollar that you are referring to their show at Hammersmith Odeon, London on the 24th of December, 1975? Wonderful show! Perfect example depicting early live Queen!! One of my favourites! I even prefer it to their famous gigs in Montreal and Wembley! Back on topic: I am currently listening to a show by one of my favourite modern bands : "Blues Pills"
  20. At the moment, the entire Queen : Live Killers album, a compilation of songs from concerts during their Jazz tour, that took place between January and March, 1979.
  21. And now,......on to the World Cup final of a lifetime...Australia vs. New Zealand!!!!
  22. Yep! It's all over now! Dhoni's out! Bye bye, India! And now, I'm drunk! Already forgot my password once, just a few mins ago! Beer's flowing kinda freely here!
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